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Created May 3, 2020 15:02
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mandelbrot set in
i = di = dj = 0 # deriviatives?
fn1, fn2, fn3 = random(20), random(20), random(20) # for colors
f = 10
def setup():
global zmx1, zmx2, zmy1, zmy2
size(500, 500)
zmx1 = int(width / 4)
zmx2 = 2
zmy1 = int(height / 4)
zmy2 = 2
def draw():
global i
if i <= width:
i += 1
x = float(i + di) / zmx1 - zmx2
for j in range(height + 1):
y = zmy2 - float(j + dj) / zmy1
a = b = aa = bb = 0
cr, ci = x, y
n = 1
while n < 200 and (aa + bb) < 4:
aa = a * a
bb = b * b
a = 2 * a * b + ci
b = bb - aa + cr
n += 1
re = (n * fn1) % 255
gr = (n * fn2) % 255
bl = (n * fn3) % 255
stroke(re, gr, bl)
point(i, j)
def mousePressed():
global zmx1, zmx2, zmy1, zmy2, di, dj
global i, j
xt, yt = mouseX, mouseY
di = di + xt - width / 2.
dj = dj + yt - height / 2.
zmx1 = zmx1 * f
zmx2 = zmx2 * (1. / f)
zmy1 = zmy1 * f
zmy2 = zmy2 * (1. / f)
di, dj = di * f, dj * f
i = j = 0
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