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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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  • Save Robotto/c77d3d3d8bc4aab0f17a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Robotto/c77d3d3d8bc4aab0f17a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Jeg indser at det er super åndssvagt at putte mine textboxes ind i containers, bare for at få layout til at se rigtigt ud, for det er super besværligt at få fat i dem og dermed deres indhold, når det skal bruges senere... men det virker, så jeg gider ikke optimere det yderligere... :)
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class BinomialApplet extends JApplet {
//init the two binomial algorithms:
private Binomial1 algo1 = new Binomial1();
private Binomial2 algo2 = new Binomial2();
private Integer n=null,k=null;
private ButtonGroup g = new ButtonGroup(); //group of mutually exclusive radio button
private Container txtFieldContainer = new Container(); //graphical container for the n and k input fields
private Container cp = getContentPane(); //graphical container for the entire applet.
//text fields are added to a container (in this case called txtFieldContainer)
private void addTextField(int columns, String label, Container pane)
JTextField field = new JTextField(columns);
field.setName(label); //for ease of identification when pulling fields from group later...
JLabel lbl=new JLabel(label);
//radio buttons are added to a container (in this case called radioContainer), they are also added to a group called g
private void addRadioBtn(String label, Container pane, boolean isActive)
JRadioButton rb = new JRadioButton(label, isActive);
rb.setActionCommand(label); //stored as a string... used a sort of a label to ID which button in the group is active
//extracts the textfields from the txtFieldContainer... it's silly, I know..
private boolean parseNK(){
for (Component c : txtFieldContainer.getComponents())
if (c instanceof JTextField)
String name=((JTextField)c).getName();
String contents=((JTextField) c).getText();
//validate that input is actually parseable as integers:
if (name.equals("n")) n = new Integer(contents);
else if(name.equals("k")) k = new Integer(contents);
catch(NumberFormatException err) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(cp,"Input for " + name + " er ikke et heltal!",err.getMessage(),JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
return false;
return true;
//checks that the inputs obeys all the rules, and tells the user about each breach.
private boolean validateInput()
boolean returnVal=true;
if(n>60){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(cp,"n må ikke være større end 60!","n er for stor!",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); returnVal=false; }
if(n<0){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(cp,"n må ikke være mindre end 0!","n er for lille!",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); returnVal=false; }
if(k<0){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(cp,"k må ikke være mindre end 0!","k er for lille!",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); returnVal=false; }
if(k>n){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(cp,"k må ikke være større end n!","k er for stor!",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); returnVal=false; }
return returnVal;
private ActionListener al = new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if(parseNK()==false) return;
if(validateInput()==false) return;
//actully do the thing:
String resultat="";
String action=g.getSelection().getActionCommand(); //get the actionCommand of the currently selected radiobutton in the radiogroup
if(action.equals("Algoritme 1")) resultat+=algo1.binomial(n,k);
else if(action.equals("Algoritme 2")) resultat+=algo2.binomial(n,k);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(cp,"Resultat for n=" + n +" og k=" + k + ":\n\n" + resultat ,"Resultatvindue",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
public void init() {
Button calculate = new Button("Calculate!");
calculate.addActionListener(al); //this is where the magic happens
//Radio button stuff:
Container radioContainer = new Container();
radioContainer.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
addRadioBtn("Algoritme 1",radioContainer,true);
addRadioBtn("Algoritme 2",radioContainer,false);
//Text field stuff:
txtFieldContainer.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
cp.setLayout(new BoxLayout(cp, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
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