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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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  • Save Rochet2/d6212b5a2289eeac2d56 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Rochet2/d6212b5a2289eeac2d56 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Stops the default behavior of the spell and uses the spell's data to make a permanent spawn. Tested and works with and similar spells.
REPLACE INTO `spell_script_names` (`spell_id`, `ScriptName`) VALUES (62743, 'spell_save_object');
#include "ScriptPCH.h"
class spell_save_object : public SpellScriptLoader
spell_save_object() : SpellScriptLoader("spell_save_object") { }
class spell_save_object_spellscript : public SpellScript
static bool SpawnObject(Player* player, uint32 objectId, const WorldLocation* summonPos)
const GameObjectTemplate* objectInfo = sObjectMgr->GetGameObjectTemplate(objectId);
if (!objectInfo)
return false;
if (objectInfo->displayId && !sGameObjectDisplayInfoStore.LookupEntry(objectInfo->displayId))
return false;
float x, y, z, o;
summonPos->GetPosition(x, y, z, o);
o = player->GetOrientation();
Map* map = player->GetMap();
GameObject* object = new GameObject;
uint32 guidLow = sObjectMgr->GenerateLowGuid(HIGHGUID_GAMEOBJECT);
if (!object->Create(guidLow, objectInfo->entry, map, player->GetPhaseMaskForSpawn(), x, y, z, o, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0, GO_STATE_READY))
delete object;
return false;
// fill the gameobject data and save to the db
object->SaveToDB(map->GetId(), (1 << map->GetSpawnMode()), player->GetPhaseMaskForSpawn());
// this will generate a new guid if the object is in an instance
if (!object->LoadGameObjectFromDB(guidLow, map))
delete object;
return false;
sObjectMgr->AddGameobjectToGrid(guidLow, sObjectMgr->GetGOData(guidLow));
return true;
void SaveObject(SpellEffIndex effIndex)
const WorldLocation* summonPos = GetExplTargetDest();
Player* player = GetCaster()->ToPlayer();
if (!summonPos || !player)
SpawnObject(player, GetSpellInfo()->Effects[effIndex].MiscValue, summonPos);
void Register() override
// OnCast += SpellCastFn(spell_save_object_spellscript::SaveObject);
OnEffectHit += SpellEffectFn(spell_save_object_spellscript::SaveObject, EFFECT_0, SPELL_EFFECT_TRANS_DOOR);
uint32 _targetCount;
SpellScript* GetSpellScript() const override
return new spell_save_object_spellscript();
void AddSC_spell_save_object()
new spell_save_object();
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