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Last active February 2, 2024 11:12
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class TFNewAdaptiveAvgPool2D(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
def __init__(self, output_dims: Tuple[int, int], input_ordering: str='NHWC', **kwargs):
self.output_dims = output_dims
self.input_ordering = input_ordering
if input_ordering not in ('NCHW', 'NHWC'):
raise ValueError("Unrecognized input_ordering, should be 'NCHW' or 'NHWC'!")
self.h_axis = input_ordering.index('H')
self.w_axis = input_ordering.index('W')
def pseudo_1d_pool(self, inputs: tf.Tensor, h_pooling: bool):
# Figure out which axis we're pooling on
if h_pooling:
axis = self.h_axis
output_dim = self.output_dims[0]
axis = self.w_axis
output_dim = self.output_dims[1]
input_dim = inputs.shape[axis]
# Figure out the potential pooling windows
# This is the key idea - the torch op will always use only two
# consecutive pooling window sizes, like 3 and 4. Therefore,
# if we pool with both possible sizes, we simply need to gather
# the 'correct' pool at each position to reimplement the torch op.
small_window = math.ceil(input_dim / output_dim)
big_window = small_window + 1
if h_pooling:
output_dim = self.output_dims[0]
small_window_shape = (small_window, 1)
big_window_shape = (big_window, 1)
output_dim = self.output_dims[1]
small_window_shape = (1, small_window)
big_window_shape = (1, big_window)
# For integer resizes, we can take a very quick shortcut
if input_dim % output_dim == 0:
return tf.nn.avg_pool2d(inputs,
# For non-integer resizes, we pool with both possible window sizes and concatenate them
small_pool = tf.nn.avg_pool2d(inputs,
big_pool = tf.nn.avg_pool2d(inputs,
both_pool = tf.concat([small_pool, big_pool], axis=axis)
# We compute vectors of the start and end positions for each pooling window
# Each (start, end) pair here corresponds to a single output position
window_starts = tf.math.floor((tf.range(output_dim, dtype=tf.float32) * input_dim) / output_dim)
window_starts = tf.cast(window_starts, tf.int64)
window_ends = tf.math.ceil((tf.range(1, output_dim+1, dtype=tf.float32) * input_dim) / output_dim)
window_ends = tf.cast(window_ends, tf.int64)
# pool_selector is a boolean array of shape (output_dim,) where 1 indicates that output position
# has a big receptive field and 0 indicates that that output position has a small receptive field
pool_selector = tf.cast(window_ends - window_starts - small_window, tf.bool)
# Since we concatenated the small and big pools, we need to do a bit of
# pointer arithmetic to get the indices of the big pools
small_indices = window_starts
big_indices = window_starts + small_pool.shape[axis]
# Finally, we use the pool_selector to generate a list of indices, one per output position
gather_indices = tf.where(pool_selector, big_indices, small_indices)
# Gathering from those indices yields the final, correct pooling
return tf.gather(both_pool, gather_indices, axis=axis)
def call(self, inputs: tf.Tensor):
if self.input_ordering == 'NHWC':
input_shape = inputs.shape[1:3]
input_shape = inputs.shape[2:]
if input_shape[0] % self.output_dims[0] == 0 and input_shape[1] % self.output_dims[1] == 0:
# If we're resizing by an integer factor on both dimensions, we can take
# a very quick shortcut.
h_resize = int(input_shape[0] // self.output_dims[0])
w_resize = int(input_shape[1] // self.output_dims[1])
return tf.nn.avg_pool2d(inputs,
ksize=(h_resize, w_resize),
strides=(h_resize, w_resize),
data_format = self.input_ordering)
# If we can't take the shortcut, we do a 1D pool on each axis
h_pooled = self.pseudo_1d_pool(inputs, h_pooling=True)
return self.pseudo_1d_pool(h_pooled, h_pooling=False)
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