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Created April 12, 2017 03:37
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import UIKit
extension Array {
func insertionIndexOf(elem: Element, isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> Int {
var lo = 0
var hi = self.count - 1
while lo <= hi {
let mid = (lo + hi)/2
if isOrderedBefore(self[mid], elem) {
lo = mid + 1
} else if isOrderedBefore(elem, self[mid]) {
hi = mid - 1
} else {
return mid // found at position mid
return lo // not found, would be inserted at position lo
struct Product {
var ordemMobile: Int = 0
var tituloMobile: String = ""
var categoryId = [Int]()
var valorMoeda: Int!
let products = [Product(ordemMobile: 4, tituloMobile: "Resgate quantas vezes quiser²", categoryId: [1, 2], valorMoeda: 500),
Product(ordemMobile: 0, tituloMobile: "", categoryId: [1, 2], valorMoeda: 500),
Product(ordemMobile: 6, tituloMobile: "Resgate quantas vezes quiser²", categoryId: [1, 2], valorMoeda: 1000),
Product(ordemMobile: 1, tituloMobile: "Lote Exclusivo", categoryId: [2], valorMoeda: 1000),
Product(ordemMobile: 2, tituloMobile: "Aproveite o lote promocional¹", categoryId: [1, 2], valorMoeda: 2000),
Product(ordemMobile: 3, tituloMobile: "Aproveite o lote promocional¹", categoryId: [1, 2], valorMoeda: 4000),
Product(ordemMobile: 7, tituloMobile: "Oferta Especial³", categoryId: [1, 2], valorMoeda: 10000),
Product(ordemMobile: 8, tituloMobile: "", categoryId: [1, 2], valorMoeda: 12000)]
var orderedProducts = [String: [Product]]()
for currentProduct in products {
if var currentKeyArray = orderedProducts[currentProduct.tituloMobile] {
let index = currentKeyArray.insertionIndexOf(elem: currentProduct) { $0.ordemMobile < $1.ordemMobile }
currentKeyArray.insert(currentProduct, at: index)
orderedProducts[currentProduct.tituloMobile] = currentKeyArray
else {
orderedProducts[currentProduct.tituloMobile] = [currentProduct]
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