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Last active November 20, 2018 17:47
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Simplify your iOS device identification with this small helper swift file. Works on XCode9 with Swift 4. This class was originally created by Kevin Xu ( -- FOR IT TO WORK YOU HAVE TO FIRST INSTALL GBDeviceInfo (
// Device.swift
// Created by Kevin Xu on 2/9/15. Updated on 6/20/15.
// Updated by Rodrigo L G on 2/23/18.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Alpha Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import UIKit
import GBDeviceInfo
// MARK: - Device Structure
struct Device {
// MARK: - Singletons
static var TheCurrentDevice: UIDevice {
struct Singleton {
static let device = UIDevice.current
return Singleton.device
static var TheCurrentDeviceVersion: Float {
struct Singleton {
static let version = Float(ProcessInfo().operatingSystemVersion.majorVersion) + Float(ProcessInfo().operatingSystemVersion.minorVersion)/10
return Singleton.version
static var TheCurrentDeviceHeight: CGFloat {
struct Singleton {
static let height = max(UIScreen.main.bounds.size.height, UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width)
return Singleton.height
// MARK: - Device Idiom Checks
static var PHONE_OR_PAD: String {
if isPhone() {
return "iPhone"
} else if isPad() {
return "iPad"
return "Not iPhone nor iPad"
static var DEBUG_OR_RELEASE: String {
return "Debug"
return "Release"
static var SIMULATOR_OR_DEVICE: String {
#if (arch(i386) || arch(x86_64)) && os(iOS)
return "Simulator"
return "Device"
static var CURRENT_DEVICE: String {
return GBDeviceInfo.deviceInfo().modelString
static func isPhone() -> Bool {
return TheCurrentDevice.userInterfaceIdiom == .phone
static func isPad() -> Bool {
return TheCurrentDevice.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad
static func isDebug() -> Bool {
return DEBUG_OR_RELEASE == "Debug"
static func isRelease() -> Bool {
return DEBUG_OR_RELEASE == "Release"
static func isSimulator() -> Bool {
return SIMULATOR_OR_DEVICE == "Simulator"
static func isDevice() -> Bool {
return SIMULATOR_OR_DEVICE == "Device"
// MARK: - Device Version Checks
enum Versions: Float {
case Five = 5.0
case Six = 6.0
case Seven = 7.0
case Eight = 8.0
case Nine = 9.0
case Ten = 10.0
case Eleven = 11.0
static func isVersion(version: Versions) -> Bool {
return TheCurrentDeviceVersion >= version.rawValue && TheCurrentDeviceVersion < (version.rawValue + 1.0)
static func isVersionOrLater(version: Versions) -> Bool {
return TheCurrentDeviceVersion >= version.rawValue
static func isVersionOrEarlier(version: Versions) -> Bool {
return TheCurrentDeviceVersion < (version.rawValue + 1.0)
static var CURRENT_VERSION: String {
return "\(TheCurrentDeviceVersion)"
// MARK: iOS 5 Checks
static func IS_OS_5() -> Bool {
return isVersion(version: .Five)
static func IS_OS_5_OR_LATER() -> Bool {
return isVersionOrLater(version: .Five)
static func IS_OS_5_OR_EARLIER() -> Bool {
return isVersionOrEarlier(version: .Five)
// MARK: iOS 6 Checks
static func IS_OS_6() -> Bool {
return isVersion(version: .Six)
static func IS_OS_6_OR_LATER() -> Bool {
return isVersionOrLater(version: .Six)
static func IS_OS_6_OR_EARLIER() -> Bool {
return isVersionOrEarlier(version: .Six)
// MARK: iOS 7 Checks
static func IS_OS_7() -> Bool {
return isVersion(version: .Seven)
static func IS_OS_7_OR_LATER() -> Bool {
return isVersionOrLater(version: .Seven)
static func IS_OS_7_OR_EARLIER() -> Bool {
return isVersionOrEarlier(version: .Seven)
// MARK: iOS 8 Checks
static func IS_OS_8() -> Bool {
return isVersion(version: .Eight)
static func IS_OS_8_OR_LATER() -> Bool {
return isVersionOrLater(version: .Eight)
static func IS_OS_8_OR_EARLIER() -> Bool {
return isVersionOrEarlier(version: .Eight)
// MARK: iOS 9 Checks
static func IS_OS_9() -> Bool {
return isVersion(version: .Nine)
static func IS_OS_9_OR_LATER() -> Bool {
return isVersionOrLater(version: .Nine)
static func IS_OS_9_OR_EARLIER() -> Bool {
return isVersionOrEarlier(version: .Nine)
// MARK: iOS 10 Checks
static func IS_OS_10() -> Bool {
return isVersion(version: .Ten)
static func IS_OS_10_OR_LATER() -> Bool {
return isVersionOrLater(version: .Ten)
static func IS_OS_10_OR_EARLIER() -> Bool {
return isVersionOrEarlier(version: .Ten)
// MARK: iOS 11 Checks
static func IS_OS_11() -> Bool {
return isVersion(version: .Eleven)
static func IS_OS_11_OR_LATER() -> Bool {
return isVersionOrLater(version: .Eleven)
static func IS_OS_11_OR_EARLIER() -> Bool {
return isVersionOrEarlier(version: .Eleven)
// MARK: - Device Size Checks
enum Heights: CGFloat {
case Inches_3_5 = 480
case Inches_4 = 568
case Inches_4_7 = 667
case Inches_5_5 = 736
static func isSize(height: Heights) -> Bool {
return TheCurrentDeviceHeight == height.rawValue
static func isSizeOrLarger(height: Heights) -> Bool {
return TheCurrentDeviceHeight >= height.rawValue
static func isSizeOrSmaller(height: Heights) -> Bool {
return TheCurrentDeviceHeight <= height.rawValue
static var CURRENT_SIZE: String {
if IS_3_5_INCHES() {
return "3.5 Inches"
} else if IS_4_INCHES() {
return "4 Inches"
} else if IS_4_7_INCHES() {
return "4.7 Inches"
} else if IS_5_5_INCHES() {
return "5.5 Inches"
return "\(TheCurrentDeviceHeight) Points"
// MARK: Retina Check
static func IS_RETINA() -> Bool {
return UIScreen.main.responds(to: "scale")
// MARK: 3.5 Inch Checks
static func IS_3_5_INCHES() -> Bool {
return isPhone() && isSize(height: .Inches_3_5)
static func IS_3_5_INCHES_OR_LARGER() -> Bool {
return isPhone() && isSizeOrLarger(height: .Inches_3_5)
static func IS_3_5_INCHES_OR_SMALLER() -> Bool {
return isPhone() && isSizeOrSmaller(height: .Inches_3_5)
// MARK: 4 Inch Checks
static func IS_4_INCHES() -> Bool {
return isPhone() && isSize(height: .Inches_4)
static func IS_4_INCHES_OR_LARGER() -> Bool {
return isPhone() && isSizeOrLarger(height: .Inches_4)
static func IS_4_INCHES_OR_SMALLER() -> Bool {
return isPhone() && isSizeOrSmaller(height: .Inches_4)
// MARK: 4.7 Inch Checks
static func IS_4_7_INCHES() -> Bool {
return isPhone() && isSize(height: .Inches_4_7)
static func IS_4_7_INCHES_OR_LARGER() -> Bool {
return isPhone() && isSizeOrLarger(height: .Inches_4_7)
static func IS_4_7_INCHES_OR_SMALLER() -> Bool {
return isPhone() && isSizeOrLarger(height: .Inches_4_7)
// MARK: 5.5 Inch Checks
static func IS_5_5_INCHES() -> Bool {
return isPhone() && isSize(height: .Inches_5_5)
static func IS_5_5_INCHES_OR_LARGER() -> Bool {
return isPhone() && isSizeOrLarger(height: .Inches_5_5)
static func IS_5_5_INCHES_OR_SMALLER() -> Bool {
return isPhone() && isSizeOrLarger(height: .Inches_5_5)
// MARK: - International Checks
static var CURRENT_REGION: String {
return (Locale.current as NSLocale).object(forKey: .countryCode) as! String
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