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Last active October 26, 2022 02:27
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Typescript extension methods
declare global {
interface Array<T> {
* Creates an tuple of grouped elements limited by the length of the first array.
* @template U
* @param {U} list
zip<U>(list: U[]): [T, U][]
} = function<T, U>(this: T[], list: U[]): [T, U][] {
return, k) => [v, list[k]]);
export {};
declare global {
interface PolarCoordinates { angle: number, radius: number }
interface CartesianCoordinates { x: number, y: number}
interface Math {
randomRangeFloat(min: number, max: number): number;
randomRangeInt(min: number, max: number): number;
clamp(value: number, min: number, max: number): number;
clamp01(value: number): number;
toRad(deg: number): number;
toDeg(rad: number): number;
toPolar(coordinates: CartesianCoordinates): PolarCoordinates;
toCartesian(coordinates: PolarCoordinates): CartesianCoordinates;
percentageInRange(min: number, max: number, percent: number): number;
Math.randomRangeFloat = (min: number, max: number): number => {
return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
Math.randomRangeInt = (min: number, max: number): number => {
// min = Number.isInteger(min) ? min: Math.round(min);
// max = Number.isInteger(min) ? max: Math.round(max);
// if (Number.isInteger(min)) throw new Error("minimum value must be an integer");
// if (Number.isInteger(min)) throw new Error("maximum value must be an integer");
return Math.round(Math.randomRangeFloat(min, max));
Math.clamp = (value: number, min: number, max: number): number => {
return Math.min(Math.max(value, min), max);
Math.clamp01 = (value: number): number => {
return Math.clamp(value, 0, 1);
Math.toRad = (deg: number): number => { return deg * (Math.PI / 180); };
Math.toDeg = (rad: number): number => { return rad * (180 / Math.PI); };
Math.toPolar = (coordinates: CartesianCoordinates): PolarCoordinates => {
const { x, y } = coordinates;
const radius = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x, 2) + Math.pow(y, 2));
let angle = Math.atan(y / x);
if (x < 0 && y > 0) angle += Math.PI;
if (x < 0 && y < 0) angle += Math.PI;
if (x > 0 && y < 0) angle += Math.PI * 2;
return { radius, angle };
Math.toCartesian = (coordinates: PolarCoordinates): CartesianCoordinates => {
const { angle, radius } = coordinates;
const x = radius * Math.cos(angle);
const y = radius * Math.sin(angle);
return { x, y };
Math.percentageInRange = (min: number, max: number, percent: number): number => {
return (percent * (max - min) / 100) + min;
export {};
declare global {
interface NumberConstructor {
* Converts a string to a floating-point number.
* @param {string} string A string that contains a floating-point number.
* @param {string} defaultValue A value to be returned if the conversion does not succeed.
tryParseFloat(string: string, defaultValue?: number): number;
* Attempt to convert a string to an integer. Returns a default value if the conversion does not succeed.
* @param {string} string A string to convert into a number.
* @param {number} defaultValue A value to be returned if the conversion does not succeed.
* @param {number} radix A value between 2 and 36 that specifies the base of the number in numString.
* If this argument is not supplied, strings with a prefix of '0x' are considered hexadecimal.
* All other strings are considered decimal.
tryParseInt(string: string, defaultValue?: number, radix?: number): number;
interface Number {
* Calculate percentual value over the current number
* @param {number} percent
percentage(percent: number): number;
Number.prototype.percentage = function(percent: number) {
return (this * percent) / 100;
Number.tryParseFloat = (value: string, defaultValue = 0): number => {
try {
if (!value) return defaultValue;
if (!value.length) return defaultValue;
if (Number.isNaN(value)) return defaultValue;
return Number.parseFloat(value);
} catch (error) { console.error(error); }
return defaultValue;
Number.tryParseInt = (value: string, defaultValue = 0, radix = 10): number => {
try {
if (!value) return defaultValue;
if (!value.length) return defaultValue;
if (Number.isNaN(value)) return defaultValue;
return Number.parseInt(value, radix);
} catch (error) { console.error(error); }
return defaultValue;
export {};
declare global {
interface String {
* Converts a string to [camel case](
toCamelCase(): string;
* Converts a string to [pascal case](
toPascalCase(): string;
String.prototype.toCamelCase = function(this: string): string {
return this.replace(/(?:^\w|[A-Z]|\b\w)/g, (word, index) => {
return index === 0 ? word.toLowerCase() : word.toUpperCase();
}).replace(/\s+/g, '');
String.prototype.toPascalCase = function(this: string): string {
return this.replace(/(?:^\w|[A-Z]|\b\w)/g, (word) => word.toUpperCase())
.replace(/\s+/g, '');
export {};
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