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Created January 11, 2022 07:57
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Javascript website quick test

Please do the following test with your best performance. be sure to send an email before you start working on it.

Don't forget to send email to and CC to with Subject JS Quick Test before start doing test.

Create javascript website

Make a single page website that will display data from the REST API, you can use Javascript/Typescript frameworks or just use vanilla javascript.

If you use the React.js/Next.js Framework it will be a plus, but if you don't use the Framework, it's also not a problem. You can use any API, you can find a couple free Public API that you can use this one, another one or this. choose one of the APIs that you will use (It's up to you).

Make sure you code neatly and easy for us to read, pay attention to the writing of the code, the structure of the folder because it is part of our assessment. If you want to explain the commands that you are make, put comment on that line.

What do you do after you're done

  • Create file with name ReadMe.txt and write instruction for how to run your project
  • Zip the project and upload to Google Driver or upload the project to
  • Send the link to and CC to via Email (please use Reply from Email you send first before working)
  • Just wait the good news from us

What we do with your project.

  • We try to run the project and make sure data from API its show up.
  • Review your code so we can know how you make it.

Good luck

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