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Last active February 24, 2024 07:00
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Sofware Developer Challenge

Programming Test: Image Temperature Adjustment


Create a script or program that changes the temperature of a JPEG image by adjusting its color tones to simulate warmer or cooler temperatures.


The script or program should accept the following input parameters:

  • Input JPEG image file path
  • Output JPEG image file path
  • Temperature adjustment value (positive for warmer, negative for cooler)
  • The script or program should read the input JPEG image file, adjust its color tones according to the provided temperature adjustment value, and save the resulting image to the output file path.
  • The temperature adjustment should affect the image by shifting its color tones towards warmer (reddish) or cooler (bluish) hues while preserving the overall image quality.
  • The script or program should only handle JPEG image file format.
Evaluation Criteria:
  • Correctness of image temperature adjustment
  • Handling of input parameters and error cases
  • Efficiency and performance of the solution
  • Code readability, organization, and documentation

Note: Candidates can use any programming language and libraries for image processing.

Instructions for Candidates:
  • Use the provided script template as a starting point to implement the image temperature adjustment functionality.
  • Ensure that the script handles only JPEG image file format for both input and output.
  • Handle command-line arguments for input and output image paths, as well as the temperature adjustment value.
  • Test the script with different input images and temperature adjustment values to ensure correctness and robustness.
  • Candidates can use any programming language and libraries for image processing. They should focus on implementing the image temperature adjustment algorithm while adhering to the specified requirements.
Instructions for Uploading Code to GitHub and Sharing Link

Upload to GitHub:

  • Create a new repository on GitHub to host your code for the image temperature adjustment script.
  • Initialize the repository with a README file explaining the purpose of the project and any additional information you find relevant.
  • Commit and push your code to the repository, ensuring that it includes all necessary files and any dependencies required to run the script.
Email Submission:
  • Compose a new email with the subject Software Developer.
  • Address the email to and cc
  • In the body of the email, include a brief introduction and a link to your GitHub repository where the code for the image temperature adjustment script is hosted.
  • Optionally, you can provide any additional context or explanations about your implementation.
  • Double-check the email content to ensure clarity and accuracy before sending.

Good Luck

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