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Created September 17, 2018 19:33
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#pragma once
#include "intrinsics.h"
#include "vec256_base.h"
#if defined(__AVX__) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
#include <sleef.h>
namespace at {
namespace vec256 {
namespace {
#if defined(__AVX__) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
using complex128 = std::complex<double>;
template <> class Vec256<complex128> {
__m256d values;
static constexpr int size = 4;
Vec256() {};
Vec256(__m256d v) : values(v) {};
Vec256(complex128 val) {
values = _mm256_set_pd(val.real(), val.imag(), val.real(), val.imag());
operator __m256d() const {
return values;
template <int64_t mask>
static Vec256<complex128> blend(Vec256<complex128> a, Vec256<complex128> b) {
return _mm256_blend_pd(a.values, b.values, mask);
static Vec256<complex128> set(Vec256<complex128> a, Vec256<complex128> b, int64_t count = size) {
switch (count) {
case 0:
return a;
case 1:
return blend<1>(a, b);
case 3:
return blend<3>(a, b);
case 7:
return blend<7>(a, b);
return b;
static Vec256<complex128> loadu(const void* ptr, int64_t count = size) {
if (count == size)
return _mm256_loadu_pd(reinterpret_cast<const double*>(ptr));
__at_align32__ double tmp_values[size];
reinterpret_cast<const complex128*>(ptr),
count * sizeof(complex128);
return _mm256_load_pd(tmp_values);
void store(void *ptr, int count = size) const {
if (count == size) {
_mm256_storeu_pd(reinterpret_cast<double *>(ptr), values);
} else {
double tmp_values[size];
_mm256_storeu_pd(reinterpret_cast<double *>(tmp_values), values);
std::memcpy(ptr, tmp_values, count * sizeof(double));
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