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Created November 4, 2021 18:19
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use Maddie's code to find the ratio
import qsim
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from qsim.evolution import hamiltonian
from qsim.graph_algorithms.graph import unit_disk_grid_graph, rydberg_graph
from qsim.graph_algorithms.adiabatic import SimulateAdiabatic
from qsim import schrodinger_equation
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import scipy.sparse
import scipy.optimize
import pandas as pd
import os
def find_ratio(tails_graph, graph, tf, graph_index=None, size=None):
cost = hamiltonian.HamiltonianMIS(graph, IS_subspace=True)
# print('Starting driver')
driver = hamiltonian.HamiltonianDriver(IS_subspace=True, graph=graph)
# print('Starting rydberg')
rydberg = hamiltonian.HamiltonianRydberg(tails_graph, graph, IS_subspace=True, energies=(2 * np.pi,))
pulse = np.loadtxt(os.path.join('data', 'AWG', 'for_AWG_{}.000000.txt'.format(6)))
t_pulse_max = np.max(pulse[:, 0]) - 2 * 0.312
def schedule(t, T):
# Linear ramp on the detuning, experiment-like ramp on the driver
k = 50
a = .95
b = 3.1
x = t / T
amplitude = (
-1 / (1 + np.e ** (k * (x - a))) ** b - 1 / (1 + np.e ** (-k * (x - (1 - a)))) ** b + 1) / \
(-1 / ((1 + np.e ** (k * (1 / 2 - a))) ** b) - 1 / (
(1 + np.e ** (-k * (1 / 2 - (1 - a)))) ** b) + 1)
cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * (-(11 + 15) / T * t + 15),)
driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * amplitude,)
def schedule_old(t, T):
# Linear ramp on the detuning, experiment-like ramp on the driver
k = 50
a = .95
b = 3.1
x = t / T
amplitude = (
-1 / (1 + np.e ** (k * (x - a))) ** b - 1 / (1 + np.e ** (-k * (x - (1 - a)))) ** b + 1) / \
(-1 / ((1 + np.e ** (k * (1 / 2 - a))) ** b) - 1 / (
(1 + np.e ** (-k * (1 / 2 - (1 - a)))) ** b) + 1)
cost.energies = (-2*np.pi*11*2*(1/2-t/T),)#(2 * np.pi * (-(11 + 15) / T * t + 15),)
driver.energies = (2*np.pi*2*amplitude,)#(2 * np.pi * 2 * amplitude,)
def schedule_exp_optimized(t, T):
if t < .312:
driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * t / .312,)
cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * 15,)
elif .312 <= t <= T - .331:
t_pulse = (t - 0.312) / (T - 2 * 0.312) * t_pulse_max + 0.312
driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * np.interp(t_pulse, pulse[:, 0], pulse[:, 1] / 2),)
cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * np.interp(t_pulse, pulse[:, 0], -pulse[:, 2]),)
driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * (T - t) / .312,)
cost.energies = (-2 * np.pi * 11,)
# print(t, cost.energies)
def schedule_exp_linear(t, T):
if t < .312:
driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * t / .312,)
cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * 15,)
elif .312 <= t <= T - .312:
driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2,)
cost.energies = (2 * np.pi * (-(11.5 + 15) / (T - 2 * .312) * (t - .312) + 15),)
driver.energies = (2 * np.pi * 2 * (T - t) / .312,)
cost.energies = (-2 * np.pi * 11.5,)
# print(t, cost.energies)
# Uncomment this to print the schedule at t=0
# schedule(0, 1)
# print(cost.hamiltonian*2*np.pi)
# print(driver.hamiltonian)
ad = SimulateAdiabatic(graph=graph, hamiltonian=[cost, driver, rydberg], cost_hamiltonian=cost,
# print('Starting evolution')
ars = []
probs = []
for i in range(len(tf)):
states, data =[i], schedule_exp_linear, num=int(10 * tf[i]), method='odeint', full_output=False)
cost.energies = (1,)
ar = 1.0 - cost.approximation_ratio(states[-1])
prob = cost.optimum_overlap(states[-1])
np.savez_compressed('{}x{}_{}_{}.npz'.format(size, size, graph_index, i), state=states[-1])
print(tf[i], ar, prob)
return ars, probs
import sys
n_points = 10
# tf = [4.0 + 0.312 * 2 - 1e-3]# 2 ** np.linspace(-2.5, 4.5 / 6 * (n_points - 1) - 2.5, n_points) + .312 * 2
tf = [0.7999999999999973, 0.9199999999999905, 1.1239999999999788, 1.4639999999999598, 2.037999999999927, 3.0009999999999977, 4.623000000000366]
index = 1
# time_index = index % len(tf)
# index = index #/ len(tf)
size = 5
size_indices = np.array([5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
size_index = np.argwhere(size == size_indices)[0, 0]
graph_index = 410
graph_data = {
'graph_index': 410,
'MIS_size': 7,
'degeneracy': 2,
'side_length': 5,
'graph_mask': np.array([[ True, True, True, True, True],
[ True, True, True, False, True],
[False, True, True, True, False],
[ True, True, True, True, True],
[ True, False, False, True, True]]),
'number_of_nodes': 20
grid = graph_data['graph_mask']
# grid = np.ones((1, 10))
graph = unit_disk_grid_graph(grid, periodic=False, visualize=False, generate_mixer=True)
tails_graph = rydberg_graph(grid, visualize=False)
ratio, probs = find_ratio(tails_graph, graph, tf, graph_index=graph_index, size=size)
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