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Created August 23, 2017 13:26
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ForecastUrlFormat = "$1&lang=en&q=$2&cnt=$3"
ResultFormat = """$1:
Temperature: $3 °C
Humidity: $4%
Clouds: $5%
Wind speed: $6 m/s""".unindent
Key = "78b50ffaf45be011ccc5fccca4d836d8"
proc getData() {.async.} =
let client = newAsyncHttpClient()
let city = "Moscow"
let resp = await client.get(ForecastUrlFormat % [Key, city, $(1)])
# First "await" of resp.body.
# If you comment this - gc.nim disappears from stacktrace
echo await resp.body
# Second "await" of resp.body
bd = await resp.body
day = parseJson(bd)["list"].getElems()[^1]
temp = int round day["temp"]["day"].getFNum() - 273
humidity = int round day["humidity"].getFNum()
desc = unicode.capitalize day["weather"].getElems()[0]["description"].getStr()
wind = int round day["speed"].getFNum()
cloud = int(round(day["clouds"].getFNum()))
date = int64 day["dt"].getNum()
time = fromSeconds(date).getLocalTime().format("d'.'MM'.'yyyy")
echo ResultFormat % [time, desc, $temp, $humidity, $cloud, $wind]
waitFor getData()
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