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RolandCroft / stopwords_en.txt
Created January 23, 2018 11:37
An enhanced version of the NLTK Stopword list
domain befor pars it watwg specifi domain pars as let host be the result of run utf decod on the percent decod of input let domain be the result of split host on ani domain label separ return the result of run domain to ascii on thi behaviour doe not seem consist across browser at the moment well just follow the spec here
add to inject the annot receiv android receiv can be regist with code like thi java receiv privat void intentfilt filter new intentfilt filter but if the receiv ha been annot like thi javaclass extend moduleutil moduleutil there is no annot to inject the annot receiverwhat i propos is a new annot that would work pretti much like java receiv
fix modul not found when compil domeo i ran into a depend issu mavencentr tri artifact unresolv depend not found not found not foundthi problem wa resolv after read by ad the follow line of code to in the section of code list maven
code think the oupput should be foobarbut the actual return valu is foobar
ldap with multipl ldap domain by spring secur
markdown not pars in blogindex if you go here the blog content ha markdown format eg capistrano thi content is not display properli through redcloth
support loglog to allow inject of minilog as dropin replac of browser and node consol i love minilog and id like to use it for an opensourc project im work on but i would like to make it option the default use the browser consol and node stdio consol object for both these object provid a log that minilog doesnt providenod browser miniloglog log nana na debuginfo info infowarn warn warnerror error errori know that loglog isnt pretti but i think minilog should offer thi method in order to be a dropin replac of the consol log could simpli proxi to debugif that make sens to you i can work on a patch
app sign for io thi issu is to track the sign of on the io platform appl sign process requir an io develop account which cost a year thi could be delay until were closer to releas a product on io
app sign for android thi issu is to track the sign of on the android plat
javascript invoc code mark as a trojan by avast helloi upgrad to reviv adserv from openx a few day ago and sinc then some of our visitor have report that avast detect the javascript invoc code as a trojanurl trj what can i do to solv thi issuethank you for your helpzoli
googl login redirect when a user log in with googl he is redirect to the main page of your site it should redirect the user to the page he wa at when he click on login with googl
tri to get properti of nonobject when i login with facebook i enabl hybridauth and facebook provid but when i click on facebook button to login i get the error tri to get properti of nonobjectth stack trace say user ifus email no he is not so we regist the user and sync the profil field user new yumus by extern provid fail els success ident new null usernam log in by hybrid provid array usernam email provid provid els by extern provid fail thislayout ifhybridauth new fals could you help me to understand whi i get thi errorthank you
input valid result are return bef
featur request inject after use thi framework extens one thing i found myself repeatedli want wa a way for it to help me cleanli separ from to satisfi thi need i reli on inject point which are highli coupl with the class instead of the map object keywhat i would like to see is someth like the like an object mock framework thi featur would greatli increas the reusabl of class elimin the need to reli on inherit model result in class
encrypt clientserv connect use tl implement a vpn so all traffic is encrypt
list assign a new data provid and use caus jump use immedi after assign a new data provid the list jump to the begin for a short moment and then to the request posit
provid abil to pass in token for secur print task to use a print task with a secur servic you must creat a custom print task we need to provid an option to configur the print widget to access a secur print task
provid abil to pass in token for secur print task to use a print task with a secur servic you must creat a custom print task we need
libssldev requir and other dep while build i got thi c pipe os o wall w dreentrant dqtnodebug dqtguilib dqtcorelib i i i o adddialogo fatal error opensslpkcsh no such file or directoryim run debian squeez so i instal libssldev as follow aptget instal i retriev the berryboot sourc again and reran the build still doe not workearli on through trial and error i determin i need to instal the follow thingssudo aptget instal aptget instal makesudo aptget instal gccsudo aptget instal gsudo aptget instal bisonsudo aptget instal flexsudo aptget instal gettextth larger question is is thereshould there be a way to predetermin if the system ha what it need to build
fix the ie warn do you want to view onli the webpag content that wa deliv secur internet explor give the follow incorrect warn do you want to view onli the webpag content that wa deliv secur caus mix content messag in ie on a secur function if complet domreadyit a trick use to emul a event in ie a secur warn occur becaus of the use the javascript protocol even
encout error while encod some chines to json tojsonth code abov will encount an error vbscript a which vbscript runtim error error no aout of bound and i also test other chines just work fine the othermeet the same error origin issu report on by tunpishuon jan at
unicod charact are encod with uxxxx what step will reproduc the problem creat jsonobject with valu includ charact outsid asii rangesuch as swedish flush the object to text exampledim o set o new oflushwhat is the expect output what do you see version of the product are you use on what oper systempleas provid ani addit inform belowi have patch the jsencod function with these changesif a and a then jsencod jsencod celseif a or a then jsencod jsencod u string lenhexa hexaend if if a then jsencod jsencod celseif a then jsencod jsencod u string lenhexa hexaend if origin issu report on by jonaslaon jul at
encout error while encod some chines to json tojsonth code abov will encount an error vbscript a which vbscript runtim error error no aout of bound and
thread id could potenti be reassign while still in use thi can be correct by confirm that the desir thread id isnt alreadi in use instead of just pick the next one
design kf to avoid garbag collect ideal we could design the kf driver to minim garbag collect for exampl if we cant find a free block in the heap we could onli collect a singl flash page rather than do a full collect thi would like be fast enough to do without make an event out of itcan we consid how to do someth similar for the fat is there some sort of ondemand lightweight gc we can do to get the fat freed up
der enocd rsa public key in test doe not appear to be a valid key i notic thi when i wa unabl to get the ring librari to verifi an rsassapss openssl e feb openssl rsa pubin in inform der outform pem unabl to load public encod encod asn encod asn typexpubkey
get error pleas run buildlibsslh first for openssl framework helloi had download thi git with submodul and i am have error pleas run buildlibsslh first so is there ani problem in it or
liboauth ha deprec oauthhttpget and replac these function with call to libcurl as there will be a lot of share code between oauth and rest readd a share librari
pbkdf iter is far too weak to protect most password i strongli encourag you to use a far higher number of iter when deriv encrypt key at even iter the equival of spend ms in pbkdf on a core i letter password are trivial at onli iter the user password will need to be veri long to provid the same level of secur and mani peopl may not realiz thi when choos their passwordy can use the commoncrypto framework to estim the number of iter need to engag the user machin for a period of for exampl secondsuint round password length salt length and of cours if claim about scrypt are to be believ then you might consid switch your key deriv function entir
mysqld crash the audit plugin crash mysqld under some i cant reproduc but thi is the nd is the addrlin output for the rel address i get at the top of the crash stack tracesh addrlin fie addrlin fie of weirdth plu
deploy task should accept repo url with credenti in it thi would be use for test lein deploy
add test for expir of ssl cert and secur team pubkey would be nice to have a month warn befor these expir
allow upload signatur with scp current signatur can onli be sent over http it would be nice to allow them to come from scp as wellthi will requir match the signatur with the other file upgrad pomegran and use the newer deploy function
make bodi content compos when encod in data file
in csrfprotect when use the clauth loginhandl i sometim get thi except mostli when i open with a fresh browser a protect rout that redirect to cannot be cast to sourc mainrout get request indexpag request ani oauthtoken request request get request request ani login client client as request loginform loginpag client client requestdef app do reset tokenstor clauthtoken reset reset clientstor clauthclient reset userstor clauthus println start applic let client or first client myapp user or first demo password handlersit mainrout sessi