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isbn or other univers standard media identifi add the possibl to identifi the sequenc use an offici standard identifi like isbnmight be ad either to the meta tag or to the sequenc tag as attribut
facet tweak cooki behavior destroy cooki on search or dynaxml page load
assign variabl paramet in a default paramet express current the typecheck let you writevoid fvariabl integ i integ ki thi is pretti evil and veri troublesom for the jvm compil to implement we should prohibit it
check for cycl dure breadth first travers find a way to detect cycl in ani dag dure the traversalth current in is not abl to
move entir saltsampl to saltcommon remov project saltsampl and integr all sourc of saltsampl in saltcommon move sampl except gener except should be move to packag
saltml if possibl integr saltml into salt project creat a consol which use saltml to creat salt tasksstor of creat model in saltxml and dot
avoid in travers doe not need to be thread sinc thread creation consum time better invok function creat a threa
make capacit compon checker report back the violat capacitor design
add deciphervb the deciphervb should be ad to thi repo
png decod cant display right when the png file ha second idat chuck the attach file display fine in io devic decod can onli display rightli with first chuckattach is the file which ha idat chuck origin issu report on by cppgoon nov at attach
invalid png decod what step will reproduc the problem preview attach file in my ipod touch through is the expect output what do you see png graphicwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systempleas provid ani addit inform belowpl see the attach png fileorigin issu report on by arielyon may at attach
i wa just scan the latest with virustot and it found wnocanad what is that is it harm or not and explain what it doesorigin issu report on by dpanon nov at
png decod cant display right when the png file ha second idat chuck the attach file display fine in io devic decod can onli display rightli with first chuckattach is the file which ha
someth wrong when exec commandsand exist vim when enter q in quickfix window of markolog question no exec command when i press key that ha mappedmi keymap is bellow nnoremap mkp nnoremap mkn nnoremap mkl nnoremap mkc nnoremap mkq nnoremap mkt everytim when i press the key command occursbut i need to enter return key again to exec the when i exec command with quickfixsuch as or and jump to the quickfix windowif i exist the quickfix window with q or q vim exit which should be onli the quickfix window
function signatur too short with long function signatur the middl of the signatur is usual replac with to have it fit within the space avail howev thi seem to also be happen even if the function signatur ha plenti more space to expand into see below i suspect thi might be an issu with how echodoc oper when textwidth is set but im not a separ suggest mayb shorten function signatur should also be done in a clever way for exampl shorten the name or the type of each argument individu so that the signatur still give se
urlencod filter as notic in
request to no longer work in the follow code work great in alpha but fail with version in the callback from execut i dont get an error but for the profil i receiv an html page whose titl is error bad request and whose bodi contain a messag say your client ha issu a malform or illeg request that all we knowim revert my project to alpha until thi can be resolv code var config restifi googleapi oauthclient function request respons next var oauthclient new error client if error return nextnew accesstoken refreshtoken error profil if error return nextnew code
creat a proper blacklist for swf that shouldnt be handl by the extens as mention in the current process for blacklist swf doesnt scale we should creat a json file for that
make statehref hashbang prefix option i have found myself use the statehref function to compil url for state for the most part it is great but i ran into a small issu relat to the hash bang prefix when in html fallback mode in html fallback mode statehref retu
explain repudi i dont understand thi if as it say here the recipi or in fact anyon els could have comput an ident valu arent we back at simpl hash function and therefor no at allor somewhat more gener if someon els could have sign the messag they can sign it now but then by definit the sign algorithm is broken see what do i miss whatev it is id argu that it need to be explain
explain diffus and confus for block cipher
fulldisk encrypt tptacek blog ha some good sure if thi should be under complet or not
audit for of earth solar and sun i have rule
gener and simplifi encodedecod in issu on the hotthott i propos a of theorem but that issu wa meant to be for the book project ill restat it a be a type let r a a type be a relat let rho pixa rxx be a proof of reflex let f pixya piprxi xy be a proof thar r impli and let h pixya piprxi fprhoxp then rxi is equival to xy for all xy in athi theorem could be given as an exercis becaus the proof is practic the same as the proof of proofth equival is go to be f itself s
use new user with a password when postgresapp first start up it creat the user databas which is the default databas for psql when none is specifi the default user is user with no password it possibl to get the psql instanc to start with a differ user who actual ha a password as in the normal u myuser d mydb
crc crc
threadsaf for method im not veri clear how you ensur the thread safe in method can you explain thank
oper signatur is occasion null from incid el weso request for ranger at rampart from blackrock null ranger to retriev an anxiou particip from rehab room in thi exampl null should be el weso
valid login form
show error messag if login fail
error dure json with facebook perform a oper with facebook set swiftlet set clientid xxxx clientsecret xxxx authorizeuri tokenuri scope email redirecturi domain name and got the error went wrong the oper couldnt be complet cocoa error after the method ha been call swiftlet json option nil error finalerror as nsdictionari
ssl pin i tri but it not worki check
replay bot get assign to team iri red team
rbenv init dont rehash by default the current rbenv init command rehash on each run unless norehash is specifi given that i alreadi need to manual rehash when instal a new gem with a cli etc i dont think it advantag to rehash each time the shell is load what do you think of revers thi behavior default behavior dont rehash with rbenv init rehash flag call the rehash commandin other word bash old newev rbenv init norehash eval rbenv initev rbenv init eval rbenv init rehashthi is the opposit of the current behavior but i think thi is more sensibl if your on board ill do the pr but i didnt want to make too bold of a chang without consult you guy first
imag upload hack screen shot at
xbmcbuntu steam minim after login use xbmcbuntu frodomi specsnvidia corpor g geforc gtrev a driver version xx intelr pentiumr cpu audio control creativ lab sb audigi rev xbmcbuntu default dm is lxdm iirc when launch steam it show the spalsh connect to xxxxxx account screen and then you onl
duplic in look like there are a lot of duplic memberlink in genenod tlr conceptnod goha a bunch of entriesthes wont add addit atom to the atomspac im pretti sure but it probabl slow down load the scheme file consider
axtl doesnt handl newer cipher suit wait axtl to support ecdh or dhe suit or provid altern
add pepper to argon password hash
improv error messag when publish credenti are not found it should be obviou that credenti were not found and what they would need to be even if publish somewher that requir no credenti which i think is a rarer the error is nest in a mess of ivi output would be ideal to highlight thi sucker and bring it out if possibl may requir a good bit of work but it the most common error i see with regard to publish malform credenti
salt the user password as a user i want my store password to be store in such a way that it not easili of md algorithm is ok as long as the password is
implement equal and hashcod togeth doe not detect val hashcod i sometim implement hashcod of immut class as val or lazi val especi when the class repres dag node thi avoid costli hashcod i get the implement equal and hashcod togeth when i do so when equal is also implement
creat a trait that allow for faster bind of encod to type thi avoid the map lookup base on object class that happen current it should look like the jdbc you call with a qu
final not run if struct with dtor is not assign to a variabl thi leak and it fail to perform all the other sideeffect one might expect from relev destructor rustus rattl croak str impl drop for rattl fn dropmut self selfcroak struct noncopy r rattl p cvoidimpl drop for noncopy fn dropmut self let p selfp let v unsaf transmutep fn main let t let p unsaf transmutet let x noncopy r rattl croak assign p p assign thi to a variabl make it not leak noncopy r rattl croak unassign p p name run it print rustc tmpissuer no debug symbol in execut arch xgoodby assign
unicod decod with a fallback encod mani use case involv bomawar unicod encod actual requir some sort of decod specif have a unicod encod use when there is bom plu a fallback encod use when there isnt
rustdoc search xss exploit the input for doc search isnt sanit allow for arbitrari html
error conflict for trait error conflict for trait e eq clone partialord ord hash note in expans of deriv note expans site note in expans of note expans note note conflict d