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Created May 20, 2018 15:31
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  • Save RolandCroft/7404142585276cf3ca2625b533ead1b9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RolandCroft/7404142585276cf3ca2625b533ead1b9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
replay bot get assign to team iri red team
rbenv init dont rehash by default the current rbenv init command rehash on each run unless norehash is specifi given that i alreadi need to manual rehash when instal a new gem with a cli etc i dont think it advantag to rehash each time the shell is load what do you think of revers thi behavior default behavior dont rehash with rbenv init rehash flag call the rehash commandin other word bash old newev rbenv init norehash eval rbenv initev rbenv init eval rbenv init rehashthi is the opposit of the current behavior but i think thi is more sensibl if your on board ill do the pr but i didnt want to make too bold of a chang without consult you guy first
imag upload hack screen shot at
xbmcbuntu steam minim after login use xbmcbuntu frodomi specsnvidia corpor g geforc gtrev a driver version xx intelr pentiumr cpu audio control creativ lab sb audigi rev xbmcbuntu default dm is lxdm iirc when launch steam it show the spalsh connect to xxxxxx account screen and then you onli see the wallpap alttab bring steam into focu next bug i post regard black box on the top left corner may be relat to thi
add conf file for openssl default certif
error compil rubi on mac osx due to openssl even though openssl instal appear to succeed instal rubygem fail due to
add md or sha checksum add support for checksum the download rubi archiv checksum should be store in an checksumstxt file if there is no checksum for the archiv print a warn and continu if the checksum doe not match the archiv print and error and return
broken against amazon linux hiit seem that is broken on amazon linux sinc late last week i test on the newli releas amazon linux ami imag as well as the previou one sudo sh m s n info sh version info system inform info cpu genuineintel info cpu arch x info os name linux info os version amznx info distribut amazon linux ami set up instal pyyamlamznx alreadi instal and latest mcryptoamznx alreadi instal and latest versionno packag availableno packag pythonzmq packag saltelnoarch epeltest requir packag saltelnoarch epeltest requir you could tri use skipbroken to work around the problem you could tri run rpm va nofil nodigest error fail to run can still be instal via sudo yum instal be great to have an option to specifi which salt version to instal via the bootstrap script cheer marku
data associ cannot be assign a name label data associ cannot be assign a name label in the the associ cannot be import or export as wellexampl b import diagram bimportpng note the call activ in question is the call activitiy in the center left border of the diagram refer
collaps call activ display the name of the call process not the assign name collaps call activ display the name of the call process a name may be assign but is not b import diagram bimportpng note the call activ in question is the call activitiy at the cennter border of the diagram refer
creat with path is broken and insecur when you tomb creat tmpasdtomb s it will put the key on the current directori which is unwant and unsecurealso it fail becaus of path issu at the final stage lockingi mark it as critic becaus it break tomb complet how can i use it if i cannot creat a tomb and becaus of secur concern write the key to wrong locat
fork a version with secur spring secur info
expect method via either a servic token ostoken or or credenti osusernam or when i creat my first vm use thi instruct keyston tenantcr name projecton follow the doc tell method via either a servic token ostoken or or credenti osusernam or anyon know what wrong with thi
add support for encrypt twrp backup twrp support encrypt backup at the moment i am not consid to add thi in onlin nandroid due the complex of ad such support fyi twrp encrypt backup use ae encrypt and is done with such tool builtinto the twrp binari if the same is implement in onlin nandroid it would requir separ binari for opena and ani other requir tool ad to thi complex is the fact that onli part of data partit except dataapp is back upif you would like thi featur to be implement vote for it by repli to thi issu with or similarp one person one vote
use encrypt password file for mbsync in order to setup a cron job to check mail everi x minut i need to give mbsync a way to easili determin what my password is without ask me or store it in plaintext have a quick command to decrypt an encrypt file contain the password would work and then so long as ive enter my pin for my smartcard or itll prompt me onc it can decrypt the password everi time it need itprob also a good idea to enabl thi for do smtp send of email how ever i end up configur that
root login requir whi doe thi script requir root login ubuntu doesnt allow root login by default
fix battlemast gossip text strahad farsan stormwind guard direct battlemast gossip text the orgrimmar battlemast had as hi farsan thi npc wa onli appear to gm if you toggl gm on and gm off he would disappear for normal guard direct stormwind guard when ask about the cook trainer direct the player to the enchant trainerth fixesupd set npcflag where entri strahad farsanupd set actionpoiid where menuid and id sw guard cook trainer set optiontext i wish to join the battl where optiontext battlemast menu fix
cryptohash uuid antoin latter cannot use cryptohash ping aslatt
just a head up on homebrew might want to clone it or fork it
openssl miss error i have thi problem error conflict type for rvm get head which i think is rvm after tri everi workaround in internet the onli solut wa to downgrad to rvm again
checksum error statu complet fetch file verifi fail reason files doe not match record size got expect refetch file renam to
updat servaldna and servalcrypto makefil the servaldna and servalcrypto makefil need to be updat to build against the git branch of upstream serval rather than the or batphon releas tarbal and test to make sure that they build correctli thi is the of the fix for
we should be abl to depli a directori that is compat with authconf for secur retriev
add tl transport encrypt papertrail support secur log transport with
npm err error unauthor name or password is incorrect express cant seem to get anyth instal ill look into it but there might be someth we should add to the doc or if you know what thi is that work too d
automat login as user on boot not root
userloginsh binbash copyright by jualsshcom data ps aux grep i dropbear awk print echo check dropbear loginecho for pid in dataecho check pidnumcat varlogsecur grep i dropbear grep i password auth succeed grep dropbearpid wc lusercat varlogsecur grep i dropbear grep i password auth succeed grep dropbearpid awk print ipcat varlogsecur grep i dropbear grep i password auth succeed grep dropbearpid awk print if num eq thenecho pid user ipfidoneecho data ps aux grep priv sort k awk print echo check openssh loginecho for pid in data echo check pid numcat varlogsecur grep i sshd grep i accept password for grep sshdpid wc l usercat varlogsecur grep i sshd grep i accept password for grep sshdpid awk print ipcat varlogsecur grep i sshd grep i accept password for grep sshdpid awk print if num eq thenecho pid user ip fidon yg ini jgn di edit yaecho echo jualsshcom
incorrect cooki caus build to fail oracl ha again chang the download process chang line for me
replac sudo with su to drop privileg thi ha come up in mani issu we should use su rather than sudo to drop privileg in the runner
creat a wiki for secureish instal of multidog multidog is a far more pleasant experi than dogecoinqt so the wiki should advoc for that provid binari and mdsum and how to check those right now the instruct are in the readm but that not the ideal place for them sinc it kind of tangenti to the project
becom maxim when set openbox i have chang my openbox to maxim all normal applic in thi way truethi work for all applic includ which imo should not be the case it look realli i undo the maxim is look normal have a hunch that should be of type dialog or similar and not a normal applic thi would prevent thi minor annoyanceam i correct and if so would you mind to fix thi
urgent rawgithubcom certif error updat are fail partial for user when efaupd attempt to connect to rawgithubcom we need to add the ignor switch to wget instanc to workaround thi problem
show signatur polici uri rfc show these in vindex same as sk
in imag thi doesnt seem right to me docker run i t sshrsa honglii there a honglikey in the of the app user
make error incompat type when assign to type xlogrecptr from type int when we run make we run into an incompat type sudo makegcc o g pipe wall fexcept m mtunegener dlinuxoomadj wall wendiflabel fwrapv fpic i dgnusourc c o pgespressoo in function warn implicit declar of function warn implicit declar of function warn implicit declar of function in function warn implicit declar of function error incompat type when assign to type xlogrecptr from type in function warn implicit declar of function pgespressoo error
todo check and fix secur issu on everi packag
todo add eth on
todo add etcpki with openssl the openssl lack etcpki so ani secur connect need would failcopi etcpki from fedora seem to work need to investig more regular way to fix
databaseyml password is hardcod replac it with a regist variablese
ssh script not forc connect with privat public key ssh script not forc connect with privat public key
creat good initi ldap structur
remov rspamd becaus we switch to spamassassin remov all inform and packag from rspamd becaus it isnt requir anymor
process doe not resum command i wa tri to creat a new repo and the process ran firstand wa awesom btw but when it finish it did not creat my repo
add support for shiva honeypot
prod lemp setup a nonroot mysql user and give it appropri privileg when mysql is instal the user is not given access to the databas so it essenti assum that the user will be root
check that steamcmd login type is correct on instuct hijust wanna say for ld it seem you dont have to have a steam account anymor just tri with and it work nice
dn spoof servic quit on boot with return code and never restart most like caus by wlan interfac get turn off and then back on by hostapd
cve directori travers exploit unsanit filenam link
cve filenam buffer overflow exploit link
csf whitelist cloudflar and new relic ip cloudflar ip relic ip
motd isnt rebuilt for first login the first time i log on to the sandbox it alway display a motd that wa gener when the server wa first boot ie it say it will be reset in just under hoursnot sure whi thi is or what need to be done to fix it
are the password store in user hash im tri set thing up so a develop can login onli to site via ssh and i have the user password file in user but the text in that file doe not work directli when use as the password for that userar the password store in user hashesif so how do i get the password that should actual be type inim follow the instruct know i must be miss someth thank for your help in advancestev
json encod error vagrant box add box load metadata for box box url box ad box v for provid lxc box download encod xc on usascii
cannot use on fresh cento sudo find etc name releas print exec cat linux releas core linuxvers linux linux releas core linux releas coreerror in the output of curl l sudo sh s git develop info run the request url return error not founderror skip transfer error fail to run it turn the packag for version should be taken from beta folder
add secur to the ipython notebook server see but need some effort to autom use variabl for credenti
gbp packag instal requir hack to requir
googlecloud credenti accept but cluster deploy fail no shown in the ui docker log cloudbreak show except here what ive done so far got launch cb with creat googlecloud credenti ui show success creat templat with googlecloud hvx contain per vm also tri standard googlecloud select the googlecloud credenti from the top right corner initi cluster deploy noth seem to happen from the ui side no error no progress shown docker log cloudbreak show info accept event info problem with the googl cloud stack gener cannot be cast to info problem with the googl cloud stack gener cannot be cast to error unhandl except occur while set up null at at at at at thi mean there someth wrong with the googlecloud credenti setup
add cat code sshidrsapub sshkeygen y sshadd sshidrsa clear cat sshidrsapub
user password in the script it would be nice to document a way to store the userpassword somewher els than in the script itself
readm doe not contain inform for chang the default password
make the verbos of setupkohash configur someth like verbos then verboseflag quietfisudo aptget instal verboseflag kohacommon
root cant login via ssh miss run sed i ye
no such file or directori hi alli download phpmyadmin from it offici websit creat configincphp and composerjson with insid the problem happen onc i tri to push the codeani solut pleasethank you git push xxx master count object donedelta compress use up to object donewrit object mib mib donetot delta reus delta remot clone into clean up remot warn you appear to have clone an empti done build db remot head is now at cabdb ad composerjson requir by buildpack php classic app detect bundl nginx checksum match fetch from cach bundl php checksum match fetch from cach bundl extens apcu checksum match fetch from cach phpredi checksum match fetch from cach mongo checksum match fetch from cacheremot line no such file or line no such file or line no such file or line no such file or directori set up default lockfil requir pleas check it into dokku remot reject master master prerec hook fail to push some ref to
conflict file exist in filesystem clean instal of msi x on window use the exe instal all exist occurr of gnupg are disabl in the path after first run exit and restart msi use the default shortcut to msysshellbat perform pacman syu updat and instal go through with packag integr check pass the check for file conflict fail error fail to commit transact conflict file crypt exist in filesystem error occur no packag were the entir runorcmid pacman syu packag databas mingw kib ks mingwsig b bs mingw kib ks mingwsig b bs msi kib ks msyssig b bs start full system upgrad replac getopt with ynresolv for conflict bash bsdcpio bsdtar crypt curl file filesystem findutil flex gawk gcclib gdbm getopt remov gettext gmp gnupg groff heimdallib info less libarch libasprintf libassuan libcar libcrypt libcurl libffi libgdbm libgettextpo libgpgerror libgpgm libidn libintl liblzma libmetalink libnettl libopensslj libpipelin libreadlin libsqlit libssh libtasn libutillinux libxml m mintti mpfrp msysruntimea ncurs opensslj pacmandcef sed texinfo tzcodei utillinux which xztotal download size mibtot instal size mibnet upgrad size mib proceed with instal yn retriev packag msysruntim mib ks bashx kib ks gcclibsx kib ks libintl kib ks ncurs kib ks libreadlin kib ks kib ks libgettextpo kib ks libasprintf kib bs gettext kib ks liblzmax kib ks gmpx kib ks libnettlex kib ks libxmlx kib ks bsdcpiox kib ks bsdtarx kib ks libcryptx kib ks cryptx kib bs lessx kib ks infox kib ks libidnx kib ks libmetalink kib ks libopensslj kib ks openssljx kib ks findutil kib ks sedx kib ks libffix kib ks libtasnx kib ks libgdbmx kib ks gdbmx kib ks texinfox kib ks libsshx kib ks libcurlx kib ks libsqlitex kib ks heimdallib kib ks libcaresx kib ks curlx kib ks filex kib ks filesystem kib ks mx kib ks flexx kib ks mpfrpx kib ks gawkx kib ks libutillinux kib ks utillinux kib ks gnupgx kib ks groffx kib ks libarch kib ks libgpgerror kib ks libassuanx kib ks libgpgmex kib ks libpipelin kib ks minttyx kib ks kib bs whichx kib ks xzx kib ks pacmand mib ks tzcodeix kib ks check key in keyr check packag integr load packag file check for file conflict error fail to commit transact conflict filescrypt exist in occur no packag were
vagrant ssh requir password even though true is set user still ha to suppli password when use vagrant ssh
vagrantfil set vagrant box trusti is ambiguousse
mysql dockerfil is not secur the use of env to pass the is not a secur practic process from the host can easili retriev the password use ps or inspect the script leav a copi of the password in cleartext in i suppos you could argu that thi is harmless sinc direct access to the contain would allow anyon to list the password by inspect the environ ie docker exec ti somemysql envi wa wonder if anyon els had notic thi and what approach other may have taken to address these issueson thought that occur to me is to creat a dockerfil that inherit from mysql and replac with a version that emb the password dure the build process and remov thi embed password after the databas ha been be happi to tackl thi and even submit a propos fix or even a new imag but i want to see if my lack of experi with docker wa the issu and that there were better idea out therealso is there a more appropri forum for secur discuss relat to docker googl irc i wasnt sure
utc fatal could not access privat key file permiss deni get the follow error when use the imag docker run i t sbinmyinit bash run run start postgresql databas server the postgresql server fail to start pleas check the log output utc fatal could not access privat key file permiss deni fail fail with statu kill all process
insserv lockselfnam halloim use your tool insserv and have to report a bugi dont like to signup on github so that whi per mailrow insserv for your nice tool
securix creat function for hash and sign file check hash function should be abl to check everyth in file or just file taken from paramet add detect of use hash function or defin it check one or more file from paramet against securix code sign public key
allow the data download by configtool in complement to configtool should be abl to verifi that the file download are correct both checksum pgpgpg signatur for exampl
allow store password and other sensit data encrypt use we should be abl to store password and other sensit data be done after or in note might be use instead of the base encrypt to allow better control on who can access the password note thi is a featur often request from client
nginx not work due to direct is duplic when i run the command nginx i get thi error messagenginx emerg direct is duplic in i comment out the in nginx command start workingbut a day later it seem like i have the same problem again
pleas updat pgp signatur there is no tlp repo key in you pleas updat it both on server and web page
web ui put autofocu on login box in the file edit line and to look like thi
fail to build output from instal to instal run ebuild phase killold as rootroot start done complet ebuild phase killold run ebuild phase init saveenv as start builtininit done builtininit start done complet ebuild phase init saveenv run ebuild phase loadenv setup saveenv as rootroot start done start pkgsetup done pkgsetup start done complet ebuild phase loadenv setup saveenv run ebuild phase loadenv unpack saveenv as start done start srcunpack unpack to done srcunpack start done complet ebuild phase loadenv unpack saveenv run ebuild phase loadenv prepar saveenv as start jxf nosameown done start srcprepar appli ok done srcprepar start done complet ebuild phase loadenv prepar saveenv run ebuild phase loadenv configur saveenv as start done start qcaossl verifi qt build environ okcheck for qca yeserror in program cave perform instal hook withoth destin instal xofi of when instal when run an ebuild command on instal fail for for openssl noerror need openssl error in in srcconfigur at line no messag provid call stack srcconfigur ebuildmain main make ebuild pid exit with errordi trap exit with errorfail instal to for
forward secur connect are ignor dont even get test i wonder whi ciphertest didnt display ani cipher my instal version of gnutl tell me that it doe support them just run gnutlscli lcompar the output of with ciphertest githubcom wont show ani dh onli some ae and arcfour cipher
should logrot saltbot log
backup filter cmd with yamlencod next salt releas in we put cmd into the context but if it contain yaml special char thi might end in tearsid we could just to fix the problem but yamlencod is not in salt add thi next salt releas
mediatvkodi audioencod addon as of kodi audio encod becam avail as separ thu wed need ebuild for each of those as describ in the kodi wav lame vorbi flac
libressl ebuild should runpackag crehash new instal build on libressl are go to have thing fail all over the place wget and curl to name a few as thi ebuild doesnt properli run crehash to prep the cert directori nor doe libressl includ the scriptmi friend hit the problem a coupl night ago on hi rpi lot of to see it wa thi file thi for him
univers variabl do not fire event consid the follow script fish g onvari efkb set g efkbrepli efkbrepli with shellrm fishwelcom to fish the friendli interact shelltyp help for instruct on how to use echo echo as you see the valu of chang but function efkb wa not runi am on the latest master fish compil just with
samba add need to run smbpasswd and store that info somewher mayb a volum mount file or bake it in to the imag but that cannot be ad to sourc control becaus have to work out user id map too i have shorti ad as user current
request assign liaison current when process an enlist and assign a recruit to a liaison it list the whole unit roster in the drop down menu it would be timesav if it list onli the
bug report ad to convers not viewabl pfc moe ad me to a convers from my as shown here my expect wa click on the convers link that i would be taken to the i wa taken sure what i am realli look at
provid a valid xinitrc so the desktop environ will start after login
xss within there is a lowsever reflect xss within the chang password featur of mhn thi vuln could not be use to attack other user howev i havent look at the code yet just happen across thi dure rmccdc the other day but i would guess there are more xss bug throughout the app due to the eas of execut relat to thi one some screenshot are
unabl to requir openssl instal openssl while tri to gem instal xyz thi link to topic so i am close it here
gpg cant check signatur public key not found long stori short dobrand new instanc regist gpg signatur verif result fail xxxxxxxxxxxx chang true cmd for file in asc do gpg verifi file done delta end rc start warn stderr gpg signatur made wed feb am utc use rsa key id fcgpg cant check signatur public key not foundgpg signatur made wed feb am utc use rsa key id fcgpg cant check signatur public key not foundgpg signatur made wed feb am utc use rsa key id fcgpg cant check signatur public key not foundgpg signatur made wed feb am utc use rsa key id fcgpg cant check signatur public key not foundfat all host have alreadi fail abort
wrong crc hi am use cygwin on window xp for rune ziptool rev i tri to purifi datapk but wont work even if zipfilezip and zipfilezip are the same file with same crcthe output file allway have wrong crc eb instead of bbd dont know if that is an issu but anyway i cant use your tool and cantsolv my problem by myself thank youorigin issu report on by pthxon sep at
oclhashcat miss file pleas fix pkgbuild or add separ cudahashcat
add mainten mode and sanit db function other idea for function to add to thi packag set site in and out of mainten mode sanit databas use when copi prod databas down to dev or stage for exampl
simpl encrypt for logkey patch attach helloi didnt want logkey to store the log file in plain text in the case if someon tri obtain my harddriv hesh can just read off from the log file without even as root through my machin so i just ad a few line into main and into the arg that allow the file to be encrypt as befor they get written for now i just offset each ascii charact by of cours it is a veri weak encrypt but i didnt want to store the file in plain text of cours if someon view the sourc code hesh will figur out how to decrypt it but i wa think about solv that in futur have comment out the code test it and creat a patch for you hope to hear from issu report on by stevenon dec at attach
usb drive are not be mount with exec privileg usb drive are not be mount with exec privileg in my use case i am store all rom on an extern hdd and symlink it in place of the default rom folder the issu is that i cannot run bash script out of these folder scumm and port script for exampl the work around i have in place is to issu a sudo mount o remount mediausb could we have drive mount with exec privileg by default
add growl password add growl password in vmyml
git checkout on commithash fail postrec hook fail to checkout the suppli is not a git repositori
certif verif fail against openssl from homebrew a on the version of openssl certif verif of bootdock fail i dont know if thi due to a bug in openssl or the way of bootdock certif ha been gener here is some log openssl zc oct openssl sclient cafil cert key connect bootdock tl returndepth return a mar sclient cafil cert key connect bootdock o errornumself sign returndepth o to verifi the first return
improv system audit grsec shell input for exampl review auditd cnofig
build grsecur kernel
hash of ab given hash of a and b a comment in cityh say by the way for some hash function given string a and b the hash of ab is easili deriv from the hash of a and b thi properti doesnt hold for ani hash function in thi filebut i didnt find how it can be done it would be nice to have thi featur for exampl it can be use to hash a data stream that becom avail one block at a time but the block size are arbitrari and we need both the hash of each block and the hash of the whole stream invari of block issu report on by mkalon mar at
given the exact same input twiceth hash function produc the differ output given the exact same input twice the hash function should alway produc the same output i cannt understand whi cityhash and cityhash function produc the differ output when give the exact same input string issu report on by wwwmeon aug at
error doe not treat the first long from it argument as int i i arraylength i it should be issu report on by on apr at
non alphanumer charact do not get hash what step will reproduc the problem char foo hello world char bar hello world uint foo cityhashfoo uint bar cityhashbar print the result they are the samewhat is the expect output what do you see instead i expect a differ number i see two ident oneswhat version of the product are you use on what oper system linux debianubuntu bit amd use version pleas provid ani addit inform belowit may be that thi wa done on purpos but if not i want to bring it to your issu report on by tomthoron jun at
given the exact same input twiceth hash function produc the differ output given the exact same input twice the hash function should alway produc the same output i cannt understand whi cityhash and cityhash function produc the differ output when give the exact same input string issu report on by wwwmeon aug at
hash of ab given hash of a and b a comment in cityh say by the way for some hash function given string a and b the hash of ab is easili deriv from the hash of a and b thi properti doesnt hold for ani hash function in thi filebut i didnt find how it can be done it would be nice to have thi featur for exampl it can be use to hash a data stream that becom avail one block at a time but the block size are arbitrari and we need both the hash of each block and the hash of the whole stream invari of block issu report on by mkalon mar at
non alphanumer charact do not get hash what step will reproduc the problem char foo hello world char bar hello world uint foo cityhashfoo uint bar cityhashbar print the result they are the samewhat is the expect output what do you see instead i expect a differ number i see two ident oneswhat version of the product are you use on what oper system linux debianubuntu bit amd use version pleas provid ani addit inform belowit may be that thi wa done on purpos but if not i want to bring it to your issu report on by tomthoron jun at
error doe not treat the first long from it argument as int i i arraylength i it should be issu report on by on apr at
add testsuit for rahash x h usag rahash rbhlkv b sz a algo s str f from t to file x a algo comma separ list of algorithm default is sha x b bsize specifi the size of the block instead of full file b show perblock hash x c x e swap endian use littl endian x d d encodedecod base string s or file to stdout x f from start hash at given address x on a string x on a hexpair x on a file x on x i num repeat hash n iter s seed use given seed hexa or sstring use to prefix x k show hash use the openssh randomkey algorithm x q run in quiet mode onli show result x l list all avail algorithm see a x r output radar command x s string hash thi string instead of file x t to stop hash at given address x on a string x on a hexpair x on a file x on x x hexstr hash thi hexpair string instead of file x v show version also doubl check on some other tool or manual verif for those algorithm crc xor xorpair pariti hamdist pcprint mod xxhash
v should default to starttl to fals the default behaviour for should have ldap with starttl set the follow connect truecurr ha which fail to negoti
check and report crypt method for password check and report crypt method for issu report on by epaon nov at
remov a password
add framework
sip server need patron password what step will reproduc the problemmi sip server need patron password what is the expect output what do you see a problem with your account pleas see a circul clerkwhat version of the product are you use on what oper provid ani addit inform belowmi sip server need password of patron to authent for secur reason i tri to add thi line in it work correctli pleas make thi option in configphp identifi a patron sip of alist need password of patron test by tomzt mysippatron postbarcod psmi patron id have in patron id like thi i think from abov issu you need to redesign new keypad for support in patron id and support to enter patron you veri much for issu report on by tomztt on jun at
requir barcod and pin for our org is in the nasti habit of ad hoop for patron to jump through to use selfcheckout name we requir a pin to use chanc of see thi built into the latest version as of todayjust search through my to dump ms cost like hot tar on a new highway issu report on by bellinghon sep at
disallow root login greetsi could have sworn one of the featur of lea script wa disallow root login i recent gave thi script a tri and notic that root login are now allowedmayb disallow them would be a good ideathank
creat s credenti for opennew editor who am i give these credenti to emailgithub and what s bucket doe she need access to
firewal is too permiss it seem we are just block certain port and leav other open by default let think about do it the other way roundthi is a good candid
simpl encrypt for logkey patch attach helloi didnt want logkey to store the log file in plain text in the case if someon tri obtain my harddriv hesh can just read off from the log file without even as root through my machin so i just ad a few line into main and into the arg that allow the file to be encrypt as befor they get written for now i just offset each ascii charact by of cours it is a veri weak encrypt but i didnt want to store the file in plain text of cours if someon view the sourc code hesh will figur out how to decrypt it but i wa think about solv that in futur have comment out the code test it and creat a patch for you hope to hear from issu report on by stevenon dec at attach
promot use differ volum for ad ssl root certif and file from host two volum ssl and configeg and
auditctl not found sever of the test will fail if the auditctl command is not found shouldnt thi be someth that instal in the imag
login node creation cannot associ float ip version r chardwar amast control creat virtual login node for vca could not associ float ipstep tlntool init keyston tenantcr name a keyston usercr name a tenant a pass system tlntool setup a cp keystonerca which vim vi keystonerca sourc keystonerca tlntool creat vca loginamanu fix nova logina
pgu login fail get
add fake ssl cert for develop
getappcert in doe not get the certif chain what the in doe not get the certif chainth certif return by the return multipl signatur onli if the packag wa sign by multipl parti therefor there will onli be an array of signatur if two or more parti sign the packag with their own certif or certif chain if one parti sign the packag with a their certif or certif chain then onli one signatur is returneddu to thi the requir on page of the gp secur element access control spec gpdspe where process of chain certif in step a and cfor each entiti in the chain is not metwhat version of the product are you use on what oper system on android origin issu report on by eron mar at
buildaosp verifi checksum of
dialog ask for sudo password should be complet if ani error let me know pleas
enforc ssl trust option be default thi script thi accept ani ssl certif from the thi option will enabl enforc of trust certif origin issu report on by hydron dec at
support pfsens backup file encrypt add support for pfsens backup file issu report on by hydron jan at
openstack reboot virtual loginnod hostnam chang r fwhen we reboot the openstack node preced by nova stop logina howev mani virtual login node are runningthen log back in nova start logina sinforoot unabl to contact slurm control connect failureroot
problem instal phpbuild mcrypth not found im instal phpbuild on a clean ubuntu ubuntu x vm and follow instruct here phpbuild i develop localphp i get configur warn bison version support for regener of the zendphp parser found configur error mcrypth not found pleas reinstal libmcrypt run sudo aptget instal phpmcrypt sudo phpenmod mcrypt ha not helpedani suggest
ad insecur host fail with fish the follow code doesnt work with the fish shell due to unsupport variabl expans bootdock ssh echo sudo tee a sudo restarta fish is consider increas in adopt i would suggest updat the for support it
rsar possibl rfe ascii graph of stat thi would probabl requir a flag to switch to an altern mode where most of the tradit option are ignor would probabl onli be abl to graph consecut time span which might requir implement someth like sar e and s option might not be abl to use tradit sar option to decid what to graph instead might need to do a limit subset of specif item eg kbmemus kbswpuse idl etc perhap use gnuplot or someth els could come down the line
when multipl file pass to rsar theyr not pars in order rsawsa rsar r tav sar sar sar sar kbmemfre kbmemus memus kbbuffer kbcach kbswpfree kbswpuse swpuse sar kbmemfre kbmemus memus kbbuffer kbcach kbswpfree kbswpuse swpuse sar kbmemfre kbmemus memus kbbuffer kbcach kbswpfree kbswpuse swpuse
no add buton in firewal config in xwrt backfir there is no add rule button in the firewal config at least not for meafter a fresh instal on asu wlgp v issu report on by balihb on jun at
network firewal page is not the way it should be what step will reproduc the problemgo to the page as attach in after you press add on thi page it take you nowher result is inattach is from latest trunk from xwrtie revis what is the expect output what do you see insteadit should be firewal set option with input box where we canconfigur port ip op ip address port forward port trigger and allwhat version of the product are you use on what oper system and provid ani addit info issu report on by mar at attach
ignor firewal rule what step will reproduc the problem just set an accept rule for port and it will be ignor what is the expect output what do you see insteadi should be abl to connect to dropbear on port from wan is refusedwhat version of the product are you use on what oper system and and kamikaz svn latest xwrtpleas provid ani addit info belowi found that thi is break the ruleif you have option dest lan it will not work if i remov it it work thi workaround took me two daysand reflash my not work code config rule option proto tcp option src wan option dest lan option srcip option destip option destport option target acceptth work one config rule option proto tcp option src wan option dest lan option srcip option destip option destport option target issu report on by jun at
openvpn certif upload problem what step will reproduc the problem open an exist openvpn modifi some paramet eg port or protocol click save chang then appli changeswhat is the expect output i expect that the chang are appli and everyth is finewhat do you see insteadth webifopenvpn remov the alreadi upload file i tri with pem andp mode too so the connect will be lost after appli chang it can if i upload the necessari file with everi chang but i haveto forgot it one time and i lost the connect to the remot router imanag it remot via openvpnwhat version of the product are you usingpleas provid ani addit info issu report on by arpadkuon jul at
system backup restor doesnt backup what step will reproduc the problem follow creat a backup at system backup issu report on by stephendon mar at attach
webif deo not track loginlogout suggest track loginlogout with issu report on by theoreon jan at
firewal will not allow more than rule ad at onc what step will reproduc the problem enter more than rule in the firewal the third is not taken whensav chang is pressedwhat is the expect output what do you see to see the rd rule ad it never waswhat version of the product are you use on what oper system and webbrows r pleas provid ani addit info belowcatch me on issu report on by theoreon nov at
page refresh after init password set the webif doe not refresh back to infosh properli after set thepassword issu report on by kemenon oct at
filter not work in firewal log page the new firewal log page show a lot of trail space at the end of theprefix can these be trimmedalso the filter doesnt work anymor click on a prefix will result in aselect of the prfeix till the first space result in a rule accept will becom rule result no match list issu report on by janssenon oct at
firewal set not funktion with the new uci firewal low prioritywhat step will reproduc the problemnew instal of kamikaz and xwrt and ad one accept rule tri to add more than one rule in forward section and onli the firston will be save second will be ignoredwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadwebif should save chang i make ti the firewal and show them but it the page what version of the product are you use on what oper system and webbrows r on linux ubuntu firefox window xp and ie pleas provid ani addit info belowchang ha been made to the uci firewal in last svn releas of openwrtbut xwrt need to be updat in order to support issu report on by aug at
i get unauthor even by right usernam and password what step will reproduc the problem new instal of kamikaz r instal latest webif tri to connect to it what is the expect output what do you see in to webif is expect but it keep ask for password and if icancel it give version of the product are you use on what oper system and webbrows latest for now eu firefox ie on window andlinux give the same provid ani addit info issu report on by aug at
firewal log rule are wrong they log also the traffic that may be allow by the subsequ chang by lubek the pastebin ha expir the possibl ruleset is includ creat logbend chainsfor target in filter nat do iptabl t target n logbend iptabl t target a logbend j log loglevel bend iptabl t target a logbend j returndon i input m state state invalid j i input p tcp tcpflag syn syn tcpoption j i input j logbend i forward m state state invalid j a forward j logbend i output m state state invalid j i output j t nat i new j issu report on by kemenon jun at
firewallawk gener wrong forward rule that effect disabl multipl forward the firewallawk is broken and gener wrong forward filter rule whenth forward target is miss the port or with the multiport dportchain pkt byte target prot opt in out sourc destin volbi dnat tcp multiport dport tochain pkt byte target prot opt in out sourc destin volbi accept all the filter rule in the chain effect eat the traffic and disabl subsequ rule and break the chain policyse problem with miniupnpd origin issu report on by kemenon jun at
error checksum debian download to mismatch renam and tri version shasum
apt whitelist request for gnuplot not sure whether detail are requiredmi sphinx book ha png imag that are gener from gnu plot i would prefer not to cach the png file in the repositori for thi project so i hope you can support the gnuplot command
valueerror no json object could be decod hithank for the cool imag thi is just what i wa look forim have an issu where i run likedock run it e e e tokenmytoken e marathon app listand i getupd sourc sourc most recent call last file line in sysexitmain file line in main return main file line in main return arg file line in execut return file line in list client file line in createcli return file line in init version file line in getabout respons httpgeturl file line in get return requestget url kwarg file line in timer return fnarg kwarg file line in request rais file line in toexcept messag file line in json return kwarg file line in load return file line in decod obj end idxw end file line in rawdecod rais valueerrorno json object could be no json object could be decodedani idea what im do
apt whitelist request for
apt whitelist request for libmyguidev requir for openmw reli on sourc list as mygui
apt whitelist request for requir for openmw reli on sourc list as
apt whitelist request for libbulletdev requir for openmw reli on sourc list as libbullet
apt whitelist request for requir for
apt whitelist request for googlemock requir for
apt whitelist request for
apt whitelist request for libunwinddev
set up fail it would be nice to have env variabl for enabl to set storag engin etcfor guidelin i have been use is my mongorun mongo admin eval myuser pwd mypass build shell version connect to admint warn fail to connect to reason errno connect refusedt error couldnt connect to server connect attempt fail at connect result to build the imag and set up new user
investig error in alibuild while assign revis to a packag look like under certain one can get error likepackag alienruntim with hash fcededfa is alreadi found in not cmake with hash is alreadi found in not most recent call last file line in specrevis minsetrang max arg is an empti sequencese for
jenkin contain wont start hi i think there is an issu with the version the contain fail to startth log run from webroot sep pm logintern info begin extract from war file use onetim selfsign certif sep pm logintern info winston shutdown success sep pm logintern sever contain startup fail fail to start a listen at at at at method at at at at at caus by at at more caus by at at at morejust test thi two week ago the contain wa fine the onli chang is the version from to mayb it a regress error
ssh should not overwrit file by nico schotteliu in problem with overwrit on reboot is that everi manual chang is overwritten thi caus problem becaus user are usual not awar of what opennebula is do to their vmi suggest to chang it to append if the key is not present it can be a veri simpl script like if grep key then echo key fiif the packag are somewher avail in a version control repo i can also creat a pull request
apt whitelist request for docbookutil
fix webmak user not abl to complet login redirect on idwmo
apt whitelist request for guiledev
apt whitelist request for
add test case to emul shellcod with esil we need support for syscal and such but code should be test as long as it current workingher some bin and test we can rip
apt whitelist request for qtdefault
apt whitelist request for libqtgui
cannot set root password after databas wa initi start from the exampl templat with persist where a root password is not set tri set it trigger an error and deploy oc env dc mysql list mysql contain oc env dc mysql oc get podsnam readi statu restart run mmysqlqbst run oc log local mysqld server wait for mysql to start warn one can onli use the user switch if run as root note plugin feder is disabl innodb the innodb memori heap is disabl innodb mutex and rwlock use gcc atom builtin innodb compress tabl use zlib innodb use linux nativ aio innodb initi buffer pool size m innodb complet of buffer pool innodb highest support file format is barracuda innodb wait for the background thread to startwait for mysql to start innodb start log sequenc number warn user entri rootignor in mode warn user entri ignor in mode warn proxiespriv entri rootignor in mode note event schedul load event note readi for socket tmpmysqlsock port mysql commun server gplerror at line cant find ani match row in the user tabl
miss server ip in openvpn firewal rule one of the vpn server ip is miss in the openvpn firewal miss ip is from vpnc the miss ip enabl the router to creat a openvpn connect via the mesh network
apt whitelist request for libguiledev
apt whitelist request for
test dsag sf a fagag
steam login failur with correct credenti i have been tri to instal starbound with the script and it is fail the login even though i have made sure the correct credenti are setup in the script
your irc login info is in here i use your weechat dotfil it look pretti nice and accident log in as you back to my weechat config i go
what is the password pull docker imag and attempt to connect via vnc it request a password but password is unknown
document ssl certif thi should mostli just point at the main jetti on the subject but it would probabl be good to add some inform about how to set up the keystor for the docker
fetch fail hi here a littl problem fetch the sourc thi happend with all ebuild with the same error here onli an exampl fetch of exploitstgz sha sha whirlpool size ok resum download download resolv connect to connect http request sent await respons not found error not found resum download download resolv connect to connect http request sent await respons not found error not found resum download download resolv connect to connect http request sent await respons move perman locat follow connect to connect error cannot verifi certif issu by cngo daddi secur certif author unabl to local verifi the issuer author to connect to insecur use couldnt download exploitstgz abort download resolv connect to connect http request sent await respons not found error not found download resolv connect to connect http request sent await respons not found error not found download resolv connect to connect http request sent await respons move perman locat follow connect to connect error cannot verifi certif issu by cngo daddi secur certif author unabl to local verifi the issuer author to connect to insecur use couldnt download exploitstgz abort download resolv connect to connect http request sent await respons not found error not found download resolv connect to connect http request sent await respons not found error not found download resolv connect to connect http request sent await respons move perman locat follow connect to connect error cannot verifi certif issu by cngo daddi secur certif author unabl to local verifi the issuer author to connect to insecur use couldnt download exploitstgz abort download resolv connect to connect http request sent await respons not found error not found download resolv connect to connect http request sent await respons not found error not found download resolv connect to connect http request sent await respons move perman locat follow connect to connect error cannot verifi certif issu by cngo daddi secur certif author unabl to local verifi the issuer author to connect to insecur use couldnt download exploitstgz abort fetch fail for
apt whitelist request for
get prompt for docker password on vagrant up on vagrant up im see thi default the machin your rsync folder to is configur to use default vagrant cant script rsync to default enter thi password so youll like be prompt for a password default shortli default default if you dont want to have to do thi pleas enabl automat default key insert use default rsync folder enabl key insert in my vagrantfil but it didnt seem to do the trick ani idea
cant switch from chromeo to chroot and vice versa hellothi issu came about late dure the lifespan of my previou in my other issu and is appear everi time within everi new chroot i and fail to produc the proper result theyr suppos toswitch between the two activ environ detail of my system are integr extens instal and setup through target or without didnt helplinux wa abl to make a workaround to get from the chroot to chromeo but then i cant get back to the linux environ i did thi through bind a new shortcut with the list crouton shortcut to run the command croutoncycl forward and croutoncycl back respect thi appear to break though upon reentranc into the chroot for a bit though and it highli inconveni to begin withthank you in advanc for your
switch to secur download i notic some curl issu insecur http we should audit these see whether secur http version of the asset exist and switch them
instal the salt on enterpris suse linux sp after execut the command saltcal l debug saltload debug error load moduleifttt ifttt secret key unavail not load saltload debug error load moduleipmi no modul name pyghmiipmi saltload debug error load no victorop api key found saltload error fail to import modul tl thi is due most like to a syntax most recent call last file line in loadmodul fn fpath desc file line in import openssl file line in from openssl import rand crypto ssl file line in from opensslutil import file line in bind bind file line in init file line in librari file line in buildffi file line in verifi lib file line in loadlibrari file line in file line in compil buildtmpdir ext file line in build rais s eclassnam compileerror command gcc fail with exit statu saltload debug error load modulenacl libnacl import error perhap miss python libnacl packag debug lazyload pkginstal debug lazyload pkginstal saltload debug error load modulenpm npm execut modul could not be load becaus the npm binari could not be locat debug could not lazyload pkgexmodinit saltstat info run state git at time
encrypt dvd playback instal fail when attempt to instal the encrypt dvd playback libdvdcss i receiv a failurei there a log or someth i can look at andor provid
more salt command can we expos some of the util function that salt pillardata
mini hackathon integr cpaproxi
coland no passwordless access to virtual contain version coland amasterjan ssh
pars ap which ha multipl secur if ap ha multipl secur typepars goe wrongexampl below will be pars igno second secur typeexampl cell address ebd protocolbgn modemanag frequenc ghz channel qualiti signal level dbm nois level dbm encrypt key bit rate mb ie wpa version group cipher tkip pairwis cipher tkip suit x ie ieee iwpa version group cipher tkip pairwis cipher ccmp suit x
it seem pars open ap via iwlist which doesnt have password open ap doesnt have secur field ie therefor pars goe wrong
coreutil is relentlessli hostil to mingw coreutilssh is my worst build script by far it contain a huge number of terribl hack and salvag sort uniq and wc from the build flame wreckageit would be nice if fewer hack were necessari
apt whitelist request for raptorutil
apt whitelist request for redlandutil
apt whitelist request for gifsicl
apt whitelist request for libvpx
apt whitelist request for libassdev
webserv restart unicorn step interact requir cant seem to get past thi step on ec webserv restart unicorn step fail fail truemsg fail to stop interact to start interact replac with raw sudo systemctl restart which succe but asid from the fact that user would have to replac the app name manual seem to make unicorn inaccess to the rail app which is of cours not own by root caus sock fail connect refus error
fix nginx modsecur build to not use root fix nginx modsecur build to not use root els it wont work correctli on amazon linux
i have an applic in marathon that doesnt have ani port assign to it i have an applic specifi in marathon that shouldnt have ani port assign to it in fact i dont assign ani port to it period i omit the portmap and network direct in my applic still port inform still make it in to the haproxi the contain fail to work properli becaus it creat a that tri to make haproxi listen on interfac which is not validth impli that by set haproxyhttp to fals will skip support for haproxi in the applic but thi doe not appear to be the case
apt whitelist request for
app submit no json object could be decod infopython version default oct gcc oper system utfbranch mastercommit log torrentday error while search torrentday skip no json object could be decodedstaff notifi
cant upgrad ubuntu from precis to trusti when i tri to run sudo i get an errorcould not calcul the upgrad an unresolv problem occur while calcul the upgrad thi can be caus by upgrad to a prereleas version of ubuntu run the current prereleas version of ubuntu unoffici softwar packag not provid by ubuntui there some inform i can provid to help fix thi
is thi an issu warn contain at least one element in the deprec namespac thi occur in the idpinstal rc and later it is due to the fact that the shib v ha updat the techniqu to craft the attribut xmln ha been modifi per item mean that if you want to use the new style of attribut filter that you should do adopt the techniqu that the idp deploy in the file as oppos to the now deprec format
referr spam thi softwar is current caus referr spam by use the refer header rather than userag to identifi itself pleas correct thi to not caus referr spam in log
ssh default path on login hellotoday i instal ohmyzsh into serverbefor when i log into ssh it cd to varwwwhtml as i set that in after i instal ohmyzsh it not take that valu from can i fix itthank
apt whitelist request for ninjabuild
apt whitelist request for clangtidi
apt whitelist request for clangtidi
apt whitelist request for clangtidi
apt whitelist request for clangtidi
apt whitelist request for im surpris thi hasnt been ask alreadi so here is the request for it
checkvers we cant proceed with the updat unabl to check remot db version error hash wrong length hash none sr version branch master commit on win python checkvers we cant proceed with the updat unabl to check remot db version error hash wrong length hash nonei get the abov error each time i attempt to updat
dsapp script is not correctli detect new gm x version hia report in gm tp dsapp script is tri to stop datasync servic instead of gmsthe result is that the script is run a vacuum and reindex while the gm servic is up and run not goodstep to or upgrad to gm instal dsapp in my case version of the script is runningrun v iwhat neededscript should be updat as it now look for dsx a valu of and the version in state xa i quick workaround ive set dsx to but thi will be undon with the next dsapp willem
apt whitelist request for czmq
aptcyg fail gcc instal due to postinstal script not have execut privileg set what step will reproduc the problem on a cycgwin instal without gcc instal gcc what is the expect output what do you see insteadth postinstal script should run howev you will get access deni error when aptcyg attempt to run the postinstal scriptwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemmost recent svncygwin on window pleas provid ani addit inform belowthi is a simpl problem execut privileg are not set for the gcc postinstal script i ad a chmod line to set them for each post instal befor run it i assum the same problem could occur for remov script so i did it there as well all work great now ive attach a simpl patch to implement thi fixorigin issu report on by whacon jun at attach
apt whitelist request for libzephyrdev
pearphpnet certif issu prevent compil no recent nightli build on travi ci php nightli build have been fail the last day first via connect timeout to pearphpnet then now with certif issu with the same packag phparchiv not instal gener phar will requir php phar extens be enabl pearphpnet pearphpnet connect to pearphpnet pearphpnet no certif subject altern name match request host name pearphpnetto connect to pearphpnet insecur use some custom the basic command we run isphpbuild i develop version
make a with tcpdump is kind of heavyweight when all you want to do is extract the queri it also doe some pretti complex thing and doesnt toler edg case veri well i think i can just tcpdump a awk and might even get better issu report on by on oct at
summari incosist tmpaspersa checkrm for file in tmpaspersa tmpaspersa do if e file then echo for secur reason file must not exist exit fi if touch file then echo i cant make my temp file file exit fi done all done signal the end so it explicit rm f tmpaspersa section issu report on by ryanalon mar at
problem on gener certif ssl my problem is to gener the certif use the command dokku tilo not write to the dokku tilo rsa privat key bit long modulus is xwrite rsa keyyou are about to be ask to enter inform that will be your certif requestwhat you are about to enter is what is call a name or a dnthere are quit a few field but you can leav some blankfor some field there will be a default valueif you enter the field will be left blankcountri name letter code auuystat or provinc name full name name eg citi name eg compani internet widgit pti unit name eg section common name eg server fqdn or your name address soporteent the follow extra attributesto be sent with your certif requesta challeng password an option compani name key instal certif and keychmod cannot access no such file or directori
add option to allow sudo without password for the sshuser user by default to run ani sudo command the sshuser must enter the password thi might be undesir for some use case so would be nice to have the option chang thi when run the contain andor via need to updat the follow from the bootstrap scriptwheel allal alltowheel allal nopasswd all
apt whitelist request for z
other inject bean dont work correct me if im wrong but thi onli seem to work for the bootload classif from that class i creat a new bean that use then the right stuff is not injectedeg if in the method i add thisbean bean new bean ha the worker then i get a null workeram i miss somethingtim
bug in functionssh in line success success should be success success origin issu report on by rybakon jan at
typo in functionssh on line i read faillurei think it is issu report on by dec at
keep file in bin chang the login user hi i have two question i want to save a file in bin howev the file will be remov after vagrant halt vagrant up or vagrant reload are there ani way to keep file in bin what the easiest way to chang the login user
issu report on by simsion may at
stephen pptp killpptp cronchecksh sh tmpwget binsh touch issu report on by pahudon jul at
includ instead of self sign cert make thing easier and more secur
pleas save selfsign cert after vagrant destroy there are a few way i might approach thismount etcpkitl to the host chang the ssl cert locat what i think ill do etc
curl test fail dure step instal curl test to url httpslogin fail return the follow http respons could be relat to previous report port and default login account issueoop an error occuredthi except ha been log with id ppapj
feat suggest differ method to encrypt data by default we have the and cipher in bitsw can suggest a minim less powerful but also less secur
do not link openssl
fix warn messag for nonssl app when use as report by we current get warn messag on nonssl app when run dokku such file or to load open certif such file or to load open certif such file or to load open certif such file or to load open certif such file or a filter to onli list and attempt to get certif inform for sslsecur app to fix warn messag
add scsslint to list of gem to instal
use ansibl vault to deal with password and key so that theyr all properli encrypt
aptcyg fail gcc instal due to postinstal script not have execut privileg set what step will reproduc the problem on a cycgwin instal without gcc instal gcc what is the expect output what do you see insteadth postinstal script should run howev you will get access deni error when aptcyg attempt to run the postinstal scriptwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemmost recent svncygwin on window pleas provid ani addit inform belowthi is a simpl problem execut privileg are not set for the gcc postinstal script i ad a chmod line to set them for each post instal befor run it i assum the same problem could occur for remov script so i did it there as well all work great now ive attach a simpl patch to implement thi fixorigin issu report on by whacon jun at attach
chain of trust problem hi seem that openssl verifi is not as reliabl as just do a openssl sclient connect and then look out for the return code verifi oki have a problem with a self sign certif which is not mark as such in the chain of trust tri localhost if your run cup and eg for the host testsslsh the java keystor fail thu mark the whole site as not you have a better idea i would revert that part back to the old checkcheer dirk
apt whitelist request for dosbox
add cli for openapphack to switch between variou build the cli that will enabl switch between variou aka openapphack project suggest folder structur yamlbin appinitsh appusevmsh applistvmsh appmainsh appupsh apphaltsh appdestroysh appinstallsh apppushsh apppullsh apppushsh installsh vm thi is where the candid will get clonedvm thi is where the current work will get linkedvar vm list of vm entri config default templat
apt whitelist request for
config server encrypt by rsa decrypt for did you configur the keystor correctli
winetrick fail to check sha checksum on freebsd thi wvsfile sed s run thi command that delet the actual checksum openssl dgst sha sed s sed openssl dgst sha stdin sed part on freebsd should be sed s or mayb some option pass to openssl command should be chang to achiev desir actual checksum also mismatch caus the mismatch renam and tri lfreebsd jan origin issu report on by yurivon jan at
resum download not abort on checksum failur current ani abort download will restart the next time winetrick is run thi is becaus the logic onli check for a checksum so it either restart a fail download or skip a download due to a good checksum it cannot resum download the c option to wget in the script is therefor complet uselessa better and kiss approach is to simpli download file with a part extens on the disk if a part file exist checksum match doe not occur thi would be a trivial amend to the code for someon who know the script ill spend the time get acquaint and submit a patch if nobodi els bothersnot the closest thing that come close in the code is a check for whether the file is greater than mb in which case no checksum match occur howev even mb is a lot for me and im not even sure what happen if the mb is a partial download of a mb fileorigin issu report on by schivmeion nov at
instal of libressl fail hello againit look as though i am curs suit wa on snapshot after a clean instal wa work otherwis fine apart from today i updat the suit to latest snapshot to get rid of and to tri the newli implement librtmpssl relat secur wa download configur and after a rel lengthi first time make it wa compil but fail to be from minnti output is attach instruct wa inspect stand out from that is line translat from greekmkdir cannot creat directori local readonli file some fault of the code that add one extra in the directori path btw opensslex doe exist insid log also again wait for further still mani thank despit
crypt microsoft download what step will reproduc the problem instal crypt or manual tri download the file from is the expect output what do you see insteadth file is not found as the download fail the file will be byteswhat version of the product are you use on what oper funtoo xpleas provid ani addit inform belowi found thi file cach on my laptop so it not lost issu report on by jonasjeon aug at
utorr checksum invalid what step will reproduc the problem when instal utorrentthi script will download utorrentex no matter what version you assign in the abov line you can onli download the latest versionnow is from their websitethi caus the checksum invalid when they updat the utorr but the script havent updat yetwhat is the expect output what do you see instead to installid modifi the shasum in the script and it pass the checksum howev it tell me return error and i dont know to handl thatwhat version of the product are you use on what oper issu report on by mailon apr at
patch to add and hackish video card detect support well i tend to add my video card info by hand to most new prefix so i thought hey might as well add it to winetrick and wont hurt eitherso here it isp the line i use to creat my prefix is usual winetrick q sandbox aoenabl issu report on by oneofon on dec at attach
flash checksum error what step will reproduc the problem version use tri instal flash and shockwav get a shasum mismatch renam and tri againwhat is the expect output what do you see flash in the wine environ wont installwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systempleas provid ani addit inform belowther are multipl case here accord thi issu it all relat to adob who are updat there flash packag to fast i have a suggest after first start of wintrick a script should be start that check the most use app use in winehq and check the checksum befor if the checksum differ in the wine db pleas updat issu report on by uchatteon nov at
winetrick vcrun doesnt instal secur updat ms what step will reproduc the problem build a c applic with visual studio on a window system with latest secur updat instal run winetrick vcrun tri to start the applic built in step under winewhat is the expect output what do you see fail to load becaus no match msvcrt version foundwhat version of the product are you use on what oper includ with latest wine from git repo from winehq on linuxpleas provid ani addit inform belowse also issu report on by bartvanon oct at merg into
hash chang is issu report on by yyfengon sep at
hash also chang and some flash filenam chang chang to issu report on by yyfengon sep at
flash checksum mismatch what step will reproduc the problem winetrick flashwhat is the expect output what do you see success flash instal but to connect to request sent await respons oklength m to ks in s kb save shasum mismatch renam and tri againwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systempleas provid ani addit inform belowi realiz flash wa alreadi updat in winetrick after that in r but appli that patch doesnt fix it either it look like the file upstream wa updat again hour ago curl i okserv sun jun gmtetag contenttyp mon jun issu report on by ryandes jun at
winetrick save steam login and password in file what step will reproduc the problem instal a steam game with winetrick enter steam login and password when prompt by is the expect output what do you see insteada part of the instal process steam save the login and password intwo file are creat with default permiss typic but perm should be explicitli set to what version of the product are you use on what oper sidpleas provid ani addit inform belowtwo version of a patch attach the first just set the second also use tr for rot as a trivial barrier to the login passwd will not in ani way protect against a root user who deliber want to see the they can get that from steam data if theyr determin to issu report on by craigsaon apr at attach
patch ms secur advisori instal is broken with thi issu report on by vlon apr at attach
hardcod mysql credenti in postinst note thi issu also appli to and packag but i do not know where to find the sourc for them it may appli to other packag that i am not yet awar of ani that reli on access mysql use the rootuserit ha alway bug me that the mysql root password must be left blank on server thi mean that ani unprivileg user ha complet access to all data store in mysql the instal procedur take pain to set frontend to in order to circumv ani prompt to configur a password while mysql is instal and setup i cant help but feel there is a reason those prompt are there and it could be a valuabl defens in depth if a sensor were the debian mysql packag maintain have creat a mysql user just mysql use mainli for set or reset the mysql root password it credenti are found in the file at sinc sostat and sosetup must be run as root and sinc debinst run as root while instal im not awar of ani case where a nonroot user would need direct access to mysql root user i would love to see use the credenti in those script instead for exampl the mysql server postinst script use the command sed n s password p head n to pull the password out of that config file those credenti could be extract and use in the elsa elsaextra and sguilserv postinst script to creat the appropri user and db schema and also in sosetup sostat and sostatquick as well as ani other im not yet awar of rather than reli on the root user have a blank thi would allow or server or sensor to be instal on an ubuntu system that alreadi ha mysql instal with a root password set or a user could set mysql root password dure or after instal a recommend server harden practic and not break the script
apt whitelist request for daemontool it work fine for user
apt whitelist request for supervisor
apt whitelist request for golanggo
pleas dont forget dvf oper point regard you should keep in mind that in the dvf tabl current the defin maximum is set to mhz mv without touch thi i wouldnt unlock the cooler tabl to clock up to btw omfg they ship with the same insan as in the h bsp i bet it will take a week until the first moron adjust vddcpux to to be abl to repeat the unfortun h stori a blame to be a crap soc due to insan
openssl cve cve cve cve cve cve cve cve wait on
ssh need password here is the error infodock machin cephapp gitmast lsname activ driver state url swarm docker virtualbox run tcp v cephdemo virtualbox run tcp v default virtualbox run tcp cephapp gitmast f commonyml nodestep from ubuntu ebeastep maintain franck use cach debstep run aptget updat aptget instal y forcey supervisor dnsutil wget ceph cephmd wget q o sudo aptkey add echo deb lsbreleas sc main sudo tee aptget updat aptget instal y forcey aptget autoclean aptget autoremov rm rf use cach aadbstep run mkdir p etcbind use cach fcefacbfstep add etcbind use cach ddstep add sshdconf use cach astep add updatednssh root use cach efcadstep add root use cach ccstep add bootstrapsh use cach eaeestep add use cach fcbebbbastep run mkdir p varrunsshd sed i e yesg sed i e ssession requir option etcpamdsshd echo no echo rootpasswrd chpasswd useradd d homeceph m ceph echo cephpasswrd chpasswd echo ceph all root nopasswdal sudo tee mkdir p homecephssh mkdir p rootssh chmod chmod r gw etcbind chmod x chmod chmod x bootstrapsh use cach dfdstep add use cach ecccastep add idrsa rootsshidrsa use cach edebcstep add idrsapub use cach aestep add config use cach eeabbstep add idrsa use cach aafstep add idrsapub use cach fbfstep add config use cach edfbeestep add use cach aastep run chown r cephceph homeceph chmod rootsshidrsa use cach fabebbstep expos use cach efebcstep workdir root use cach abbstep entrypoint bootstrapsh use cach built dnsstep from ubuntu ebeastep maintain franck use cach debstep run aptget updat aptget instal y forcey supervisor bind dnsutil aptget autoclean aptget autoremov rm rf use cach cffcstep add intdockernet varlibbind use cach add etcbind use cach aeastep add namedconf etcbind use cach ddabdfstep add bindconf use cach debcstep add updatednssh root use cach cbeadstep add root use cach bdastep add bootstrapsh use cach ffdstep run chgrp r bind varlibbind etcbind chmod r gw varlibbind etcbind chmod x chmod chmod x bootstrapsh use cach fcstep workdir root use cach beceacdastep entrypoint bootstrapsh use cach built faffbuild mgmtstep from ubuntu ebeastep maintain franck use cach debstep run aptget updat aptget instal y forcey supervisor dnsutil wget ceph cephdeploy cephcommon wget q o sudo aptkey add echo deb lsbreleas sc main sudo tee aptget updat aptget instal y forcey aptget autoclean aptget autoremov rm rf use cach ffeafstep run mkdir p etcbind use cach abdaaestep add etcbind use cach cdebstep add sshdconf use cach fbddstep add updatednssh root use cach ccbeeefstep add root use cach cdastep add bootstrapsh use cach bfaddstep add use cach caastep run mkdir p varrunsshd sed i e yesg sed i e ssession requir option etcpamdsshd echo no echo rootpasswrd chpasswd useradd d homeceph m ceph echo cephpasswrd chpasswd echo ceph all root nopasswdal sudo tee mkdir p homecephssh mkdir p rootssh chmod chmod r gw etcbind chmod x chmod chmod x bootstrapsh use cach bbbdstep add use cach cceefcfstep add idrsa rootsshidrsa use cach abaecfstep add idrsapub use cach bbdffestep add config use cach fccfefestep add idrsa use cach ebccfastep add idrsapub use cach caestep add config use cach eccbffstep add use cach feffstep run chown r cephceph homeceph chmod rootssh chmod homecephssh chmod chmod rootsshidrsa run in ddde intermedi contain dddestep add cephconf bdremov intermedi contain eecacstep add bootcephsh cdcbremov intermedi contain eccdastep add initmonsh eaacremov intermedi contain bacstep add initosdsh intermedi contain ddbefdfestep add initmdssh intermedi contain adfcstep add intermedi contain ebestep run chown r cephceph homeceph chmod x homecephsh run in ba bbdbremov intermedi contain bastep expos run in ceebddcea fremov intermedi contain workdir root run in be intermedi contain bestep entrypoint bootstrapsh run in bffdfb intermedi contain built edfec cephapp gitmast up dcreat dnscreat osdcreat osdcreat mdccreat moncreat mgmt cephapp gitmast ssh p ceph the authent of host cant be key fingerprint is you sure you want to continu connect yesno ypleas type ye or no yesfail to add the host to the list of known host permiss deni pleas tri
renam secureconfig to pki as it realli a pki
apt whitelist request for
apt whitelist request for
gener certif
apt whitelist request for gccxml
nodej can not be run instal with on fresh machin lead tofail xxx fail truestderr e there are problem and y wa use without read packag depend treeread state follow extra packag will be instal rlwrapth follow new packag will be instal nodej rlwrap upgrad newli instal to remov and not upgradedne to get kb of thi oper mb of addit disk space will be usedwarn the follow packag cannot be nodej
ssh password login disabl by default on bbb current the default sshd setup on bbb contain the follow line which make remot login check the build script and it ha the follow lines i e ye guess it should be updat tose i e ye
error when call function of functionssh if function from functionssh that are probe etcd are call they work but throw error messag here is an exampl taken out of the jenkin key not found bash getconfig key not found are return fine but with error
letsencrypt i get an error on line from line look likecat it is pretti clear whi the directori doe not exist at alldo i need to mount these directori myself
homebrew support current audit problem audit x bottl modifi line should be put befor dependson line x stabl version is redund with version scan from url github repositori not notabl enough fork watcher and star github repositori too new day old x pleas remov default templat comment x pleas remov default templat comment x pleas remov default templat comment
agre to the xcodeio licens requir admin privileg pleas rerun as root via sudo what step will reproduc the problem i am an amateur i have instal and tri it success month ago i believ i updat the xcode to xcodebeta in the mean time recent when i go to termin and type git to get the follow to the xcodeio licens requir admin privileg pleas rerun as root via sudowhat is the expect output what do you see insteadand i dont know how to set sudo to admin or root account with right password i dont set the password for mac admin and the user name i set on mac is onli one and that mac user account doe not have user password tppwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemmaco x termin xcode beta if provid ani addit inform issu report on by marconion oct at
compil x onli what step will reproduc the problem instal current version on an i machin intel core solo intel core duo attempt to osxkeychain helperwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadfat cannot exec bad cpu type in version of the product are you use on what oper systempleas provid ani addit inform belowwhil the main git applic is compil for both i and x cpu the credenti helper is compil for x onlyorigin issu report on by nathanwon feb at
includ when instal with git ad http credenti cach includ an option modul that use the osx keychain itd be damn nice if the instal instal thi and set git to use it by issu report on by tekkub on apr at
univers binari instal what step will reproduc the problem whi is there a separ instal for ppc and intel whi isnt the univers binari use leopard is the same api either way what is the expect output what do you see instead version of the product are you use on what oper systempleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by andreboon dec at
git command still refer optlocallib path for what step will reproduc the problem tri to clone a remot repogit clone librari not load from imag not trapwhat is the expect output what do you see have gotten repo clonewhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemo x pleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by pon apr at
can not login ive made in which i specifi afpus and afppassword docker inspect report that variabl are success defin howev still cant log
agre to the xcodeio licens requir admin privileg pleas rerun as root via sudo what step will reproduc the problem i am an amateur i have instal and tri it success month ago i believ i updat the xcode to xcodebeta in the mean time recent when i go to termin and type git to get the follow to the xcodeio licens requir admin privileg pleas rerun as root via sudowhat is the expect output what do you see insteadand i dont know how to set sudo to admin or root account with right password i dont set the password for mac admin and the user name i set on mac is onli one and that mac user account doe not have user password tppwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemmaco x termin xcode beta if provid ani addit inform issu report on by marconion oct at
compil x onli what step will reproduc the problem instal current version on an i machin intel core solo intel core duo attempt to osxkeychain helperwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadfat cannot exec bad cpu type in version of the product are you use on what oper systempleas provid ani addit inform belowwhil the main git applic is compil for both i and x cpu the credenti helper is compil for x onlyorigin issu report on by nathanwon feb at
includ when instal with git ad http credenti cach includ an option modul that use the osx keychain itd be damn nice if the instal instal thi and set git to use it by issu report on by tekkub on apr at
agre to the xcodeio licens requir admin privileg pleas rerun as root via sudo what step will reproduc the problem i am an amateur i have instal and tri it success month ago i believ i updat the xcode to xcodebeta in the mean time recent when i go to termin and type git to get the follow to the xcodeio licens requir admin privileg pleas rerun as root via sudowhat is the expect output what do you see insteadand i dont know how to set sudo to admin or root account with right password i dont set the password for mac admin and the user name i set on mac is onli one and that mac user account doe not have user password tppwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemmaco x termin xcode beta if provid ani addit inform issu report on by marconion oct at
compil x onli what step will reproduc the problem instal current version on an i machin intel core solo intel core duo attempt to osxkeychain helperwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadfat cannot exec bad cpu type in version of the product are you use on what oper systempleas provid ani addit inform belowwhil the main git applic is compil for both i and x cpu the credenti helper is compil for x onlyorigin issu report on by nathanwon feb at
includ when instal with git ad http credenti cach includ an option modul that use the osx keychain itd be damn nice if the instal instal thi and set git to use it by issu report on by tekkub on apr at
univers binari instal what step will reproduc the problem whi is there a separ instal for ppc and intel whi isnt the univers binari use leopard is the same api either way what is the expect output what do you see instead version of the product are you use on what oper systempleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by andreboon dec at
git command still refer optlocallib path for what step will reproduc the problem tri to clone a remot repogit clone librari not load from imag not trapwhat is the expect output what do you see have gotten repo clonewhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemo x pleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by pon apr at
add openssl for my applic i want to run fold at home version in order to download the client i need openssl i think i see how thi kind of thing work from look at the muslbusybox script is that a good exampl of what would need to be done
libssldev miss from list of apach depend when snapcraft the owncloud snap in a clean environ apach fail dure the build step complain about some miss openssl headersth fix is to modifi the apach python plugin to includ libssldev libssl zlibgdev
cant login to my raspberri pi after instal helloim tri to get my raspberri pi model b run with but after instal i tri to login with rootraspbian login and i get access deni messagea for the instal ive format my gb sd card with sd card formatt and unzip content to it and after instal i cant login with rootmayb someon know what im do wrong
support env base databas credenti similar to wordpress backdrop is a cm firmli root in the s as a result you can set your databas cred in the environ instead of in a flat file docker tool make thi pretti easi and awesom and a good work exampl is over at is a first pass on what env might be worth adding default to the ip and port of the link mysql container default to root default to the valu of the environ variabl from the link mysql container default to wordpressi would total be down to add support for thi so in kalabox spin up that are not tie to pantheon the user doesnt get annoy enter their db credenti like thi is drupal or someth presum we could take the user defin env respons and merg them with default we set and then construct the json and inject it into server that would provid some limit to the user re use for other purpos anyway lmk
cant run client on mvn execexec doe not exist ive spent a few hour go backward for typo and make sure all the version are up to date and the same as with the one in the readmei mvn valid and mvn instal with success howev upon run mvn execexec in the directori it fail at the info build alexa voic servic sampl java client info info info defaultcli with the follow immedi in thread main doe not exist at at at at at at that it say doe not existand then the follow which from the error issu ive read seem fairli genericinfo info build failureinfo info total time sinfo finish at tinfo final memori mminfo error fail to execut goal defaultcli on project command execut fail process exit with an error exit valu help error error to see the full stack trace of the error rerun maven with the e switcherror rerun maven use the x switch to enabl full debug loggingerror error for more inform about the error and possibl solut pleas read the follow help my configjson file dsn companionapp localport i ask could thi be due to an incorrect passphraseor possibl anyth elsethank you
agre to the xcodeio licens requir admin privileg pleas rerun as root via sudo what step will reproduc the problem i am an amateur i have instal and tri it success month ago i believ i updat the xcode to xcodebeta in the mean time recent when i go to termin and type git to get the follow to the xcodeio licens requir admin privileg pleas rerun as root via sudowhat is the expect output what do you see insteadand i dont know how to set sudo to admin or root account with right password i dont set the password for mac admin and the user name i set on mac is onli one and that mac user account doe not have user password tppwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemmaco x termin xcode beta if provid ani addit inform issu report on by marconion oct at
compil x onli what step will reproduc the problem instal current version on an i machin intel core solo intel core duo attempt to osxkeychain helperwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadfat cannot exec bad cpu type in version of the product are you use on what oper systempleas provid ani addit inform belowwhil the main git applic is compil for both i and x cpu the credenti helper is compil for x onlyorigin issu report on by nathanwon feb at
includ when instal with git ad http credenti cach includ an option modul that use the osx keychain itd be damn nice if the instal instal thi and set git to use it by issu report on by tekkub on apr at
univers binari instal what step will reproduc the problem whi is there a separ instal for ppc and intel whi isnt the univers binari use leopard is the same api either way what is the expect output what do you see instead version of the product are you use on what oper systempleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by andreboon dec at
git command still refer optlocallib path for what step will reproduc the problem tri to clone a remot repogit clone librari not load from imag not trapwhat is the expect output what do you see have gotten repo clonewhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemo x pleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by pon apr at
get epel signatur key error work around is includ when i run vagrant up i got the follow error rundeck run provision shell rundeck run rundeck packag epelreleas is not instal rundeck warn rundeck header v rsasha signatur key id b nokey rundeck prepar rundeck rundeck epelreleas rundeck rundeck rundeck rundeck rundeck rundeck load plugin rundeck set up instal process rundeck determin fastest mirror rundeck base rundeck extra rundeck updat rundeck errno pycurl error the request url return error not found rundeck tri other mirror rundeck errno pycurl error the request url return error not found rundeck tri other mirror rundeck error failur from epel errno no more mirror to tryth ssh command respond with a nonzero exit statu that thi mean the command fail the output for thi be in the log abov pleas read the output to determin what went wrongi am abl to get around the problem by modifi the vagrant file to run yum instal epelreleas befor run ani bootstrap script follow is my vagrant do config rdip rundeck do rundeck ip rdip work around shell inlin yum instal epelreleas y shell path arg rdip shell path shell path arg httprdip shell path addprojectsh arg
add some more secur header i can do a pr for thi but not sure how you want to handl it there are some extra secur header we can set to harden nginx theyr describ would we want thi by default for http
rutorr plugin loginmgr plugin get instal perfectli howev after launch set in rutorr v it wont display the account window which is necessari to fill data for automat login
gclgl doesnt work with but work with password
git fork fail due to two factor is it possibl to add a flag that indic ssh or http should be use when git forkor is there ani way to handl fa person access token is not good enough
pkill behav like pgrep i am use the arm arch thi onli appli to the procp packag busybox pkill work as expect which pkill point to
add file for edit to enabl redirect ca login page the follow file add authnshibca addit ca option file
copi addit certif from certif for access ldap via ssltl to be copi from the asset area to the credenti area of the oper idp so they can be referenc from other config
apt whitelist request for we need thi in the trusti environ for the gpsbabel
replicar demo no lugar da amanda eu preciso de exemplo de utilizacao da gbr poi assim facilita meu considero isto aceitvel se for criado um projeto na gbr para abrigar os exemplo do su sobr criao de dado ssmico forem criada vria linha nest projeto uma para cada grupo de script de exemplo a cada script de exemplo correspond um ou mai fluxo que reproduzam as ae do script cada linha tiver definida pelo meno um diretrio preferenci e todo os arquivo de entrada e os produzido estiverem nest diretrio arquivo externo necessrio para a utilizao do script sejam copiado para o diretrio preferenci da linha atrav da execuo de fluxo especfico de setup se de ressaltar que os exemplo associado ao modelamento de dado ssmico esto na pasta issu report on by jorgeon mar at
no texhash ad cl file i tri to run sudo texhash in advanc of instal a cl file and the command is not found addit i have no idea where the texmf tree is kpsewhich give me which doe not exist so i dont know how i can instal new packag or class file tex live manag doe not work after instal either
unsupport paramet for modul rulesegress error when tri to open port in the ec secur group im get a unsupport paramet for modul rulesegress error from ansibl when the playbook is tri to open port in the ec secur group my ansibl version is here the full output t r e i s a n d which provid are you use amazon digitalocean googl linod rackspac what region should the server be locat in asia pacif tokyo asia pacif singapor asia pacif sydney eu ireland eu germani south america sao paulo us east northern virginia us west northern california us west oregonpleas choos the number of your region press enter for default region what should the server be name press enter for default streisand streisand the follow inform can be found in the iam manag is your aw access key what is your aw secret key streisand will now set up your server thi process usual take around ten minut press enter to begin setup play provis the ec server task setup ok task set the aw region fact ok task set the aw instanc name fact ok task set the aw access key fact ok task set the aw secret key fact ok task creat the ec secur group chang paus for fifteen second to ensur the ec secur group ha been creat paus for secondsctrlc then c continu earli ctrlc then a abortok task open the ssh port in the ec secur group fatal localhost fail chang fals fail true msg unsupport paramet for modul more host left to retri use limit recap ok chang unreach fail
central current the is perform in nomyxweb so not access to other is to central it on nomyxcor or a new compon nomyxauth
popup window ask for account appear upon choos a wifi network first of all thi is a great workflow thank for make popup window keep appear whenev i choos a wifi network it a hassl to keep on input account detail everi time you want to switch wifi network i just test the command networksetup en in terminali type my ssid and ssid password myselfand it didnt prompt me for my account detail it look like the secur devnul ga part of the code in apsh is the one caus the account detail popup window to appeari it possibl to modifi the workflow such that select a wifi network would not display the popup window and just proceed with the next step similar to how you can just click the wifi menu bar item and pick the ssid you want and not get prompt by the os for your account
will confound eof with unsign char length hi therein iofuncsinlh write a length byte but use it sign to determin the signed of the valu howev will error if it read in which could either mean an eof as per c ref or an unsign charbestsean
thi list keep whitelist a lot of site hi i probabl the green color in the adlbock plu filter windowbut it seem that for whatev crazi reason thi filter abonn a lot of thing includ etc again and againfor some other reason the abonn overrid my own rule but thati an adblock plu issu not thi particular listhav thi list doe the exact opposit of what i wantedch
apt whitelist request for
apt whitelist request for
doubl librari refer after auditwheel repair sorri if thi is obviou but i tri for fun to manual creat an anylinux wheel for hpi from a shell insid the provid x docker contain howev it seem the rpath fixup didnt go too well for libzaft the fix up wheel wa ldd linuxvdsoso xffed libhdfebeso xfeeb libhdfhleeso xfec libpthreadso xfea libcso liblibcso xfee librtso liblibrtso xfe libzadcbso not found libdlso liblibdlso xfe libmso liblibmso xfec libzadcbso xfefe xacffnotic the two refer to libzadcbso one of them found the other one not ani idea what could have gone wrong or how i can debug further the bundl of libhdf seem to have work fine
checksum mismatch for portabl pypi when tri to instal pypi use the latest pyenv git i get a checksum mismatch file is got to the portabl pypi the actual checksum is correct and the expect one is notim run thi on ubuntu
use direct docker command after upgrad shallalist blacklist do not work after upgrad the veri limit sampl set are activ these limit access just todebianorg wikipediaorg and which is not realli use a work well
ssh keep ask for password hello is there ani way to add password file to command line or someth like that when execut everi line of script ask for password
ssh keep ask for password hello is there ani way to add password file to command line or someth like that when execut everi line of script ask for password
method not found in client get thi error when start the client use mvn execexec im so close but i cant figur out what is happen here at all pleas at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
make sure databas with user and password given in environ variabl exist for easier integr with salt the imag should make sure it get to the state of userdatabas provid by the environ variabl so if the contain is rerun with new valu those should again be appli we do not have to delet old valu but make sure that databas with usernam and password exist otherwis it is necessari to manual delet the password if one chang password in salt file
field duplic in miketh field stopid is in the select statement twice three other field were not includ in the statement although i dont see where they would use in your code so their inclus would have no effect also delet the duplic field would affect i dont know if you would want a chang made so im not submit a pull request just an fyi
mac sniffer scan network get vendor id use arp ip neighbour
complet condaforg migrat for nb extens so all the extens can go in the distribut
apt whitelist request for dhpython
cannot use with thi docker imag hi in my project we need ftp client support so i ad the ftp extens run ftp thi add the basic ftp constant and some of the functionsth problem is that to use some ftp function eg the ftp extens need to be static build into can i still use thi imag or do i have to creat my own docker imag with enableftp activ
apt whitelist request for iprout iprout is a packag of script for report the ip of a machinei want it to test gonatpmp test use the ip and rout command
add cron job for run thi basic replac thi issu for creat cron job the purpos would be to trigger ci build of the feedstock script period perhap everi hour to begin with
apt whitelist request for libogredev request whitelist for ogr d a render librari object orient graphic render engin
python onetim python onetim
allow optout of enhanc web secur i keep run into error caus by variou modsecur rule thi may be indic of a differ issu but whatev the case the dreamhost panel allow you to opt out of enhanc web secur if you choos which would bypass the issu in the first placei think there an argument for just have it turn off by default if it not easi to introduc a user set in the vagrantfil somehow sinc gener develop environ are anyth goe no root password etc of cours i do see the valu in replic thi aspect of the server but i dont believ the current set of rule work for an accur of the dreamhost environ asid what im do when run into these error is tri to use the wordpress duplic plugin instal script to restor a wordpress archiv to the dreambox im sure ive done thi success in dreamhost with enhanc web secur turn on but when i tri in dreambox i hit a modsecur rule then i bypass thi rule in the vhost direct and hit a differ rule so eventu i just comment out the apach includ line entir and had no further now i just want to turn these off but later ill tri to identifi specif differ in rule trigger condit sinc i have a hunch that the weird of the vagrant environ is caus them to misfir
keychain doe not add gpg subkey for decrypt v like alreadi describ i got still problem by use subkey with gpgagent in keychain up to just got it to work by thi stupid git fbfdbbf for glmk in do check if thi key is known to the agent dont know anoth way if echo env i gpgttygpgtti pathpath gpg nooption useag notti sign localus glmk o devnul then gpg nooption useag notti sign localus glmk o devnul echo tmptest gpg useag quiet batch encrypt r glmk tmptest gpg useag quiet batch decrypt tmptestgpg then rm f tmptest rm f tmptestgpg alreadi know about thi key mesg known gpg key cyannglmkoff continu
letsencrypt script miss hi i have a veri strang problemmi certif were not renew and look into it i notic that follwo error messag line letsencrypt command not foundalso a search doe not find anyth relat to letsencrypt like it is not instal at all i setup the owncloud contain again but also thi one seem to contain now letsencrypt folder
auditredo help languag in submiss script format can be old and not consist to new inform may be old of date
fail to fetch not found ip when provis the
registri credenti we are use a privat registri and with your help we are now abl to access it but it requir credenti are normal put in and put them there work fine howev they are remov after e halt or reloadi there anyway to run a script on startup to put them there from a share directori or use cloudinit
build step fail with duplic key violat run concours binariesi just had a build fail and go into orang becaus of a postgr constraint violationth error happen in the get step follow a put of a custom pipelin error from the postgr log utc error duplic key valu violat uniqu constraint utc detail key buildid planid e alreadi exist utc statement insert into buildid planid resourcehash valu
apt whitelist request for
move firewal rule into etcfirewalld done when all the rule in are in welldefin individu file in etcfirewalld the firewal state is simpli an file that use runpart to execut file in etcfirewalld variou other state add file into etcfirewalld for exampl the collectd state should add some rule into a file in etcfirewalld that open up access to collectd from wwwtansenca
how can i find my mysql root password dockercacti run fine but i have problem with instal the pluginaft instal the tholdit told you are run mysql in strict mode which is not support by thold i want to login to mysql but i dont know mysql root password where can find it
fail to compil mplayer mencod here the
apt whitelist request for nekotool
no rule to make target ich bekomm diesen fehler wenn ich versuch da paket mit zu bauenmak vsich hab auch schon probiert da makefil und den file folder in einen weiteren unterordn zu legen aber selber fehler der selb fehler kommt auch wenn ich da makefil ganz lschewa mach ich falschod funktioniert da so nicht unter
disabl root login and creat a dedic ssh user instead
sha hash of the to ha chang urgent i get the follow error when run dokku letsencrypt myapp im on dokku look like it is relat to sha hash of the to ha letsencrypt product let encrypt product updat letsencrypt docker imagelatest pull from alreadi exist eaae alreadi exist cacdc alreadi exist digest imag is up to date for done enabl acm proxi for product get letsencrypt certif for product domain domain resendio domain wsresendio domain copyright c emil on http infomain gener new account key start new http connect start new http connect start new http connect start new http connect hash mismatch found tip v improv output verbos help is avail under help certif retriev fail disabl acm proxi for product done
to hash mismatch cannot creat ani new cert thi issu in simpl seem to caus all new cert gener to it ha been fix i suppos a new docker imag need to be built start new http connect hash mismatch found for all the great work
apt whitelist request for pythonpyicu thi is use by gramp
googl oauth invalid host domain error hiim get thi error messag invalid host domain when tri to log use my gmail account on it seem that gitlab doesnt like the restrict domain var empti i dont set that var the configyml file lok like thi name googleoauth label googl appid xxxx appsecret xxxx arg accesstyp offlin hd when i delet the hd arg it work just fine name googleoauth label googl appid xxxx appsecret xxxx arg accesstyp offlin thank in advanc for ani help you can provid
cumul number of packet lost in rtcp should be a sign byte number hi i wa get odd number at mo at the qo reportsaft dig a bit i found that our origin rtcp packet had extrem high valu million packet lost at some call rtcp error high packet the captur use wireshark at the ssrc content i found that the cumul number of packet lost wa and the valu wa fffffe rtcp lost mean that the captag that i am use need to proper decod the byte as a sign int and not as a unsign int like the same bug that wireshark had a bit of time ago at thi link a quick workaround i ad a quick valid at the rtcp report had to add a coupl of line to valid if the number exce the high limit as r block new line quick fix for packet loss neg unsign end of new line tmpmo blockdlsr tmpmosnow it show better and hope expect behavior rtcp error high packet loss believ thi would need a fix at the captag here or both place
repoforgeorg url fail rpmforg rpm fail to instal due to repoforgeorg is down
default password and version of dude client to be use i have start the docker imag on my synolog na and i have expos the two portsnow if i want to connect with the dude clinet version the messag do you want to updat to version vbeta and the client will not of admin is blank
add support for let encrypt with apach for now we are onli abl to use let encrypt to sign the server certif if the user use cozynginx we should add le support into cozyapach thi may requir updat
what is a secur devic firmwar updat servic rais by we need to defin what make a secur devic firmwar updat dfu gatt servic that will not blacklist by web thread is an ongo discuss whose goal is to list secur dfu requir doesnt compil until you gener a key pair and emb the public half servic uuid ha never been use befor to prevent a lesssecur to be use sdk is serv over a secur http connect hst would be great
how to configur git credenti for jenkinsfil multibranch hii would like to know if there is some easi way to configur global git credenti userpassword from the docker imag to be use with the jenkinsfil multibranch featurewith jenkin x i use an ugli netrc file with credenti on the contain and it alway work with jenkin x for legaci job but when im creat the follow jenkinsfil in my project i have a httpsxxxgit not authorizeddo you have ani idea to fix that catcherror stage checkout checkout scm sh git submodul updat init stage build and deploy sh make stepclass mailer true true recipi mep for now ive creat the credenti by hand
incorrect ntlm gener config happen when we do not provic info for dcaddr which is normal fatal except pars command line argument error the argument for option dcaddr should follow immedi after the equal ntlm program dcport dcaddr dcport
problem with kerbero on some system default version of krbconf file on some system ha no default realm select for exampl if you spin a digit ocean instanc with cento and instal krbserver krblib packag the file will look someth like thi log default kdc adminserv fals h d forward true rdn fals defaultrealm examplecom examplecom kdc adminserv domainrealm examplecom examplecom examplecom the comment out default realm thi caus the script to fail on the follow command kdbutil creat s p file doe not specifi default realm while get default realm
vs pidginotr sollt durch pidginotr ersetzt hab ich noch nie gehrt otr ist gut bekannt und einigermaen verbreitet
apt whitelist request for thi packag is requir for gate simul support in stir toolkit
prompt user to login again on save if user session time out if user session time out prompt user to login again and then proceed to execut the save
apt whitelist request for grubcommon thi packag is requir to get grubmkrescu which allow to creat iso file for oper system develop
fli sync requir login when use basic auth seem like you cannot fli sync without have done fli login first when concours is configur with basic auth that pretti bad when switch from a x concours to a x with basic auth you cannot do fli login becaus the path ha chang you cannot do fli sync becaus you are not log in step to reproduc have a concours x do fli sync to get the newest cli have a concours x with basic auth tri to fli sync with the x concours expect it workstm actual cannot fli sync becaus not log in cannot fli login becaus new fli cli ha differ url to login
ssl filter target domain block domain still be decrypt set ssl filter to target domain add target domain facebookcom for exampl in polici default clear the advanc bump tunnel checkbox block facebookcom in the same polici save and restartopen browser ie confirm by user and see the facebook is still bump and thu if browser doe not have the root ca instal it show a warn expect behaviour connect tunnel are block with and without ssl bumpvers mayb it is becaus we still put xforcebump on a block tunnel
add ansibl role to addmodifi secur group enhanc from ansibl is ad to addmodifi secur groupsus thi role we can add secur group as well with ansibl ha follow issu so we do not introduc immedi just wait for or fix x
apt whitelist request for
add support for custom rpc encrypt with tl thi earli mail list item address the question of how to secur consul for use over a secur on public address consul can be run secur over the wan if you enabl all the encrypt featur thi mean encrypt for gossip and the tl set with and see thi page address ad support for gossip encrypt thi ticket address tlsfrom the if is set agent verifi the authent of consul for outgo connect server node must present a certif sign by the certif author present on all agent set via the agent cafil option all server node must have an appropri key pair set use certfil and keyfil if is set the server verifi the authent of all incom connect all client must have a valid key pair set use certfil and keyfil server will also disallow ani nontl connect to forc client to use tl must also be setth option seem simpl enough but further work must be done to defin a workflow in which thi can be use and oper it possibl that thi can use let encrypt to gener key also see or that the key can be complet option and provid in the environ as describ in edit we cant coordin let encrypt without have consul work so ani key must be provid to the schedul for thi to work rather than gener at runtim
add support for encrypt lan and wan gossip describ enabl encrypt for gossip in the lan and over the wan gossip between node is done over udp and is secur use a symmetr keyth key is byte base encodedth includ consul keygen command can creat a suitabl key exampl but that key must be distribut to everi consul instanc for thi to work the key must be gener outsid the instanc and provid at the time the contain are scheduledif thi key is provid via an option environ var it could be inject in the config file at prestart use a mechan similar to how the advertis ip is bashif z then sed i sencrypt a practic matter altern to consul keygen will like be need to make it easi to inject the key into environ variabl for the applic see exampl in
apt whitelist request for libruli
move user email into encrypt vault
nextcloud libsslso undefin symbol evpideacbc symbol lookup error undefin symbol to libcrypto
and failban hiwhat the best way of live and failban togeth i wrote a littl initd script and run that after failban so that rule is on posit in input chain thi is fine at boot time but when modifi failban rule and failban failban push itself on posit in input chain i didnt find a the say failban to insert rule in input chain at posit after so i have to remov and insert again after each failban chang ani idea for a better
apt whitelist request for
if admin password is too short forcesig fail
add check for langenusutf in audit script for non us countri the instal process requir to check for the local be set to enusutf or els there are all kind of issu post instal like not be abl to login to mc or nonenglish log messag that may caus issu for tech be easi to add it i may send a pr later
add secur flag in cooki
disabl db auto hash
apt whitelist request for haveg in trusti
could not find the request servic firewal on maco sierra run virtualbox and vagrant with ansibl a fresh drupal vm provis is bail withtask ensur the firewal is enabl and will start on boot fatal drupalvm fail chang fals fail true msg could not find the request servic firewal run handler restart firewal play recap drupalvm ok chang unreach failedthi look like it could be relat to but im do a littl more for now the simplest fix is to stay on ansibl x eg pip instal ansibl instead of instal ansibl x someth chang with ansibl servic modul that must be caus thi issueon window the issu can be caus by nonunix line end on the firewal servic file see comment but on maclinux and on window in gener it look like ansibl s servic modul get snag but onli on ubuntu which lead me to believ someth is miss for systemd temporari fix switch back to ansibl x eg pip instal ansibl if you see thi error run vagrant reload provis to restart the vm and continu provis
is supersed by emerg cant pick up fetchmail from the libressl overlay becaus the ebuild from the offici gentoo tree ha a greater releas there is no differ from the two ebuild asid the libressl portion as shown by a simpl u licensegpl publicdomain slot amd arm hppa ia mip ppc ppc s sh sparc x xfbsd amdlinux xlinux ppcmaco xmaco sparcsolari xsolari nl kerbero hesiod tk sock nl kerbero hesiod tk sock netdnshesiod ssl libressl libressl kerbero virtualkrb libressl libressl ssl kerbero virtualkrb nl elibcglibc sock epatch epatch eautoreconf it ok if i submit a pr to just increas the releas number of to someth more use such as r or are there better solut to tackl the issu
add km encrypt for worker share secret to add anoth layer of secur worker share secret appear in user data
what the root password
cryptsetup should be in initrd thi will allow the luk header to be includ in the pcr as well as record the tpm store key into a luk key slotdownsid it requir an addit sever mb of librari can a simpler one be built
task set config password alway fail ive tri deploy the slapd role with no variabl at all and with everi custom but the task set config password fail everi timefail itemkey uolcrootdn valu exc traceback most recent call last file line in main file line in main modlist file line in modifi return file line in result resptyp respdata respmsgid file line in result resptyp respdata respmsgid respctrl file line in result file line in result ldapresult file line in ldapcal result info modifyadd oper requir valu desc protocol error fail true invoc modulearg binddn null bindpw dn name olcrootdn serveruri ldapi starttl fals state exact valu modulenam ldapattr item key olcrootdn valu msg info modifyadd oper requir valu desc protocol itemkey uolcrootpw valu exc traceback most recent call last file line in main file line in main modlist file line in modifi return file line in result resptyp respdata respmsgid file line in result resptyp respdata respmsgid respctrl file line in result file line in result ldapresult file line in ldapcal result info modifyadd oper requir valu desc protocol error fail true invoc modulearg binddn null bindpw dn name olcrootpw serveruri ldapi starttl fals state exact valu modulenam ldapattr item key olcrootpw valu msg info modifyadd oper requir valu desc protocol errori have no idea whi it think that the valu are empti
instal new mt use freebsd cant login imap creat new vm and instal mt thi time use freebsd but monitor jail vpopmail and jl jid ip address hostnam path dn jailsdn mysql jailsmysql dovecot jailsdovecot webmail jailswebmail haproxi jailshaproxi clamav jailsclamav avg jailsavg redi jailsredi rspamd jailsrspamd geoip jailsgeoip spamassassin haraka jailsharaka vpopmail is no one can loginnov dovecot dovecot imaplogin disconnect auth fail attempt in sec user methodcrammd ripxxxxxxxxx lip tl session what ha to be fix
attempt to mount zipkinmysql data dir to extern dir prevent contain from start hellous docker for zipkin storag imag port volum from error log that appear in host dir somedir mysqldsaf start mysqld daemon with databas from mysqldata note usrbinmysqld mysqld mariadb start as process warn set becaus file system for mysqldata is case insensit note innodb use mutex to ref count buffer pool page note innodb the innodb memori heap is disabl note innodb mutex and rwlock use gcc atom builtin note innodb gcc builtin is use for memori barrier note innodb compress tabl use zlib note innodb use linux nativ aio note innodb use sse crc instruct note innodb initi buffer pool size m note innodb complet of buffer pool note innodb the first specifi data file ibdata did not exist a new databas to be creat note innodb set file ibdata size to mb note innodb databas physic write the file full wait note innodb set log file iblogfil size to mb note innodb set log file iblogfil size to mb note innodb renam log file iblogfil to iblogfil warn innodb new log file creat lsn note innodb doublewrit buffer not found creat new note innodb doublewrit buffer creat note innodb rollback segment are activ warn innodb creat foreign key constraint system tabl note innodb foreign key constraint system tabl creat note innodb creat tablespac and datafil system tabl note innodb tablespac and datafil system tabl creat note innodb wait for purg to start note innodb percona xtradb start log sequenc number note innodb dump buffer pool not yet start note plugin feedback is disabl error could not open mysqlplugin tabl some plugin may be not load warn fail to load slave replic state from tabl tabl doesnt exist error cant open and lock privileg tabl tabl mysqlserv doesnt exist note server socket creat on ip error fatal error cant open and lock privileg tabl tabl mysqlus doesnt exist mysqldsaf mysqld from pid file endedat the same time there are no problem to appli mount for contain from nativ mysql imag in advanc for help
apt whitelist request for dhvirtualenv in trusti
apt whitelist request for devscript in trusti
get intern error follow by invalid request may be due to an updat of free apiher what i get sourc albiapp albiapp vdsl check gnu linux erreur intern pleas grantdeni access to the applic on the freebox lcdgrant access on lcd requt invalid app grant doe appear on freebox lcd but there noth appear on freebox app access manag tab even after have select ye
syncfold is to hacki cant use as vagrant sync dir current is a vagrant syncfold to utilitysrv it would be nice if one could link in hi own custom directori of formula like util salt master name util ip syncfold link in custom formula sourc destin make a persist dir in pillar in sourc pillar destin the saltstack formula then would have to know that it is not allow to write to such sync folder it not nice to write to a folder the user provid thi also ha two usecas the first with the local code dir cant be written to while the second pillar exampl ha to be written to so it persist through vagrant destroy util
fix up hotkey hack for retroarch upstream chang have broken our patch so it need rework
strang error upon initi vagrant up util util util util true util util use sshauthsock util error new util error new util error new util error new srvsaltntp util error new util error new util error new util error new util error new util error new util error new srvsalttinc util error new srvsaltapt util error new util error new util error new util error new srvsaltvim util error new srvsaltatop util error new util error new
fix initi saltstack instal bash hook script for util it fail when the srv dir wa previous popul util git clone util fatal destin path alreadi exist and is not an empti directoryth ssh command respond with a nonzero exit statu that thi mean the command fail the output for thi be in the log abov pleas read the output to determin whatwent wrong
improv letsencrypt integr for cicd autom use annot in rout to trigger letsencrypt handshak and instal of cert without the need to call the hook manuallyif a certain annot in a rout is avail an observ will then trigger the letsencrypt workflow
sometim openssl rand base gener password doe not conform to the oracl recommend standard runoraclesh script use openssl rand base command to gener a random password but some time it doesnt includ a number insid for exampl lhcsogtoatm warn gener is warn dbt the sy password enter doe not conform to the oracl recommend standard caus a oracl recommend that the password enter should be at least charact in length contain at least uppercas charact lower case charact and digit bthe password enter is a keyword that oracl doe not recommend to be use as password action specifi a strong password if requir refer oracl for guidelinesi not a big problem but can confus non experi user
spam rien corrig
docker login when we push the contain imag to docker hub we are not prompt for credenti we have to use docker login to be
doe not updat admin password when i start the freme broker from docker then it doe not configur the admin password therefor i cannot creat an admin auth token
instal libssldev instead of libssldev with apt on recent version of debian libssldev instal dev file for libssl crubi fail to build with that and need libssl consid instal libssldev instead
paramet to prevent save credenti in in credenti vault dear nextcloud communityw are a small nonforprofit organ due to our limit budget when colleagu work from home they use their privat laptop i know not perfect but that how it is we would like to not leav ani on the privat laptop when use the sync client we would sync to a usbstick and keep the directori there confdir paramet yet the sync client save the credenti in the window credenti vaultar there ani plan to disabl thi behaviour via a paramet or is there a hidden paramet ideal noth is save on the client comput servernam and usernam are in the confdir so user would onli need to type their passwordof cours i can delet the credenti with the cmdkey and use similar cmd for mac and linux i guess but it would be great to prevent it in the first place it seem i could compil the qtkeychain and use the but that onli windowstim
apt whitelist request for gccdefault in trusti i tri to open a request for gfortran at but appar the gfortran binari packag is built from the gccdefault sourc packag i am therefor also open a request for the name of the sourc packag
cli copi password to clipboard instead of print it in the consol i think it would be conveni if password use the cli app werent print to the consol but instead copi to the clipboardi found thi copypast packag which allow to copi a string to npm instal save saveexact copypast and modifi clijsjsus strictvar cpypst function login option login to clipboard processexit thi solut work for me in linux with xclip instal i have not test it anywher els
saucelab sauceconnect vpn in the contain fail due to certif error oper systemlinux amd smp debian debu x gnulinux imag version docker version docker version build bb version build dcadin the seleniumgrid contain the saucelab tunnel fail with the error error connect to peer certif cannot be with given ca certif repli emptyher are the log retriev in sc doctor u k dec sauc connect build cce dec use ca certif bundl dec use ca certif verifi path etcsslcert dec call the doctor info check if saucelabscom can be resolv info resolv saucelabscom use default system set info resolv to info resolv saucelabscom use dn server info resolv to info check saucelabscom in host file info resolv to warn your host file contain an entri for saucelabscom warn onli do thi if instruct by sauc lab support info check if can be resolv info resolv use default system set info resolv to info resolv use dn server info resolv to info check in host file info is not in host file info check if can be resolv info resolv use default system set info resolv to info resolv use dn server info resolv to info check in host file info is not in host file info check if can be resolv info resolv use default system set info resolv to info resolv use dn server info resolv to info check in host file info is not in host file info check if connect to sauc lab rest api via ssl work info certif in chain info sougtouse coudomain control valid info sha ca g info check ocsp entri info resolv gvsymcdcom use default system set info resolv to info resolv gvsymcdcom use dn server info resolv to info check gvsymcdcom in host file info gvsymcdcom is not in host file info url can be reach info check crl distribut point info resolv gvsymcbcom use default system set info resolv to info resolv gvsymcbcom use dn server info resolv to info check gvsymcbcom in host file info gvsymcbcom is not in host file info url can be reach info certif in chain info sha ca g info global ca info check ocsp entri info resolv gsymcdcom use default system set info resolv to info resolv gsymcdcom use dn server info resolv to info check gsymcdcom in host file info resolv to warn your host file contain an entri for gsymcdcom warn onli do thi if instruct by sauc lab support info url can be reach info check crl distribut point info resolv gsymcbcom use default system set info resolv to info resolv gsymcbcom use dn server info resolv to info check gsymcbcom in host file info gsymcbcom is not in host file info url can be reach info check if access work info resolv saucelabscom use default system set info resolv to info resolv saucelabscom use dn server info resolv to info check saucelabscom in host file info resolv to warn your host file contain an entri for saucelabscom warn onli do thi if instruct by sauc lab support error connect to peer certif cannot be with given ca certif repli empti error cant reach pleas check your firewal and proxi set info check if access work info resolv googlecom use default system set info resolv to info resolv googlecom use dn server info resolv to info check googlecom in host file info googlecom is not in host file info url can be reach info check if access work info resolv googlecom use default system set info resolv to info resolv googlecom use dn server info resolv to info check googlecom in host file info googlecom is not in host file info url can be reachedif i remov the saucelab line in etchost then saucelab connect work fine is thi line in etchost mandatori
apt whitelist request for libsshdev in trusti
error on login of epam user with accept invit sent to work email i sent an invitaion from rp to some epam user to hi corpor emailth user tri to login the both epam and login show the same and see the follow error error pagethi applic ha no explicit map for error so you are see thi as a fallbackthu dec gmt there wa an unexpect error typeintern server error type user with your domain email alreadi exist you cannot creat duplic
password confirm when user enter the password we need to verifi the password given by the user
possibilit dinterrompr une convers command imbriqu sui entrain de finalis un plugin pour lenvoi de sm avec free mobilejai un lger souci le command imbriqu afin de choisir le destinatair au traver une fonction dan le fichier configsh voici ce que ca donn envoi un sm jbjarvi ok quel est le messag you noubli pa dachet du painjarvi le messag est noubli pa dachet du pain ok jenvoi you ouijarvi cest parti et l il excut une fonctionca fonctionn tr bien mai sil il y une erreur de nom il me dit seulement la fin loljarvi dsol messag non envoy pa de nom pierr trouv dan le fichier configshc qui est normal car si ds la premir question si on lanc une fonction et que lon souhait arrter la command imbriqu on ne peut pa donc je lai mi la finjaurai aim traiter la problmatiqu ds le dpart apr plusieur essai je voi que ce nest pa possibl enfin mon niveau de petit bricoleur du dimanch lolquelquun aurait une solut il faut peut tre modifi le programm jarvi pour cett option de command imbriqu dan le configsh l un break pourrait larrtermerci jb resultvoici mon
implement forgot password for cli is it possibl to build a forgot password into the cli when run heroku login thank you
bootstrap on arch linux is broken due to packag renam from saltzmq to salt descript of on arch linux is broken due to packag renam from saltzmq to salt after step to reproduc issuerun bootstrap script on ani recent archlinux version after version and systemsth packag renam happen on t cet with the new salt version the onli salt packag now is name salt which is same as previou saltzmq of salt packag in offici
apt whitelist request for opencv in precis opencv is onli avail and is the current version the github rep is with the current releas be our test which reli on the current version of the librari keep fail with the old version
cannot login on f same problem relat to happen with fedora spotifi liblibsslso no version inform avail requir by no version inform avail requir by liblibcurlso no version inform avail requir by liblibsslso no version inform avail requir by no version inform avail requir by liblibcurlso no version inform avail requir by could not load liblibsslso no version inform avail requir by no version inform avail requir by liblibcurlso no version inform avail requir by could not load not implement reach in static bool widevin registr is not support after context fault imagem do ncleo gravadai there a workaround
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
error servic workspac fail to build unauthor requir helloi have pull laradock and i pull it as submodul of my current git projectwhen i run thi command up d nginx mysqli get thi from pull from download mb mbecbeeccf download completeeafd download completebdeb download download completeceea download completebb download completecdab download download download mb mbdefdfaaf servic workspac fail to build unauthor ahm thi error appear onli with and workspacei have tri mani mani time to execut it again but the same erroralso i have tri to login to docker via thi command docker login but also the same error after log in successfulyi need your help and thank in elshahat
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
run of thi wa creat via the api at the start of build
github repo is instal from wip branch should be lock to sha the easyrsaipsec project is instal for everi algo instal base on the head commit on the branch sinc thi is a wip develop branch algo instal will alway be use a move target which is danger from a secur perspect and which may pull in wip break most recent commit on that branch would replac the branch specifi with the current sha at the tip of that branch futur upgrad would then need to be intent by advanc the sha of the desir commit you might also consid fork that repo and fetch updat from upstream as need to avoid possibl branch fromvers tovers is document
nonport shell code in type run in a busybox environ it look like i will be hit few of theseus thi ticket to group them and then submit a pull request later oneg use mktemp tmpdir should be mktemp p instead
includ new openssl defin specif need to review the patch that differ patch have for libressl support qtnetwork for instanc could use a simpler patchnodej will now also pass more test
creat redwood dev ssl key without passphras or specifi passphras to nginx revers proxi contain but that unnecessari thi should be a small chang to the nginx will tri and fail to serv http docker log nginxent pem pass phrase emerg fail ssl errordpem get password errorapem password read errorbssl libent pem pass phrase emerg fail ssl errordpem get password errorapem password read errorbssl libent pem pass phrase emerg fail ssl errordpem get password errorapem password read errorbssl lib
openssl build fail becaus of cross compil path error while build sysroot i ran into openssl i i iinclud fpic dopensslp dzlibshar dzlib dreentrant ddsodlfcn dhavedlfcnh dtermio o wall c o cryptlibo no such file or directoryi will tri to look at the formula
slow start download file without viru hi again well i instal squidclamav cicap and clamav and it work all fine but the download is too slow the download of a file there is a way to acceler thi also when the file it a viru the messag thi is a viru bla bla go fast i mean the slow download it for all the other file that dosent have a viru thi is squidconf icapen on on on on icapservic servicereq bypass servicereq allow all icapservic serviceresp bypass serviceresp allow all cicapconf pidfil startserv maxserv port serveradmin tmp maxmemobject debuglevel modulesdir servicesdir acl localhost src acl type reqmod respmod icapaccess allow localhost icapaccess deni all serverlog accesslog servic squidclamav pidfil vartmp varlibclamav localsocket tcpsocket tcpaddr user clamscan maxsiz redirect clamdport trustcach timeout logredir dnslookup safebrows abortcont videoxflv abortcont videomp white list some site somebodi can give me a hand with thi thank to allpdther is some way to exclud some user or ip of the antiviru
need to add login to bash to work with rbenv hi i wa tri maifram but i wa unabl to run fastlan on the remot machin mainframersh fastlan help mainfram vsync local remot machinesync done took command on remot helpbash line fastlan command not fail took secondssync remot local machinesync done took took secondsaft read a lot triy to use bashprofil or profil to setup rbenv correctli i discov that if i chang the line of releas to use bash login it work as expect mainframersh fastlan help mainfram vsync local remot machinesync done took command on remot help fastlan cli for fastlan the easiest way to autom beta deploy and releas for your io and android appsth bashrc of the user i use to connecto to the remot machin end with export rbenv init as i can see from the recip to configur the remot machin there is noth special to setup but my env is differ if i use or not login the remot system is a ubuntu ltspleas let me know if you need more info or some test from my side
a way to turn off csrfguard jasper cannot run behind a revers proxi becaus the csrfguard wont allow it i have look for solut to fix it but the onli thing i came up with wa disabl it entir to do that you need to be abl to edit to set to falsese
nextcloud login ttfb veri high sec after a few hour via ssl nginx helloi am veri sorri to post such an issu as i fear it is a problem with my setup but i am tri to fix thi sinc month now and i am left out of ideasi have the follow problem ttfb after one day is at sec it slowli rais from ms after a docker servic restart restart or the contain wont fix it onli a docker servic restart ttfb wont get higher or lower it just take sec to login no matter what even if the server is under some load if i access nextcloud via the expos contain port without nginx proxi ttfb resid at about ms the ttfb is onli high when i tri to login everyth els is sec other applic like rocketchat kanboard openldap discours work flawlessli with ssl enabl nginx revers proxi and openldapmi setup ubuntu lt docker version build cb user login via openldap test with nginx nginx and docker test with docker and docker nextcloud test with acpu cach and redi cach use system cron let encrypt ssl gb ram quad amd ghzwhat i tri so far move everyth to an ssd volum varlibdock exchangend acpu with redi tri nextcloud and with it get even wors becaus of remov asset pipelin i guess tri variou nginx version tri to enabl http but i cant get it to work with nginx revers proxi switch from to thi imag tri to disabl ssl but which make it faster but still result in ttfb sec check iotop all good and normal check htop all good and normalthank for ani help
is md checksum allow in buildsh
local problem no bit encrypt configur in hi therei am use the latest version of testsslsh howev i am get error on it use openssl c jun librari openssl k jan cipher on built reproduc build date unspecifi platform cygwinx test now rdn servic detect http test protocol via socket except tl and spdynpn sslv not offer ok sslv not offer ok tl offer tl offer tl offer ok spdynpn not offer test standard cipher list null cipher not offer ok anonym null cipher not offer ok anonym dh cipher not offer ok bit encrypt local problem no bit encrypt configur in bit encrypt local problem no bit encrypt configur in export cipher gener local problem no export cipher gener configur in low bit local problem no low bit configur in de cipher local problem no de cipher configur in
test and document assign task role
verifi build hash if defin mattermost now includ hash of their binari so the instal should verifi the integr of the downloadth sha can be option provid via an environ variabl
add member to download environ variabl a nice featur to have for deploye would be to have a way of perform copilot member eg use git credenti such that it download privat env file from either github or the copilot server to the local develop environ
potenti isyfit i see you face in thing
encrypt altern name i gather from thi that symlink would be creat upon yadm decryptif there are ani file manag by yadm repositori or list in which match thi name convent symbol link will be creat for the most appropri versionbut append linuxhost to my ssh key and ad them to the yadmencrypt file doe noth upon decrypt what exactli doe the abov quot mean wrt to encrypt and symlink
mysqlbackup access deni error when password contain and alldatabas is use when use the mysql to s backup imag if you pass in the alldatabas option and have a complex password that contain special charact those appear to be present issu with escap when the show databas command is runa password that contain a in it caus the command to be termin befor it can issu the show databas part the tool back up the output and send it to s but the output is realli just a seri of error messag and not the ill be abl to make a pull request to resolv thi at some point but if i dont i figur id get the issu in place at least in case someon els is wonder whi they are get access deni error when they shouldnt be
error packag wifipumpkin when execut show thi error most recent call last file line in from coremain import initi file line in from import file line in from import threadpopen file line in from import file line in from import file line in from import no modul name updat and all depend satisf
revis all dedup script to use uid instead of hash
mysql root user cant login into phpmyadmin nor into mysql contain nor connect via php i did provid solut toother is two problem login into mysql and login into there is a startup sql script for mysql softwar that each time mysql start up would be execut each time by mysql itself you can find it in mysqstartup in laradock folder with the help of thi file you can put some sql code to updat root password thi link form mysql site should help reset and build and up your phpmyadmin need user host to be but user host wa chang to localhost it seemsexec into mysql contain and tri these line i did set my password to rootmysql uroot prootus mysqlupd user set host where the resultselect from user g
ssh add empti author key file prepar with all permiss and such
fail to ssh with debian as password i pull a copi of the imag it run and accept ssh login attemp but said password is incorrect when i use debian thi is for the baseimag docker
password fail for user airflow as i alreadi have redi and postgr contain in my server so i rewrot the as belowvers servic webserv imag restart alway networkmod bridg redi environ loadexn volum port command webserv flower imag restart alway networkmod bridg redi environ port command flower schedul imag restart alway dependson webserv volum environ loadexn command schedul n worker imag restart alway dependson schedul volum environ command workerand i got issu on run initdb db the redi get connect well pleas help
doesnt build exec make leav directori exec fatal error linuxsysctlh no such file or directori exec includ exec exec compil termin exec make makefil error exec make makefil allrecurs error
restart servic after some chang like certif updat
dell xp my comput is dell xp recent in hackmac but i wa use a samsung pro couldnt find the hard drive for instal in the instal interfac do you know how to solv i dont have a mac into less than mac system is there a way to use samsungpro with clover guid
get error pleas run buildlibsslh first hello i had download thi git but i am have error pleas run buildlibsslh first so is there ani problem in it or i am miss someth pleas help me
vault auditen on window docker give error i instal the vault docker on windowswhen i rundock exec vault auditen file give the follow errorerror enabl audit backend error make api requesturl put error miss client tokeneven when i run the vault audit enabl insid the docker bash it still give me the same error doe it mean all the cli command get translat to a web request to api in vault docker ani help will be appreci
add wifipassword
expect hash publish somewher reproduc build are great but most use if you can compar against other peopl resultsi there anywher where the expect result are publish and signedi have obtain shasum xromfrom head
question for account password of default user confluenc and root st tri run it fail in sub script in result i think it need permiss su nd tri su fail the error pop up must be suid to work properli when tri to chang account and similar job i think thi is from busybox tri tri to someth more but need root permissionid like to know password of default user confluenc and root
add orbitdb as trustlay start process bitcoin block whole block from bitcor node from cybernod to
unabl to obtain new archlinux imag v from thi is a follow up of thank for so quickli releas a fix imag howev there seem to be a problem obtain it from vagrant box updat default check for updat to default latest instal version default version constraint default provid virtualbox default updat with provid virtualbox from version default to default load metadata for box default ad box v for provid virtualbox default download error occur while download the remot file the errormessag if ani is reproduc below pleas fix thi error and tryagainth request url return error not foundsam thing if i delet it manual and readd instead of updat vagrant box add box load metadata for box box url box ad box v for provid virtualbox box download error occur while download the remot file the errormessag if ani is reproduc below pleas fix thi error and tryagainth request url return error not foundi there someth im miss or did it not get publish correctli
other hack ask ben
rebas on top of condaforg master now that opencv is offici releas on the condaforg channel we should rebas our on top of it should be simpl as upstream chang have been squash to a coupl of commit and they mostli relat to window
sealtotpsh doesnt requir owner password im not sure if the owner password is requir on regener a totp token it might onli be necessari for the first time to creat the nvram space so that die could be a warn
maximum file size exceed packag appear to not match signatur sudo pacmankey init sudo rm r sudo pacmankey init sudo pacman syy sudo pacmankey popul archlinux antergosi ran these command first befor run thi sudo pacman syyu slimjet packag databas antergo kib ks core kib ms extra kib ms commun mib ms multilib kib ms start full system compton local beta is newer than commun for conflict slimjettot download size mibtot instal size mib proceed with instal yn y retriev fail retriev file from maximum file size fail retriev file from maximum file size fail retriev file from mirrorhostag maximum file size fail retriev file from oper too slow less than bytessec transfer the last secondserror fail retriev file from maximum file size fail retriev file from maximum file size fail retriev file from maximum file size fail retriev file from mirrorsniccz maximum file size fail retriev file from maximum file size fail retriev file from maximum file size fail retriev file from maximum file size fail retriev file from maximum file size fail retriev file from maximum file size fail retriev file from maximum file size fail retriev file from ftpccuocgr maximum file size fail retriev file from maximum file size fail retriev file from ftpnluugnl maximum file size fail retriev file from ftpnluugnl maximum file size fail retriev file from maximum file size fail retriev file from maximum file size fail retriev file from maximum file size fail retriev file from maximum file size fail retriev file from mirrorumdedu maximum file size fail retriev file from maximum file size fail retriev file from maximum file size fail retriev file from maximum file size fail retriev file from maximum file size fail to retriev some fileserror fail to commit transact download librari errorerror occur no packag were upgrad
vsphere have opsman gener self sign cert doe not work if you leav ssl cert blank in the param file it attempt to use a nonexist paramet to gener self sign certsthi fail as it not defin in the paramet
instal of v on a freshli instal debian jessi x server no password set in rais thi issu i confirm the follow pleas check box eg x failur to fill the templat will close your issu x the issu i am report can be replic x i have read and understood the contributor x the issu i am report isnt a duplic see close and open familiar are you with the codebas i know php but im sure my issu isnt relat the the php relat side of the projectaft v fresh instal on debian remot server i could access to admin interfac without password ive been use pihol for month with my local setup so im not a newbi here about usag of the use debian jessi as my remot vp onli wa alreadi instal but it shouldnt affect thi instal fail becaus my vp didnt have dialog app instal so i instal itaft that i rerun the instal onelin then i got rtnetlink answer file exist issu dure setup but thi wa an issu i also got on my orang pi zero which also run armbian debian distro so ive assum it a bug in debian and rerun the instal thi time it work it possibl it not remot relat but im mention anywaysal step of the setup went smoothli after thi the dialog screen provid me with the auto gener passwordbug issu expect should ask password for critic section after fresh issu actual is run without admin password even though dialog provid me with one interfac wa open to public i had to pihol a p to set a new passwordi have anoth pihol run on my local network on orang pi zero if that would matter mayb cooki somehow mess upbug issu step to reproduc instal pihol v to a freshli vp im use on hostu if that would matter debian jessi after it panel password is not setopt debug token gener by pihol dwell everyth is run nice for now after set a password so i guess it not need wont be usablethank in advanc and thank again for develop such a great softwar
elimin nsswrapper from our imag the nsswrapper tool and are be use becaus openshift assign a random id to the contain user sinc the random id is not known befor hand we use thi as a hack to get around file permiss a hack but less so is how the cloud enabl team handl thi situat a coupl of script are use to ensur that the contain user is a member of the root group and that the etcpasswd file is group writablecc at build echmod at run time dure configur sed jbosssid u etcpasswd tmppasswd cat tmppasswd etcpasswd rm tmppasswd chmod etcpasswd
web admin queri log whitelist and blacklist not work in rais thi issu i confirm the follow pleas check box eg x failur to fill the templat will close your issu x i have read and understood the contributor x the issu i am report can be replic x the issu im report isnt a duplic see close and open familiar are you with the request question otherpleas submit your featur request so it is votabl by the commun it also easier for us to trackbug issu expect behaviourth queri log page should display the most recent queri handl by pihol the whitelist and blacklist form should allow the addit of new domain or wildcard domainsbug issu actual behaviourth querylog tabl is empti no error or messag are display test on chrome edg and firefox seem to be a problem with the admin php or js code i can tail the log use pihol t and watch the queri been process in real timeth same thing happen with the blacklist and whitelist interfac i can add both via pihol b or pihol w and they work as expect but the admin interfac is empti in both casesim run pihol version web interfac on ubuntu lt hyperv vm with gb of ramthi virtual machin is dedic to piholebug issu step to reproduc fresh instal of pihol on ubuntu lt hyperv vm access querylog whitelist or blacklist pageopt debug token gener by pihol templat wa creat base on the work of
modsecur disabl id
creat if doesnt exist thi issu wa suggest by after help me troubleshoot an issu with ssh key that onli recent surfac on a longrun instanc of dokku if ha been remov thi seem to break or impair the sshkeysadd command result in no public key found when tri to execut the commandth suggest wa to creat the file if not present and make sure it ha appropri chown dokkudokku chmod
in test branch miss messag on the consol ha anyon els seen thi issueth green done messag for the perform a switchroot to the layer filesystem messageand the make the filesystem usabl are both miss from the consol displayth result look ok but the statu on the end of the perform a switchroot to the layer filesystem line actual belong to the miss make the filesystem usabl lineon my system move the mount of devtmpf up to the begin of main fix the problem
disabl or reduc move too quickli and move wrongli spam would it be possibl to add an option to disabl these messag or reduc them no matter what number i set either of those option to i get insan spam in the consol from it ive had log file grow into nearli a gigabyt becaus of how much it spammedam i miss someth how is everyon deal with thi
script to exportimport ethereum credenti
unauthor access it look like that the script doesnt work statu wasnt return anyth so i manual grab the authtoken from and made myself the callcurl s h host prodimmedcat iasemicom h tokenauth myauthcod compress clue
contain hard code valu the script in contain hard code valu
when echo mpc current ani song with an ampersand break statu bar tri to program a workaround for thi wouldnt mind look at a pull request in case im overlook someth silli
getpkinfo plamo getpkinfo plamo
add a let encrypt role manual instal a command with all option alreadi set and no need for manual input
extract cn from certif to renam key use the certif where possibl to includ the actual commonnam of the subject to renam the key file
whi arent tree hash in multipl commit consid for common ancestor ive notic that if i push my subrepo to a branch and then merg that branch in to master use a pull request with no chang necessari to the tree then my next pull of the subrepo doe not recogn the push commit as a common ancestor and i have to reresolv some earlier merg conflictsi think that thi is becaus in thi happensbash if targetvalu then if listal then say multipl on targetvalu fi elseand the multimatch tree is not consid for newpar and oldparentam i read thi correctli if so whi is thisshould i focu on just push to a singl branch in the
write univers code universalmd gitloc
selfsign ssl cert error ad to the selfsign cert
gmail let encrypt problem when i open via browser the ssl is ok when i use ssl for pop via mozilla thunderbird is okwhen i tri to add pop via gmail is not ok i got the follow errorun to establish secur ssl connect to exmaplecom help server return error ssl error unabl to verifi the first i tri to valid via i got an errorssl not
librari with autoupd without restart im go to go with a small c librari that facilit unpack record into a binari format in prepar for use a simpl perthread alloc in share memori the librari is respons for start and monitor an extern process implement in go that consum that share memori and implement all of the actual logic for the collectorgo network librari and support is second to none and it ha a realli rich ecosystem of librari includ for cloud servic plu the languag is safer veri product and especi attract for opensourc projectsth updat logic will be implement in go it will download the new binari and then shut itself down the librari will then detect thi and start it again which will run the new binari if a problem is detect it will shut it down and replac it with the old binari again and log that to the server
ad archiv checksum to releas abstractto provid a verifi method of confirm the download textpattern archiv match the offici releas archiv by way of a shasum checksum to check feasibl with textpattern develop team and if accept implement prior to status had a stab at put thi into effect with md checksum for each of the zip and targz archiv but as thi wa implement after the releas of it hasnt been battl test in a releas cycl oh and md ha been proven to be insecur which is shasum with bit algorithm in place of md and creat either of a twolin digest of checksum for both zip and targz eg a text file with the checksum for each archiv eg and text file should be made avail as part of the releas on github and transfer to the textpattern a verifi way for user to confirm no funni busi happen addit virustot use a sha hash for file and if a singl checksum talli up between the offici releas the download file and the a clean report on virustot then that an inexpens saniti check for the archiv contents run through the virustot scanner clean bill of health as youd expect and there a visibl refer to the file checksum which can be shot at is includ by default on mani most recent unix gnulinux and maco as the text is a shell script it like to be run on either unix gnulinux or maco commit is a first attempt at ad shasum for the archiv test and feedback is warmli minor chang to the releas workflow is need checksum text file should be distribut alongsid the archiv file some for check the archiv onc download would be use for and advic is thi viabl it a nobrain to me but im not involv in the releas process if so is sha an accept algorithm to use again nobrain to me but etc do you want a digest or individu filesthat all for now thank for read
gener of episodejson insecur wrong thi code respons for the gener of episodejson could be safer refactor in a separ file in python
forget to copi vimrc in instal
devot and trust overflow into rep might need some nerf i had a moder attract and welltrain slave with maximum obedi and trust that wa produc about reput a week from public servic and quadrupl that from the overflow
web fail to load author key compos up not work get some error on the web use docker for mac version cemac first run git clone cd export export export getifaddr en upfirst time web doesnt start with thi errorfail to migrat databas dial tcp getsockopt connect refusedc and do a up again thi time the databas is readi in time but you get thi fail to load author key open no such file or directorycan anybodi els
add support to store notari trust in order for content trust to work with the certif it need to be copi also to dockertl
apt whitelist request for prodig in precis prodig is a standard bacteri gene predict program
ldap account pleas creat ldap account for all the intern who have join till now
usbinjectal delet
enabl thirdparti cooki set by collector out thi line to tie cooki to the collector full domaindomain
check that the exist domain are assign to the server on output between assign and unassign domain dn a record add the statu of the check to the system statu output
add to settingsphp without ad to the instal new modul will catch a authorizephp error and the instal will faili ad thi to array and then instal modul work fineeven better would be to set the hostnam as an env variabl in such as then a script can add that as a in settingsphp i dont realli have experi with that but sure doe sound good
spisak pravila za firewal glavnom servera
log gener za firewal glavnom servera
recalcul checksum for xz compress archiv file name
pythonldap not instal on start the docker contain see also i creat the issu becaus i thought the problem wa upstreambi default galaxi will instal depend that are option on startup if the is set in galaxyini then galaxi will check if ldap is requir and will download and instal pythonldap thi doe not work in there are two hurdl pip instal doe not work in the galaxyvenv thi can be solv by ad a pipconf file in galaxyvenv with the follow will do a pull request on thi one as soon as i have time autom instal is not trigger i will look for a solut
is there ani way to creat an anonym wildcard loginaccess helloid like to enabl with ani inform mean either if the user usag vpn or guest or admin as it would and connect themi tri use ani and blank also in the file as instruct in but it doe not workcould you pleas advisethank
cant delet first charact on tti login i think it directli relat to voidmkliv step to reproduc the bug boot void linux and wait for the tti login prompt type some charact hit backspac i cant delet the first charact the problem disappear on second login attempt after that
how could i disabl prefetch inject i want to keep preload tag and dont want to prefetch async chunk but i can onli find the option to disabl preload how could i achiev that thank you veri much
demo vch instal creat command textbox is show password wa use the demo vch instal gui on port my password is mask in the login screen and the form howev is display in the creat command textbox password should mask use
apt whitelist request for biber in trusti
check for signatur algorithm of intermedi certif
tweak git git config global store
is it possibl to echo the jupyt notebook token to make it easier to login to jupyt notebook
support for agent secur token verif bamboo support secur token verif where the agent pass a static token to the server for it would be nice for the agent script to support these secur tokensth format for launch with a secur token is java jar t
easyrsa realli is a bash script and not a shell script helloeasyrsa use bashspecif featur name and therefor fail to execut cleanli on host where bash isnt the default shell eg debianubuntu openbsd freebsd not foundif depend on bash is the intent then the shebang should be chang to usrbinenv bash
can you make a hack for the mijia p camera not the hi nicletcan you make a hack for the mijia p camera it would be nice
le servic cryptpad ne dmarr pa sur raspberri pi bad gateway bonjourjai un problm avec cryptpad le servic ne dmarr pa sur un raspberri pi avec gb de ram et mo il y avait le problm que la page de cration dun pad tournait san sarrter javai quand mme acc la page daccueil
do not prompt for vsphere credenti on everi visit to get start page accept criteria x creat timestamp file upon success registr x get start page check for presenc of timestamp file befor show login screen x abil to manual bring up login screen from the get start page if need
improv secur prereq readm when the secur prereq wa merg into the deploy all readm stuff wa not merg thi includ some critic inform like miss packag requir for the script to work tie back to the issu that submit at
add checksum to dockerfil to verifi integr from on march the k dockerfil current contain line like thiswget tar zxvf mv linuxamdhelm usrbin rm rf linuxamd should follow the best practic implement in goglid and and verifi the checksum of the from origin issu samsungcnctk
alway ask for when instal i have creat the file authjson in and give the appropri public key and privat key but when run thi command run rm setup setup requir usernam password i tri to insert my credenti to login in magento like insert the appropri publickey privatekey manual it is workingit should not ask for thi right becaus i alreadi save those credenti in my ani idea
which live distribut to trust hello mr suhanovi know github is not for such question but i wa not abl to find ani other channel to contact you im a student and look for a live distribut to take forens imag of the intern hard drive of my comput sinc you are a research in the field i want to ask you im well awar of your work in the field ie linux write blocker and have read your articl name linux forens pitfal of mount file system im also awar of the issu mention in the follow articl forens live cd would like to make sure the intern hard drive will never be modifi in ani case dure the process the hard drive includ ntf and ext partit consid all the issu in those articl ie mount of intern media dure boot automount of remov media recoveri of dirti file system orphan inod delet swap space activ raid lvm activ root file system spoof due to casper incorrect mount polici with rebuildfstab and script etcamong known live which one do you think is complet forens sound in your articl you suggest grml howev that version is veri old today and now there is anoth distribut call and is not free im look for a free solut also kali claim that it doe not modifi the intern hard drive have you ever test thi version of the distribut with dirti file system although ill take the imag with dd command without mount the file system on the intern drive i expect the candid live distribut to includ your kernel patch i may need to util read onli accessi also wonder if it creat a differ in forens sound if i boot the live distribut from usb pen drive rather than cddvd driveim look forward for your helpregard
cut down redund unauthor activ warn on mac termin postjamf our mac now have a promin warn about author usei understand that theyr both necessari from a complianc standpoint and i think actual a bit use in readjust staff expect in a manag environ at least in the near termbut theyr present both dure bootlogin and on everi termin open which seem excess and uxobnoxi for folk who open up dozen of termin throughout the daycould we cut these messag from the bash welcom messag and leav them on the bootlogin process
disabl password expir the is current set to which result in system and custom user be lock out after day doesnt seem to be enough if is set to the workaround is to execut the follow queri at the begin of the init script befor ani other user are creat it would be nice to have thi address on the imag level thank youalter profil default limit user system identifi by oracl account unlock
sslh multiplex ssltl on port is the onli transport that can consist get through firewal eg hotel wifi consid run all publicfac servic through multiplex nginx sslhttp tinc sshor perhap keep ssh separ on nonstandard port so ansibl can still get in if sslh breaksmay impact
add abil to refresh caddi ssl certif from the control plane
not compil on mac os x dear alli see that there is a receipt for like to instal it on mac os x but the compil failsth build log is attachedani idea of what wrongthank in advancebest
after updat to d i have to i just got autoupd to d from ddb and after the updat i get a messag invalid credenti provid and im ask to reenter my credenti thi never happen befor so im a bit suspici wa thi on purpos or is it just coincid
the db instanc and ec secur group are in differ vpc tri to creat the stack from the latest templat but it fail atth db instanc and ec secur group are in differ vpc the db instanc is in vpcxxxxxxxx and the ec secur group is in vpcxxxxxxxxi havent chang much of the default input paramet except use my exist nondefault vpc with privat and public subnet i chose both privat subnet when creat resourc sinc we run as a privat cloud instead of have a publicfac servicei have attach a file with the full log
how to creat a login window helloveri interest softwar thank for share itid like to be abl to have a login window befor fall directli to the desktop in other word id like to put thi docker in a server and let multipl user connect to the dockerani hint thank
anniversari updat atok
acmesh work with stage but without it come jw ha invalid antireplay nonc we use acmesh a lot but now i have a strang behaviour and dont find the issu for domain sazmiat i run the script with stage and it work alway home issu d sazmiat w wwwzmiatsa debug forc stagingfri sep cest let find script dirfri sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest use config sep cest sep cest use config sep cest use stage sep cest sep cest sep cest use sep cest init api for server sep cest getfri sep cest sep cest timeoutfri sep cest curlcurl l silent dumphead traceascii fri sep cest retfri sep cest respons keychang meta newauthz newcert newreg revokecert xpmnwoevxbm sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest wwwzmiatsa doe not contain nofri sep cest sep cest check for sep cest sep cest wwwzmiatsa doe not contain apachefri sep cest sep cest is not chang skip regist accountfri sep cest read key lengthfri sep cest createcsrfri sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest singl sep cest sep cest idntempfri sep cest sep cest get domain auth token for each domainfri sep cest get webroot for sep cest sep cest sep cest get newauthz for sep cest init api for server sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest tri newauthz for the timefri sep cest sep cest idntempfri sep cest sep cest newauthz identifi type dn valu sazmiatfri sep cest rsa keyfri sep cest get nonc sep cest getfri sep cest sep cest timeoutfri sep cest curlcurl l silent dumphead traceascii fri sep cest retfri sep cest headershttp connect okserv fri sep maxag nocach nocached fri sep keepalivefri sep cest sep cest sep cest postfri sep cest sep cest bodyhead alg rs jwk e aqab kti rsa n protect payload signatur sep cest curlcurl l silent dumphead traceascii fri sep cest retfri sep cest origin identifi type dn valu sazmiat statu valid expir tz challeng type dn statu pend uri token type http statu valid uri token url hostnam sazmiat port addressus type tlssni statu pend uri token combin fri sep cest connect fri sep maxag nocach nocachehttp link fri sep maxag nocach nocached fri sep keepalivefri sep cest sep cest codefri sep cest the newauthz request is okfri sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest sazmiat is alreadi verifi skipfri sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest sazmiat is alreadi verifi skip httpfri sep cest ok let start to verifyfri sep cest sazmiat is alreadi verifi skip httpfri sep cest pidfri sep cest no need to restor nginx skipfri sep cest sep cest skip dnsfri sep cest verifi finish start to signfri sep cest ifri sep cest jfri sep cest sep cest newcert csr sep cest use cach jwk for file sep cest use sep cest sep cest postfri sep cest sep cest bodyhead alg rs jwk e aqab kti rsa n protect payload signatur sep cest curlcurl l silent dumphead traceascii fri sep cest retfri sep cest sep cest connect fri sep maxag nocach nocachehttp link fri sep maxag nocach nocached fri sep keepalivefri sep cest sep cest codefri sep cest sep cest cert successbegin sep cest your cert is in sep cest your cert key is in sep cest sep cest sep cest getfri sep cest sep cest timeoutfri sep cest curlcurl l silent dumphead traceascii tmptmpvmotcx fri sep cest retfri sep cest the intermedi ca cert is in sep cest and the full chain cert is there sep cest sep cest doe not contain dnsbut then i call the same script without stage and alway get jw ha invalid antireplay nonc home issu d sazmiat w wwwzmiatsa debug forc fri sep cest let find script dirfri sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest use config sep cest sep cest use config sep cest sep cest sep cest use sep cest init api for server sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest wwwzmiatsa doe not contain nofri sep cest sep cest check for sep cest sep cest wwwzmiatsa doe not contain apachefri sep cest sep cest is not chang skip regist accountfri sep cest read key lengthfri sep cest createcsrfri sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest singl sep cest sep cest idntempfri sep cest sep cest get domain auth token for each domainfri sep cest get webroot for sep cest sep cest sep cest get newauthz for sep cest init api for server sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest tri newauthz for the timefri sep cest sep cest idntempfri sep cest sep cest newauthz identifi type dn valu sazmiatfri sep cest rsa keyfri sep cest get nonc sep cest getfri sep cest sep cest timeoutfri sep cest curlcurl l silent dumphead traceascii fri sep cest retfri sep cest headershttp connect okserv fri sep maxag nocach nocached fri sep keepalivefri sep cest sep cest sep cest postfri sep cest sep cest bodyhead alg rs jwk e aqab kti rsa n protect payload signatur sep cest curlcurl l silent dumphead traceascii tmptmpktehnd fri sep cest retfri sep cest origin identifi type dn valu sazmiat statu valid expir tz challeng type dn statu pend uri token type http statu valid uri token url hostnam sazmiat port addressus type tlssni statu pend uri token combin fri sep cest connect fri sep maxag nocach nocachehttp link fri sep maxag nocach nocached fri sep keepalivefri sep cest sep cest codefri sep cest the newauthz request is okfri sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest sazmiat is alreadi verifi skipfri sep cest sep cest sep cest sep cest sazmiat is alreadi verifi skip httpfri sep cest ok let start to verifyfri sep cest sazmiat is alreadi verifi skip httpfri sep cest pidfri sep cest no need to restor nginx skipfri sep cest sep cest skip dnsfri sep cest verifi finish start to signfri sep cest ifri sep cest jfri sep cest sep cest newcert csr sep cest use cach jwk for file sep cest use sep cest sep cest postfri sep cest sep cest bodyhead alg rs jwk e aqab kti rsa n protect payload signatur sep cest curlcurl l silent dumphead traceascii fri sep cest retfri sep cest sep cest connect fri sep maxag nocach nocachehttp bad replaynonc fri sep maxag nocach nocached fri sep closefri sep cest sep cest codefri sep cest sep cest sign fail detailjw ha invalid antireplay nonc sep cest sep cest pleas add debug or log to check more detailsfri sep cest see sep cest chkvlistfri sep cest nc doesnt existsfri sep cest diagnosi jfip jan apacheapach doesnt doesnt existsncth same issu happen when i upgrad acmesh from to to that not the problem ani idea
whether you can add user and flow control thi item is veri goodwheth you can add user and flow control
page get lost on differ hash i dont know if it is intend but i click on a link to page and i got an error i figur out i alreadi click on that same link with a differ hash at the end which work fine so is it like when a file is edit a new hash is gener at the end of the link and render exist link useless and we now have to chang to the propos link
do not depend on crehash for capath creation openssl vanilla crehash is a perl script there no good reason to introduc a depend on perl for what need to be accomplish in clrtrust
ansibl is unabl to import public sign key from rabbitmqcom due to user agent filter i attempt ansibl rpmkey to import the rabbitmq sign key but receiv an in cento name import rabbitmq key rpmkey state present key yesher is excerpt of the respons what happen the owner of thi websit ha ban your access base on your browser signatur afeeaua cloudflar ray id afeea i believ thi is caus by the access rule about userag becaus it is easi to reproduc the issu and ansibl rpmkey modul doe use pythonurllib as the v h userag pythonurllib v okit is possibl for you guy to allow that userag
curl ldap buildopt broken xbpssrc o ldap show
cipherscan new tool
apt whitelist request for in trusti
php rc stretch with argon password hash hello with php argon password hash wa ad with an addion flag how can i add thi flag dure compili without recompil the imag all over again i know that stretch ha the librari libargondev
use letsencrypt certif with ddwrt hi and thank for everyth your do and share on githubthi page discuss thi subject second instal opkg by run bootstrap but three year ago kong wrote on thi page that sinc bootstrap is unfinish and not maintain anymor we can close the ticket for nowmi question for you as author of is thi im run gener ddwrt vsp mini on a linksi wrtgsv and although i have complet your step first enabl jff from the first time you use it youll want to check the box to clean intern flash storag onc it run you may need to reboot use a termin to mkdir jffsopt and mount it to the opt directori use mount bind jffsopt opt thi line will also need to go into your startup script under im find that despit complet step and reboot there is no bootstrap execut on my ddwrt system and the bootstrap project seem as written by kong to have been discontinu year ago or i wonder if the bootstrap mention by kong is a differ bootstrap project than the one you mention in your howtoso do you have ani thought on how i can move forward with your instruct under these i have no bootstrap execut on my ddwrt bootstrap not foundrooty debug it is a bug report make sure you are abl to repro it on the latest releas version you can instal the latest version by acmesh upgrad search the exist issu refer to the debug info to logacmesh issu debug
perform md checksum of binari within dockerfil what do you all think of perform checksum from within the dockerfil one of the common issu we have is peopl not download the targz correctli and then attempt a manual docker buildmost set of dockerfil alreadi come with the md anyway so we could potenti have thi as a common practic
miss python ldap in order to setup ldap thi is need i dont know if that should be includ by default or everyon need to it if they need do
sslconnect return errno stateerror certif verifi fail attempt the fix at did not workwher do i instal the remot host certif when the rapidssl and geotrust certif are not trust
openssl build is broken for f in fuzzersstep basenam cp zip j zip warn name not match step zip error noth to do step error
sadfdsafa sdsdfsad
perform secur scan of swarm variant audit tool ci docker for internet secur ci benchmark are bestpractic secur guid docker bench for securitythi is a tool that implement the check in the ci docker benchmark
instal dnscrypt by default or make it a oneclick instal pleas add by default if not by default then at least it should be instal with one click from the web interfac or as an option fromk the instal script thi would realli lower the entri for mani peopl to have secur dn someth that is need nowaday veri much
ssl ca
how to creat certif hii just copi certif and key creat by my local creat but it seem it can not be creat thi waywhen i tri to use it in gitlab ci like thisreview imag stage review script docker login u p cijobtoken ciregistryit just print thi errorsto see how to connect your docker client to the docker engin run on thi virtual machin run env defaulterror check tl connect error check andor regener the cert there wa an error valid certif for host examplecom x certif is valid for localhost not can attempt to regener them use nameb advis that thi will trigger a docker daemon restart which will stop run contain docker login u p cijobtoken connect to the docker daemon is the docker daemon run on thi alreadi exist job fail exit code
role secur add a role secur which contain task for cve relat stuff eg blacklist some kernel modul cve blacklist kernel modul dccp
configur dev environ to check loginlogout on aw cloud with public domain
doe thi work for version of audit hi i tri to process audit file but it seem like noth wa process
could not connect x certif sign by unknown author possibl becaus of cryptorsa verif error health check for peer efbf could not connect x certif sign by unknown author possibl becaus of cryptorsa verif error while tri to verifi candid author certif etcd health check for peer fbafc could not connect x certif sign by unknown author possibl becaus of cryptorsa verif error while tri to verifi candid author certif kubernet
powervua new hash mode is in use e mtn chanel are black imagea new hash mode is in use
eof occur in violat of protocol sslc from last friday till today we have been face an issu in the deploy of proxi sometim it work but most of the time we see ssl error attach code below write to write to traceback most recent call last file deploypi line in resp httpcallpost uri hdr bodi file deploypi line in httpcall uri bodi hdr file line in request url bodi header file line in sendrequest file line in endhead file line in sendoutput selfsendmsg file line in send selfconnect file line in connect file line in wrapsocket contextself file line in init file line in dohandshak eof occur in violat of protocol sslc if state deploy then your api proxi is readi to be invok mani of our colleagu are face thi issu we tri use mac os and linux os pleas have a look urgent as we are unabl to deploy proxi on time
chroot user nologin shell when set chroot sftpuser with shell fals the user are creat with the sbinnologin shell to prevent ani access but sftp see line shell none if itemshel defaulttru els sbinnologin howev on my ubuntu system the correct no login shell is actual sinc sbinnologin did not exist the user session could not start up and i got a mislead messag say fail manual chang thi valu to solv thi access problem
enabl use exist certif sometim it is help to use a preexist selfsign certif hostcertpem hostkeypem and rebuild the rest of the esgf thi is the case for exampl when that certif ha alreadi been instal on a frontend proxi serverit would be good to chang the script to enabl the option of pass preexist certif
run getssl on nonwebserv revers proxi server haproxi hii want to run getssl on a server that is not run ani i have onli one public ip and in order to server multipl webservic i have configur haproxi serv a revers proxi serviceal my domain and subdomain are maintain with my host partner domain mean they are all point to the same ip and are then redirect by the revers proxycan i util getssl in thi setup certbot work wo issueswhen i run getssl examplecom i get these v gmt multical binaryusag nslookup host serverqueri the nameserv for the ip address of the given use a specifi dn cant resolv null name doe not v gmt multical binaryusag nslookup host serverqueri the nameserv for the ip address of the given use a specifi dn cant resolv null name doe not v gmt multical binaryusag nslookup host serverqueri the nameserv for the ip address of the given use a specifi dn cant resolv null name doe not v gmt multical binaryusag nslookup host serverqueri the nameserv for the ip address of the given use a specifi dn cant resolv null name doe not v gmt multical binaryusag nslookup host serverqueri the nameserv for the ip address of the given use a specifi dn cant resolv null name doe not v gmt multical binaryusag nslookup host serverqueri the nameserv for the ip address of the given use a specifi dn cant resolv null name doe not v gmt multical binaryusag nslookup host serverqueri the nameserv for the ip address of the given use a specifi dn cant resolv null name doe not v gmt multical binaryusag nslookup host serverqueri the nameserv for the ip address of the given use a specifi dn cant resolv null name doe not no certif obtain from hostcreat account key key rsa privat key bit long modulus is xcreat key rsa privat key bit long modulus is xcreat domain csr each challeng token to for some reason could not reach pleas check it manuallycan i use getssl wo webserv run on the same host
add user login to clinic add access test to ui page
updat openssl docker run rm it openssl m nov docker run rm it openssl k jan for some reason dev is quit old compar to latest
job for sslhservic fail becaus the control process exit with error code the sslh servic fail after easyengin instal and the whole process fail i clone the latest versioni run ubuntu on statu sslhservic show the follow sslhservic lsb sslh proxi ssl ssh connect load load etcinitdsslh bad vendor preset enabl activ fail result exitcod sinc fri cet min s ago doc process start codeexit chinajonm systemd start lsb sslh proxi ssl ssh chinajonm sslh start servic sslhdec chinajonm sslh address alreadi in usedec chinajonm systemd sslhservic control process exit codeexit statusdec chinajonm systemd fail to start lsb sslh proxi ssl ssh chinajonm systemd sslhservic unit enter fail statedec chinajonm systemd sslhservic fail with result exitcodeani assist would be greatli appreaci
updat auto panel ssl to match vesta auto panel ssl featur ha recent been implement on vesta and is expect to go into the next releas our docker script to util the vesta rout instead of the current
gct cant deal with multipl gitcrypt directori but multipl seem like the norm workaround rm rf gitgitcrypt
infinit manag plugin guest login we are use the docker contain version and have tri replac the guest user both via the env var as well as exec into the contain and ad the user via rabbitmqctl both techniqu work for gener a usabl nonguest user but both way will gener the follow log messag appear over and over again http access deni user guest invalid have discov that these go away when we disabl the manag plugin which is an okay solut for us sinc we dont alway need thi enabl but just of curios if we want to leav thi enabl do you have ani suggest for how to prevent these guest login attempt
openldap exit statu on kubernet with persist volum tri to run openldap contain over kubernet with persist volum by namespac scnea name ldap label app ldapspec replica templat metadata label app ldap spec contain name ldap imag arg copyservic volumemount name mountpath varlibldap name mountpath name mountpath port name openldap env name ldaploglevel valu name valu exampl name ldapdomain valu examplecom name valuefrom secretkeyref name ldapauth key adminpsw name valuefrom secretkeyref name ldapauth key configpsw name valu fals name valu readonli name valu readonli name valu fals name ldapbackend valu hdb name ldaptl valu fals name valu ldapcrt name valu ldapkey name valu cacrt name valu fals name valu name valu demand name valu fals name valu retri timeout name valu interv retri timeout name valu name valu fals name valu true name valu ldap volum name claimnam name claimnam name claimnam error i got info copi to search servic in link to link to link to set environ for startup file environ file will be proccess in thi order caution previous defin variabl will not be to see how thi file are process and environ variabl valuesrun thi contain with loglevel debug run run openldap fail with statu kill all processesi modifi the startupsh tri to creat a test folder under varlibldap and result is that those folder been creat thi prove that nf should work fineif add debug will get below inform info copi to ignor alreadi exist search servic in link to fail to link to errno file exist link to fail to link to errno file exist link to directori alreadi exist fail to link to errno file exist set environ for startup file environ file will be proccess in thi order caution previous defin variabl will not be see how thi file are process and environ variabl valuesrun thi contain with loglevel debug run run foldersstart for openldap to startaec openldap slapd aug debian openldap maintain aec could not stat config file no such file or directori aec slapd stoppedaec noth to destroyani suggest how to fix thi issu as from document the should be sure if possibl thi problem caus by nf export folder have rmtab to record nfsclient inform should we add i rmtab to ignor thi file then startupsh can creat those initi that the problem wa caus by abov issu pr submit
can login and get access token cant login and get my access token it open a url and say amazon comerror we are sorri about you issu and we are work on it right now
client certif hii see the issu but i have a server to test that requir a client certif otherwis it close quickli the connectioni have the desir client certif how say to testssl program to use it to connect to thi server thank for your help greetingsjl
no version inform avail ubuntu t ra c sshkeygen t ra c no version inform avail requir by no version inform avail requir by key type
dont hack the sonam and rather depend on rpath ani downsid i can think of two rpath is ban in fedora but scl are not in fedora rpm for sonam
mongodb backup and restor how to backup and restor mongodb use backupninja if ani practic document or refer link avail pleas share
author mirror request hungari hi im peter makk from infotronik kfti would like to inform you that we have start a new antergo mirrormirror domain geograph locat of the access method http ftp rsync httponli serv ipv do not provid rsync or ftp serviceour mirror ha a mb intra and the same bandwidth we also accept connect from other and do not limit their for the abov access name of the tier mirror you are sync an contact kfturl of the mirror name and contact address of the mirror
pmbootstrap instal should set the root password current we set the main user password but not the root usersto reproduc run su on postmarketo when log in as a standard user or log in as root in a qemu imag with none uiexpect postmarketo ask me for a root no password is need
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