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Created May 20, 2018 15:28
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final not run if struct with dtor is not assign to a variabl thi leak and it fail to perform all the other sideeffect one might expect from relev destructor rustus rattl croak str impl drop for rattl fn dropmut self selfcroak struct noncopy r rattl p cvoidimpl drop for noncopy fn dropmut self let p selfp let v unsaf transmutep fn main let t let p unsaf transmutet let x noncopy r rattl croak assign p p assign thi to a variabl make it not leak noncopy r rattl croak unassign p p name run it print rustc tmpissuer no debug symbol in execut arch xgoodby assign
unicod decod with a fallback encod mani use case involv bomawar unicod encod actual requir some sort of decod specif have a unicod encod use when there is bom plu a fallback encod use when there isnt
rustdoc search xss exploit the input for doc search isnt sanit allow for arbitrari html
error conflict for trait error conflict for trait e eq clone partialord ord hash note in expans of deriv note expans site note in expans of note expans note note conflict derivinghash
ice nonstat region found when hash a type rustus stdanyanyfn foox u fn main let x foo as anyerror intern compil error nonstat region found when hash a typenot the compil hit an unexpect failur path thi is a bugnot we would appreci a bug report run with for a rustc fail at box backtrac xfbfdcbb xfbfdcba xfbfec xfbfca xfbfc xfbfee xfbfedb xfbfedbc xfbfeda xfbffb xfbfeafaad xfbfeafaad xfbfec xfbfec xfbfec xfbfec xfbfecb xfbfecbb xfbfec xfbfecb xfbfecbb xfbfece xfbfecbff xfbfecc xfbfec xfbfecbf xfbfec xfbfec xfbfec xfbfec xfbfecb xfbfecbb xfbfece xfbfecbff xfbfecc xfbfec xfbfed xfbfed xfbfecd xfbfeca xfbfec xfbfecb xfbfedd xfbfeda xfbfecd xfbfeca xfbfecb xfbfecbb xfbfece xfbfecbff xfbfec xfbfececc xfbff xfbffa xfbffacb xfbffacc xfbffc xfbffc xfbffc xfbfedf xfbfedf rusttri xfbfe xfbfefc xfbffcc xfbfee xfbfd startthread xfbfe clone x
error type mut doe not implement ani method in scope name push compil encod v error type mut doe not implement ani method in scope name selfpushc
error type doe not implement ani method in scope name push compil rustcrypto v error type doe not implement ani method in scope name resultpush error type doe not implement ani method in scope name resultpush error type doe not implement ani method in scope name resultpush error type doe not implement ani method in scope name resultpush error type doe not implement ani method in scope name resultpush error type doe not implement ani method in scope name resultpush error abort due to previou errorserror abort due to previou errorcould not compil rustcrypto
build openssl for android we should build libssl and libcrypto for android instruct and get rustopenssl to use those insteadit sort of block the hyper pr and will make life even harder if we start do cert check too mani unnecessari preprocessor also can get around it via cargotomlfu but as far as i can tell wed need to complic cargotoml everywher
scrypt support itd be nice if the and api were exposedthi is someth i can work on myself if youd like to see it ad
featurehash warn the latest nightli yield warn rustnot in expans of deriv note expans site note in expans of bitflag note expans site note in expans of note expans site help add featurehash to the crate attribut to silenc thi warn deriv copi partialeq eq clone partialord ord hash
debug messag spam to consol when run my applic i get thi messag on everi frame debug messag buffer detail info buffer object bound to usag hint is glstaticdraw will use video memori as the sourc for buffer object oper
consid lifetim annot in iter type signatur
cannot build ssl certif verifi fail got prereq via port clone the git repo tri mach build and got the follow join servo on moz irc appar theyv never seen thi befor i tri manual print out the s url for cargo and rust and extract them to the correct locat then remov those step from the build script but thi onli creat more error
potenti issu with client vs server ssl method version on osx someth i ran into that caus me to open wa the gener error tlsv alert protocol versionim have feel that thi ha to do with a crappi default setup on osx i recent bought a new laptop and am now run to the same problem i can figur out how i solv thi the last time around but i figur ild open an issu to leav a trail of potenti clue for other until the workaround can be document or mayb ssl method becom configur with the hyper clienti set up a simpl smoke test repo thi make a simpl request to and print out the result current thi fail for me with the error librari ssl routin function reason tlsv alert protocol version
track issu for add some of ts method to string and vice versa rfc
there is some possibl to develop encrypt for messag exchang in zmqr
split signatur and request right now signaturesr handl both creat the signatur for the request and execut it let split thosethi can help by set to fals and resend the request to the temporari endpoint
ssl connect are broken when openssl crate is activ the ad of callback and that the c driver and openssl crate both do seem to conflict result in mongo connect failingissu in c driver jira in openssl crate
add an opu decod
add a flac decod
add a mp decod
support for ssh privat key print right now i can print the public key from freepass or add the privat key to sshagent are there ani plan to allow print the privat key as well i want to be abl to export the key for use but right now i have to do it in a round about way is thi an option you are consid ad
it take ms to makepassword or in releas mode on k cpu it mean it can check password per second is such perform ok
use the nowstabl api in stdhash instead of see buildhash and in warn use of deprec item support move to stdhash on by use warn use of deprec item support move to stdhash on by entri hashmap warn use of deprec item support move to stdhash on by entri as warn use of deprec item renam to withhash on by entri as warn use of deprec item support move to stdhash on by use warn use of deprec item support move to stdhash on by hashmap defaultst warn use of deprec item renam to withhash on by warn use of deprec item support move to stdhash on by use warn use of deprec item support move to stdhash on by handler domrefcel defaultst warn use of deprec item support move to stdhash on by use warn use of deprec item support move to stdhash on by pub visiblerect arc defaultst warn use of deprec item support move to stdhash on by use warn use of deprec item support move to stdhash on by visiblerect arc defaultst warn use of deprec item renam to withhash on by visiblerect warn use of deprec item renam to withhash on by let mut
explicit certif check for telegram api request helloi need to explicitli check that the certif can be trust ie is issu by a proper ca valid and not expir nor revok each time when connect to via http to avoid potenti mitm attacksalso id like to forc that onli the latest support version of tl is use the crypto key length is adequ enough and the tl setup doesnt allow for certain silli like infam pad oracl attack to be exploit by a man in the middl
implement s as way to verifi end to end encrypt set s should requir some kind of verif that all particip have end to end encrypt between homeserv not sure how thi might be support in the matrix protocol yet want to back thi issu post a bounti on we accept bounti via
konvers cant connect
allow for nonssl on onli
intermitt timeout in timeout expect ok unexpect subtest result in timeout expect pass websocket cooki in request test time out
nossl not ignor ssl valid error im get the bad certif imag when runningmach run releas http nossl
ddr wrong signatur for method rustfn self pcommandlist mut vs c void thi annot in pcommandlist bool wa caught with nightlyimsvc idk about anoth place with similar problem
cargo featur are design to be addit cargo featur are design to be addit they add featur dont chang them in a way that break a librari thi is evid sinc cargo use the union of all request featur in a if app depend on librari x that depend on nphysic and app depend on librari y that depend on nphysicsif librari x select the f featur thi chang how nphysic is compil for the whole app build so y will not compil it wa written to use f
api for ephemer encrypt hii cant find function
build openssl on appveyor the way we are acquir openssl in our window build is suboptim can we build thi ourselv like on linuxcc in the long term switch from hyper to curl and rustcrypto for sha is probabl best becaus that get is http proxi support what that entail im not sure but we need to tighten thi up
sign and valid signatur of rustupsetup we need to sign rustupsetup and valid them on selfupd probabl we can creat a new subkey of the exist sign key and give the secret to travi and appveyorthi should use the same crypto as we use for rust
valid signatur of build right now the rust binari are accompani by gpg signatur but rustup doe not check themi dont want to bring in nativ depend unless they are dead simpl to build we should probabl tri the gpgme bind first sinc those would be compat with our exist gpg key if that doesnt work out then we can explor more exot
rfc replac central channeltyp definit with encod valu problem the central enum of channeltyp type and valu are tediou to extend arbitrarili defin and tend to be veri rather than defin channeltyp type and valu in central enum we should pass around encod valu allow adapt to decid how to decod that data someth like thisstruct encodedvalu contenttyp string eg data vecadapt will decid how to decod themselv thi simplifi the process of ad new adapt and channel remov the burden of maintain cumbersom central enum and maintain the notion of type valu in a veri webcentr way allow us to transport both binari and json data effici allow channel to handl multipl contenttyp eg imag rather than just one alreadi describ a timetest of exchang type data and defin content type while we could certainli go fullthrottl with for thing like temperatur that havent been standard a simpl format would be plenti we just want a contenttyp to allow the consum to go from a binari to the type they desir i suggest mime type becaus adapt can take advantag of standard type camera with imagejpeg and thi push us toward a direct typecheck and code sharingi still see a role for taxonomylik type with thi approach we can defin type that need to be standard and allow them to implement to and from encodedvalu object thi allow us to retain the exist level of typesafeti some peopl prefer without restrict author to defin new type in a rigid global enumwhil there are clear benefit to enforc type i think we need to take a step back from thi fullon approach i think thi propos would greatli simplifi both the taxonomi and foxbox code leav us in a better posit for growth and stabil if you disagre id like to better understand the merit of the current method as compar to thi propos exampl c boolean colorrgba colorjson r g b a no data
incorpor certif and hostnam valid from certif and hostnam valid from should be includ and enabl by default
doubl precis discrep in integr checksum figur out what up with get differ when pars compar to write it back specif regard integr checksum so far
opengl es requir integ d textur but glium onli check for opengl and thu think theyr unsupport
http with let encrypt
tri to set nightli overrid give checksum fail error see error below rustup overrid set nightlyinfo sync channel updat for checksum fail expect calcul rustup version is rustup cea the latest one that rustup self updat give me
cli for configur number of iter when creat chang password for an account
option secret password prompt
unknown complet load unknown complet load xbce xb xa xd xa xba xae xbadf xe xed xcab xc xfb xed as xc xfa xdf x xbdb rusttryfram xbd xab xbee xfffbc xfffb pthreadstart
libcrypto and libssl on fedora do not contain the right stuff first problem wa there were not symbol link for the requir symbol link the content of libssl and libcrypto do not satisfi the requir of servothi is on fedora plahmanservo ldd servoservo version openssl not found requir by servoservo not found requir by servoservo liblibsslso version openssl not found requir by servo linuxvdsoso xffc libstdcso liblibstdcso xfcd libzso liblibzso xfb libdbusso liblibdbusso xf libeglso liblibeglso xf libglso liblibglso xffc xfd libexpatso xfae libxso liblibxso xfa libxmuso liblibxmuso xfe libdlso liblibdlso xfa libsslso liblibsslso xf libcryptoso xfcb libpthreadso xfab libgccsso liblibgccsso xf libcso liblibcso xfc xcaca libmso liblibmso xfb libsystemdso xfd libselinuxso xff libxxcbso liblibxxcbso xfd libxcbdriso xfafe libxcbdriso xffa xff xfe xfe xfd xfed libxcbsyncso xfcca libxcbso liblibxcbso xfaa xfa libgbmso liblibgbmso xf xf xf libdrmso liblibdrmso xf libglapiso xfe libxextso liblibxextso xfc libxdamageso xfa libxfixesso xfa libxcbglxso xf libxxfvmso xffa libbzso liblibbzso xfea libpngso liblibpngso xffb libxtso liblibxtso xfde xfb libkrbso liblibkrbso xfb libcomerrso xf libkcryptoso xfe libcapso liblibcapso xfdf librtso liblibrtso xffd libresolvso xfdbd liblzmaso libliblzmaso xfb liblzso libliblzso xf libgcryptso xfe xf libpcreso liblibpcreso xf libxauso liblibxauso xff libffiso liblibffiso xffe libsmso liblibsmso xffbff libiceso liblibiceso xffe xffd xffcf libattrso liblibattrso xffc libuuidso liblibuuidso xffc
doe not handl return valu correctli suggest
updat depend on crc onc crc with is publish on updat our depend on crc thi will align the util version of lazystat which we inherit onc through the crc and onc through the openssl modul in distinct version now
doubl escap in render servoscreen shot at shot at
cant scroll on hacker news if content doe not fit horizont for exampl go to with servo nightli then resiz window so that content doe not fulli fit horizont then tri to scroll verticallyi would expect to be abl to scroll but i cant if i resiz window so that content all fit horizont then you can scroll vertic again
github login page not render properli github screenshot forgot forgot password link in a weird way ubuntu baremet run prepackag binari of servo
valid gpg signatur of download nightli right now in rustbuild we download nightli and verifi the sha but we should also valid the gpg signatur at the veri least if a gpg tool is avail thi probabl also want to coordin with rustup which i believ also want thi behavior as well
unknown complet load unknown complet load xce x x x xc x xde xdf xbc xcd xbfab xbd xbfb xd as xc xcca xbf x xb rusttryfram x xab xee xfffebc xfffeb pthreadstart
ae decrypt doe not return what wa encrypt i copi and past the and it is fail i use thi codeextern crate cryptous crypto buffer ae blockmod use cryptobuff readbuff writebuff bufferresult encrypt a buffer with the given key and iv use aescbcpkc fn encryptdata u key u iv u result creat an encryptor instanc of the best perform type avail for the platform let mut encryptor key iv each encrypt oper encrypt some data from an input buffer into an output buffer those buffer must be instanc of and respect which keep track of how much data ha been read from or written to them let mut finalresult vecnew let mut readbuff let mut buffer let mut writebuff buffer each encrypt oper will make progress make progress is a bit loos defin but basic at the end of each oper either or will be return unless there wa an error if the return valu is it mean that the oper end while want more input data if the return valu is it mean that the oper end becaus it need more space to output data as long as the next call to the encrypt oper provid the space that wa request either more input data or more output space the oper is guarante to get closer to complet the full oper ie make progress here we pass the data to encrypt to the enryptor along with a fixeds output buffer the true flag indic that the end of the data that is to be encrypt is includ in the input buffer which is true sinc the input data includ all the data to encrypt after each call we copi ani output data to our result vec if we get a we keep go in the loop sinc it mean that there is more work to do we can complet as soon as we get a sinc the encryptor is tell us that it stop process data due to not have ani more data in the input buffer loop let result readbuff mut writebuff true mean from the writabl buffer creat a new readabl buffer which contain all data that ha been written and then access all of that data as a slice i match result break decrypt a buffer with the given key and iv use aescbcpkc encrypt thi function is veri similar to encrypt so pleas refer comment in that function in nonexampl code if desir it is possibl to share much of the use closur to hide the oper be perform howev such code would make thi exampl less clearpub fn u key u iv u result let mut decryptor key iv let mut finalresult vecnew let mut readbuff let mut buffer let mut writebuff buffer loop let result readbuff mut writebuff true i match result break let teststr thi is the test let iv thi is a stingasbyt let mut key u let mut rng key let key ivokunwrap let key ivokunwrap println println thi is the outputthread panick at assert fail teststr you can see the decrypt data ha a random sequenc of byte append to it
old miner hash rate should be remov current when a miner drop off it hashrat still continu to be fold into the total hash rate report it should instead time out
split trustdn into multipl crate move the repo into thi format over record no network futur impl of all lookup logic option compil in dnssec author depend on sqllite here lru cach layer that can wrap the client aka resolveredit i realiz that chang the trustdn crate name would orphan the exist librari in cratesio my plan right now is to maintain that name for the client librari but fork out the server librari
openssl shouldnt be requir im tri to crosscompil a small web crawler for arm and the requir for openssl is make the build fail becaus i dont have the arm librari readili avail nor would i ssl while i can depend on hyper with fals to avoid openssl the same doesnt seem to be possibl with robotpars that drag in openssl via as im cach the http respons and call the pars method so the whole http support is unus and yet break the build
hang relat to adob use of cooki on a script on caus servo to hang after a bitit ha to do with thi functionn var ar v nvvccvvifnew regexpipodi ar page make a cooki larger and larger without end eventu hang servo the cooki look likeiabc de clientregion xwpsplitx devicetyp osfam view oxsd ctowa emttru ssess scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl scctrue swpeparticl for bring up someth call adob sitecatalyst also call omnitur which seem to be an ad platform that i guess the washington post usesth script doe do some ua snif in the function name tcf i dont know whether thi is relat thoughthi is as far as i got
sign app for android iphon app should allow user to scan an unsign transact as a qr code inspect it sign it and place the sign transact as a qr code on the screen of the extern account ui should includ mean of know which account are handl in thi way ie own account for which there is no json key and when send from one signer would provid unsign transact as the qr code rather than the password entri and use user camera to scan the sign qr code x basic desktop qrcode sign app gav port to html app on android signer ui know about extern account and can offer unsign hex txhash and accept hex sig signer ui can display qrcode of tobesign if extern account is to sign it signer ui can accept via camera signatur if qrcode use for sign
nativ trust signer on mac os with fingerprint id current the trust signer is done through an websocket connect into the browser we could have an addit app menubar applet would work well on mac os which also manag the job of trust signer thi would be wellplac to interact with the new macbook pro touch input bar allow a user to see a transact overview on the touch bar and sign it through a fingerprint id if the account ha been previous use atomelectron for swift develop and codereus from main ui codebas depend on how easi it is to get at the appl api for touch idtouchbar
incrcomp creat test case for incr comp hash for unari and binari express thi issu is part of a broader effort to implement regress test for increment compil for the track issu go to increment compil we need to determin if a given hir node ha chang in between two version of a program thi is implement in the modul we comput a hash valu for each hir node that correspond to a node in the depend graph and then compar those hash valu we call thi hash valu the increment compil hash ich of the hir node it is suppos to be sensit to ani chang that might make a semant differ to the thing be hash test autotest in the directori all follow the same pattern each sourc file defin one test case the sourc file is compil multipl time with increment compil turn on each time with a differ cfg flag allow each version to differ via condit compil each of these version we call a revis dure each revis the test runner will make sure that some assert about the depend graph of the program hold these assert are specifi in the sourc code of the test file as attribut attach to the item be test eg ichspecif test use thi framework by adher to the follow pattern there are two version of the definit under test one mark with cfgcfail and the second mark with cfgnotcfail as a consequ the first revis will be compil with the first version of the definit and all other revis will be compil with the second version the two version are suppos to differ in exactli one aspect eg the visibl of a field is differ or the return of a function ha chang the second definit ha a cfgcfail attribut attach thi attribut make the test runner check that a chang of the hir depend node of the definit ha been detect between revis cfail and cfail thi will effect test that a differ ich valu ha been comput for the two version of the definit the second definit also ha a cfgcfail attribut thi make sure that the hir depend node and thu the ich of the definit ha not chang between revis cfail and cfail that what we expect becaus both revis use the same version of the definit for definit that are export from the crate we also want to check the ich of the metadata thi is test use the attribut and work analog to the hir case we add to the second definit to make sure that the ich of the export metadata is not the same for the differ version of the definit and we add to make sure that the ich is the same for the two ident version of the are the revis call cfail that becaus of reason intern to howth testrunn work prefix a revis with cfail tell the test runner to treat the test like a compilefil test that is compil the test case but dont actual run it which would be the case for an rpass revis for the ich test we need to compil rlib so that we can test metadata ich as a consequ we cannot declar them rpass in an addit direct we tell the test runner that we actual expect the file to not produc ani errorseach test case must contain the follow testrunn direct and crate attribut at the top rust revis cfail cfail cfail compileflag z let us use rustcdirti make sure that we export for a full exampl of such a ich regress test unari and binari express specif ich testingeach of the follow thing should be test with it own definit pair chang constant operand of negat eg to chang constant operand of bitwis not eg to chang variabl operand of negat eg x to y chang variabl operand of bitwis not eg x to y chang variabl operand of deref eg x to y chang first constant operand of addit eg to chang second constant operand of addit eg to chang first variabl operand of addit eg a to b chang second variabl operand of addit eg a to b chang oper from to eg a to a chang oper from to eg a to a chang oper from to eg a to a chang oper from to eg a to a chang oper from to eg a b to a b chang oper from to eg a to a chang oper from to eg a to a chang oper from to eg a to a chang oper from to eg a to a chang oper from to eg a to a chang oper from to eg a to a chang oper from to eg a to a chang oper from to eg a to a chang oper from to eg a to a chang type in cast express eg x as u to x as i chang valu in cast express eg x as u to y as i chang lvalu in assign eg x to x chang rvalu in assign eg x to y chang index into slice eg si to sjnote that thi test case should contain z in it compileflag sinc that influenc the gener hash for some of these express
implement eddsa signatur for dn see
expos base decodeencod function i could implement it but im not sure what would be the best way to do thatopenssl implement base through it bio abstract use biofbas im not sure if rustopenssl should have a gener bio handl interfac a bit like the current api of if base is specif enough to warrant a baseencod basedecod dont know if there would be other use for expos the bio interfac i tri to find other use method besid biofbas but sinc the openssl doc is garbag i didnt find much of interest if base is the onli use use case then we might as well just implement that
troubl build xxhash for musl muslg not found follow instruct for build with musl here build stderrcmak error at project the muslg is not a full path and wa not found in the path tell cmake where to find the compil by set either the environ variabl cxx or the cmake cach entri to the full path to the compil or to the compil name if it is in the paththi may just be a case of me not know where to find muslg ive aptget instal musltoolsd which wa not in the instruct mayb it should be ad befor do thi i wa get a muslgcc not found error as well which gave me muslgcc but no muslg search debian packag im begin to wonder if it realli exist where is muslg suppos to come from
revis metadata hash to hash the content of the metadata not it input depend nb part of the roadmap issu on increment writeupth plan is to chang how we hash metadata instead of hash the hash of the predecessor of the metadata node we ought to hash the metadata content itself thi would be far more robust in generalold writeupwhil play around with an rustc i notic the follow pattern we do a make clean the first build give a metadata hash h for some item x touch some file but make no other chang the next build reus a lot of stuff but the hash for item x chang to h thi trigger in downstream cratesthi can be produc with thi test stdstrpub const maxbas u const base static u maxbas as usiz pushstrmut n u base u output mut string base maxbas let mut s u let mut index loop sindex basen base as usiz index n base if n break mut foo unsaf let x mut u mut fn main you can observ thi if you run twice with the z option ad by rm rf rustc z z z grep metadata hash forpushstr hash for defid krate cratenum node defindex is increment reus out of rustc z z z grep metadata hash forpushstr hash for defid krate cratenum node defindex is increment reus out of modulesth reason for thi problem is that in the first run we have to predefin variou symbol which caus us to do associ type which add edg to some traitselect node howev in the second run becaus we are abl to reus we dont do those and thu we have fewer edg in the graph thi interact poorli with our metadata hash scheme becaus the mir for pushstr depend on traitselect thu when we comput the hash of it metadata we find the transit sourc for that metadata which mean all predecessor of traitselect in the first round thi is a differ set from the second round you can see thi by dif the output a bit morelunchbox rm rf rustc z z z grep metadata hash forpushstr depend on sort depslunchbox rustc z z z grep metadata hash forpushstr depend on sort depslunchbox diff dep depsd depend on krate cratenum node defindex with hash in my opinion the best fix for thi is probabl to chang how we hash metadata instead of hash the hash of the predecessor of the metadata node we ought to hash the metadata content itself thi would be far more robust in generalcc
panic in openssl code when use encrypt cookiejar ive been attempt to debug thi but it feel to me like a problem somewher between hyper and openssl and im over my headwhen run thisextern crate hyperus cookiejarfn main let sitekey let jar get thisthread main panick at assert fail left right left right on hyper which is pull in openssl im not sure if it relev but in order to get openssl to compil i need to runexport the shell befor build to get the compil to pick up the homebrew openssl im on osx el capitan homebrew openssl version jani idea
opensslsi rebuild everi time i modifi a file thi may be an issu with cargo but i want to confirm it not an issu with thi crate first when i chang a file opensslsi shouldnt have to rebuild if it wa alreadi built but it seem like it be built everi time step to reproduc run cargo init buildtest cd buildtest put the follow in put the follow in test test fn itwork printlnwork cargo build will pull thi crate and all of it depend and build them modifi libr by chang the string be print run cargo build and youll see opensslsi is be built again onli buildtest should be built again not ani of it cargo version is cargo nightli a im use ubuntu
panic while refresh gmail login page str mach run onc the page ha finish load use the keyboard shortcut to refresh the pagecal optionunwrap on a none valu thread scriptthread pipelineid namespaceid index at backtrac x x xcedc xad xadc xad xad xac xab xfe xbaa xbbb xcbd xcab xc xefc xee xaec xdf xcbd xab xa x xce xb xafe x xeda as xeb xada xcdd xf xdc xbcf xadc xfffe pthreadbodi xfffe pthreadstart
use rustopenssl fail on window post follow instruct in under window msvc work in version but fail in version and abovei get errorthread main panick at openssl librari directori doe not exist rebuild binari folder onli contain bin folder not includ and lib foldersto test i creat a new librari with cargo new and in gener folder i run assum cargoedit add openssl ver cargo build
verifi signatur in parallel all the signatur verif for a cert chain is in the function by replac the loop in that function with a parallel loop well do all the signatur verif in parallel thi would be a signific win when there are multipl core avail becaus signatur verif is the most expens as far as we know part of certif chain replac the current loop with one that collect the signatur from the link list of cert into an arrayvec with capac then verifi the signatur by iter over the arrayvec in parallel dont vec becaus we dont allow memori alloc in thi cratei guess rayon and and similar crate do use dynam memori alloc and so cant work in nostd assum that is the case we can add a usestd default featur that enabl the use of when the usestd featur is disabl let use the same code loop code but use a polyfil for should take an an input paramet a refer to the thread pool object that is configur by the caller in particular the caller should configur the thread pool befor call to control how resourc how mani thread are use so that webpki itself doesnt need to have ani option for thi
bump to cooki some peopl just cant stop updat crate that i just on
wrap password in struct so that they are not print out in println
potenti issu rustimap depend on an old version of openssl woohoo first issueiv been tri to test howev it seem to depend on an old version of which furthermor depend on an old version of im use arch linux i have thenewest lt version and havent look into the newest version be and the newest version of support openssl and aboveim not sure if thi is the actual issu but if you can confirm we will have a problem use at it current stateif im right in my assumpt we could look into fork and updat it to use a newer version of rustimap is loc we could implement a imap client outselv as thi honestli doesnt look like a difficult taski do not think depend on an outdat version of openssl is an optionagain pleas do confirm if thi is actual a problem with my version of openssl or i just mess someth els upani thought
way too much of etchost and i just notic that my matrixircd which i run from head releas build is consist use up of the cpu with strace i found that it seem to be in an endless loop read and etchost or mayb it open and close these file for everi singl data packet or somesuch check out for exampl thi strace output of second while the irc client report almost no
univers connect establish hi first of all thank you for your work on thisi have to state that im new to both rust and work with databas so pleas bear with my thought hereso i realli like rustorm approach of use an enum for switch which backend to use then ive tri to write my own abstract use enum over diesel but it wa too much work of support all the associ type and i think thi should be bake in the diesel itself rather than a separ crate abstract although i might have been do thi wrongbut then ive though at least someth like thi is urlexpr use els if els is of cours just a samplebut then ive start look at what inferschema macro doe and ive stumbl upon thi where someth more univers like and enum is use to switch between differ backendsso follow the guidlin now what do you want to do and how do you expect diesel to support you with thatid like to use ani backend support by diesel use singl so i could easili switch between backend assum the sql part is compat by simpli chang the databas url in the code also id like to store connect ani diesel support backend connect in a struct how do you think thi can be ad to diesela explain abov schema infer code sampl which use enum probabl would be prefer sinc it allow easier integr in struct sinc gener would not be need what are possibl as explain abov at least macro would be a step forward are there ani sincer dont know mayb someon els could comment on thi or whi such approach like in inferschema macro wasnt use for the diesel interfac
bind with stdhash ani plan for provid featur integr with are you open for such integr
check that new refer the last commit config in prevhash field in also check that distinct valid are pass
support libpq defin ssl paramet recent took to tri to implement a simpl certif with thi librari and it wa a littl troublesom to get off the ground although i am still rather new to rusti know thi is a rust nativ driver but for the sake of consist and increas usabl with peopl move from other languag it should compli with paramet offer in the odbc and jdbc postgr the current featur option withopenssl et al an end user can onli implement the featur of without explicitli depend on their own ssl crate thi could lead to version mismatch and multipl linkag of the chosen ssl crate the modul to implement these should be reexport by the with featur modul to start with and hope later on driver paramet would be implement seamlessli when you chose an ssl featur
sslcontext support
host rustdoc for librustc and so forth on forg it would be great to have the rustdoc for the compil crate host on forg to help with onboard new contributor
handl bit type encod as string becaus json interop for bit integ is bad precis loss if the impl treat them as doubl lot of json use string to repres larg integ thi doesnt seem to work out of the box and i didnt see an option to allow thi it can be handl by manual specifi a but it seem like a common case
a better way for client depend inject
gener recoveri phrase for privat key ive ad an account by import a privat key and now i would like to creat a recoveri passphras for iti that possibl mayb via the command line
when config is inject the run hook get updat but the servic doe not restart x the os includ version where you are run ani of the habitat command x of the command you are tri to run x current habitat environ variabl where the hab command or supervisor is run the issu is when the config option in the run hook get updat the servic doe not get restart even though the run command get updatedth code for all of thi is public and locat os version maco docker rccemac habitat habsup debug logbelow is the debug log from the up to when i actual push chang you can see the run hook get updat but it doe not trigger a servic reload start process as userhab set path for to creat pid file for child attempt to set owner of to info log initi write censu state to write butterfli state to write servic state to info start info open open admininfo info the follow path were found for the configur get helloworldv info start task post post tasksgc post taskshello info start start start admininfo start write censu state to write butterfli state to write servic state to render templat with context hook render if f partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render rawstr then echo start reload echo call out to the admin port to stop traffic curl x post echo wait second sleep echo quit the applic kill s usr cat partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render rawstr echo end reload dont worri habitat will restart itels echo reload not need servic not runningfi partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals attempt to set owner of to reload compil to render templat with context hook render partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render exec java xxuseggc xm partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render rawstr xmx partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render rawstr partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render rawstr server jar partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render server configyaml partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals attempt to set owner of to run compil to hook hook render templat with context logbackxml render rawstr dhhmmsssss thread level logger msgn root level partial path roottempl fals render partial path roottempl fals render rawstr partial path roottempl fals ha not chang not render templat with context configyaml render type http port partial path roottempl fals render partial path roottempl fals render rawstr type http port partial path roottempl fals render partial path roottempl fals render level partial path roottempl fals render partial path roottempl fals render rawstr logger iodropwizard info debug append type consolenam partial path roottempl fals render partial path roottempl fals render rawstr partial path roottempl fals ha not chang not write censu state to write butterfli state to write servic state to render templat with context hook render if f partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render rawstr then echo start reload echo call out to the admin port to stop traffic curl x post echo wait second sleep echo quit the applic kill s usr cat partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render rawstr echo end reload dont worri habitat will restart itels echo reload not need servic not runningfi partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals attempt to set owner of to reload compil to render templat with context hook render partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render exec java xxuseggc xm partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render rawstr xmx partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render rawstr partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render rawstr server jar partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals render server configyaml partial path somehook roottempl somehook fals attempt to set owner of to run compil to hook hook render templat with context logbackxml render rawstr dhhmmsssss thread level logger msgn root level partial path roottempl fals render partial path roottempl fals render rawstr partial path roottempl fals ha not chang not render templat with context configyaml render type http port partial path roottempl fals render partial path roottempl fals render rawstr type http port partial path roottempl fals render partial path roottempl fals render level partial path roottempl fals render partial path roottempl fals render rawstr logger iodropwizard info debug append type consolenam partial path roottempl fals render partial path roottempl fals render rawstr partial path roottempl fals ha not chang not restart set
updat the user user expect respons ok docspatch the paramet name type descript name string the new name of the user email string publicli visibl email address blog string the new blog url of the user compani string the new compani of the user locat string the new locat of the user hireabl boolean the new hire avail of the user bio string the new short biographi of the user exampl jsonjson name monalisa octocat email octocat blog compani github locat san francisco hireabl true bio there onc
get the user endpointget user docsget the user from the api exampl json payloadjson login octocat id avatarurl gravatarid url htmlurl followersurl followingurl gistsurl starredurl reposurl eventsurl type user siteadmin fals name monalisa octocat compani github blog locat san francisco email octocat hireabl fals bio there onc wa publicrepo publicgist follow follow createdat tz updatedat tz privategist diskusag true plan name medium space privaterepo
set and forget use offer
password instead of password in http exampl in on line pkc export out identityp inkey localhostkey in localhostcrt password mypassbut probabbl you mentopenssl pkc export out identityp inkey localhostkey in localhostcrt password mypass
build and instal need to be run with differ privileg make linkcargo build releas finish releas optim target in secsln s fail to creat symbol link permiss recip for target link failedmak link error sudo make linkmak enter directori build to updat learn more run the command again with recip for target all failedmak all error make leav directori had to run the follow command manuallysudo ln s usrlocalbin
deal with nonv certif better either return a differ error code or document somewher that the most like caus of badder is a nonv certif
error intern compil error alias violat for static cannot borrow data mutabl when compil the follow code with rustc nightli beta or stabl at the tab mut u pub unsaf fn test fn main i get the follow errorerror intern compil error alias violat for static cannot borrow data mutablyher is the relev playground link that helpsleo
cargo build fail on custom build command for v my build fail i wa tri to instal thi on the wsl in window the follow packag wa instal and is no longer requir snapconfin compil mime v compil opensslsi v compil unicodebidi v compil libc v compil numtrait v compil hpack v compil rand v compil time v compil numinteg v compil numcpu v compil minizsi v compil v compil solicit v compil openssl v compil weecord v compil net v compil numit v compil unicodexid vbuild fail wait for other job to finisherror fail to run custom build command for vprocess didnt exit success exit code stdouttarget sometarget nonehostcc nonecc nonehost nonecflag noneprofil cc o fpic m o c fatal error opensslhmach no such file or code command did not execut success got exit code stderrthread main panick at explicit panic run with for a backtrac
how to use it with ssltl how to use it with ssltl let mut sslctx let a somesslctx error expect struct found struct note expect type found type
implement hill cipher the hill cipher is a polygraph substitut cipher base on linear algebra
implement autokey cipher veri similar to the vigener cipher but use a differ method of gener the key
use nativ tl instead of curlopenssl hi alli am current forc to work on a mac and can not use my favorit cargo extens like cargoupd or cargotre becaus they depend on even i tri to patch gitr but i faileddid you ever consid use
unabl to use rust behind enterpris firewal the ca certif can not be veifi perhap due to the mitm enterpris grade thi make it imposs to use rustup at all in thi scenariothi issu is relat to which adress the problem at instal time open sinc march and which is somehow alreadi close without be fix rustup doe still not honor curlrc and the environ section of curl ha no option to set the unsecur option also set alia curlcurl k doe not solv the problemth error messag gener by rustupinfo sync channel updat for error could not download file from to info caus by error dure download info caus by peer certif cannot be with given ca certif ssl certif problem unabl to get local issuer would be great if there wa a command line option to ignor certif valid
use stream where possibl review all code base and find place where the use of stream will get rid of extra alloc
fail clippi castlossless error cast u to u may becom silent lossi if type chang srcder let mut re c b as u help tri ufromc band lot more like thi
support sign in up through googl firebas user want to login with googl api
remov integr check for nocor request the fetch ha been updat to allow nonempti integr string for request that are mark as nocor should remov the check in our there no autom test avail for thi yet becaus we are have troubl updat our copi of the upstream test howev you can tri it yourself by run a page that evalu thi js new request mode nocor integr not an empti string
author should be an index topic
lifetim and construct of bencodemut tree sinc bencodemut take slice with a lifetim for string and dictionari key that mean all the slice must outliv the dictionari which mean in turn that construct tree of dictionari with nest depth such as in bep file can becom quit tediousi think it would make sens to let them take stdborrowcow instead so either vec or a u can be passedunless there some pattern that i am miss that would make thi easier than my current approach
sometim tl request are not answer with the correct certif in my case when some page load a lot of resourc use tl most of the request end up with success but some of them throw an error about insecur connect as the wrong the default certif is provid
cannot serial hashmap with usizei key i tri to serial a hashmap with usiz key but i got a keynotstr support onli digit key so i wonder if thi is just not implement yet or if there is a good reason such key cannot exist
sigsegv on stack overflow in xebe in selfshar at self share pointer nonzero xfffe marker phantomdata xec in selfxfffea at self xfffea xfdd in selfxfffea at self xfffea xfbdd in selfxfffea at self xfffea xd in thisxfffea at thi xfffea xffefd in infoxfffea at info xfffea xf in selfsom fclosur at x xfffea self some xfffea f closur xffefc in selfxfffeca at self xfffeca xf in selfxfffedec flowmut flow at next mut flow iter iter itermut ptr xfffea end xfffea marker phantomdata self xfffedec flow mut flow xff in selfxfffedec flowmut flow at mut flow next mut flow iter iter itermut ptr xfffea end xfffea marker phantomdata self xfffedec flow mut flow xff in selfxfffedec flowmut flow at mut flow next mut flow iter iter itermut ptr xfffea end xfffea marker phantomdata self xfffedec flow mut flow xff in selfxfffedec flowmut flow at mut flow next mut flow iter iter itermut ptr xfffea end xfffea marker phantomdata self xfffedec flow mut flow line omit xff in selfxfffedec flowmut flow at xff in selfxfffedec flowmut flow at xff in selfxfffedec flowmut flow at xff in selfxfffedec flowmut flow at xff in selfxfffedec flowmut flow at xff in selfxfffedec flowmut flow at xff in selfxfffedec flowmut flow at xff in selfxfffedec flowmut flow at xff in selfxfffedec flowmut flow at xff in selfxfffedec flowmut flow at xff in selfxfffedec flowmut flow at xff in selfxfff at x in selfxfffed flowmut flow at xd in flowmut flow at xec in rootmut flow at xe in flow at xaf in at xdc in metasom at xa in dataxfffedf documentsom rwdataxfffe at xa in dataxfffedf to continu or q to quit at xccfe in at xc in metasom at xbff in at xac in at xb in at xa in at xbe in selfxfffedf fclosur msgxaf at xc in at xddb in fclosur at xdfc in at xbb in arg at x in at xcbd in at xd in at xde in at xdeeec in at x in selfxfffee arg at xcc in at at at xfffff in startthread argxfffedff at xffffacabf in clone at
what format must have a password file im run pariti version oper system ubuntu linux and instal via installerhi i tri to use pariti to local etc wallet but cant unlock acc by password file when i start pariti i have reciev thi messag load config file from you might have suppli invalid paramet in config file invalid type string expect a sequenc for key format must have a password filethnx
decod url
assert fail bin urlpassword found by fuzz more code in thi craterustlet url thread main panick gdbthread main panick at assert fail backtrac at at at at at at at at srclibr testurltest at testurlr testurlmain at testurlr at at at at main start
provid threadsaf mock stream none of the current mockstream are threadsaf which mean that they can often not be use in place of osbas stream such as tcpstream or file a threadsaf wrapper use arc would be a welcom addit
renam project thi will like grow to includ a ctap so perhap thi should be name fahidr
assert fail sesslto while compil rustfmt with lto with nightli edit repo for reproduc run cargo build releaserustc version rustc nightli beb git clone rustfmtgit checkout lto true cargo build releas rustc fresh quot v fresh utfrang v fresh numtrait v fresh unicodexid v fresh getopt v fresh serd v fresh itoa v fresh void v fresh dtoa v fresh diff v fresh term v fresh regexsyntax v fresh v fresh log v fresh lazystat v fresh libc v fresh synom v fresh toml v fresh unreach v fresh serdejson v fresh string v fresh memchr v fresh syn v fresh threadloc v fresh ahocorasick v fresh v fresh regex v fresh serdeder v fresh envlogg v compil v run rustc cratenam rustfmt cratetyp bin c optlevel c lto cfg cfg cfg c metadatabfba c outdir l extern extern extern extern extern extern extern extern extern extern extern extern extern extern c intern compil error unexpect panicnot the compil unexpectedli panick thi is a bugnot we would appreci a bug report rustc nightli beb run on run with for a rustc panick at assert fail sesslto backtrac xfca at xfcf at xfc at at xfcd at xfc at xfcfac xfcfdd xfcfd xfcf xfcddb xfcdaa xfcdf xfceae at xfcdea xfcb at at at xfcbd startthread xfccee clone x error could not compil by process didnt exit success rustc cratenam rustfmt cratetyp bin c optlevel c lto cfg cfg cfg c metadatabfba c outdir l extern extern extern extern extern extern extern extern extern extern extern extern extern extern c exit code
is sync or async one one hand i see refenc to tokio and thingson the other fn request request messag return plain messag instead of futur so expect to be how then should one implement proxi or replic server or someth like that or doe it happen in some thread poolin ani case the should be extend
messag not reexport from proto crate readm tell that is not intend for endus usebut to use one need expect it along with other relev type to be reexport in but it seem to be not the casethi forc user to depend also on if they want to depend on in order to implement a dn server or is the onli indend for endus usag is though the
introduc for localrequest featur to run local test with cooki you should use let client let request let respons statusokbut noth exist to creat privat cooki like for do you think of
endtoend integr of crate in registri i have been work on a propos which would add a featur to cargo to make registri trust free that is to verifi the integr and authent of crate download from a registri like cratesio even if cratesio were compromisedi dont have an rfc yet but i have a sketch i thought id post it here in brief we sign crate on public and verifi the signatur on we need a concept of a sourc of truth about user ident to cargo for cratesio the current sourc of truth is github cratesio doe not manag it own such a sourc of truth need to have a featur which allow user to publish a public key that can be use to verifi their signatur github today allow user to publish gpg key to verifi their commit though we dont need to actual use gpg just format our public key accord to the openpgp spec i wrote a crate to do thi alreadi for ed adjust the cargo login flow to gener a new key pair and publish the public key to github thi happen entir client side cratesio never gain permiss to publish gpg key the privat key is save in the user cargo directori and use to sign crate publish from thi machin key revok is done by delet the key from githubin the registri we addit track the signatur and the mean to identifi the public key in thi case the info need to request it from github when download crate we verifi the signatur in the registri we display to the user publish by github user or someth similar provid them the guarante that thi user did actual publish thi data and the data ha not been modifi the registri play no role in distribut public key though ive so far discuss thi in term of distribut them through github the system can be flexibl to allow addit sourc of ident in the futur which would display differ inform whi not tuf tuf wa not design with an extern author about ident in mind and so it involv the registri manag the ultim sourc of truth for ident the master key we alreadi deleg for manag user ident to a third parti github tuf is optin and ha a high cost for opt in most user would probabl not opt inin other word adopt tuf would not provid much secur for most user all secur would still depend on our secur practic in manag the master key and onli a small hand of crate would even see the gainsth high optin cost ha it own advantag onli user who are seriou about key manag would be like to do it howev user alreadi have to trust the secur practic of the author of crate they depend on and there not realli a way to avoid that futur the basic propos ive sketch out there are mani way the secur of thi system could be improv further we could adopt threshold signatur from tuf for crate with multipl owner provid a higher degre of secur thi would requir a signific ux revamp we could adopt a system for ownership to help catch eg withoutboot publish a crate that actual belong to withoutboat there are some seriou challeng i havent work out here about backward and our github team featur we could add option to requir signatur and refus to build crate without them influenc resolutioncc
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