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Created May 20, 2018 15:31
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use new user with a password when postgresapp first start up it creat the user databas which is the default databas for psql when none is specifi the default user is user with no password it possibl to get the psql instanc to start with a differ user who actual ha a password as in the normal u myuser d mydb
crc crc
threadsaf for method im not veri clear how you ensur the thread safe in method can you explain thank
oper signatur is occasion null from incid el weso request for ranger at rampart from blackrock null ranger to retriev an anxiou particip from rehab room in thi exampl null should be el weso
valid login form
show error messag if login fail
error dure json with facebook perform a oper with facebook set swiftlet set clientid xxxx clientsecret xxxx authorizeuri tokenuri scope email redirecturi domain name and got the error went wrong the oper couldnt be complet cocoa error after the method ha been call swiftlet json option nil error finalerror as nsdictionari
ssl pin i tri but it not worki check my key it is load or the way load key is wrongi also test that key by android app
differ imag url give same hash privat func hashu string string var url u let len counturl if url let size int counturl var hash int intsiz for codeunit in urlutf hash hash intcodeunit return hashreturn same hash for differ
compil error in xcode beta print method signatur on xcode beta the swift branch is not is unavail pleas use termin instead of fals print termin
view control inject hello guy im regist one view control use the method but when i get thi control use resolv the return is r c in cpresent r in let wirefram return someth wrong with thi code thank
get parser error when the binari is parsabl we are tri to pars a proto that is encod on our webserv then sent to our io app we are abl to pars the messag we send out just fine use our c parser but when we tri to pars it via swift we tag after tag we believ thi to be an error in the swift parser can we discuss implement a fix for thi
updat alchemi vision to return object nserror for proper api signatur
creat privaci polici creat a privaci polici thi will need to be link to under set legal privaci
add photo background to login pair screen
autocorrect onli correct a singl violat if you have more than one trail semicolon on a singl line autocorrect doe not correct all instanc onli the final one issu observ on latest
array index out of rang when tri to decrypt an ae encrypt string i am receiv an array index out of rang error when tri to decrypt an ae encrypt string that wa encrypt with cryptoswift here where it shot at am use a string extens to handl my string func string iv string throw string let ivbyt iv option let keybyt key option return tri iv ivbyt func uint iv uint throw string let data let enc tri aeskey key iv iv blockmod pad pkc let encdata nsdatabyt enc length intenccount let basestr string let result return result func uint iv uint throw string let data let dec tri aeskey key iv iv pad pkc let decdata nsdatabyt dec length intdeccount let result nsstringdata decdata encod return stringresult func string iv string throw string let ivbyt iv option let keybyt key option return tri iv ivbyt func baseencod string let utfstr fals return func basedecod string let basedata self option return nsstringdata basedata encod as string and here the encrypt in action swiftimport xctestimport cryptotest xctestcas let plaintext unittest let keyb var ivbstr var keybytesuint var ivbytesuint overrid func setup supersetup keybyt keyb option ivbyt let i nsdatabyt ivbyt ivb setup fail convert key string to byte result with no byte creat setup fail random iv did not return ani data xctassertivb nil setup fail ivb string is nil func do let tri iv let tri iv ivbyt decrypt text doe not match origin text catch xctfail ani help or guidanc would be appreci thank
as a user i would like my data to be transfer onli on encrypt protocol we will onli have self sign cert for the server so thi task will requir learn the coupl requir trick need to let the app trust self sign cert the solut may be differ for each of ssl and wss on io
implement simplifi login and registr ui
bug line static bool thi issu is happen constantli as of
intern server error xcssecur could not read password from keychain my repo is host on stash so when choos a new project that ha an exist bot i got the issu i attempt to have it manual fix by use the curl method howev when i pull down the initi data to get the botid everyth goe fineonc i attempt to then use the botid i get the follow finditem error xcssecur launchtool intern server error xcssecur could not read password from keychain the specifi item could not be found in the keychain
updat redi test case to obtain credenti from a properti file the properti file contain the credenti should exist in the new privat repositori we recent creat to hold all test of now the authtest is use environ variabl to hold the credenti without thi fix the ci for kituraredi will keep fail
ellipt curv encodedecod i did gener privat key insid secur enclav as written in the key wa gener use ellipt curv algorithm now i need to encrypt and decrypt data use thi key i can not found thi in the code dose thi exist cryptoswift
socketpair fail too mani open file xcode version cio alamofir i read some issu here and that some thing were fix in newer version but my problem is veri hard to reproduc in a satisfi way so i would like ask for some insight anywaymi app make an alamofir request about everi secondsi have a clientclass that wrap the alamofir callsim creat a manag like thi onli onc selfmanag var string for uri in trusteduri let return when the app run for a longer time ie h i get thi error on everi call fail socketpair fail too mani open filesi would be veri grate for ani comment on thi or hint on how to reproduc iti will tri a the current version of alamofir and tell you if the problem still occursthank
add notif when password condit are not met dure registr current we fail silent with the user not have regist thu when they attempt to log in we repeatedli see an invalid notif onli rather than indic registr itself fail
plu sign is not encod in bodi request of the type form data hi plu sign is not encod in the form data probabl it is also not encod in the queri paramet
scan a qr for account but forgot password not way to go back or cancel if i get to thi screen when tri to add a new account and i have the wrong password or no password then there is no way for me to go back i have to kill the app
carthag bootstrap result in github api request fail maximum number of login attempt exceed carthag version xcodebuild version d are you use nobuild na are you use na are you use na relev librari output clone cryptoswift clone clone starscream skip download binari due to the error github api request fail maximum number of login attempt exceed pleas tri again later check out cryptoswift at skip download binari due to the error github api request fail maximum number of login attempt exceed pleas tri again later check out starscream at skip download binari due to the error github api request fail maximum number of login attempt exceed pleas tri again later check out at v xcodebuild output can be found in build scheme cryptoswift watcho in build fail the follow build command fail compileswift normal armvk normal armvk failuresa shell task fail with exit code build fail the follow build command fail compileswift normal armvk normal armvk failuresth command carthag bootstrap fail and exit with dure im not realli sure whi thi ha start happen but run carthag bootstrap now caus error say github api request fail maximum number of login attempt exceed pleas tri again later thi seem to onli happen on travisci see one of the fail build here
implement login method with api
spotifi login instruct on the spotifi page explain the addit when user log in to spotifi
make pars of oauth callback url
json integ not decod as int im certain thi is not a gloss issu but i thought id ask the question here to see if anyon els ha experienc thi with swiftjsoni am call a flickr api which return the follow json snippet pleas note that the snippet is the output from a print of a json object map which is defin person canbuypro descript content hasstat iconfarm iconserv note the two field iconfarm and iconserv they are clearli json integerswhen i use the follow gloss code guard let iconserv int json let iconfarm int json els return iconfarm wa correctli convert to the integ and iconserv wa nilwhen look at the gloss code i found it ultim boil down to code such as the follow if let iconserv let x iconserv as int printx x when i look more close i find iconserv is of type nsstring but iconfarm is nsnumberi ad the follow let y as stringwhich correctli convert the iconserv nsstring to an integeri thi a swift issueha anyon experienc anyth like thi could there be someth in the json string on the wire that confus the json pars if so what the best way to get the raw nsdata return by the nsurlrequest in printabl formnot im use oauthswift as my network request librari
simpl http system
http error when invok secur endpoint from sequenc to address thi we just need to add a headercurl v x post h h authhead
redesign login and creat account screen
login with facebook
error load login html im have thi problem after press author thi app
connect with facebook need to be ad in to appropri loginsignup screen
remov login in alreadi have an account login
add the convers servic will soon go ga let copypast the current target to we need both becaus they will be support for at least
forgot password
simplifi login process no
convers window can be open multipl time if you click on a convers in the main window and open the convers then go back to the main window and click the convers again it open a new window for the should probabl detect that the convers ha alreadi been open and just put that window into focu
not abl to creat ae with base encod key hellofirst thank for share thi librari it is inde a nice worki have a case wherein i am pass a base encod bit ae key it is in ecb mode so no iv when i tri to initi cryptoswift ae with it it failsher is some more encod ae key init let keystr let keydata let keystr nsstringdata keydata encod keystr is nil verifi byte let bytesarray let ae tri aeskey keystr iv blockmod ecb fail here catch print error i found that the keystr abov is nil and henc ae key fail to initi but the data ha the correct byte verifi use thing i observ is there are neg valu in the byte array not sure if that is a reason is there a way i can initi the ae directli use the byte array appreci ani help you could
audit fix prioriti for text hint etc x header abov the contain for both room and tag x test back and cancel within contribut x add player head x elaps and total durat in not on header x dont say millisecond in time contribut about plate in head label and hide label below x chang audio to record after audio is select recordtext tap befor question answer should display modal repeat instruct instruct to contribut pleas answer a few question about yourself focu should not reset when a tag is select on tag view need to test imag galleri check for imag alt x read view should have individu ui item per entryhint x map hint x previou hint x playback hint x next hint x contribut hint x text contibut hint x audio contribut hint separ uiview for text and add ordin akpickerview fix see map view should be access see
save baseencod string hihow can i store my imag that i cast it to baseencod in than string i needthank
add cooki support to kituracsrf enabl storag of secret in cooki onc secur cooki are avail
is not work in io i am tri to make a call from my android client to io client then i am gete thi error at the io got tl read ret error errorinvalid librari key side but when i am do android client to android client call is work fine not abl to get where is the issu
readm hmac need updat swift there are no function in file to authent with sha sha and so on becaus of thi exampl code to authent doesnt work
reset password link on signin page will provid sampl code
no place to login on latest testflight version aug i download the new version of naturenet on testflight today i log out then i click on the join button becaus i didnt see a login button on the join page there is no place to login
question inject with argument thank for the awesom say that assist inject is not support i wa wonder what is the recommend solut for it until it is support should i creat factori and write bind for them or there is a better factori modul sound like a lot of codethank
ae decrypt is there a way to decrypt nsdata use onli a key and iv use ctr and nopad if so can you give me an exampl it would be so great i have encrypt my data use onli a key and iv key but i could find ani exampl on the librari to how to do it
make cooki a dictionari instead of a set
includ other speci fart sound you privileg human thi is obvious a blow to the progress movement to make everyon everi be i should say includ and safe id like to see fart from all speci id also like to have other sound like belch to be respect of all the anim that dont fart like crab or women
realm long long long const
take more time to decrypt hi i am current use thi librari for file decrypt and it work fine but the issu i am face wa it take more time to decrypt my file size around mb and it take around min to decrypt to work thi is my decrypt code let tri aeskey keyarray iv ivdecodedata blockmod ctr pad am work in swift and can you give me a solut for thi issu
is there a reason whi and non network request cannot be in the same enum class is there a reason whi and non network request cannot be in the same enum class i understand that they work a bit differ but whi is it better to separ api vs non i saw that there is a network separ thank
make project univers run it on both iphon and ipad
how inject properti from other assembl hicurr project function allow to use inject definit between other assembl func definit return class assembl func definit return d in with m in need to inject from if ye can i do thisthank
fix actor forget to dispos when deactiv
click on login use facebook app and not login use email will just close the screen when i click on my custom fb login button i get taken to a webview which grant me two chois login use the facebook app login use emailif i click on login use the facebook app the window will just closebut if i click on login use email it will workmi codelet email from self result error void in if error nil let result if return
refresh fb oauth token when it expir
user can relogin on
imag with space are not be url encod also a bad url wa caus the imageload extens to fail silent which caus imag to go haywir someon had a profil photo with a space in it which show the issu
time signatur pickerview chang time signatur in menu
remov credenti after uninstal app hello guy just tri to uninstal an app and to run it again stormpath log in my previou account is it good behavior
verifi the pgp signatur everi swift toolchain is sign with a pgp signatur so swiftup should verifi toolchain with gpg
sound is not same after decod when i done wave to amr encod and then i decod thi same encod file but the the sound is not same
code sign failur while export archiv we use carthag to integr sync into our shot at from mt present error code codesign fail failedlog from appli entitl delta for from combin entitl for entitl for write entitl for to run vvv forc sign ccadfbbfcb entitl warn usag of with option deprec in mac os x replac exist signatur invalid resourc directori directori or signatur have been modifi exit with mt export use mt cancel distribut assist error fail to verifi bitcod in cannot extract bundl from i error fail to verifi bitcod in cannot extract bundl from i exit with
sign up for estimot account
cant abl to decrypt the data hi everyon i am unabl to decrypt the data come the server here are my key and ivlet key apaazqlet iv qzaapath string i need to decrypt is thi i am unabl to do it ani help it a json string and need to decod and pars it
shouldnt request locat privileg access if is pass fals the veri first time is ever call it will request locat and do all the necessari setup for show the current locat for the user thi shouldnt happen if shouldshow is fals
how to do login the user if password is known from in v in previou version i wa abl to retriev the web credenti form the keychain with then just log the user in with let lock alockshar let client let paramet account password password paramet paramet success profil token inhow do i login the user with v lock if i had the password alreadi
openssl not found in vapor beta a sampl project will not compil with a singl depend on vapor itself the build fail on compil of the transit depend error opensslconfh file not foundinclud error could not build objectivec modul ctlsimport ctlsmi machin is run the current version of xcode which includ swift i have alreadi instal locat opensslconfh show thi
forc alway hican i forc the alway permiss request for ani locat request even if the frequenc is
encrypt is insuffici error when passivemod is disabl seem that with my newest transmitt everi request that get sent to the transmitt result in the error encrypt is insuffici had to modifi xdripg to get the error inform specif the error handl at the end of in on the stock main branch it just show up as a timeout
hideshow password button text is wrong when set the text for the hideshow button through code the textfield display the default hideshow text for the time a possibl fix is to set the button titl when the hideshow text is set
when vote send fail app forget my input happen on bad wifi one enter rate enter comment tri to send network fail app close dialog upon open the dialog again my input is lostit would be nice if app would rememb my input at least in case the send fail
can not abl to get author chang the client id client secret and redirect url still get call redirect url not page of fitbit
gener swift method signatur extra comma while i have been abl to get some code smash out use use thi codefunc for arg in endfor for arg in endfor but end up with thi extra at endfunc i notic thi c templat which is use to gener swift class in antlr ha thi static let separ wrap anchorit might be worth cherri pick some of the logic hereslightli unrel and not an issu but you mayb is everi languag gramma file from antlr spat out as swift token base token parser are gener via c templatestg in antlr then had envisag one day that these could be gener from swift perhap with thi librari
add test for and write test for and
import privat key in testnet thi doesnt work
consid diff confirm string on eras sinc cooki etc have also been eras ur recommend instead of say that histori is eras consid way to commun that other thing like cooki have also been erasednext rephras with michel to be more gener
basic unsecur server not work when i use the demo that come with telegraph the server start and work perfectli howev when i tri to just test an unsecur server it doesnt workth demo code that work swiftserv ident self defin the demo hellonam hello secret forbidden statu ok server is run start the server on localhost well skip error handl for the demo note if you test in your browser dont forget to type httpstri is run at test of a basic server that doesnt work swiftlet server server statu ok server is run tri
pleas fill out thi templat when file an issu all line begin with an symbol instruct you with what info we expect you can delet those line onc youv fill in the info per our contribut we use github for bug and featur request not gener support other issu should be open on stack overflow with the tag alamofir pleas remov thi line and everyth abov it befor submit ive read understood and done my best to follow the contribut what did you do pleas replac thi with what you did what did you expect to happen pleas replac thi with what you expect to happen what happen instead pleas replac thi with of what happen instead alamofir versionxcod versionswift run version run xcode demo project pleas link to or upload a project we can download that reproduc the issu
pleas help ae encrypt i need to encrypt a string in swift i have a java code as below public static string cipher secretkey except e while encrypt nullpleas help me how to achiev in swift
code sign chang test issu thi is just a test issu
make login splash screen not mute music play on devic
maco app requir a sign framework carthag version xcodebuild version xcode build version a are you use nobuild no are you use ye are you use no are you use cachebuild output clone tstorag clone tproperti check out tproperti at check out tstorag at xcodebuild output can be found in build scheme tproperti maco in build scheme tstorag maco in creat framework for myself these framework are compat with carthag when i launch the build with carthag i have no worri in appear but when i check the folder i see is embed to tstorag and also build as standalon framework i dont ask to emb when i check the xcode projet of tstorag tproperti is link but not when i tri to use the framework tstorag on a test project xcode gener the errora shell task usrbinxcrun codesign forc sign eecbdfacb fail with exit code code object is not sign at allin subcompon binsh fail with exit code follow the of my test is strang i have also a test project for io tproperti is embed into tstorag but i can run the test project but i do not think that appl will accept with a framework embed in anoth may be someth i did not do right if you could tell me what it will help me
potenti issu paramet sent stringstr return stringstr when interact with app server updat below disregard close thi issuethi is one of the better http app on the app store so thank you for all the work youv donein my http request i request a paramet call scope the valu i input into the app is stringstr with a forward slash the http call is success but what return is stringstr that is a backslash must be get ad to the request from the applic given my server recogn stringstr and not stringstr the remaind of my workflow fail requestkey scopevalu scope chanc your app is ad a backslash upon send the request i test thi on a desktop with postman to see if it wa occur there appear it isol to the httper appmani thank for check thi out
research option for popul credenti in io app in research of the alpha extens were see evid that user expect autofil to recal expect for mobil is that it is primarili a refer to alreadi store credenti and user priorit effici when access account given that what are our option for streamlin on iosthi will be help in inform ux as we get closer to need an interfac
fix sqlcipher build script to build separ maco and io librari urgent build for io simul but link in object file built for osx note thi will be an error in the futureth problem is that the i and x librari are target maco instead of io so we need separ binari for maco and
allow unhash templat grant allow templat to be store in the grant tabl unhash use kindtempl and renam the current hash one to contract
uikit convers list local cach
bcrypt instanc method the bcrypt hasher onli contain static method which make it imposs to conform to protocol like auth and imposs to regist w the servic system in the interim a bcrypthash wa creat in the auth packag we should delet that when thi issu is fix
creat and sign request heyim work on with the bitso api as well but im stuck creat the hmacsha to make the request do you have ani progress with thi privat callsthank in advanc
zom is unabl to receiv messag just the same issu as describ in
cant abl to access keychain after revok distribut certif i am work in project which is alreadi in appstor submit by differ develop now i am tri to submit updat version of the app with differ version and build number i cant abl to access previous store keychain valu i am use keychain pod to store and retriev dataher is the step i didrevok the old distribut certif creat by anoth person and creat a new one with my provis profil which is use by previou sign and submit to app old build from app the updat build from test flightnow i cant abl to access keychain valu alreadi storednow what can i do to retriev the old keychain valu i have also check the team id for keychain group access it is same as old one is there ani way i can retriev the old keychain valu
convers view incorrect top space a few second after messag are fetch thi is a bug after updat the chat sdk that ha local cach for messagesthi is differ with onli happen the first time after enter the page ie not happen in load more not happen in chat sdk exampl i suspect it becaus thi project is use storyboard and the content inset of the collect view is differ in the two project
assert occur when as mention here mp i run the mac app in the demo it stop at the assert rgbafloat in the last op in the infer function it turn out to be rgbaunorm anyth i should do befor run the demo
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