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Created May 20, 2018 15:29
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improv error messag when publish credenti are not found it should be obviou that credenti were not found and what they would need to be even if publish somewher that requir no credenti which i think is a rarer the error is nest in a mess of ivi output would be ideal to highlight thi sucker and bring it out if possibl may requir a good bit of work but it the most common error i see with regard to publish malform credenti
salt the user password as a user i want my store password to be store in such a way that it not easili of md algorithm is ok as long as the password is
implement equal and hashcod togeth doe not detect val hashcod i sometim implement hashcod of immut class as val or lazi val especi when the class repres dag node thi avoid costli hashcod i get the implement equal and hashcod togeth when i do so when equal is also implement
creat a trait that allow for faster bind of encod to type thi avoid the map lookup base on object class that happen current it should look like the jdbc you call with a queri string and it should have method setx as setint setstr setdat that bind the valu with the encod to the statement
twitter disconnect when hashtag start with
ensur easi of which charact are percent encod im sure thi is possibl now but ensur it is easi add to the and add unit test
add support for usernam and password eg
is there ani support for creat sign url hi im build a play app that deliv some paid content store in s to end user doe thi modul have ani support for the sign url featur if not is there someth close that i could mayb fork and build upon
add secur inform to front page we should list the attack we protect against on the front page these includ session steal ssl xsrf formkey replay attack formkey xss
signatur includ privat redisop make util function difficult i want to write a function which retri a transact a fix number of timesi want it to have a signatur like thi scaladef intf redisop unit take a redisop unitbut thi is not possibl becaus redisop is privat so i have to resort to a hack of use asinstanceof to possibl wrongli coerc redisop to rediscli so i can receiv a function that take it scaladef intf rediscli unit believ redisop should be split into two trait for public and privat interfac or should be chang to use rediscli instead
sbt classload interfer with mockito for detail descript of the problem pleas see the follow stack overflow
port assign even if app didnt request it even if the app doesnt request ani port marathon will assign it one
deprec get up due to sever violat of add i suggest we deprec get up and go with give you a i dont think were at a stage where break chang are vetod push come to shove we can maintain backward by keep both user who believ thi chang will caus their product system an unaccept time pleas speak now
playflash cooki doe not have secur bit set when serv over http to reproduc creat a new play scala applic replac line of with secur launch play with dhttpsport set access the app with http on that port open your browser develop consol to view the cooki set and lack of secur bit
valid deleg isnt nullsaf valid or somefield is valid via the dsl can caus if it act on a null valu
add login screen
default http blacklist ha some problem is privat but most of the rest of is not for exampl adobecom is ddd should be ddthere also a third block reserv for privat use
hide creat new account button when user not login i want to prevent creat account by non admin userso i want to hide creat new account button when user not logini want gitbucket to be abl to choos whether to display or hide creat new account button
classload conflict between local and global plugin thi issu occur for sbt and merver to reproduc it creat an otherwis empti project with the follow sbtghpage then add the follow line to your global plugin sbtgroll then start sbt and you will get the at at at at at at at at at at at at at by me it look like the two plugin depend on differ version of jgit and there no proper classload isol in place
server crash with forg micro block error materi with id tileleav is alreadi materi with id tileleav is alreadi registeredi thi me or forg
add paramet to inject function shim to should take a string to execut after it done bind object in order to prepar a consist work environ of api for a client script
it should be possibl to navig between audit messag from the popup dialog while the audit screen is open it would be nice to use arrow key and backnext button to navig through the list of audit messag
modular powersuit pickax cannot break projectr marbl or basalt i came across thi issu while rewrit and fix part of mp thi issu seem to be within projectr itself unless im mistaken as mp block break algorithm seem to work for everi other mod it doe eventu break the block but never drop it and it take an age for it to drop as if punch the block it seem howev that vanilla and pr pickax work just fine with it were check to see if the block can be harvest use a call to if that help at all the rest of the pickax modul which ha been left unchang in commit to be push can be seen here are no help stacktrac or log associ with thi issu
indicatorjob creation through ui bypass drf if a user attempt to creat an indic job on a nonscenario through the drf browseabl api drf refus permiss howev the ui page will allow nonadmin user to success run indic calcul for nonscenario creat an indicatorjob with the user as it owner
doc borrow akka includecod sphinx extens
enforc factor auth for withdraw with the user trust servic and wallet when a user doesnt have two factor auth set up we can do an email loop through the user trust servic to confirm withdraw when they do have it the wallet should confirm the two factor auth token itself thi will make the frontend complet untrust
how to reset password hello i am new to use thi silhouett thank for your great work and i quit appreci these code in current i am tri to implement a function to reset password in my mind id like to get hi old password check and set a new one but it seem a bit too hard code as follow def implicit request data val logininfo case someus val authinfo match case someoldauth val pass passwordinfo oldauthpass oldauthsalt val oldpassword string datapassword if true todo how can i check hi password or how can i compar oldpassword with pass for authinfo authinfo token yield request requestlang request requestlang token els case case none recovertot case error is it possibl that to give some more suggest ani repli are appreci
how to encod typeclass that requir either choic prochoic and probabl other typeclass have method that take or produc either ideal we would use catsdataor instead of scalaeith but it mean that or need to be defin in corewhat is your thought
doubl header when use ws with ntlm refer tri to call a net web servic host on ii use ws with ntlm i get an http the request ha an invalid header name the traffic use in more detail i found that ws insert a second header which seem to be reject by iisth codev respons withauth getwhat happen initi client request is triggeredget httphost userag ningnot sure if the cooki should be prefix with ntlm here server respons with http aspnetd fri feb proxysupport unauthor access is deni due to invalid arial helvetica px px px color paddingpx px ms verdana error unauthor access is deni due to invalid credenti you do not have permiss to view thi directori or page use the credenti that you suppli client reiniti request base on ntlm respons aboveget httphost ntlm userag ningnotic the duplic of the header server respons with http bad requesthttp bad texthtml fri feb bad requestbad request invalid headerhttp error the request ha an invalid header name
publish version for password you chang the pass to password here and that look like a good chang but the current publish maven version contain the pass version perhap you could releas a version with thi chang
deploy d move view hack replac stream proxi with proper geoip
object is not a member of packag i have clone the play exampl project and creat a custom token endpoint but it doe not compil i am gettingth error object is not a member of packag thi happen when compil the project in eclips as well as from the shell with sbt compileth strang thing is that in an other project where i wa use spray i wa abl to implementand success compil a custom endpointso seem to be relat somehow to play ani suggest scalapackag extend val new password overrid def fals overrid val handler map password
access key idsecret be encrypt
cant remov cmd from applic without ugli hack creat a simpl applic eg cmd sleep updat the config with a docker imag and remov the cmd field the cmd field persist if not set or set to null as expect and respond with a minlength valid failur if set to blank the ui current work around thi by send a singl space charact
webjar request osspar jar orgwebjar snapshot webjar for utf path rzslider shim depid artgryn mit repo head orgwebjar run true true
secur http endpoint onc http basic is ad to gitbucket the databas export endpoint should be restrict to admin onli
featur continu grandmast game against comput after one side ha resign id love to be abl to continu a game against the comput when one side ha resignedit should be an easi win shouldnt it thi could be a great way to practic endgam techniqu
regress regard expand method signatur i have a in my buildsbt scaladef file extens string file typedir string log logger unit it seem that thi method is expand prior to use result in thi error error not enough argument for method x javaiofil x string x javaiofil x string x valu paramet x x targetdirth same code work when use sbt
top bar baselin out of whack my are all over the place would be love to tidi them
error messag of saveload state violat is incorrect stop applic master without should be scannot save in thi load in thi should be scannot load in thi miss the last parenthesi
do not inject jsrmodul and jdkmodul of jackson i wa have problem tri to use on a play app use json and rest debug i found that playlibsjson ha two and objectmapp the default is the one that should work if it were the one use javastat objectmapp objectmapp mapper new objectmapp jdkmodul jsrmodul fals return mapper but it not been use becaus objectmapp is be inject by and there is an if that check if objectmapp is not null and use it insteadi think the problem is that regist by is not regist modul jdkmodul and jsrmodul of jacksonan workaround i found wa to regist the correct modul on globaljava javapubl class global extend public void app objectmapp mapper new objectmapp jdkmodul jsrmodul fals
unauthor to dismiss layer
after upgrad to upgrad to finatra in buildsbt chang import import respons request and now getcaus by at at at at morenot sure how to resolv thi
travers functor accuraci of bullet point explan p in p after exercis first bullet point optionlista a call to option as the applic return none if ani of the input list is it return the origin list wrap in somea more accur explan would be a list of the same size is return with unwrap option valu so it is not realli the origin list becaus the origin list contain valu wrap in an optionsam is true for the second bullet point
add univers packag and assembl option to the build script need to provid both option for further deploy build fat jar with all depend includ build distribut packag with all depend in lib folder
support to gener and set ssl with cloudfront allow to gener free ssl certif use command line it would be nice if we can have support for setup and renew for ssl certif with
ensur html inject remain imposs my idea wa to upload a public schema along the line of that when anoth user access that schema the malici script would get execut and steal their databut actual swagger escap the html so the exploit fail so i dont think the ui is current vulner
support for cooki on request hicurr there doesnt seem to be a way to inject cooki into the mock request when use the mockw librari what the feasibl of ad thi
ad to git we need to support to git somehow probabl few method of are need
do not enabl integr on login
elast shard with consist hash
move hash to wdl backend
scala stream collector add boolean set
is not gener correct hash i have gener a user and passwordhash and put them in the usersyml file but i keep to login invalid usernam or password when i tri to loginlog in as blake with the password adminfirst work just fineto test i gener the hash for that password use htpasswd echo adminfirst htpasswd i s n differ from the hash in the default usersyml file cat i miss someth or is the broken miss a function to add a salt mayb
travers in should work in constant stack space otherwis blow up with stack overflow on larg graph k map in a chain
disk back inhibit the abil to decod form field string as utf string call to getstr result in usag of a default charact setinstead of we should be use to support utf string decod
univers reset reset gener for synchron block should be configur sinc support in target architectur will varyi think thi case and combin should be support asynchron reset like it is at thi time vhdlsignal test clock if reset then test elsif then test not test end ifend process synchron reset vhdlsignal test if then test not test if reset then test end if end ifend process no reset can save a lot of rout resourc in fpga vhdlsignal test stdulog processclock if then test not test end ifend process
discuss a better implement for shadowsock client
spam log for expect error log error even if the action wa execut insid trymax where error are expect it seem the behavior wa introduc here would be nice if onli final error would be log and not error from which trymax will eventu recov
http respons caus gatl version reproduc scalaimport extend simul val httpprotocol http q deflat br x linux x rv gecko firefox val header mapaccept val chain exec resourc val scn br which stand for brotli github is remov from header everyth work fine if howev if it is specifi the follow except is gener debug fetch resourc debug ighashttptx send userid debug use noncach channel id xacb l for get debug request success version http content httpaccept gzip deflat mozilla x linux x rv gecko success version httphttp textcss expir fri jul gmtdate fri jul privat gse debug ad key for channel id xacb l error crash on get header q deflat br x linux x rv gecko firefox forward user to the next null at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
add oauth client for trigger with event sourc today we requir usernamepw to be pass on to a trigger we should offer the abil to avoid that by allow with oauth
content independ classload as new content is get ad to scala exercis we are start to hit the limit of share the classload of the server with the evalu we need a per librari class loader so we can have separ classpath per content modul thi will enabl us to have separ lib version in exercis ex content doobi x site doobi x avoid evict of lib that can caus runtim failur when evalu binari incompat lib versionsy are the most experienc one in that are and would love if you can take up on thi task and other are alreadi start to creat exercis for lib like doobi which will caus inmedi classpath conflict as soon as they are releas
figur out how to separ login state on obp api explor sofi current if a user is log in on the api if in the same browser the user will not be prompt for credenti when log in on the api explor thi also mean that if you want to logout of api explor you have to logout on the api and exploreral three app use jessionid cooki but it seem to be subdomain specif
add mechan two ideashow to connect use a to anoth mechan when secur an server is put a nginx proxi in front of itth proxi block connect request unless a special header is set and a particular token ie on the http request if nginx allow proxi the request
build a realtim hashtag or topic app like the which is a big challeng to db but an easi task for akka actoranoth relat featur is to show the system log such as the hot queri the statu bar for each view
switch to compiletim depend inject the applic ha been set up with the default guic runtim depend inject switch to compiletim depend injectionse
test error ge disc requir login to download dataset start august the goddard earth scienc data and inform servic center requir that we login to download the dataset thi affect the follow test solut is to either point it to a differ url or somehow find a way to login would rather point it to a differ url
get ike to work without user googl oauth is a pain to get work correctli we have got ping by an extern user tri to run ike local it would be use to support ike with a default user without requir
better handl of the current solut doe not correctli handl failur do so would requir substanti chang
whitelist on bodi array assert so far the user are forc to use ignoringeach with a long list of key
spammi comment stream in tourney idea a user can post x number of link in ani comment box per min thi also solv the issu when peopl go around and post their tournament link in everi activ
can string be use for incomplet json consid the follow codev json firstnam johncas class string lastnam thi return a leftsom kind of cursor error becaus lastnam is miss in the json string im have to use an actual cursor with getorels and travers the json and build out the case class anyway decod can suppli default valu like empti string fals etc for that particular field
encrypt clear workflow option in db the unprocess workflow option json is be store in the databas without be pass through our encrypt codeth clear workflow option should be store in metadata and the encrypt version store dure the workflow run in the workflow store the workflow store will continu to be empti onc the workflow finish
test for ensur integr against code have a suit of integr test to ensur the integr of the evalu system when thirdparti code is execut
localtim miss from it is a simpl and it could be good to have it therefin def c casstr match case right tri formatt catch case chistori case l left final def implicit final val implicit final val thi somewher els
cannot access an artifactori repo protect by http basic on window im tri to use sbt behind a corpor firewal the onli access to the outsid world is via an artifactori instal after set up a file i wa initi abl to bootstrap sbt and subsequ download ani artifact i need for my project when i switch on http basicauth on thii server thing start to failwhen i run sbt i see the follow error messageerror unabl to find credenti for artifactori realm there a file whose content look through the trace there no evid that the credenti file wa be read there no evid that the credenti are be usedim pretti sure that artifactori is work i wa abl to verifi that it fail with a consist error when i fail to provid usernamecurl error statu messag is requir but when i hit the exact same repo with credenti everyth seem finevenv curl u but when i tri the exact same thing in sbterror unabl to find credenti for artifactori realm client error unauthor is the same issu on
allow to inject an extern marshal we want to have a way to the user to suppli us with a custom http want marshal per type right now there is a global jackson solut leav current user can suppli custom marshal via implicit resolut config valu allow user to overrid the default marshal look in class path for of marshal and if found one use it
overrid compil error with hashcod field as hashcod name is translat to hashcod which collid with hashcod method
allow download signatur file along with plugin jar current ore onli allow user to download the upload plugin jar for a version it would be use to be abl to download the signatur file upload by the plugin author as well so that user can do their own verif if they want to
add cooki support to the getcooki method in still return
collect patch from rewrit in a singl travers the current rewrit system is design such that each rewrit doe a travers on tree for with multipl rewrit thi might be slow it would be nice to be abl to run all rewrit with a singl travers on the treethi would requir an api chang on rewrit return a seqpatch but i think that doabl if it give better perform for config with mani rewrit
cannot reset password notic by nonong with the xdome orr instancebi look at the log docker f log orront i note that the standard call to retriev the base url of the applic use to compos the next your password ha been reset html page fail with a npeexcept in thread thread restart the applic and tri to reproduc with my carueda account the npe is not happen but i cannot get to advanc to the your password ha been reset html pagefyi
add signatur for with no param should just yield size of collect
cach github
error run on arch linux ui is never drawn and consol is spam with the same error over and over pygiwarn gtk wa import without specifi a version first use befor import to ensur that the right version get load from girepositori import gtk
featur request login via password hellother is a login via pin now can you pleas add login via password it will improv secur becaus it easi to find out pin just digit
timeout at login after have updat to the latest commit on develop i sometim have thi problem log in from the futur time out after intern server error vsessionthi doe onli happen sometim right after have load all the data and start webapi could we increas the timeout mayb the new hashlib is slower than the old one error unabl to run rout futur time out after at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
basalt stone doe not drop basalt stone doe not drop when dig with
on seem to break deriv decod sorri if the titl could be mislead i basic cannot call emap or emaptri on a without break deriv decod let say i have an implicit val uselessdec none that is a pretti useless decod that alway decod to none regardless of the of the string itself uselessdec work properli but if i chang the map to emap rightnon or emaptri successnon i alway get attempt to decod valu on fail cursor in deriv decod when the field is miss shouldnt map x emap rightx and emaptri successx have ident behaviour they actual do but someth break when a deriv decod use the differ versionsedit the same happen with or with it look like onli map is workingher is a small exampl it in ammonit but it happen in normal code as to the ammonit repl scala java import ivyimport ivyimport okdec import implicit val none okdec decodertest brokendec import implicit val successnon brokendec decodertest brokendec import implicit val rightnon brokendec decodertest eithererror test to decod valu on fail cursor eithererror test to decod valu on fail cursor eithererror test
clean out hack to preserv old doc with new sbtghpage sbtghpage introduc filter to protect part of your i think thi featur could get rid of mani of the hack in our file
add encrypt upload thi librari should be abl to support both the serversid and clientsid encrypt upload option that s provid
call cach isnt work in v with docker hash when use a docker hash in v in order to get call cach i get the follow error error fail copi cach result for job invalid cach fail to copi to by read time outat methodat common frame omit info could not find anoth cach hit fall back to run job seem that the file cant be copi so it invalid the cach the wdl task is as followstask indexvcf file combinedgvcf int disksiz command usrgitctabix combinedgvcf runtim docker memori gb cpu disk localdisk disksiz hdd output file gvcf combinedgvcf file gvcfindex im go to tri run thi same task in v without the docker hash to see if it someth to do with the file and in v to see if the issu is resolv there
batch call cach hash entri and simpleton in the spirit of but for cach
oper annot should not chang method signatur requir oper annot should not chang method signatur spec implement macro to pars control metadata remov macro annot rewrit rpcrouter logic to use metadata instead of macro annot miscopt other use info
transact info get lost when the last mutat in a transact is blacklist or not whitelist
problem pars repo url with credenti coursier is awsom howev i had to chang my password after i realiz that password charact can confus the pars of urlsat least the follow charact caus a lot of fetch r with repositori error pars url input string barif a password includ then the pars produc a bogu url that coursier may ignorefor fetch r not found not found download error caught baz fetch r not found not found download error caught connect refus connect refus connect refus connect refus
behavior of regist or wire that is never assign what should be the behavior of a declar regist that is never assignedif i declar a regist that is never assign to anyth eg val ranvalreg regbool i would imagin that it should clock in a random valu everi clock cyclehowev it look like chisel optim it away into a wire and assign it to a random valu dure thi would have a differ behavior than have a random valu everi clock cyclethi is also relat to
ha inconsist indent for concat with thi and pushnotus insid the same concat get inconsist indent pop matpush notus i think we should either not indent anyth at all as concat is onli to repres a linear list of otherwis put first and second from concatfirst second at the same indent leveldo that make sens
add mention to from while work on intern i didnt realiz there wa alreadi which is pretti help go to submit a pr
expos decodeal function to handl all decod failur recent at work i had a need to decod an a list all decod errorsi didnt find ani exist function so i wrote a decodejsona use so the out of the box decodejson which had fit my need in the past didnt cut it in thi specif caselook at the exist class foox int y stringscala val foodecod ydecod to decod json have invalid x and y json key valu the decod fail fast on xscalascala fals y it doesnt alreadi exist would it be worthwhil to provid such a scalaz scalazimport argonaut warn chistori in the failur case seem wrong to medef decodeallaf hcursor a decodejsona new decodejsona def decodec hcursor fc match case successa case failureerr chistori relat
make the login view respons
otp one time password scala otp
discuss modul thi is an open invit to to decid what need to be put into thi modul and what technolog stack if ani shall be usedfor now i propos we have the follow principl way of do token with customiz payload algorithm and field secur random algorithm for number string of vari length todo add more possibl one of the librari list on thi could be two modul auth and secur jwt would go into the former and secur random stuff into the latter
insuffic permiss error while on a secur cluster tri to be author on a secur cluster and it error out with a stacktrac insuffici permiss have all the sv permiss find the code with the stacktrac here i have use the version where i dont have to specifi the hbase region and am tri to append the tabl can you help me
provid a rs exampl with public and privat key helloit would be help to provid an exampl with jwt with rs
chang case class type to array for ldap attribut valu
map ldap searcher result to case class
apk use deprec md signatur just a note your apk are still sign use md which is deprec error jar signer gaeproxyrsa fail to verifi jar signatur against algorithm constraint check fail on disabl algorithm mda you know deprec soon might mean unsupport so you might wish to act on thi winkbtw also appli to the kcptun plugin
add check sum to jwt which is encrypt with secret onli known to obp api so that we can be sure content of jwt ha onli been writen by obp
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