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Created May 20, 2018 15:33
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urlencod filter as notic in
request to no longer work in the follow code work great in alpha but fail with version in the callback from execut i dont get an error but for the profil i receiv an html page whose titl is error bad request and whose bodi contain a messag say your client ha issu a malform or illeg request that all we knowim revert my project to alpha until thi can be resolv code var config restifi googleapi oauthclient function request respons next var oauthclient new error client if error return nextnew accesstoken refreshtoken error profil if error return nextnew code
creat a proper blacklist for swf that shouldnt be handl by the extens as mention in the current process for blacklist swf doesnt scale we should creat a json file for that
make statehref hashbang prefix option i have found myself use the statehref function to compil url for state for the most part it is great but i ran into a small issu relat to the hash bang prefix when in html fallback mode in html fallback mode statehref return url prefix with the hash bang prefix which is inconsist with angularj convent of hide the prefix from user for exampl if i want to use the output of statehref with the setter mode of locationurl id run into an issu sinc locationurl refer to the portion of the absolut url after the hash bang prefixi believ there is an here between what a user expect and what actual happen the also doe not help sinc it use the follow exampl from html person bob exampl is incorrect when in html fallback modemi solut to thi issu is current to just remov the prefix with a regular express but it would be nice if we could choos whether or not to prepend the gener url with the hash bang prefix
handl differ exampl in a less hackish way right now all the exampl are concaten into one examplesj file to determin which exampl is run there is an outer if someth surround the entir exampl the demonam attribut on window is set in a script tag at the top of the htmlneedless to say thi is super hackish and i would rather have separ script for the differ exampl howev have grunt build them separ in a naiv fashion with our current tool lead to pollut of the src directori by js crap need to fix thi as part of the great grunt tool fix
implement style oauth use leverag domain for all auth thi is cool becaus it use chrome oauth flow for most of the work but it is also a singl point of we should tri implement style oauth cross platform assum we can open new window and access their titl to make oauth work for a chromeff extens and potenti avoid all network depend on or the equival ff thing see see javascript alpha code
manif v allow user to set a trust level for manifest and use thi trust level when merg data from differ file keep the highest trust level instead of the last user dataalso the origin extens keep the first mention of the player level nicknam and real name we keep the last data avail perhap thi should chang as well for sakespecif usecas you have a local commun of peopl you trust the datasheet for thi commun complet you are in a commun for all ltinsert faction heregt player in your countri due to the sheer number of player here you trust the data less it get outdat or perhap a ltinsert other faction heregt player can get in and ruin your datasheet
dont forget the oauth step in connect with seen on comput
chang baselin of one render caus domain to forget other baselin if i chang the baselin of one render pink in thi case the domain onli take that new baselin into account and no longer includ is still the baselin of the other render and should be
tsc incorrectli select overload method signatur hii ad a strongli type jqueryeach method overload in order to perform type check when compil my ts key string t callback indexinarray string t ani ani ad by ani callback indexinarray ani ani ani anywhen use thi method tsc doesnt perform type check and allow you to write a code that will fail at runtim for exampl var arg key string number eacharg index number val var chr is no error at compil time becaus val is treat as ani thi happen becaus tsc choos less specif overload with ani howev id like to see a compil errori do see compil error when i write it aseacharg index val var chr valcharatwhi is that
all url paramet a develop ran into an issu and the fix wa to url encod hi paramet we should be do thi by default for url paramet that will end up in the url
prevent browser from prompt to autosav password in web version if possibl we should make sure that browser dont autosav the master password when the user is use the web versiontodo check for each of the most popular desktop browser firefox chrome ie safari what the behavior is when password autosav is enabl by default in the browser do they prompt to save autosav etc check for each of the most popular mobil browser safari chrome firefox mobil ie what the behavior is
user privileg page
make secur xmpp work in chrome the current statu is that secur xmpp work in firefox at least it will onc firefox ui issu are resolv chrome is a bit more complic on chrome freedom ha been rewritten to use the new api and ha a new secur method ha been updat to use the new api invok the starttl flow and call via freedom uproxi ha been updat to use the new with secur xmpp howev xmpp sign in fail in both uproxi and the demo due to the setpaus bug long term solut for chrome is to fix the setpaus bug which may requir a redesign of the api howev that may take week or month and so we should work around it in the meantimeth current plan for a workaround is to add a new method to freedom call which we will invok right befor send the starttl xmpp messag on firefox and node thi will be a noop howev on chrome thi will call setpaus thi will result in the socket be paus after we receiv the proceed messag from the xmpp server and at that point the socket can be success secur thi will requir chang to freedom tcpsocket interfac and probabl libtcpj
make login button issu a url reload each click if a login oauth page fail to load then click on the login button just take you back to the tab that ha a page that fail to load instead i suggest that the connect to a network should issu a url reload on each login click that way if the first auth page load fail the user doesnt get stuck
shacknew post contain rel link the articl post contain rel link which dont work
spoiler text should behav like the shack when insid a onelin it should hide it and when insid a full post it should be clickabl
if cooki get long it fail to export timet appli to line apiclientget chang request method to post
css inject is broken which is realli annoy when you are work on css
confus about token with uirout with ngrouter i wa use a an interceptor that would pass a cooki into the header of each server request how can i do thi with you ui routerthank
oauth state not uriencod if state paramet contain unescap uri charact like abcdef the valu come back as abc def and valid failsp i wa go to make a pull request but dont know how the minj file is built
compil complain about a lack of call signatur in mocha test for angular i have a mocha test with the follow line to load the angular modul appus the compil is complain about that with the follow messag cannot invok an express whose type lack a call
depend inject creat new instanc instead of share thi may or may not be an issu so feel free to tell me if my expect are use inject across multipl compon if the inject is includ with both compon then multipl instanc of the class may be instanti by the depend inject i would expect the to be a singl instanc which appear to be how dij handl ither is a plunker show the code in action should be abl to see both in the consol that the class servic is creat time as well as look at the id for each servic in the html upon remov servic from inject but keep it insid the constructor so it still get inject there will onli be one instanc of servic createdi thi a bug or expect behavior across compon if it expect behavior is there a suggest way to share singl instanc of inject across compon i ran across thi while implement angular compon with a flux architectur and tri to use a store across multipl compon
how do we take care unauthor is it possibl to take care unauthor when token expir
wrong function signatur for argument to underscor reduc underscor reduc function take a function that accord to underscor doc should take the memo then the current valu then either the current index or the current key depend on whether the list wa a list or a dictionari but in the dictionari version of reduc take an as the function type which ha no memo argument memoiter is use correctli for the array version i think there just need to be like a for the dictionari case
gener a packag in appstudio fail when icon art is assign to a game step to reproduc a problem creat ani new game in touchdevelop click edit script properti click on icon art assign ani icon click save publish a game click make it an app go to publish info associ app with the store enter appropri publish info click save click finish click the instal packag wa not creat becaus the code gener failedsourc code tab read error download touchdevelop packag for script id gaf reason the path is not of a legal formexpect result packag is goe away if icon is remov from the game
buggi comment in regard replay on the docstr on say provid a request with oauth flow if credenti have a refreshtoken in case of http and respons it ask for a new access token and replay the unsuccess requestbut i dont see ani logic that would retri on nor doe that seem plausibl given that it wouldnt work with stream bodi afaik the token is onli refresh befor make the request sorri if i miss someth
switch observ signatur to gener in gener out per we need to match observ spec defin at discuss with it been determin that the signatur should be gener in gener out and that gener should have an addit dispos method on ither the basic for purpos of thi issu the repo will be the offici version of the spec though it just not updat as of the time of thi issu creation typescript rough interfac could be more genericki i gener thi there will be three method of signal success to the consum then clean up signal an error to the consum then clean up just clean up whythi enabl the support of gener function as observ tri whiletru var valu yield next valu catcherr final clean up which would be roughli synonym with nextvalu throwerr dispos both will work the latter is prefer in most case but the prime gener pattern can prove use for thing like parser or other state machin that may built up valu to clean up as it process incom valu note prime is a function that pump one next valu at the gener to get it start sinc gener are initi lazili with the first next call to their return iteratorscc
unabl to signuplogin with chrome on io all of our user who use chrome on io iphon ipad etc are not abl to login or signup i test on the sampl app and it work just fine which use vi did a quick diff toward these two version look like most chang are about localstorag and popup window do you have ani clue what chang may introduc thi bug
bug cordova whitelist link type bugplatform all ionic platform android iosrel to geo link are not clickabl event with the new or old whitelist plugin be ad as tel link would be great to be abl to use everi link support by cordova whitelist plugin
no warningerror when build android in releas with out sign option as of n will not support android build in releas with out specifi sign behaviortn build android releasebuild start and after min you have some error messag that is not clear enough and you should run log trace in order to get the real reason for the failur no sign option specifiedw should valid the command and provid appropri error messag
string type match on index signatur as of the latest nightli build the follow code bob key string ani var x bob tsc i got the error messag index signatur is miss in type string can someon clarifi if thi is intend behavior it seem like it might be but it also seem a bit weird to be abl to assign a string to what is probabl intend to be a basic hash map
move away from cloudflar cdn to avoid get some cooki it seem that use it may be caus some unwant cooki to be set like cfduid
weird error on duplic signatur in interfac merg with declar class class c foo in class bar in c baz in interfac foo in interfac node foot foo in interfac foot error ts overload signatur must all be export or not export
uirout not chang state when locationhash chang i am do mynewhash form within an ifram i see the browser window url chang in the url bar but uirout doe not chang the state if i listen for that event is never trigger by uirouterif i type the new hash directli into the url bar and hit enter then uirout chang state as expect should uirout chang state when the locationhash is chang like thi
align login button hifrom look through the issu i have found out that ha been depreci for work howev the default dropdown is to the right i wish to make it dropdown to the left i attempt use work so i thought id ask here if there is ani specif way to make it dropdown to the left thank
onli first signatur shown when hover over overload method from when hover over a method if the method is overload onli the first signatur is shown and there is no way to show the other signatur desir
parent direct cannot queri child direct if the child ha the parent inject in the constructor see thi demo for reproduc the issu present in alphaif we have a parent direct with sever child direct present child and we tri to inject the child in the parent use selector class child querylist parent direct thi array alway ha size zero it should be thischild the child list is alway empti thi is becaus the child are tri to have the parent inject use selector class child direct with inject parent if we remov the inject the queri then return sever element as expectedth issu can be reproduc with thi repo
login popup not show if chome browser instal adblock plu login popup not show if browser chome instal adblock plu chrome browser instal adblock plu extens run satel app from realhost not local click login new tab show expect popup window cannot login
when extend a newabl express typescript doe not inherit the ctor signatur given thi code snippet typescript flag the call to new c as suppli paramet do not match ani signatur of call target tsdeclar interfac p declar const p newa number pclass c extend p new cthe transpil code at runtim howev doe invok the p directli so call it without paramet would be a bug in user code typescript is also awar of it when write a constructor in c it doe enforc that the super call pass a singl number in thi exampleso thi look as if constructor signatur are not inherit but should be given the runtim behaviour is that intent
user see forgeri attempt untrust link on sign in detail are spars but thi wa report on user voic here when tri to sign in the browser is show forgeri attempt untrust link
inject in beforeeach is not execut on see plain htmlpage to run thi should work but inject in beforeeach is not execut henc everyth breakssam test work fine when execut in karmatodo monitor issu look for solut or wait until thi get fix in a later version
restrict remov model requir if model ha assign class or predic from it
delet convers histori
provid not inject given class instanc in useclass it instead inject the origin class hiim tri to build a configur provid with ngforward im use angularhttp as refer where the http instanc is inject base on as you know inject http instanc is configur by provid use provid function which is then inject in usefactori of httpin thi i creat myclass to be inject in appctrl which should be point to myclassfoo extend myclass instanc but instead of get to be foo it still point to default in which case the origin myclass in thi i implement abov scenario in angular and it work as expectedif i use string token or opaquetoken it also work as expectedi there someth i missededit in i notic you guy miss useclass test where the token is the class itself and the valu of useclass point to differ class mayb my scenario abov ha not been cover
allow server to render hash link for routerlink
depend inject can i just check after mani hour bug huntingth onli way i can get a product ie minifi version follow the tutori advic but in my own app and tri to use best practic with controllera and compon is to inject into the scope reactivei thi correct
window code sign
reurlencod first charact in queri string tn version nativescript id tnsio version tnsandroid version codevar queri param some valu param a b c d evar querystr return e a b c d eparam sourc is
usag not report for es in function signatur typescript version code tsinterfac a someprop testsomeprop a behaviorwhen search for usag of someprop the in test function should count i am use vscode but i understand thi is a languag server behavior the destruct statement in test function is not seen also renam with f doesnt affect thi usag either
how to onli to enabl when inject the direct here place the want to enabl the onli when the direct when attribut is present in the direct except occursth case of not inject a direct i thought so as not to run the compil of the templat prepar a direct nodebug as a workaround reluctantlyi think a good way to the other
miss error messag when fail if a user tri to do someth she not author eg import a domain widget script noth happen no error messag is display
show password in clear hi i just notic that if i do enabl systemdebug i can see the password of the account set for the sonarqub endpoint in clear in the log the best thing will to show an asterisk or anyth at all it is a secur issu that should be fix as soon as possibl
error in acquiretoken couldnt login to azur pleas verifi your tenant id client id and client secret even though i pass the tenantid clientid clientsecret for creat token and gener the token as clientid to identifi whi the error is appear as the directori state is activeth error appear when i tri to creat profilevm with use
unclear on how usernam and password work hey there i have pull down the repo on both a mac and pc and have had troubl get to work so i can access privat repo in the end i hard code ad my person token onto the end of the url line in els if type org url gave me the abil to do what i want i saw the todo in the ts file say that you would like to read thi out of the file which i think is a great ideaso thi issu is more to do with how wa the auth meant to work i tri creat an inlin json object base on the auth interfac and that didnt work either at a bit of a loss on how thi wa meant to work cheer dan
extend css task add csslint task i wa think about implement the follow css and csslint task at least for myself i know the project is veri barebon so i ask befor i even consid open a pr if ani of these are welcom in the code wiki pagefor and task js how it work get all extern css file from appasset minifi them concaten them to appcss split it out to in thi case it handl onli todo use cssnano as a postcss plugin add autoprefix add optim for increment build gulpcach option todo for wiki page becaus it should be major preprocessor agnost use sass add sourcemap optim for increment build gulpprogeni add a new csslint task which is go to do the follow js a global css linter use stylelint doius colorguard optim for increment build gulpcach filter out vendor css with under major i mean sass less stylu and precss you can add ani of these to the postcss stack without break it for thi filter the idepend interfac need to be extend with vendor properti becaus we dont want to see lint error from third parti librariesso again i will implement these anyway for person use i just want to contribut if thi is need in ani form in the wiki in the code
readonli execut notebook live with widget and notebook secur model hi allaft a few inperson discuss about thi sinc feedback ha been posit so far i thought that it wa a good idea to submit the idea to the listwhat i am propos here is a signific chang in how we deal with the between the frontend and the kernel in the case of the notebook which would also appli to context such as dashboardsin my opinion it would greatli simplifi our secur model by decoupl edit and execut right live with interact widgetslet start with the simpler problem of how to build readonli execut notebooksso the propos to handl thi is to forbid the frontend to send messag and have it send messag to the server of the form execut cell afbcath server would have the notebook document model and the content of the cella user that doe not have edit right on the document model cannot send arbitrari code to the kernel ie it is realli a readonli notebook from a secur frontend would not have the abil to modifi the code but onli to refer to address part of exist codel with interact widgetsw could go one step further and complet remov the abil of the frontend to send messag to the kernel includ comm messagesin thi case the interact widget state would be part of the notebook model held by the server the onli way the frontend interact with the kernel is by modifi the document model via widget or cell content in the case where a widget model wa modifi the server would be the one send a comm messag to the kern think that it would also simplifi the problem of live with interact widget becaus their would be no way to bypass the server and it conflict resolut by send directli a messag to the web frontend would not be client to the kernel messag protocol anymor and onli the notebook server would be allow to send kernel messag the between web frontend and the web server would mostli be propos chang on the state of the document some of which trigger comm messag when it is widget state request execut of address portion of code cell
idea rest index signatur and the error type thi idea is still in a rel earli stage of develop but i thought it may be of worth to someon or even for the ts team itself feel free to share your liter type or union of them in index signatur is an idea that wa brought to discuss late see and more gener discuss in tsinterfac exampl letter a b c the convent semant of index signatur would impli that the type check here would be veri weak unless is enabl tslet x examplexa okxa abcd error type string cannot be assign to numberxd no error with disabledxd abcd no error with disabledx abcd no error with true no error with disabledlet y xa ok y get type numberlet y xd no error with disabl y get type anylet y x no error with disabl y get type anylet y xsymbolabcd no error with disabl y get type anywhat if it there wa a way to specifi the type of all the remain access key to the interfac with a special rest index signatur notat as key ani t that would set a particular type for everyth other than that wa specifi in the interfac tsinterfac exampl letter a b c number otherkey ani stringthi may also be use to avoid unwant type error when is enabl tsinterfac exampl letter a b c number otherkey ani anyand what if it would be set to some sort of an error type ie a type that would not be assign to or from anyth perhap except itself still think about it tsinterfac exampl letter a b c number otherkey ani with the type ani assign to or from a key that is not a b or c would yield an error as it cannot be assign to or from anyth tslet x examplexa okxa abcd error type string is not assign to numberxd error type number is not assign to xd abcd error type string is not assign to x abcd error type string is not assign to xsymbolabcd true error type boolean is not assign to let y xa ok y get type numberlet y xd error type cannot be assign to anythinglet y x error type cannot be assign to anythinglet y xsymbolabcd error type cannot be assign to anythingor even tsxd error type null is not assign to xd error type undefin is not assign to xd error type void is not assign to xd error type ani is not assign to open question what would be the implic in term of index into an entiti have thi signatur in it type what would be the implic in term of assign to an entiti have thi signatur in it type what would be the implic in term of assign from an entiti have thi signatur in it type would ad key ani convert ani interfac to a strict interfac ie one that cannot be assign from a wider type contain more properti and if it would would that be seen as desir or usefuledit expand and correct exampl to the actual behavior with enablededit convert from bottom to as i seem to have use a less common of the bottom typeedit may chang to key ani for better consist with the current syntax
suggest implicitli infer paramet type for the signatur of an overload method the current pattern for method overload in a class is tsclass exampl overload signatur funcparam number param string number funcparam number param boolean number actual method funcparam number number param string boolean number number howev the signatur is onli in practic benefici for paramet refer within the bodi of the function eg even if the paramet type of the signatur were say all set to ani tsfuncparam ani param ani ani a caller is still bound by the overload signatur tslet exampl new error no overload of func match the paramet and return type of the signatur could be implicitli infer if they are not given an explicit type tsclass exampl funcparam number param string number funcparam number param boolean number funcparam param let x param type of x is number number let y param type of y is string boolean return abc error return type ha been implicitli infer to number number have thi would make it less cumbersom to defin and maintain overload methodsha thi ever been discuss befor and if so what were the argument against it
button login doesnt show on firefox hello yesterday i have instal the exampl of satellizeri use the node version for backendin mozilla firefox i dont show these button login facebook googl instagram linkedin twitteri show correctli other buttonsif i tri to remov for exampl class btnfacebook from login html page the button is visibl it is gray colorwhat is the problembest regard
cannot inject resolv into a direct i am use uirout in the follow format to load a direct the control is not specifi in the state but insid the direct itself stateappmain url main templat data datanam datav datanam datav thi work well for most case howev i am not abl to inject a resolv to the direct thi way i have tri the follow but keep get a unknown provid error insid the resolv simpleobj function return valu simpl url main templat data datanam datav datanam datav is there a way to make the resolv work with thi scenerio
use function signatur in a gener type hi allwhat i would like to achiev is to let the compil know that the extend function will take in ani function and return a function with the same type signatur and a littl differ output type wrap in anoth object is that possibil in into the manual thi is the most like result i could achiev but it isnt what should be for ani helpmattia manzati the problem
figur out and implement rubi member privaci
browsersync caus a full refresh instead of inject css imag js let chang file ani if file instanceof array file file if els todo figur out whi you cant pass a file to reload as filespath alway be undefin so browsersync caus a full refresh instead of inject css imag becaus file will alway be array and accept string or array we can call with file browsersync api reload arg arg type string array object optionalthen inject css imag will work correctli
tela de login criar tela de login defaultus admpass adm
question is it possibl to read ldap bind password from an environ variabl i would prefer not to add ldap password for the first bind user to the ldaptoml file it would be nice to be abl to use environ variabl like the main grafana config file doe i couldnt find in the that ldaptoml support thi doe it can it be ad if it doesnt
chang hash on ifram reload doc in ff send messag instead of reload frame
add sampl async data connect for full univers data render
allow index signatur paramet type to be string liter type and enum member at the moment index signatur paramet type must be string or numbernow that typescript support string liter type it would be great if it could be use for index signatur paramet type as wellfor exampletyp mystr a b cvar number mymapa invalidit would be also use if it could also work with enum for exampleenum myenum a a b b c c d dvar number mymapmyenuma invalidvar number myenuma valid asda invalid
fixar refresh login codic in cui si trova il descrizion del a posto il refresh dopo un login correttolink task
how to inject http servic in servert i am current tri to inject http servic in servert and then pass the return data to app compon to render it below is my snippet in servert import http from from testreq re let factori new iffactori re error in methodon els is undefin import inject from http respons from appset from public http servic factori creat methodoneid return mapr respons resjsoni am abl to get the servic object but when invok methodon it throw except typeerror cannot read properti get of undefin at help would be appreci thank in advanc
eseguir controllo login codic in cui si trova il descrizion del login sull paginelink task
depend inject for direct im submit a x featur no way to use depend inject with direct itll be veri interest featur for examplew have two compon userprofil and but dont want expos until it will be hardli test at product so we use flag true but if we place thi logic to templat we mix busi logic with view logic ts selector myapp templat direct userprofil export class appcompon behaviorfor more distiguish thi behaviour use di would be help ts selector myapp templat direct usefactori new userprofil new export class appcompon is there way to achiev that without mess with templat
featur request expos inject helper it would be help if there wa a public function which could set the inject properti on a function thi would allow use type annot when interact with classic angular api typescript in mycompon class mycompon mydepend in let compon need inject annot
window sign error version target windowsim tri to sign the app use a ssl certif is a certif bought in i think is suppos to be a valid certif sinc it use is label ad ani ani ssl certif is valid or if it ha to be an especi oneth error im get is no certif were found that meet all the given criteriaim tri to sign the app in my window develop comput and in appveyor with no luck in ani of the environ im set the variabl csclink and but i alway get the same error thank
admin creat password reset
doe not appear on io devic when i go to on my iphon and ipad the screen is complet white noth show upi have an iphon se with io and an ipad with io i hook up the phone to my macbook and open the inspector in safari thi is inspect the mobil safari page through the usb cabl the issu seem to be the contain element just under the bodi of class mdllayout it ha displayflex in it style when thi is disabl or chang to displayblock in the inspector the page suddenli appear although not style correctli
after facebook login flag stay undefin ive just enabl facebook login seem to be work but the facebook flag is auth v facebook undefin provid uid
remov the emmet encodedecod action for june we want to make anoth iter on the see
introduc an univers newlin charact like r vscode version insid build os version window step to reproduc open a new buffer type three line of text open the find and replac dialogu and turn on regex in the find field input in the replac with field input a whitespac hit replac allth whitespac is suppos to replac the newlin charact entir but it seem the newlin charact is retain whatev is replac got append to each of the match newlin
use cooki as far as i can see cooki receiv by previou request are not sent with subsequ request to the same host woul it be possibl
question how can i use the code encrypt as state on the roadmap will have code encrypt and secur i could not find ani as to how to enabl it is it enabl by default or some config is
depend inject doesnt load all depend in a custom backend im submit a check one with xx bug report featur request support request pleas do not submit support request here instead see behaviorim current tri to creat a custom xhrbackend for my angular app i want to catch all http respons with a http respons code unauthor to redirect the user on the loginpag but here come my problem the depend inject is not abl to load the router in my i also tri to inject some servic but thi also did not work it onli inject the depend of the xhrbackend in my custom one i ask thi in so and the onli solut wa to use a factori to creat my custom backend but i think thi should also work the way i tri behaviorit should be possibl to use the depend inject in a custom backend to inject addit depend reproduct of the you can see the router insid the is tell us about your environ angular version rc browser all languag typescript
cant chang password not reset not sure if thi belong here or the problem is in the underli platform buthow do can a user chang hi password when log in not reset password which is for when he is log outdo thi return thisusersav catchr re typeerror cannot read properti valu of undefin titl cant save subtitl someth went wrong button ok then return result intypeerror cannot read properti valu of is base on the
facebook login problem i use thi code in maint apikey authdomain databaseurl method catcherr i have thi method for facebook login provid method consolelog facebook login and the facebook dont work how i can see the erreur log
trim develop provid author to construct endpoint trim develop provid author to construct endpoint so that they resolv correctli for exampl a develop may pass but the actual oauth endpoint would be instead of
add doc for typedef rule option i couldnt find them
creat new bug result in titl that is encod os x safari onli highlight a singl line of test and run the command under blank space is fill with thi issu appear onli in mac os it turn out that url open on os x are encod befor be open by the browser either safari or chrome fortun not encod the url work on os x and also work on linux firefox as well as window edg ie chrome by work i mean the titl ha the valu that youd expect not encod the proper work item type is creat and the assign to field is set encod the titl on window and linux also work thi is what happen in but sinc not encod work on all browser we can remov the encod
window client instal detect as gener trojan
how to import jqueri plugin in angular univers pleas help with thi issu in for import jqueri plugin im do thisin defin jqueri variabl in jqueri jqueri and etcand in ts compon im import the plugin for all work fine in consolelog it show the libcan you help what to do in angular univers webpackim do the same but it throw the error when start jqueri is not defin at object
wrong path for css inject i download the project and built it and right out of the box the maincss file is includ with the wrong pathbuild the project and in indexhtml you will find the desir path should be i tri chang the cssdest variabl but it didnt seem to chang anyth
resolut not be inject in insid name view when provid a resolut via resolv insid a name view the resolut is not inject into exampl in the followingvar app statedefault url default view default resolv resolut functionq return control resolut resolut resolut return resolut is resolut function event tostat toparam fromstat fromparam error error i would expect to see resolut on the consol instead the state chang fire an error and i get error injectorunpr unknown provid show thi issu at
messagebad visual studio code version code sync set version oper system win upload set
session max per user login id im submit a bug report x featur request question support request pleas do not open a github issu support it be possibl to extend the quota system to allow a max session count per user login id the use case is prevent share login where the underli dataset are licens on a perus basi
show a screen when log in to a social network current when a user click on a network in the network list our code wait for the network to be log into befor updat the ui when log into the network take more than a few hundr millisecond it appear to the user as though uproxi is not respond or their click didnt workher are a coupl typescript logintap function logintap should onli be call by the which is not use for quiver if quiver throw logintap call for quiver typescript event detail object target htmlelement var networknam if networknam cloud return networknam todo consid move thi if log in logic insid thi would requir uit login to be fix first to remov possibl race condit if els if networknam quiver return els open dialog ask user to login befor invit friend instead we could immedi show the appropri dialog but render it in a state until it log into
requir in im submit a featur request librari version oper system window node version npm version jspm or webpack and version jspm browser all languag typescript current behaviory must now includ to get a new just the plain would alway creat a new instanc by default creat a singleton instanc would be option what is the motiv use case for chang the behavior i cannot think of a nonrar case where you would want the same instanc of the throughout the applic as of now i must use for everi moduleform i want to valid within the applic
make rc obfusc the default now that firefox ha been releas i see no reason not to make the rc obfusc default pend some mobil test
have cssloader postcss loader error pleas provid us with the follow inform os window or linux which distribut mac osx yosemit el capitan window version pleas run ng version if there noth output pleas run in a termin node version and past the result here angularcli betawebpack node repro step wa thi an app that wasnt creat use the cli what chang did you do on your code etc the log given by the failur normal thi includ a stack trace and some more inform error in modul not found error cant resolv in cta multi styleserror in not found error cant resolv in multi styleserror in not found error cant resolv in multi styleserror in not found error cant resolv in multi styleserror in not found error cant resolv in multi styleserror in not found error cant resolv in multi styleserror in not found error cant resolv in multi styleserror in pars fail unexpect charact you may need an appropri loader to handl thi file typesourc code omit for thi binari file multi styleserror in pars fail unexpect charact you may need an appropri loader to handl thi file typesourc code omit for thi binari file multi style mention ani other detail that might be use everyth work well befor upgrad angular cli to are the detail of my app root src outdir dist asset asset index indexhtml main maint test testt tsconfig tsconfigjson prefix app mobil fals style stylescss loadingcss script thank well be in touch soon
facebook leg login hii there a way to implement the facebook leg like twitter i like the way you did it for twitter becaus both key are on the server i tri to do the same for facebook follow how you did it for twitter but cannot make it to work
improv ast travers speed for symbol after the last updat ive notic that the symbol navig is quit often rebuild and it take some time im not sure if it wa like thi earlier becaus now im use thi featur a lot apiel blueprint with symbol
inject dinam doesnt display it html flip the tile and load dinam all the column to display tile data protect data ani void let col for var key in data colpush new key let option new tableopt columnmod headerheight footerheight rowheight auto limit column col let ref componentref let instanc refinst ref option instancerow data tileflip true html from the
new secur rule anchor tag with targetblank should also includ relnoopen in order to restrict the behavior windowopen access the origin page need to add a relnoopen attribut to ani link that ha targetblank howev firefox doe not support that tag so you should actual use relnoopen noreferr for full coveragefor more info see here relat
verifi token with public key can thi librari verifi the token with pem public key file
not show error messag when miss or wrong when tri to compil a sourc code without or with wrong vscode show that exist error but not show the error messag
read file and gener sett read the aut file and gener the key
whi is the queri after hash broken current behaviori have use the angular and auth for the if i loggin with auth form then i will be redirect back to my site with the access token in the hash fragmenti have a problem with the format of valu after hash like is replac percent etc angular version rc browser ie chrome languag typescript
disabl usernam for login dialog safari mobil when use mobil safari the login dialog capit first charact for usernam so user is have troubl enter usernam valu start from lowercas charse also safari support attribut chrome for
rout with hash and simpl href im submit a rout problem check one with x bug report search github for a similar issu or pr befor submit featur requestx support request pleas do not submit support request here instead see use angular rout and implement a bootstrap tab system when the user click on the tab it should not navig to ani exist rout it should stay in the same page and access the tab contenther how the compon and rout are current approut rout path compon resolv applic user main dpmeef expect behavior the rout system doe noth and the user stay in the same pagecurr behavior the rout system redirect to the new page window and chrome angular version rc languag typescript
add exampl to doc
http get issu unauthor privat let header new header basic let option new header search param bodi return mapr respons respons
integr to creat an hsreplaynet oauth provid
suppli paramet do not match ani signatur of call target i get thi error in my default suppli paramet do not match ani signatur of call targetunless i alter the code to pass some kind of valu into the fill callexport class implement oninit item number constructor thisitem chang fill to fill for exampl my environ is master ng betanod os darwin master
crear ui para el login
implementar un login de ingreso del sistema realizar la validacion y de usuario al sistema solo debera comprobar que la mediatiempo hr
save a user on login
decod null paramet valu are interpret as undefin i creat a type of nullabl int paramet type int where all noninteg valu are treat as null howev when paramet valu are decod and null is return for noninteg valu and show paramet as undefin when i would expect them to be nulli there a bug with the way null paramet valu are be interpret when decod whi do i keep see undefin instead of null even when null is return by the
implement hashtag in search result as link to hashtag search within loklaksearch current hashtag in search result link to the list of hashtag result on twitterth expect behavior is that hashtag link to the search result page of loklaksearch
self sign certif i just instal the visual studio code and after the instal finish i cant instal ani extens as i am get an error self sign certif how can i fix thi as i need to instal the c extens
login page to focu on social media login login page should display the option to login via social media as a larg portion of user will be log in via that can be invit to log in via anoth compon which will be provid as a link at the bottom of the page
complet telemetri privaci review
function signatur need support for option object x i tri use the latest file in thi repo and had problemsit seem the option object that can be pass to the subscrib function is not account for in the type option object should allow the follow and like pushmanag return a promis that resolv to a with detail of a new push subscript promis
assign to text from an observ im have troubl with popul ngaceeditor text from an observ from and delay suppos to mimic a futur editor textcod modehtml themecloud class implement oninit code string ani fals true true editor ngoninit thiscod data whi wont thi work and we need thi privat return hello world delay what am i do wrong the thing doe not work also when i move the subscript to mean i know instead of thistext data i could do but i expect that assign to the compon text should work without use the api method ani suggest pleas
updat and aureliaapi updat plugin and aureliaapi to latest releas resolv possibl upgrad issu
breadcrumb breadcrumb
timeout on login attempt with no connect when log in and no connect is found it run for ever
authservic call to decid ifwhich user is log in
featur request css url inject for compon if you dont fill out the follow inform we might close your issu without submit a check one with x bug report search github for a similar issu or pr befor submittingx featur request support request pleas do not submit support request here instead see angular will onli load styleurl in the properti pathexpect behaviorit would be nice we have api to inject the styleurl exampl to be like export class mycompon minim reproduct of the problem with the current behavior is a bug or you can illustr your featur request better with an exampl pleas provid the step to reproduc and if possibl a minim demo of the problem or similar you can use thi templat as a start point is the motiv use case for chang the tell us about your environ angular version x browser all languag typescript node for aot issu node version
all rout should be protect with guard pleas fill out the follow inform thi will help us to resolv your problem for support request you can also ask on our gitter chatpleas ask befor on our gitter channel of issu check with x x new featur request bug support behavior it is possibl bypass login dialog by navig to specif rout it is possibl view protect content by navig the browser histori backforward button while not behavior all rout in demo shell should be protect with guard provid default integr with auth servic at the ngcore level it should be possibl protect the rout by ecm or bpmonli auth guardstep to reproduc the name and version browser and version node version for build issu new featur request
io login helloi use satel to login my a user cant connect to hi account he ha io on safarii resolv the problem by let him set the never option on cooki set for safari never block cookiehi previou option wa allow onli websit ive ha same issu
doesnt work with angular univers thi librari break the angular univers app may be it access dom element directli
i cant a find a way to recov my email password on the forum page
url are be url encod in the chat view s are becom amp instead ive notic thi while play with the authbot in the new emul the markdown come from the bot that contain the gener url is correct but when you click the link in the chat window it open a browser with an incorrectli format url for exampl thi is the return json from the framework type messag timestamp tz serviceurl channelid emul from id name bot convers id recipi id text you must be befor you can proceed pleas click to log into your account attach entiti replytoid id except when click the link in the emul the url the result is an improp escap url the are transform to amp like thi exampl result of click the link is an error about clientid be miss
influxdb alert and not work unauthor hiwhen we enabl alert for influxdb it onli work if we configur influxdb to disabl on it http port if we enabl on influxdb then grafana can show the dashboard but the alert will not use the credenti for the datasourc and instead return lvleror msgalert rule result error ruleid namemysql connect alert error influxdb return statuscod invalid statu code unauthor chang state doe the alert modul not use the data that grafana use to render the dashboard via proxi
admin send forgot password mail to user
cannot read properti pictur of null after login cannot read properti pictur of null error appear in the consol after success loginerror disappear if page is refresh and user avatar appear
io appli class to secur textfield randomli chang it fontsiz did you verifi thi is a real problem by search stack overflowy i didnt find ani discuss on thi topic which platform doe your issu occur onio pleas provid the follow version number that your issu occur with cli modul nativescript platform io android runtim look for the tnsandroid and tnsio properti in file of your project tnsio version tnsandroid version pleas tell us how to recreat the issu in as much detail as you need a secur textfield with some text add css class or by or by chang classnam in compon code to thi textfield or it parent fontsiz will unexpectedli chang you can prevent some of the chang by ad fontsiz in newassign css class definit when you remov the class fontsiz will chang to some unexpect size when you chang textfield text fontsiz chang again is there code involv if so pleas share the minim amount of code need to recreat the problemxml textfield pin hintprovid digit pin securetru ngmodelpin fontsiz incorrect color f fontsiz use switch and textfield text chang to see how fontsiz changesp is there ani method to remov thi updown move in io secur textfield content that happen when a charact chang to or when you add a new charact to
ident chunk hash name differ file content oskubuntu betanod os linux x repro stepsng build prod aot the log given by the failureit doesnt fail mention ani other detail that might be usefulth gener hash chunk have the same filenam compar to the previou build when the content of the file are differentlet say i build the app use ng build prod aot and one of the chunk name is then i changeupd code and build it again now the main chunk get a differ hash name but some of the chunk keep the same previou name although they have a slightli differ content thi caus problem sinc the old chunk get cach in our user browsersit usual happen when i add a new compon to the app and run the aot build
breakpoint not hit in vscode with aspnet angular univers environ datadotnet info outputv code version previewc extens version beta step to a new net core project with angular univers like mention instal g yo angular and enabl testingcheck the templat by run thisdotnet run on the command linestop the applic by hit ctrl c and run it again from vscodetri to add a breakpoint in for exampl the breakpoint get hit with no problemnow tri to add a breakpoint in at the return view line herepubl index return view expect behaviorth breakpoint should get hit actual behaviorth breakpoint doesnt get hit
predefin date is not assign to element hi in control i defin datescopedt startdat in view pageth problem is when i run the code date is not assign to the element i mean date is not display in textbox i would like to request to you pl solv thi problem as earli as possibl
form error the formel need to be defin hifirst of all a veri good ideabut im tri to test it and i get thi error form error the formel need to be definedi instanti form thi way but i had test it with jqueri new formel context ani idea
use nonappl certif from keychain to sign win on mac wini want to build electron app for all platform on mac can i use nonappl cert import in the keychain on maco to sign win app and what paramet should i pass
implement secur
master public key index retriev current the master public key index must be specifi explicitli the next unus index should be found and addit mayb some address are alreadi gener ahead of time eg
allow properti dot access syntax for type with string index signatur it doesnt make much sens to forbid properti access ounknown syntax on a type with a string index signatur but allow element access syntax ounknownnot that thi should onli appli to type with an explicit string index signatur mdash element access is current allow on ani type if you dont pass but thi should not be true for properti flag alongnam boolean number boolean other string number boolean expect fflag flag ok ok ok but misspel ok ok ok but fflag flag ok error unknown error misspel ok ok ok but misspel
reset password api whi noth so far i check the issu post regard the reset password api a lot of them wa old like month ago yet noth happen the solut propos is weird i should be abl to use firebaseauth from the sdk how do i import that in my compon class or servic i saw a coupl of propos solut noth realli clear out thatim use angularcli with webpack latest version thanksss
travi config osxlinux nodej multipl version multipl env var also secur i ask to travi ci commun thisi want a config file to do these build linux nodej env var blabla blabla blabla and secur var sec and sec linux nodej latest env var blabla blabla blabla and secur var sec and sec linux nodej env var blabla blabla blabla and secur var sec and sec linux nodej latest env var blabla blabla blabla and secur var sec and sec osx nodej env var blabla blabla blabla and secur var sec and sec osx nodej latest env var blabla blabla blabla and secur var sec and sec osx nodej env var blabla blabla blabla and secur var sec and sec osx nodej latest env var blabla blabla blabla and secur var sec and secp everi build use env var at the same time i dont want to multipli build onli buildsalso note that blabla is the same for all linux build but could be differ for the other osx buildshow can i write a travisyml for thi made mani test without successmi actual travisyml islanguag nodejsmatrix includ os linux nodej env global secur securevar secur securevar matrix blablavalu blablav blablav os osx nodej env global secur securevar secur securevar matrix blablav firefox latest apt sourc packag gscript bash apt true bundler true directori thi travisyml with the offici travisci valid onlin tool i getin addon section unexpect key apt droppingin section doe not support multipl valu drop in section doe not support multipl valu drop in section doe not support multipl valu drop in section drop env section unexpect pair unexpect pair
call to search api fail as it requir auth header current allow onli string sourc ie url to apii there a way to rout function return observ as a sourc thi way it can go through our custom httpservic and auth header will be sent alongif not possibl is there way to add header to search call explicitli
enabl use datalab kernel crossorigin behind a proxi datalab cor support doesnt work if the kernel sit behind a proxi that requir credenti in xhr such as googl cloud shell web preview featur failur look like cannot load the valu of the header in the respons is which must be true when the request credenti mode is includ origin is therefor not allow access the credenti mode of request initi by the is control by the ad the miss header make thing work
jsonp finish callback should not be obfusc if you dont fill out the follow inform we might close your issu without submit a check one with xx bug report search github for a similar issu or pr befor submit featur request support request pleas do not submit support request here instead see behaviorit is expect that the jsonp callback is of the form howev when an build of angular is use finish get should not be renam the way the jsonp callback are name should be reliabl and independ of how angular is reproduct of the problem with instruct gener a minifi build of angular creat a testjsonp file with the content world creat a compon which use the minifi build import the angular jsonp modul and tri to load testjsonp expect an error relat to the callback not found we can verifi that finish doesnt exist by open the consol and run thi object should be obfuscatedi can also point out where in the code caus thi behavior in set the connect at thi is done properli to prevent ngjsonp and req from be minifi howev call thi with but is a function on that is not protect from is the motiv use case for chang the behavior it should be possibl to reliabl make a static file that can be serv via jsonp thi requir a consist callback independ of build process it not possibl to guess what finish will be renam to thi renam also break how is replac it assum the callback alway is call thi mean that a proper jsonp server pars the callback param cant properli gener a jsonp respons eitherpleas tell us about your vim bazel appengin angular version x browser all languag typescript
start use the notari and certif
give a warn messag when the websit is a nonssl websit log on to a websit is unsaf and thu the user should get warn no need to reduc ani onli an nonintrus messag is enough kind of like in chromium
sasslint mix tab and space quick fix i am have a bit of a hassl with the plugin everyth is good but i keep on get these sasslint mix tab and space warn which make my whole document greenexcus me if thi is someth realli simpl but i havent found a solut to thi problem on the internet yetthi is happen onli in scss file after i instal the pluginher is a
incorrect error of use of unassign variabl typescript version a if a error expect behaviorcod compil fineactu behaviorus of unassign variabl
enhanc add support for option oauth param like loginhint see
oauthclient is swallow googleapi error var functionerr bodi resp var statuscod resp retri and respons if err is set and is unrel to respons then get credenti fail and retri wont help if retri statuscod statuscod err errcod statuscod it onli make sens to retri onc becaus the retri is intend to handl failur if refresh the token doe not fix the failur then refresh again probabl wont help retri fals forc token refresh authcb els bodi resp callback thi is the error were get upon use googleapi api error error domain reason messag apk specifi a version code that ha alreadi been use code messag apk specifi a version code that ha alreadi been use were get a statu code but the oauthclient assum that it a retryabl error and doe a request rather than invok our callback with the errorin the end due to thi behavior that result in a complet differ error from what we want error domain reason messag invalid apk file to be honest im not sure who best to discuss thi issu with either googleapi or
error after success login after success login with my user and password the userpag page never been load when use function get the error and on get the error
usefactori useexist useclass should support provid of type
codeelxrpm is not sign vscode version os version fedorastep to reproduc follow the new instruct at sudo rpm import sh c echo e studio yum instal code got the follow error rpm is not signedlast metadata expir check ago on wed mar depend resolv packag arch version repositori code x el code mtransact packagetot size mi thi ok yn y download codeelxrpm alreadi download the download packag were save in cach until the next success can remov cach packag by execut dnf clean packag codeelxrpm is not sign signatur checksudo yum instal code nogpgcheck
ensur hash are gener consist across spa project may requir use of the dll webpack pluginfrom
explor autom the certif instal it would be kind of interest and time save if upon instal of the cli we detect the architectur and run the necessari script to instal the certif someth to explorefrom
cannot invok an express whose type lack a call signatur the error on thiserror in cannot invok an express whose type lack a call signatur
modular the method make it easier to differ method for probabl through the config file
resum convers per it would be use to resum a convers in progress let talk about how thi could happenfirst of all wed need the of the previou convers can we depend on thi remain validinstead of call convers we call which would give us a current streamurl i guess if thi call fail we know the is no longer validw could also option suppli a watermark if we dont wed get all the cach messag direct line might still be hold which would sometim be busi would resum as normalfrom an api perspect wed just need to add string and watermark string to might ask how do we get the from the previou convers well it insid the directlin object so the host page could creat a directlin object dl new directlin secret or token then save and dlwatermark to a cooki or local storag or it server etc then when it it would dl new directlin secret or token watermark i miss anyth
add an system are we gonna do just regular email auth or are we plan on use uci webauth
mdinput label doesnt rise with autocomplet for typepassword field bug featur request or proposalbug what is the expect behaviori would expect the label to rise up when chrome suggest password and input the valu what is the current behaviorth label stay down and the dot and label are mix togeth id like to add that thi work just fine for input type email and text i onli have thi issu on input type password what are the step to reproducemi code add thi to a project and refresh the page chrome should suggest a password and input thi into the password field if i touch ani key or mous button the label will lift if not the label stay down tip to a chang in your ide and let the browser updat on it own dont highlight the browser thi way youll be sure no button is press and the label will stay downi wa unabl to reproduc in plunkr as the input field wouldnt be recogn by chrome and no valu would be put in what is the usecas or motiv for chang an exist behaviorit visual annoy that the label stay down and i believ which version of angular materi os browser are version angularcli betabeta is there anyth els we should knowthi error start occur when i updat to v beta from beta highli appreci all the work you guy are regard chri
an inrang updat of is break the build version of just got publish branch build fail depend current version type depend thi version is cover by your current version rang and after updat it in your project the build faileda is a direct depend of thi project thi is veri like break your project right now if other packag depend on you it veri like also break themi recommend you give thi issu a veri high prioriti im sure you can resolv thi musclestatu detail the travi ci build could not complet due to an error new version differ by commit see the full diffnot sure how thing should work exactlyther is a collect of frequent ask and of cours you may alway ask my bot palmtre
encrypt password do thi to
io bind want to write in string argument and fail hii am tri to use io secur api from within nativescript i alreadi manag to gener an rsa key a key pair by mean of work fine the key is gener in an argument of type use the gener key to encrypt plaintext fail the swift bind of the function is thisfunc key seckey pad secpad plaintext plaintextlen int ciphertext translat thi to thi in function ani pad secpad plaintext string plaintextlen number ciphertext string numberwhich doe not work when a writabl buffer is bind would be someth likedeclar function ani pad secpad plaintext nsdata nsarray plaintextlen number ciphertext numberi am pretti new to thi so my expect bind might be a littl off howev no function can write to a string argument
send sanit error messag pl check for place where caught error are sent directli to the client and sanitis
home true is be return in callback function of in my factori there is thi method function return is be call from my thenfunct data save access token debugg data becom home true error in the callback function then accesstoken seem to return when app is paus via debugg but after some millisecond the data get chang to home true sometim it doe return the proper valu without error sometim it doe nother is my authprovid clientid option for clientsid use implicit grant set responsetyp to token default code clientid responsetyp token function return true fals null authlogin authsignup authunlink token satel bearer localstorag facebook name facebook url authfacebook redirecturi display scope scope email display popup oauthtyp popupopt width height
api jwt base sinc we have an api we should consid allow peopl to connect to it pure over rest for thi we should have the abil for peopl to regist and gener jwt token and then rate limit and who know mayb charg base on that token
api enabl we should start set up on the apiw may not use it for the main submiss but definit for ani system dashboard blacklist tabl we might choos to expos for manipul by futur oper of the site
in libdt hasnt signatur for formdata type fetch api typescript version after ad type for fetch api in core typescript i got an error properti formdata doe not exist on type respons becaus in libdomdt i seeinterfac bodi readonli bodyus boolean arraybuff promis blob promis json promis text promisebut for type bodi readonli bodyus boolean arraybuff promis blob promis formdata promis json promis json promis text promiseand thi type in fetch api spec sent a to the repositori
integr node secur see if would be benefici for project
continu previou convers is there an easi way to reconnect to an exist convers
error code sign on maco target ma build mac mason build the product version of the app i get these error packag for darwin x use electron to distmac error pleas remov prefix develop id applic from the specifi name appropri certif will be chosen at checkprefix at findident at at from previou event at at at runcallback timersj at timersj at as timersj from previou event at at from previou event at at at at at fsj from previou event at at at at runcallback timersj at timersj at as timersj from previou event at at at from previou event at build at object at modulej at modulej at moduleload modulej at modulej at modulej at modulej at run at startup at
add a rout to login
swap button trade input for output text and viceversa
doe allow for use inversifi to inject depend into constructor i am attempt to use inversifi to inject depend into my constructor but keep get an undefin argument dure construct i would like to know if i am do someth wrong with inversifi or if doe someth under the hood that prevent inversifi from do it thingher is all relev extend implement constructor moderatorbl implement imoderatorbl privat readonli repositori also tri without use sinc inversifi claim that is no longer necessari repositori privat readonli moderatorbl imoderatorbl also tri without use sinc inversifi claim that is no longer necessari moderatorbl moderatorbl contain contain new also tri with export default contain which did not produc differ resultsi there anyth els i can do to use inversifi with i dont want to do away with either i am use typeorm and along with and i love it but i also realli want to implement ioci didnt want to open an issu for thi sinc im not sure it an issu with but i thought somebodi could offer some explan about whi inversifi doesnt seem to work with thank in advanc for ani help or pointersif it turn out that doe prevent inversifi from be abl to inject paramet into my control constructor perhap futur improv could enabl the use of inversifi
io simul crash when authent with firebas the code work on android emul shown below but not the io simul the consol say segment fault is thi a bug with the emu work fineon io shot at
typescript context store signatur store dispatch dispatch store storegroup store should be store export storelik
close for user all rout except login
recogn the class name of polym call express which are assign id like the analyz to recogn that the class name below is polym is not sure if thi is use but gener a type name for ani polym call that is not assign it use the form the capit camel case convers of the tagnam with element append
certif not sign by trust ca author the user is see thi error do you know what the caus is is it a problem at your endscreen shot at
dev social login implement a social login alongsid the userpass link of exist userpass account with social with api for exactli how to do the link of account web may alreadi have implement social login by the time we get to thisprob will be tricki to do facebook oauth we need an in app browser
how to perform http request with selfsign certif hi allim look for a simpl exampleguid on how to perform a http request with a selfsign certif ive search around includ here and notic that there are a coupl of rais issu theyr not simpl enough for me to follow and includ direct to a code snippet or plugin one previou issu talk about use thi code i am complet lost at how to implement it in issu talk about a http plugin that use ssl pin but even when configur as instruct it reject the there a straight forward way to do thi in nativescript thank pleas provid the detail below did you verifi thi is a real problem by search stack overflowy tell us about the ensur your titl is less than charact long and start with a which platform doe your issu occur onboth pleas provid the follow version number that your issu occur withal pleas tell us how to recreat the issu in as much detail as is there code involv if so pleas share the minim amount of code need to recreat the
no valid at all for chang password sever highreport bysherif valid on the old ore new password enter and will reach the invalid end point no matter what step to reproduc the issueex enter the new password and new password valid differ and will still be chang also press the save chang button and will be redirect ti the invalid endpoint expect resultex on click chang password button should see a failur messag if it had an error and a success is no error
invalid endpoint at chang password sever highreport by rami el when i chang my password and proceed it redirect me to an invalid to reproduc the issuelogin with a useredit thi user the user password and press result a page with a messag tell you whether the oper wa a success or failur
unauthor access even when im log in sever high report by nourhan on use findbpandb an appkil error appear unauthor step to reproduc the issu tri to access thi link on postman seen an error page unauthor expect result find bp and p howev no proper provid to indic what result should be expect
instanceof check throw ts variabl is use befor be assign typescript version foo let foo fooif foo instanceof foo throw ts variabl foo is use befor be assign foo is fooclass bar let bar bar undefinedif bar instanceof bar bar is barexpect left hand variabl in a instanceof check should not throw ts instanceof can return fals when left hand unassign variabl or null or ts variabl foo is use befor be behavior when variabl type is a union with undefin
add composit of functor applic foldabl travers
mani failur messag appear on click the mani time bysherif on click the login or the regist button mani time a lot of failur messag is show up for the same type of errorin addit the user will not know that he ha a valid error until he scroll up step to reproduc the issu press the button mani time while have a valid error expect resulton click button the messag should be visibl to the user without scroll up and onli one failur messag should be gener
black box test chang password reach invalid endpoint high report by hanna applic crash upon chang the password and it cant be refresh step to reproduc the issu login the applic go to home click on edit next to user name click on chang password type old password and new password also when i type the new password onc it allow redirect without requir me to fill all the field click on chang applic crash and reach an invalid from
abil to use domain when login domain ha to be support it import to resel i suppos it good to use default domain in settin root by default abil to use urlbas scheme like use in the form like in nativ ui
fail to load sasslint librari when sass lint is instal by yarn i instal sasslint by yarn global add sasslint and can run it with bash and fish termin but work onli after npm i g sasslint
improv signatur of to function it would be perfect to chang the return type of to function from promis to promis in order to forc check the error befor access the valueblock by
runtim error uncaught in promis error cannot find modul pageslogin hi guy i am new to ionic have been tri use lazi modul i tri all the solut given still i am get the same error i have been sit with thi error for day pleas let me know where i am make in promis error cannot find modul pageslogin error cannot find modul pageslogin at d at object ionic framework ionic app script angular core angular compil cli node os platform window navig platform winus agent mozilla window nt win x applewebkit khtml like gecko chrome i tri chang the root page in appcompon to ani other page like registerpag or homepag i am get cannot find modul for that particular page
support for lessless or equal more more or equal assert should onli work if input is a number and that comparison sign is follow by a number
cannot login with pixiv account at environ maco vpixiv user can join pawoonet with pixiv account howev mstdnapp doe not work with login with pixiv account link by click the link it open with new tab user login in the tab and the tab will be close mstdnapp look not to be abl to handl thi window lifecycl for now
how can i defin unsign column
move oauth and bot to azur
cookiepars declar file is incorrect it not onli a function there typescript gener by type sourc modul cookiepars type definit for cookiepars v project definit by santi albo definit express esecret string option ani e export e
error suppli paramet do not match ani signatur of call target get thi error from fresh git clone local after yarn and npm starterror in suppli paramet do not match ani signatur of call targeti am go to open a pr later
regexp empti check fail for filter call exampl for alia should be regexp and not regexp the regexp call fail below becaus i pass in and then i cant search for all alias same thing with ha thi if regexp null regexp undefin check which can be remov becaus it check for undefin right under it
aot with univers im tri to compil into a univers applic but i throw the follow error import opaquetoken ngmodul from syntaxerror unexpect token importi know there is a thread of it even post a possibl solut but it ha not work for i have configur the extern modul in my jit no error happen to me
aot with univers im tri to compil into a univers applic but i throw the follow error import opaquetoken ngmodul from syntaxerror unexpect token importi know there is a thread of it even post a possibl solut but it ha not work for repositori i use is the i have configur the extern modul in my extern
complain expect when assign promisea b to promisea typescript version nightli thi fail as number is not assign to stringlet strornum string numberlet str string strornum thi fail for the same reasonlet strornuma arraylet stra array strornuma thi work and i think it shouldntlet strornump promiselet strp promis behavior expect typescript to complain about the assign of strp as it doe with straactual behavior typescript doesnt complain
refactor login and signup page
unauthor bad mac imposs to sign up anymor request come back with thi statu bad work perfectli ani idea you can find my project here
timeago aot error suppli paramet do not match ani signatur of call target do you want to request a featur or report a bugbug bug reportwhen i attempt to compil a project with a timeago pipe im get the follow errorerror at suppli paramet do not match ani signatur of call target step to reproduc creat a new project use angularcli follow aot guid from to bootstrap step compil use npm run aot packagejson name timeago version licens mit script ng ng start ng serv build ng build aot p test ng test lint ng lint ee ng ee privat true depend beta beta beta corej rxj zonej codelyz jasminecor karma karmacli karmajasmin protractor tsnode tslint typescript from ngmodul from formsmodul from httpmodul from from appcompon from appcompon declar appcompon import formsmodul httpmodul provid bootstrap class appmodul timestamp timeago compon from selector approot templateurl styleurl class appcompon timestamp tz what is the expect behavioraot build with out error
rebrand and next step of expresssaml next big plan would be to remov the bundl with expressj becaus thi librari should not be limit by a singl thought renam but will keep the version histori the current exampl folder will be separ into new repositori it more easier to let user get start instead of clone the whole librari an opensourc and standalon ident provid to provid selfhost feder servic driven by thi librari easi integr for free to discuss here
git needlessli verbos list of file on ad singl folder vscode version os version window ubuntu step to reproduc move a folder with a lot file into your up to date git local sourc control side bar display a veri long list of file and with a on it commandlin git aggreg all that into a much easier to read and less overwhelm singl line of
server render with angularcli univers as part of angular if you dont fill out the follow inform your issu might be close without bug report or featur request mark with an x bug report pleas search issu befor submit x featur request from ng versionif noth output from node version and npm version window linux incl distribut maco el capitan sierranod os win x repro stepssimpl step to reproduc thi bugpleas includ command run packag ad relat code changesa link to a sampl repo would help toous angularcli follow angular guid for server render from build hang forev the log given by the failurenpm run builduni projectpath webpack config then hang forev desir would like to see is the to build the project withnpm run builduni which is run webpack config finish the build with server side render success mention ani other detail that might be univers is part of angular and follow their guidelin project should build run the same on angular exampl project build success doe anyon have experi in configur server render build with angularcli project is there some addit mayb miss or is it a whole new featur for help would be appreci
signaturepad xx pleas updat to version xx or abov to support svg
redirect to login when the graphql api return forbidden when the api return forbidden http the token should be remov from local storag and the user redirect to the login page
updat queri with new format see
ngxcooki support for angular univers im submit a check one with x bug report check the faq and search github for a similar issu or pr befor submit support request check the faq and search github for a similar issu befor submittingx featur of the doesnt work with the current angular univers the request respons arent avail in the current zone as is current the way to use it in the is a fork of ngxcooki which look to address thi for the look it would probabl be fix by get that commit into ngxcookiei tri to use that fork in my project but didnt figur out how to do a post instal build that work the publish ngxcooki is compil build differ than what i can seem to be trigger pleas tell us about your environ ngxcooki version angular version browser all chrome xx firefox xx ie xx safari xx mobil chrome xx android xx web browser io xx safari io xx uiwebview io xx wkwebview
enhanc redirect to the modul after login logout after login logout the user end up at a url that is not veri nice i ad thi in appj to remov the respons if welcom back but it would be a great enhanc if the app to the correct url or make it option
check hash collis it is possibl with big project
fix issu with inject the in the the get inject in the thi is requir to ensur it is instanti which configur the in stuff but becaus it stay unus in the the ide show a warningw should improv thi situat mayb there is some support in angular for these situat
ad secur with basicauth caus error on swaggerjson valid hi save my time a lot great the issu when we add secur caus error on swaggerjson validationex on api js file we haverouterj basicauth type basic secur basicauth on swaggerjson it result path secur basicauth it should be secur basicauth pleas help what we miss here
error on oauth or facebook i put the option to leav my public app howev i can not login use thi plugin thi messag appear app wa not configur can someon help me
cant login to codepush hi i cant login to codepush with my microsoft account when i regist i have use a previou exist account and regist with no problem an releas version also without a problem but now i have chang my comput and when tri to login to codepush i get the messag youv success sign in your microsoft account but we couldnt get an email address from itpleas fill the basic inform ie firstlast name email address for your microsoft account in case of absenc then tri to run codepush login agains i fill my inform on microsoft account but still cant login also i tri to add an outlook account as an alia and tri to login again but still the same messagecod push version betaemail you need the origin alia pleas let me know
zonej violat so ive start seeng zonej complain about perform problem violat load handler took mszonej violat ad nonpass event listen to a touchstart event consid mark event handler as passiv to make the page more violat load handler took msviolat forc reflow while execut javascript took mszonej violat ad nonpass event listen to a mousewheel event consid mark event handler as passiv to make the page more violat settimeout handler took mszonej violat messag handler took msi think there are just option that we can pass in draggablet for the passiv true see as im no expert in thi area doe thi seem feasibl while keep backward
default behavior of role base provid a way to configur default behavior of secur for the featur
make get rout given usernam and password to valid account
creat a hash for everi record to use to compar thi will allow to check if the cach need to be updat quit fastus etag
show recent group on the login page the login form could be chang so that the save group are shown there
tri to add app insight to my project azur login get stuck in the loop vscode version code defbbcddadf tz os version darwin x extens to reproduc
the keyword integr secur is not support on thi platform the dotnet restor npm instal work success but when tri to run the app on maco thi happenscrit error whilst creat and seed one or more error occur the keyword integr secur is not support on thi platform the keyword integr secur is not support on thi platform at at previou at key poolopt at key at valu at at at end of stack trace from previou locat where except wa thrown at at task at at in end of inner except stack trace at at at at app env in inner except the keyword integr secur is not support on thi platform at at previou at key poolopt at key at valu at at at end of stack trace from previou locat where except wa thrown at at task at at in unhandl except one or more error occur the keyword integr secur is not support on thi platform the keyword integr secur is not support on thi platform at at previou at key poolopt at key at valu at at at end of stack trace from previou locat where except wa thrown at at task at at in end of inner except stack trace at at at at app env in end of stack trace from previou locat where except wa thrown at at app at at at arg in
creat an exampl for direct grant in node we should provid a nodej exampl with direct grant in order to demonstr all support use case
add keycloakj mock for coverag of the browser provid need to mock the keycloakj depend in order to get code coverag on the browser provid
authfeat rbac role rolesadmin crud person inkl shepherd group interact all crud person inkl shepherd group interact all crud person r shepherd group no interact own r person assign group interact own viewgroup viewset viewrol updateperson updaterol and shepherd can assign can assign sheep and leaderssheep cannot chang role
creat dummi pbm decod for sampl strict is not need as it is onli for demo
applic is take to home page after enter wrong password applic is take to home page after enter wrong password
textfield support password input now textfield use it could be use to specifi addit properti that switch that to password input
allow user to rescu forgotten password
allow user to login to the app
propos api protect on credenti break helper
cannot chang the secur set after pick show all content re decreas the secur level to show all content the secur alert is gone and i dont find a way to chang it back
for salon password
the secur level of markdown preview is not honor after refresh the content re have follow content in a markdown file join the chat at build build preview the content it say some content are not secur none of the three imag is shown chang the secur set to allow http all imag are shown now click the titl bar and the content get refresh none of the imag is shown and the alert is there again click on the alert the quick pick pop up and it say current secur level is allow http but it doesnt realli workmayb relat to
markdown secur set disabl svg from travi and appveyor re i have follow content in a markdown filejoin the chat at build build preview it say some content ha been disabl and none of these svg is shown switch back to the content the editor hint that the first svg is not secur howev the latter two are travi and appveyor which we should allow render
imag in markdown preview are not alway reload when increas secur set test open the suggest cat markdown preview chang secur set to the most permiss chang secur set to strict the http cat is not visibl but if i open the secur picker and click strict again it show up or if i just closereopen the preview
subscript properti subscript is incompat with index signatur helloi got thi error when i tri to execut thi code do you have ani idea srcindext error ts argument of type typedef string resolv queri addcel ani type type ani prom is not assign to paramet of type type of properti resolv are incompat type queri addcel ani type type ani promis subscript is not assign to type iresolv properti subscript is incompat with index signatur type newcel subscrib ani type type ani is not assign to type ani type newcel subscrib ani type type ani is not assign to type ani type newcel subscrib ani type type ani provid no match for the signatur anyimport pubsub from from pubsub new pubsubexport const typedef type subscript newcel celltyp queri addcelltyp celltyp cellschema queri queri subscript const resolv queri addcel async type let cell new cell celltyp type newcel cell return cell subscript newcel subscrib let typedef resolv the issu is relat to the subscrib
error when obfusc typescript with true use also with i receiv the follow error when run webpack p it onli occur when is turn on and happen at ani im not sure if it my specif setup or an issu with keysnod typeerror cannot convert undefin or null to object at functionkey at e at arraymap nativ at at arrayforeach nativ at e at arraymap nativ at at arrayforeach nativ at e at at arrayforeach nativ at e at arraymap nativ at at arrayforeach nativ at e at arraymap nativ at at arrayforeach nativ at e at arraymap nativ at at arrayforeach nativ at e at at arrayforeach nativ at e at arraymap nativ at
add retri logic to the login observ sometim especi in docker environ the deepstream server is not abl to accept connect when the provid client connect add retri logic retrywhen to the login attempt the user may specifi an option timeout so do the retri until the timeout emit if the user doe not specifi timeout retri foreverin ani intermitt connect failur display a warn log messag in case of final failur timeout display an error messag and fail the interv sec
unsecur pair should be renam unsecur pair in project set should be renam no pair requir the current name may encourag peopl to tri to go into pair mode to establish an unsecur pair with unsecur pair select howev it is not possibl to go into pair mode sinc pair is not requir or allow
featur request univers support as a angularcli ad support for univers app should have option to be build with support for angular univers to achiev better seo
linkedin login issu when we login with linkedin then pop up is open and show messag uh oh becaus clientid is not pass which we are assign insid the provid what will be the solut of thi would you pleas help me for thi issu
login via redirect or show popup instruct to reduc the login loss by default mani browser block popup so we should either add a make sure to enabl popup dialog when you hit login or use a version of googl auth that doe it on the pagenot if were forc to keep do the popup rout we should also add a load spinner to the instruct but make sure contact us is still usabl
invalid syntax is not well sanit compil crash with veri gener debug failur typescript version codetslet head string expect pass through syntax miser with debug throw e error debug failur at typetostr at at at at at at at at at
univers compon contract
visual ratio is less than for pick a name place holder on save edit field user experienceif the luminos ratio is less than for all the text content then it will be difficult for the visual impair user to see what is present on the screentest rs version os build platform edgetool color contrast to to the micro bit section element and select code control given on itnavig to the footer section and select save control and select itlaunch color contrast analyz tool use wat tool barverifi the luminos ratio is greater than for pick a name placehold or not actual ratio is less than for pick a name placehold on save edit ratio should be greater than for pick a name placehold on save edit fieldma fixensur that a contrast ratio of at least exist between text and imag of text and background behind the text if design allow not specifi background color not specifi text color and not use technolog featur that chang those default in thi techniqu the author avoid have to do ani contrast measur by simpli not specifi the text color and not specifi the background as a result the color of both are complet determin by the user agenttipsth easiest fix is to increas the bright of light color and decreas the bright of darker light differ between foreground and background color and avoid use color of similar bright adjac to one anoth even if they differ in satur or huedur design use the color contrast analyz to determin whether new color have color contrast ratio of at least key refer for refer the attach filepleas refer the attach filema saveimprop luminos ratio for pick a name place holder
cannot use chunkhash for chunk in use hash instead
ngbcarousel is caus angular univers to get in an infinit loop bug the titl suggest ngbcarousel in a server side univers app creat an infinit loop which prevent the render i found a confirm of thi problem in a stack overflow link to plunker that reproduc the issuei dont know how to use plunker for server side issu i guess it may not be requir as the problem is like to be seen everi time ngbcarousel is use in a server side app version of angular ngbootstrap and ngbootstrap alpha
subscript use typescript properti subscript is incompat with index signatur helloi got thi error when i tri to execut thi code do you have ani idea srcindext error ts argument of type typedef string resolv queri addcel ani type type ani prom is not assign to paramet of type type of properti resolv are incompat type queri addcel ani type type ani promis subscript is not assign to type iresolv properti subscript is incompat with index signatur type newcel subscrib ani type type ani is not assign to type ani type newcel subscrib ani type type ani is not assign to type ani type newcel subscrib ani type type ani provid no match for the signatur anyimport pubsub from pubsub new pubsubexport const typedef type subscript newcel celltyp queri addcelltyp celltyp cellschema queri queri subscript const resolv queri addcel async type let cell new cell celltyp type newcel cell return cell subscript newcel subscrib
if your puppet user initi a convers from the third parti servic a few thing arent set avatar and name arent set even if sendernam and avatarurl are sentposs caus becaus senderid is null
on clone through github permiss deni publickey error on clone through github from give commandgit clone gitdeni publickey error is show in cmd fatal could not read from remot repositori how to get rid of thi issu
consol log spam with latest updat the consol is spam with number from thi
is not work on buildprod i have clone and npm instal then i am usingnpm run buildprodi am get thi warn and got stuckwarn in critic depend the request of a depend is an express child for indexhtml byte built
support for selfsign cert when develop local it is import to support selfsign cert i believ ad thi is quit simpl and can be disabl by default for secur reason
add matcher api and order sign
assign data to prop thi may end up be a dumb question but im get an error when use properti or method currentcount is not defin on the instanc but referenc dure render make sure to declar reactiv data properti in the data optionwith the import vue from vueimport compon prop from class extend vue initialcount number currentcount number thi work replac abov with doesnt work currentcount number counter thi is a simpl exampl of a vuej compon current count currentcount increment ani help appreci
add a method to get address from public key
doe the sampl work for chrome categori question expect or desir an aad protect web site in ifram within spo work for internet explor and chrome observ in chrome the ifram is render empti after inspect the consol log i see the follow error the page appear in the ifram for internet explor and edg but not chrome refus to display a frame becaus it set to deni fail to load resourc step to reproduc simpli drop an page viewer web part on ani sharepoint page and point to your aad protect web app browser it in googl chrome version offici build bit questioni thi approach meant to work onli ie
style login and registr valid solv the serversid valid
web is alway detect as be inject
support for angular univers hello is it correct that thi modul not compat with angular univers i get the follow error while render it server side becaus i think not the right render is use to modifi the domerror document is not defin at at at at at at as at at at at eval at arrayforeach nativ at at eval at at at not sure but i have test it on angular x and x with the latest ani one have a ide how to fix thi
after updat to d i have to i just got autoupd to d from ddb and after the updat i get a messag invalid credenti provid and im ask to reenter my credenti thi never happen befor so im a bit suspici wa thi on purpos or is it just coincid
failur in api request should logout and go to login page current the app just throw an error to the consol and the ui appear broken with no concept of what the user should do to fix itscreen shot at
bug login fail when done the veri first time thi is someth that came up as part of although it actual ha noth to do with it per seher what go onwhen log in to ml for the veri first time mean there no user and no authus in the databas for the user that will log in save the databas user fail due to permiss deni while the authus is the second time one tri to login save the databas user work just finestep to reproduc wipe out all user data from auth user and databas user wipe out all localstorag data relat to auth user tri log in via github or ani other provid check the consoleat thi point when refresh the page one doe see a user avatar and some user info becaus the data is store in the authus in the local storag howev the databas user doe not exist which is whi go to the profil page would fail at thi point againlog out and in again would fix thi becaus in the second attempt of save the user it will workcurr observ databas rule are all just fine data sent to the databas at the point of save is also correct repres the correct user as well refreshtoken is forc refresh everi time a user log in
login should handl when login fail
user should be extract into
unabl to login to self host github enterpris as my compani use self host github enterpris version therefor we gont have ani ssl certif which prevent me to login to my account from github desktop version it say certif is invalid or untrust there should an option to accept the certif and then log in to my account
improv error messag for login error messag are a bit simpl and dont provid much they must be in in and not in plain text
i am tri to delet all cooki but it return me same object not work
add support to window univers target for cordova project in addit to io and android we should also provid support for window univers platform for the cordova targettask add relat configxml setup provid suitabl iconssplash screen for the platform test if everyth work as expect especi ionic ui
encydink builtin haptic video encod build basic video encod capabl into syncydink thi should basic replic the blender ui for the moment mean zoomabl timelin with all action point on timelin should be keyboard overrid move in movi for posit entri output to funscript other format can come later timelin playhead posit should follow movi if movi is play similarli if playhead is scrub movi should react accordingli
hash a password is not accept tommd reddit comment hash a password is not an accept way to creat a crypto key from a password use someth like scrypt gener a random salt for the encrypt oper to use in scrypt and store it with the ciphertext along with the iv add thi in a reddit dont hash the password gener a random salt and use a proper add password hash webcrypto ha pbkdf which is more suitabl
store login data and auto login i am tri to store login token and use it to login to the app the next time user launch the app
file uploadsav with out user credenti is there ani work exampl for the file upload to onedr from angular without forc the end user to enter the account credenti
request for file save with out user credenti is there ani work exampl for the file upload to onedr from angular without forc the end user to enter the account credenti
ui form valid loginsignup valid form in angular
depend inject insid unit test hii have two compon that need to talk to each other to avoid the circular depend issu im use on both compon to access the instanc methodswhen do unit test with after creat the modul and declar both compon the di doesnt compon declar depend on compon via moduleref compon declar depend on compon via moduleref server behaviour work unit test behaviour fail both c c c cscenario compon declar depend on compon via moduleref compon declar depend on compon via constructor server behavour work unit test behaviour fail for c c work for c cso i cant get it work thank
improv static method signatur typescript version keyso string keyso ani string valueso s string t t valueso s string t n number t t entrieso s string t string t entrieso s string t n number t string t
do an audit of the campsit and park name
get over unsign ssl cert warn while run integr test on ie run a vic ui integr test against ie lead to a page warn about the insecur ssl certif lead the rest of the test step to hang and eventu fail a brief reveal that there doe not seem to be a capabl that allow bypass insecur ssl certif unlik in firefox so the onli way to get past thi screen is to tell selenium driver to click on the link in the warn pageuntil the issu is address ie test would remain disabl on our nightli node
featur request gener compon spec with debugel and htmlelement predefin and assign if you dont fill out the follow inform your issu might be close without bug report or featur request mark with an x bug report pleas search issu befor submit x featur request versionsnod os win xtypescript repro stepsng g c the log given by the failurenot an error desir everi compon will requir test that examin the gener html element i find myself have to copi the same few linesimport debugel from de el almost everi compon spec if im not the onli one perhap it would make sens to put thi into the compon spec templat mention ani other detail that might be usefulthi follow the test pattern describ on the angulario
replac id with hash sinc we are not go to use id we can make hash as main id
prerend compil omit hash from css background url path in indexhtml current run npm run the result indexhtml file ha the prerend style includ at the top as expect but the background imag filenam in thi style block is lack the hash suffix that is present both on the imag themselv and the dynam style have seen the issu with jpg and svg file perhap css filenam directori wa strip off the begin of the file path correctli sinc the imag with a hash in their name are serv from the root expect behaviorth imag filenam includ in the static indexhtml should be the hash imag filenam use everywher els minim reproduct of the problem with to reproduc start with current version use in test come with rc run npm instal place an imag with thi filenam at within add style host background to the compon definit after templat note that it also occur with an extern file and with scss style run npm run observ the content of either directli or in the browser with npm run bug report pleas provid the step to reproduc and if possibl a minim demo of the problem or similar you can use thi templat as a start point environ
login link doe not properli open the list of item to edit when i click on the link wa not updat to the admin new rout
add univers initi load page error page page transit load anim
add jwt x login page x http request to extern user servic
browser cach chunk hash in file name hi are there ani plan to add chunk hash to build file ani time soonif not how would you recommend on do so
provid a mechan to get widget assign to the properti of other widget thank you for contribut to dojo our issu tracker is for bug for dojo pleas make sure you have read our contribut at gener question and discuss join us on gitterim at imagin code like thisjsvdiv wwidget key wwidget key busi logic here return from a unit test i would like to do someth likejsconst widget widget somecallback or someth similar
support for applic password
authenticod signatur hashmismatch system detail oper system name and version window vs code version powershel extens version output from valu psversion psedit buildvers clrversion issu ha a statu path hashmismatch
keefox alpha htpassword do not work helloth login and password of htpassword access do not work the window is empti and can not be fill by keefox becaus of a hangpleas fix the bugthank i use an onlin translat french english
ajout forgot password init password ajout forgot password init password on
bot autoupd dose not support proxi check for new version command fail
bot framework channel emul should rememb app id password connect state onc connect i can start a new convers and click on the address bar again now im prompt to reenter the app id and password and expect the app id and the password to alreadi be fill in show up as asterisk also provid some indic that the emul is alreadi connect to the endpoint
a hack to not pull in the nullinjector from open via from a code comment on by misko heveri
thi hack is here becaus iquerylist ha privat member and therefor it cant be implement onli via from a code comment on by misko heveri
load indic when key gener or password unlock need to give some user feedback as to what is happen when that delay happen on android
could not get transact receipt for tx hash exampl
univers not render due to http failur respons for unknown url unknown error i did at one point have ssr work but somewher along the line it broken and i just cant find what caus the error there are no error client side and it render fine but server side i get the follow error which is prevent it render server sidemi issu is that it a larg app i a just cant pinpoint where the issu header httpheader map lazyupd null header map statu statustext unknown error url null ok fals name messag http failur respons for unknown url unknown error error type error target onloadstart null onprogress null onabort null onerror null onload null ontimeout null onloadend null listen object null anonym undefin readyst respons null responsetext responsetyp text responseurl statu statustext timeout upload object method get url object sync fals header object object mimeoverrid null request null respons null null null abort null error null loadedbyt totalbyt fals true onloadstart null onprogress null onabort null onerror null onload null ontimeout null onloadend null listen object null anonym undefin readyst respons null responsetext responsetyp text responseurl statu statustext timeout upload object method get url object sync fals header object object mimeoverrid null request null respons null null null abort null error null loadedbyt totalbyt fals true fals load total
vch wizard secur tab mean of enabl secur access to thi vch is unclear vic deploy no vchstep to reproducerun the wizard actual behaviorin the secur tab when the slider label enabl secur access to thi vch is off the wizard implicitli perform follow choic no client certif self sign server certif disabl the abil to configur secur for should be a clear descript of these choic the current messag reflect onli the disabl of client certif which is incomplet and should instead appli to the other slider on the tab the one label with client behaviorth first problem is the label itself it should say someth like configur secur access to the vch the second problem is the descript and warn messag which should be appli to the other slider button the one label client certif the warn messag for the main slider should point out the three option describ abov the warn messag can be display onli with the slider is off rather than on the main page
prompt with login to comment when no comment if no comment are post it say there are no comment if should mayb show login to commentcc
credenti file alway open i have visual studio work with aw toolkit use an aw role have a batch process that grab credienti from a machin everi hour and store in the default locat to run command thi allow command etc to alway have a fresh set of credienti without creat an iam userhowev aw toolkit throw a blocker in thi becaus it keep the file open forev as long as visual studio is open thi prevent me from write the new credienti on a regular basiscan you pleas make the toolkit load the credienti everi few minut or so instead of keep the file open the entir time
angular univers support
no platformid inject for server app cli node os darwin xangular anim common compil compilercli core form http webpackmerg webpack observ with produc bundl for server side applic in which if you tri get current platform youll receiv so thisimport inject inject platformid from privat platformid string lead to such an desc platform id desir to platformid content server mention ani other detail that might be use option browser version of applic return browser in platformid version of applic build by use cli return server in platformid webpack config for angular function version let entri case desktop entri break case mobil entri break return devtool watch true entri entri target node node fals output path publicpath script filenam namej commonj server version namechunkj modul loader exclud test includ sourcepath gendir use loader option sourcemap fals plugin new new purifyplugin new tsconfigpath version json entrymodul version mainpath version indext typecheck fals fals platform tsconfig for server true true true lib es dom modul commonj node fals fals sourcemap true true target es type node exclud gulp nodemodul dist distprebuild distdev includ appscriptst fals true gendir appscript server main is justexport from server root moduleimport ngmodul from servermodul from uiview from from appmodul from desktopapp bootstrap uiview import appmodul servermodul export class
zone error with angular univers we will close thi issu if you dont provid the need featur request delet the form below and describ the requir and use case cli node os win xangular anim common compil compilercli core form http webpack repro observ behaviorgo to localhost and get unhandl promis reject zone task promisethen valu error zonetask zone zone properti parent null name zonedeleg object runcount null state notschedul type microtask sourc promisethen data undefin schedulefn undefin cancelfn null callback function invok function undefin desir behaviorpag display mention ani other detail that might be use option
zone error with angular univers hi all my project is work in dev and prod but when i want to use angular univers i have thi error unhandl promis reject zone task promisethen valu error zonetask zone zone properti parent null name zonedeleg object runcount null state notschedul type microtask sourc promisethen data undefin schedulefn undefin cancelfn null callback function invok function these are import and need befor anyth elseimport from from as express from join from pathimport readfilesync from fs faster server render w prod mode dev mode never express serverconst app expressconst port const distfold dist our indexhtml well use as our templat browser note leav thi as requir sinc thi file is built dynam from webpackconst requir option callback our indexhtml document templat url di so that we can get lazyload to work differ sinc we need it to just instantli render it thenhtml callbacknul html appsetview engin browser server static file from browser all regular rout use the univers engineappget req re browser indexhtml req start up the node server listen on i can solv thi
error encodepath gogl map im submit a check one with x bug report featur requestx support request pleas do not submit support request here use one of these channel or behaviorwhen make a decod path it give the follow error error reject typeerror promis t zone r task e stack messag uncaught in promis typeerror cannot read properti length of cannot read properti length of undefin at at callinst at polylin at as setpoint at at tinvok at at tinvok at rrun at treject get stack function nativ code set stack function nativ code task ezon rproto dconstructor function error nativ code messag name function tostr nativ code proto object function function polyfillsjso polyfillsjsn polyfillsj expect behaviori am combin googl map plugin with googl map web servic and request a rout which i do a decodepath to the polylin of the result of googl web to point punto geodesictru width coloraff punto let leg let let point els relat codeinsert ani relev code hereoth so much test i made an encodepath without go through the nativ ionic and it workedion info run ionic info from a terminalcmd prompt and past output belowcli packag ionic ionic cli global packag cordova cordova cli local packag cordova platform android ionic framework ionicangular system android sdk tool node v npm os maco high sierra xcode xcode build version b
special charact in influx measur name are not url encod correctli what grafana version are you use what datasourc are you use influxdb what os are you run grafana on ubuntu with chrome on maco as client what did you do queri a metric with in the measur name what wa the expect result to see the data of that metric what happen instead there wa no data the in the measur name wa url encod as gtb instead of e thi mean it wa translat to the html symbol gt befor it wa url encod instead of directli encod i tri with an older version of grafana in the same browser and there the encod happen correctli and the queri work
typeerror is not a function in angular versionsnod os darwin xtypescript observ behaviori am import in from wallet jsv code insid the librari shown as belowvar privkey out an error error error uncaught in promis typeerror is not a function typeerror is not a function typeerror is not a function at same problem appli to var mnemon var privatekey const wallet error typeerror is not a function at hdkeyj at hdkeyj desir behaviori guess the problem is due to webpack config not setup properli how would i config webpack with crypto librari
defect all of a sudden it doesnt recogn sign out doesnt trigger login form on send to
best approach when all rout requir an user hi first thank for thi plugin it work greatin our new app we onli allow user that is we dont need a login button if the user is not log in the app should imediatli redirect to the st are the recommend way of do thisthi is what we want to achiv as fastearli as possibl check for a alreadi log in user ani helper method for thi if user is not log in redirect to st if user is log in continu boot the appar there ani build in in the plugin to help with thi
azuresign in shouldnt fail if at least one tenant succe version vs code window mac oswhen i run the azur sign in task it display not sign in sign in firstaft follow the prompt it open the browser window and after enter the devic code the messag is you have sign in to the visual studio code applic on your devic you may now close thi i remain signedout in vs codei get the exact same behavior when run azur signin againth account i signin with is a compani account and i have more than one tenant id associ with my accounti can success signin use the azur tool one differ is that the extens requir me to setup my tenant id in filelet me know if there is anyth els i can do to help
add email and password verif in account and user creation now there is no verif of an email in account and user creation pleas add a format check should be in a mail to avoid creat fake user and account hide a password in account creation as in user featur id
fix type signatur
unabl to resolv signatur of class decor when call as an express cssloader mintui tsloader typescript vueload webpack depend vue then errort unabl to resolv signatur of class decor when call as an express type target vc vc is not assign to type typeof properti extend is miss in type target vc vc
login page integr current onli email login is availableadd integr with googl and facebook
the ui doe not allow a user to download the server certif for a vch vic version rcstep to a vch use the vch creation wizard leav tl is no way to download the server certif via the uiexpect behavioran action or link is present on the result vch that allow the user to download the server detail as necessaryth server certif can be download like log except from certif instead of logsthi may need ux work i dont see it in the mockup mayb it there in both the mockup and the ui but im not see it
async pipe doesnt resolv when an observ is assign and a new valu is push befor exit the function pleas help us process github issu faster by provid the follow miss import inform may be close without im submit a current behaviorwhen you have a templat with myvalu async and your compon assign an observ instanc to myvalu and immedi push a valu befor exit the function then the async pipe doesnt resolv ie an empti string is print while the pipe await for the next valuehowev do the same thing with a promis and have myvalu work under the same condit expect behaviorth async pipe should grab the latest valu from the observ rather than wait for the next one thi may break some assumpt so perhap thi is ok onli if the observ is closedi would like the same behavior with either promis or observablemi plunker make the promis act weird but i understand that thi is happen becaus the promis is alreadi resolv by the time the next valu is push minim reproduct of the problem with bug report pleas provid the step to reproduc and if possibl a minim demo of the problem or similar you can use thi templat as a start point comment are written abov the button click the button will show what im tri to say what is the motiv use case for chang the in my product code i dont have thi problem becaus my observ is not resolv immedi test becom cumbersom becaus now i have to work around thi limit version browser x chrome desktop version
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