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Created July 11, 2015 16:48
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Customer dispatcher scheduler
public class MyDispatcherScheduler: IScheduler
private readonly DispatcherScheduler _dispatcherScheduler;
private readonly ImmediateScheduler _immediateScheduler = ImmediateScheduler.Instance;
public MyDispatcherScheduler(DispatcherScheduler original)
_dispatcherScheduler = original;
public IDisposable Schedule<TState>(TState state, Func<IScheduler, TState, IDisposable> action)
return GetScheduler().Schedule(state, action);
public IDisposable Schedule<TState>(TState state, TimeSpan dueTime, Func<IScheduler, TState, IDisposable> action)
return GetScheduler().Schedule(state,dueTime, action);
public IDisposable Schedule<TState>(TState state, DateTimeOffset dueTime, Func<IScheduler, TState, IDisposable> action)
return GetScheduler().Schedule(state, dueTime, action);
private IScheduler GetScheduler()
return _dispatcherScheduler.Dispatcher.CheckAccess() ? (IScheduler)_immediateScheduler : (IScheduler)_dispatcherScheduler;
public DateTimeOffset Now { get { return _dispatcherScheduler.Now; } }
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