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In the mountains for a week,

Roland Pheasant RolandPheasant

In the mountains for a week,
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RolandPheasant / gist:fad82eb8f4d3937db44d
Created May 29, 2015 08:52
CompositeDataSource required to accept pivot table as an argument
//Change the SubscribeMany line
var pivotLoader = _pivotTables.Connect()
.SubscribeMany(pivot => pivot.Data.Connect().Synchronize(_updateLocker).Subscribe(changes => PivotDataHasUpdated(pivot,changes)))
//Change the PivotDataHasUpdated signature
public void PivotDataHasUpdated(IDataSource pivotTable, IChangeSet<Record, Guid> changes)
RolandPheasant / gist:b039b167605a457d9e07
Created July 11, 2015 16:48
Customer dispatcher scheduler
public class MyDispatcherScheduler: IScheduler
private readonly DispatcherScheduler _dispatcherScheduler;
private readonly ImmediateScheduler _immediateScheduler = ImmediateScheduler.Instance;
public MyDispatcherScheduler(DispatcherScheduler original)
_dispatcherScheduler = original;
public static class DynamicDataExtensions
public static IObservable<IChangeSet<TObj>> FilterOnProperty<TObj, TProp>(
this IObservable<IChangeSet<TObj>> source,
Expression<Func<TObj, TProp>> selectProp,
Func<TObj, bool> predicate) where TObj : INotifyPropertyChanged
return Observable.Create<IChangeSet<TObj>>(observer =>
RolandPheasant / gist:a93708fae4a8c38f23f2
Last active January 18, 2016 21:24
Fixed test for create filter property
public async Task TestFilterOnProperty()
var listA = new SourceList<X>();
var listB = new SourceList<X>();
using (IObservableList<X> list = listA.Connect()
public static class DynamicDataExtensions
public static IObservable<IChangeSet<TObj, TKey>> FilterOnProperty<TObj, TKey, TProp>(this IObservable<IChangeSet<TObj, TKey>> source,
Expression<Func<TObj, TProp>> selectProp,
Func<TObj, bool> predicate) where TObj : INotifyPropertyChanged
return Observable.Create<IChangeSet<TObj, TKey>>(observer =>
//share the connection, otherwise the entire observable chain is duplicated
RolandPheasant / CombineUsingOrViewModel
Last active July 11, 2016 20:11
Combine data sources using Or().
namespace DynamicData.Samplz.Examples
public class CombineUsingOrViewModel
public CombineUsingOrViewModel()
//maintain databaseDevices + databaseDevices anytime
var databaseDevices = new SourceCache<IDevice,int>(device => device.Id);
var localDevices = new SourceCache<IDevice, int>(device => device.Id);
public static class MyDynamicDataExtensions
public static IObservable<IChangeSet<WidgetListItemViewModel, int>> TransformWithupdate(this IObservable<IChangeSet<Widget, int>> source )
return Observable.Create<IChangeSet<WidgetListItemViewModel, int>>(observer =>
//create local data source wich tansforms all items
var localDataSource = source
.Transform(w => new WidgetListItemViewModel(w))
public static IObservable<IChangeSet<WidgetListItemViewModel, int>> TransformWithupdate(this IObservable<IChangeSet<Widget, int>> source )
return Observable.Create<IChangeSet<WidgetListItemViewModel, int>>(observer =>
var shared = source
.Transform(w => new WidgetListItemViewModel(w))
//create cache which never replaces the original problem
var nonUpdatingObservableCache = shared
/// <summary>
/// Transforms the without updates. Blah Blah
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TObject">The type of the object.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TKey">The type of the key.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TDestination">The type of the destination.</typeparam>
/// <param name="source">The source.</param>
/// <param name="factory">The factory.</param>
/// <param name="updateAction">Apply changes to the original. Example (original, newitem) => original.Value = newitem.Value </param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static clas DynamicDataJoinEx
/// <summary>
/// Joins the left and right observable data sources, combining the content into a single
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TLeft">The object type of the left datasource</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TLeftKey">The key type of the left datasource</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TRight">The object type of the right datasource</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TRightKey">The key type of the right datasource</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TDestination">The resulting object which </typeparam>