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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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  • Save RoliSoft/80f2a0d69f8b15f10dbf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RoliSoft/80f2a0d69f8b15f10dbf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This script is used to migrate SQLite databases from RS TV Show Tracker <2.1 installations to the new binary format used in >2.2.
//define(DEBUG, true);
// Make sure TVShows.db3 exists near this PHP file. If not, edit accordingly.
$utn = 'TVShows.db3';
// This is the directory, where the new database will be dumped.
// Copy this "db" folder to the root of the software, replacing any previous "db" folder leftover.
$db = new PDO('sqlite:'.$utn);
print s();
$datas = $db->query('select * from settings')->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
for($i = 0; $i < count($datas); $i++){
if($datas[$i]['key'] == 'uid'){
$datas[$i]['key'] = 'uuid';
if($datas[$i]['key'] == 'last update'){
$datas[$i]['key'] = 'update';
if($datas[$i]['key'] == 'Last Sync' || $datas[$i]['key'] == 'Version'){
print v(count($datas));
foreach($datas as $data){
print p($data['key']);
print p($data['value']);
$ob = ob_get_contents();
file_put_contents('db/conf', $ob);
$shows = $db->query('select * from tvshows');
foreach($shows as $show){
$dir = /*$show['showid'].'-'.*/slug($show['name']).'/';
print s();
print p($show['name']);
print p($gid = $db->query('select value from showdata where key = "grabber" and showid = '.$show['showid'])->fetchObject()->value);
print p($db->query('select value from showdata where key = "'.$gid.'.id" and showid = '.$show['showid'])->fetchObject()->value);
print p($db->query('select value from showdata where key = "descr" and showid = '.$show['showid'])->fetchObject()->value);
print p($db->query('select value from showdata where key = "genre" and showid = '.$show['showid'])->fetchObject()->value);
print p($db->query('select value from showdata where key = "cover" and showid = '.$show['showid'])->fetchObject()->value);
print b($db->query('select value from showdata where key = "airing" and showid = '.$show['showid'])->fetchObject()->value);
print p($db->query('select value from showdata where key = "airtime" and showid = '.$show['showid'])->fetchObject()->value);
print p($db->query('select value from showdata where key = "airday" and showid = '.$show['showid'])->fetchObject()->value);
print p($db->query('select value from showdata where key = "network" and showid = '.$show['showid'])->fetchObject()->value);
print c($db->query('select value from showdata where key = "runtime" and showid = '.$show['showid'])->fetchObject()->value);
print p($db->query('select value from showdata where key = "timezone" and showid = '.$show['showid'])->fetchObject()->value);
print p($db->query('select value from showdata where key = "lang" and showid = '.$show['showid'])->fetchObject()->value);
print p($db->query('select value from showdata where key = "url" and showid = '.$show['showid'])->fetchObject()->value);
$eps = $db->query('select * from episodes where showid = '.$show['showid'])->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
print v(count($eps));
foreach($eps as $ep){
print c($ep['season']);
if ($ep['episode'] < 255) {
print c($ep['episode']);
} else {
print c(255);
print c($ep['episode'] - 255);
print u($ep['airdate']);
print p($ep['name']);
print p($ep['descr']);
print p($ep['pic']);
print p($ep['url']);
$ob = ob_get_contents();
file_put_contents('db/'.$dir.'info', $ob);
print s();
$datas = array(array('key' => 'showid', 'value' => $show['showid']), array('key' => 'rowid', 'value' => $show['rowid']));
$dataz = $db->query('select * from showdata where key like "title%" and showid = '.$show['showid'])->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
foreach($dataz as $data){
$datas[] = $data;
if (!empty($show['release'])) {
$datas[] = array('key' => 'regex', 'value' => $show['release']);
print v(count($datas));
foreach($datas as $data){
print p($data['key']);
print p($data['value']);
$ob = ob_get_contents();
file_put_contents('db/'.$dir.'conf', $ob);
print s();
$saws = $db->query('select * from tracking where showid = '.$show['showid'])->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
print v(count($saws));
foreach($saws as $saw){
$epid = $saw['episodeid']-(100*1000*$show['showid']);
$sn = floor($epid / 1000);
$ep = $epid - ($sn * 1000);
print c($sn);
if ($ep < 255) {
print c($ep);
} else {
print c(255);
print c($ep - 255);
$ob = ob_get_contents();
file_put_contents('db/'.$dir.'seen', $ob);
function p($txt){ // string
if (defined('DEBUG')) return strlen($txt).$txt;
else return encode_7bhm(strlen($txt)).$txt;
function b($txt){ // bool
if (defined('DEBUG')) return $txt == 'True' ? '-True-' : '-False-';
else return $txt == 'True' ? chr(1) : chr(0);
function i($txt){ // 7-bit encoded int
if (defined('DEBUG')) return '-b'.$txt.'-';
else return encode_7bhm((int)$txt);
function u($txt){ // unsigned int
if (defined('DEBUG')) return '-u'.$txt.'-';
else return pack('V', (int)$txt);
function v($txt){ // unsigned short
if (defined('DEBUG')) return '-s'.$txt.'-';
else return pack('v', (int)$txt);
function c($txt){ // unsigned byte
if (defined('DEBUG')) return '-c'.$txt.'-';
else return pack('C', (int)$txt);
function s(){ // header
return c(1).u(time());
function encode_7bhm($int) {
if ($int==0) return chr(0);
$ret = "";
while($int != 0) {
$high = floor($int / 128);
$low = $int - ($high * 128);
if ($int > 0) {
if ($high > 0) { $low = $low + 128; }
$ret .= chr($low);
$int = $high;
return $ret;
function slug($name){
$name = strtolower(iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', html_entity_decode($name)));
$name = preg_replace('/\s\(20\d{2}\)/', '', $name);
$name = preg_replace('/ & /', ' and ', $name);
$name = preg_replace('/[\'`’\._]/', '', $name);
$name = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/', ' ', $name);
$name = preg_replace('/\s\s*/', '-', trim($name));
return $name;
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