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Created September 9, 2022 00:02
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//--- 010 Editor v12.0.1 Binary Template
// File:
// Authors: Roman Hargrave <>
// Version: 0.1
// Purpose: Analyze ODS5/Files11 volume images
// Category:
// File Mask:
// ID Bytes:
// History:
// Much of this was derived from the excellent book
// "VMS File System Internals" (VFI), written by Kirby McCoy.
// That book talks about Files-11 ODS2; however, much will
// translate to Files-11 ODS5
// For clarity, Files-11 is the overall "schema" for the VMS
// (and others) file system, and ODS ("On-Disk Structure") is
// is the actual layout of Files-11 data on media. In common
// parlance, ODS and Files-11 is used interchangeably. In fact,
// one will often see ODS versions ("levels", such as ODS2 and ODS5)
// used interchangeably.
// To get some things clear about data types, it should
// be generally understood that data types in comments
// relate to their VAX data types. Indeed, the 1990 publication
// would have also talked about things in terms of VAX
// architecture.
// Fortunately for us, VAX data types will be familiar
// to the modern developer. The VAX had 8-bit bytes,
// 16-bit short integers, 32-bit integers, and 64-bit
// long integers. We fortunately have no need to concern
// ourselves with floating point, which - at least in the
// realm of encoding - is a different matter entirely.
// Further, everything was little endian.
// As an aside, certain structure fields are prefixed b_, w_, l_.
// This is first and foremost to align with VFI for better
// cross-referencing; however, aside from b_, w_ and l_ do not
// have any meaningful relationship with type or width. for instance,
// w_ is used for several 16-bit fields, but also 48-bit fields. It
// stands for Word.
// l_ is used for 32-bit fields. It probably stands for Long Word.
// Jargon:
// - VAX :: Virtual Address eXtensions (to PDP-11)
// - VMS :: Virtual Memory System
// - ODS :: On-Disk Structure
// - UIC :: User identification code
// - RMS :: Record management services
// - LBN :: Logical block number
// - VBN :: Virtual block number
// - FID :: File identifier
// - ACL :: Access Control List
// - ACE :: Access Control Entry
// - MFD :: Master File Directory (000000.DIR)
// - LRU :: Least recently used (cache)
// - RU :: Recovery Unit (no idea)
// - RP :: Retrieval Pointer
// - AI :: After-image
// - BI :: Before-image
// - AT :: Audit trail
// - Executive :: Kernel
// Color Coding Conventions
// - Reserved/Opaque :: Black
// - Checksum :: Yellow
// - LBN :: Dark Red
// - VBN :: Dark Red + Gray FG
// - Text :: Dark Green
// - UIC :: Purple
// - Perms/Access/Security Fields :: Dark Purple
// - Time :: Dark Aqua
// - FS Metadata :: Dark Blue
// - FS Geometry :: Dark Blue + Light Aqua FG
// - FID/Version :: Green
// - Offsets/Pointers/etc... :: Aqua
#define cXDkRed 0x00003A
#define ccReserved cBlack
#define ccChecksum cYellow
#define ccLBN cDkRed
#define ccVBN cDkRed
#define ccVBN_fg cGray
#define ccText cDkGreen
#define ccUIC cPurple
#define ccPerms cDkPurple
#define ccTime cDkAqua
#define ccMeta cDkBlue
#define ccGeom cDkBlue
#define ccGeom_fg cLtAqua
#define ccFID cGreen
#define ccPtr cAqua
// VMS Time is the number of microseconds elapsed since 1858-11-17
// The above epoch is significant in that it is the base date for
// the Smithsonian Astronomical Calendar
typedef uint64 VMSTime <read=VMSTime_Read, write=VMSTime_Write, bgcolor=ccTime>;
string VMSTime_Read(VMSTime vt) {
return Time64TToString((time64_t) ((vt / 10000000) - 3506716800));
void VMSTime_Write(VMSTime& vt, string rep) {
time64_t utime = 0;
int res = StringToTime64T(rep, utime);
if (res == 0) {
vt = (utime + 3506716800) * 10000000;
string VMS_GobbleSpace(const string in) {
int firstSpace = Strchr(in, ' ');
return SubStr(in, 0, firstSpace);
// default block size [VFI 2.2]
#define BLOCK_SIZE 512
#define WORD_SIZE sizeof(uint16)
// == Misc. Types =============================================================
// note the use of signed LBNs!
// this is simply a convenience here. i am unsure whether ODS actually
// specifies unsigned or signed LBNs. the significance of this is that
// some changes to VBN dereferencing will need to be made in order to
// support ODS larger than ~1.1TB (INT32_MAX * BLOCK_SIZE)
typedef int32 LBN <bgcolor=ccLBN>;
typedef uint16 VBN <bgcolor=ccVBN,fgcolor=ccVBN_fg>;
typedef uint32 UIC <bgcolor=ccUIC>;
typedef struct {
ubyte version;
ubyte structure_level;
} StrucLev <read=StrucLev_Read,bgcolor=ccMeta>;
Assert(sizeof(StrucLev) == 2, "StrucLev should be 16 bits");
string StrucLev_Read(StrucLev &lvl) {
return Str("Files-11 ODS %u.%u", lvl.structure_level, lvl.version);
// == File Header =============================================================
// ODS File ID (FID) [VFI 2.3.2]
typedef struct {
// File Number
// Must be >0. Counts from 1.
uint16 w_num;
// File Sequence Number
// Number of times this file number has been
// recycled. Helps to disambiguate references.
// In terms of specifically accessing the data
// related to the file ID, only the number
// (and sometimes RVN) is necessary.
uint16 w_seq;
// Relative Volume Number
// This identifies the volume in a volume set that
// contains the file
ubyte b_rvn;
// File Number Extension
// Combined with w_num as the high order 8 bits of a 24-bit number,
// this forms a file ID within the volume
// identified by the Relative Volume Number
ubyte b_nmx;
local const uint32 file_number =
((uint32) b_nmx << 16) | w_num;
} FileID <read=FileID_Read,open=suppress,bgcolor=ccFID>;
string FileID_Read(FileID &id) {
string result =
Str("%u,%u", id.file_number, id.w_seq);
if (id.b_rvn > 0)
result += Str(",%u", id.b_rvn);
return result;
// Assert(sizeof(FileID) == 6, "FileID Structure does not match Spec Size");
// Fileheader Characteristics Bitfields [VFI 2.3.3].
// See p. 24 of VFI for full field descriptions
typedef struct {
// Set if the BACKUP utility is not
// to copy contents of the file.
ubyte v_nobackup : 1;
// Set if write-back caching may be used.
ubyte v_writeback : 1;
// Set if read-check operations are to be performed.
ubyte v_readcheck : 1;
// Set if write-check operations are to be performed.
ubyte v_writcheck : 1;
// Set if the file is to be allocated contiguously
// in as fed contiguous sections as possible.
ubyte v_contigb : 1;
// Set if the file was locked on deaccess.
// Used to indicate possible inconsistency.
// If set, access is to be denied.
ubyte v_locked : 1;
// Set if the file is logically contiguous.
// Specifically, this means that the file
// is stored entirely sequentially on the disk,
// and has not been fragmented.
ubyte v_contig : 1;
// Set if the file has a bad ACL.
// This is used to prevent access denial
// in the event of inconsistency.
ubyte v_badacl : 1;
// end byte 1
// Set if the file is a spool file.
// Non-spool operations on the file are denied.
ubyte v_spool : 1;
// Set if the file is a directory.
ubyte v_directory : 1;
// Set if the file is stored on at least
// one bad block.
ubyte v_badblock : 1;
// Set if the file is to be deleted.
// Denies all further operations and
// indicates that the file is to be
// removed from the ODS on last deaccess.
ubyte v_markdel : 1;
// Set if the space used by this file is not
// to be charged to its owner.
// Aside: this is not some esoteric Files-11
// terminology. It is literally referring
// to the accounting subsystem, as - historically -
// many VMS systems were owned by timesharing firms,
// and usage was leased by users. VMS provides detailed
// statistics about usage by user that can in turn be
// used to precisely invoice each customer.
ubyte v_nocharge : 1;
// Set if the file is to be erased (overwritten) when deleted.
ubyte v_erase : 1;
// Unused flags
// this field set is represented as 32 bits, but only
// 14 flags are currently defined.
ubyte _padding0 : 2 <hidden=true>;
ubyte _padding1[2] <hidden=true>;
//uint32 _padding : 18 <hidden=true>;
} FileCharacteristics <bgcolor=ccMeta>;
Assert(sizeof(FileCharacteristics) == 4, "FileCharacteristics does not match spec size");
// NOTE: it would be useful to ensure that FileCharacteristics is 32 bits here,
// but 010editor will not compute un-padded structure sizes even if they are
// byte-aligned
// File access levels.
// Each operation is assigned a privilege level
// on the scale of 0-3, where 3 is highest.
typedef struct {
ubyte read : 2;
ubyte write : 2;
ubyte execute : 2;
ubyte delete : 2;
} FileAccessLevel <bgcolor=ccPerms>;
Assert(sizeof(FileAccessLevel) == 1, "FileAccessLevel does not match spec size");
// The 4-bit (RWED) access control field
// used by ProtectionCode (below) to define
// operations permitted to different user
// categories.
typedef enum <ubyte> {
AB_READ = 0b0001,
AB_WRITE = 0b0010,
AB_EXECUTE = 0b0100,
AB_DELETE = 0b1000
} AccessBitmap <read=ReadAccessBitmap>;
// Translate AccessBitmap to at-a-glance form
// e.g. 0101 => RE
string ReadAccessBitmap(AccessBitmap &bitmap) {
string result = "(";
if ((bitmap & AB_READ) == 0)
result += "R";
if ((bitmap & AB_WRITE) == 0)
result += "W";
if ((bitmap & AB_EXECUTE) == 0)
result += "E";
if ((bitmap & AB_DELETE) == 0)
result += "D";
return result + ")";
// Describes access available to the four different
// accessor categories.
typedef struct {
// Access level granted to accessors where
// any of the following conditions are true:
// - User has SYSPRV
// - User has GRPPRV and is grouped
// with the owner of the file
// - User owns the volume
AccessBitmap system : 4 <name="System">;
// File.UIC == User.UIC
AccessBitmap owner : 4 <name="Owner">;
// GROUP(File.UIC) == GROUP(User.UIC)
AccessBitmap group : 4 <name="Group">;
// Applies when none of the above are
// applicable
AccessBitmap world : 4 <name="World">;
} ProtectionCode <bgcolor=ccPerms>;
Assert(sizeof(ProtectionCode) == 2, "ProtectionCode does not match spec size");
// Journal control flag bitfields
typedef struct {
// Set if file is to be accessed only in
// a recovery unit (RU)
ubyte v_only_ru : 1;
// Set if RU journaling is to be enabled
ubyte v_rujnl : 1;
// Set if before-image journaling is to be enabled
ubyte v_bijnl : 1;
// Set if after-image journaling is to be enabled
ubyte v_aijnl : 1;
// Set if audit-trail journaling is to be enabled
ubyte v_atjnl : 1;
// Set if file is not to be accessed from within
// an RU
ubyte v_never_ru : 1;
// Set if the file is an RMS journal file
ubyte v_journal_file : 1;
// Unused bitfield in the 8-bit rep
ubyte _padding : 1 <hidden=true>;
} JournalControl <bgcolor=ccMeta>;
Assert(sizeof(JournalControl) == 1, "JournalControl does not match spec size");
// BLP/Biba security classification data
typedef struct {
ubyte b_secur_lev;
ubyte b_integ_lev;
uint16 _reserved <hidden=true>;
uint64 q_secur_cat;
uint64 q_integ_cat;
} SecrecyMask <bgcolor=ccPerms>;
Assert(sizeof(SecrecyMask) == 20, "SecrecyMask does not match spec size");
// == File Identity ===========================================================
// Stores identification and accounting data about
// a file [VFI].
typedef struct {
// Blank-padded filename
char t_filename[20] <bgcolor=ccText>;
// File revision level
uint16 w_revision <bgcolor=ccFID>;
// Create time
VMSTime q_credate;
// Modify time
VMSTime q_revdate;
// Expire time
VMSTime q_expdate;
// Time of last backup
VMSTime q_bakdate;
// Remainder of filename
char t_filenameext[66] <bgcolor=ccText>;
} FileIdentity <read=FileIdentity_Read>;
Assert(sizeof(FileIdentity) == 120, "FileIdentity does not match spec size");
string FileIdentity_Read(FileIdentity &ident) {
return VMS_GobbleSpace(ident.t_filename + ident.t_filenameext);
// == File Mapping Area =======================================================
// Retrieval pointer formats
typedef enum <uint16> {
// Special RP that records placement options
// at file creation for use in future allocations
// Represents LBN groups of up to 256 blocks
// Represents LBN groups of up to 16,384 blocks
// Represents LBN groups of up to 2^30 blocks
} RPFormat;
typedef struct (uint16 first_word) {
// peek the first word of the RP
// local const uint16 first_word = ReadUShort();
// mask off everything but the high two bits to get the
// pointer variant id
switch ((first_word >> 14) & 0b11) {
// == Format 0 (Placement Metadata) =======================================
// TODO: bitfield ordering
// Set if exact placement is requested,
// or space must be allocated as specified
uint16 v_exact : 1;
// Set if space is to be allocated on one cylinder
uint16 v_oncyl : 1;
// Set if space is to be allocated at the start of
// the LBN contained in the next RP
uint16 v_lbn : 1;
// Set if space to be allocated on the same volume
uint16 v_rvn : 1;
uint16 _padding : 10 <hidden=true>;
// Format in two highest bits of first word
RPFormat v_format : 2;
// == Format 1 (22-Bit LBN / 8-bit Count) =================================
case RP_32:
// Number (n+1) of blocks
// NOTE this is uint16 but really ubyte as we need to convince
// 010editor to pad bitfields correctly here, and using unpadded
// bitfields would prevent assertions about structure size from
// working
uint16 b_count1 : 8;
// High six bits of start LBN
uint16 v_highlbn : 6;
// High bits of first word, format
RPFormat v_format : 2;
// Low 16 bits of start LBN
uint16 w_lowlbn;
local const LBN count = b_count1;
local const LBN start = ((uint32) v_highlbn << 16) | w_lowlbn;
// == Format 2 (32-Bit LBN / 14-bit Count) ================================
case RP_48:
// Number (n+1) of blocks
uint16 v_count2 : 14;
// Format
RPFormat v_format : 2;
// First LBN
uint32 l_lbn2;
local const LBN count = v_count2;
local const LBN start = l_lbn2;
// == Format 3 (32-Bit LBN / 30-Bit Count) ================================
case RP_64:
// Number (n+1) of blocks
// High 14 bits of block count
uint16 v_count2 : 14;
// Format
RPFormat v_format : 2;
// Low 16 bits of block count
uint16 w_lowcount;
// Start LBN
uint32 l_lbn3;
local const LBN count = ((uint32) v_count2 << 16) | w_lowcount;
local const LBN start = l_lbn3;
Warning("Found unexpected RP format %d at position %u\n",
format, FTell());
Assert(false, "Unexpected RP format");
} RetrPtr <bgcolor=ccPtr,read=RetrPtr_Read,open=suppress>;
string RetrPtr_Read(RetrPtr &rp) {
return Str("%u @ LBN %u", rp.count, rp.start);
// Maps file VBNs to LBNs [VFI].
typedef struct (ubyte size_words) {
// ok but have you seen this in a template yet.
// compute the size of the mapping area from the
// number of words between the start of the mapping area
// and the start of the ACL.
// Words are 16 bits and all RPs are word-aligned, and
// we can assume that the mapping area does not extend
// past the last RP.
local uint64 start_pos = FTell();
local uint64 end_pos = start_pos + (size_words * WORD_SIZE);
local uint16 first_word;
local uint64 ptr_count = 0;
// read the first 16 bit integer of the next RP,
// decide what type of RP it is using the high 2 bits,
// and then create a template variable for that RP type
while (FTell() < end_pos) {
// peek the first word of the pointer
first_word = ReadUShort();
// mask off everything but the high two bits to get the
// pointer variant id
if (first_word == 0) {
} else {
RetrPtr rp(first_word);
} FileMapArea;
// How does the map area help us go from VBN to LBN?
// It's somewhat simple:
// - The map area contains a sequence of RPs.
// - Each RP has a start LBN and a number of LBNs from
// that start LBN
// - rp[0] contains VBN=>LBN mappings starting at VBN 0
// and ending at VBN (rp.count)
// - VBN 0 would therefore be equivalent to the first LBN
// in RP 0
// We will implement a simple scan function here to facilitate
// dealing with this.
// As an aside, this function relies on signed LBNs to indicate
// failure by returning a negative (invalid) LBN. If unsigned
// LBNs are required, this function will have to be made to
// fail with Assert(false) or to return -1 with a signed uint64
// at which point it is a little less clean.
LBN DerefVBN(FileMapArea &map, VBN vbn) {
local uint32 start_vbn = 0;
// loop locals
local uint64 idx = 0;
local uint32 count = 0;
local LBN start = 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < map.ptr_count; ++idx) {
// for our purposes, we need to know the actual
// number of LBNs mapped, which is always n+1
count = map.rp[idx].count + 1;
start = map.rp[idx].start;
// if input VBN is between start_vbn and start_vbn + rp.count,
// it is mapped to an LBN by this RP
if (vbn <= (start_vbn + count)) {
// compute the offset in to the extent and return the LBN
// with that offset from the start LBN
return (vbn - start_vbn - 1) + start;
start_vbn += count;
return -1;
// == ACL =====================================================================
// If you thought the file mapping area was wild, just wait till you see this!
// Everything here, Q.v. VFI
// Meaningful values of ACEHeader.b_type
typedef enum <ubyte> {
// ACE indicating name of journal to which security alarms
// will be written upon access
// VMS<5: ACE indicating name of journal to which security
// audit entries are written on access
// ACE indicating default protection for files created in
// a directory
// Application-specific ACE
// ACE indicating identifiers used to determine who may access
// a file
// ACE indicating location of the RMS after-image Journal
// ACE indicating location of the RMS audit-trail Journal
// ACE indicating location of the RMS before-image journal
// ACE indicating location of the RMS recovery-unit journal
// ACE indicating location of the default RMS RU journal
} ACEType;
// Acceptable values for ACEHeader.w_flags.
// Note that the field may consist of any number
// of these constants ORed together.
// No explicit definition of each bitfield position
// was given, so we shall rely upon intuition and
// assumptions.
typedef enum <uint16> {
// == Type-dependent flags (low byte) =====================================
// === AC$V_INFO_TYPE =====================================================
// User application info
ACE_INFO_TYPE_CUST = 0b0000000000000001,
// DEC Computer Special Services application
ACE_INFO_TYPE_CSS = 0b0000000000000010,
// VMS utility or layered product
ACE_INFO_TYPE_VMS = 0b0000000000000100,
// === Others =============================================================
ACE_V_RESERVED = 0b0000000000010000,
ACE_V_SUCCESS = 0b0000000000100000,
ACE_V_FAILURE = 0b0000000001000000,
// == Type-independent flags (high byte) ==================================
ACE_V_DEFAULT = 0b0000000100000000,
ACE_V_PROTECTED = 0b0000001000000000,
ACE_V_HIDDEN = 0b0000010000000000,
ACE_V_NOPROPAGATE = 0b0000100000000000
} ACEFlags;
// A structure containing the "Base ACE" fields
// and the appropriate specialized ACE fields
typedef struct {
// Size of the ACE, including this header
ubyte b_size;
// Type of ACE
ACEType b_type;
// Flags. Lots of bitfield action.
ACEFlags w_flags;
local const ubyte ACE_HDR_SIZE =
sizeof(ubyte) + sizeof(ACEType) + sizeof(ACEFlags);
switch (b_type) {
// == Alarm ACE [] ===============================================
// Access type (contains bitfields!) [VFI p.43]
uint32 l_access;
// Destination journal name
char t_auditname[16];
// == Application ACE & RMS Attr ACE [VFI] ======================
case ACE_INFO:
// Just read VFI (p.43-44)
uint32 l_info_flags;
// Application-specific information
char t_info_start[248];
// TODO union or logic to determine if RMS application ACE
// RMS attributes fields, for reference:
if (false) {
// VFI p.44-45
uint32 l_info_flags;
// Version of the RMS ACE. "Currently set to 0".
uint16 w_rmsatr_variant;
// Length of the fixed portion of the ACE.
// "Currently 20 bytes"
ubyte b_fixlen;
ubyte _reserved0 <hidden=true>;
// RMS ACE Minor Version
// For VMS 5, this is 2
uint16 w_rmsatr_minor_id;
// RMS ACE Major Version
// For VMS 5, this is 1
uint16 w_rmsatr_major_id;
// XLATE_DEC "is not supported for VMS Version 5.0"
uint32 l_rms_attribute_flags;
// == Directory Default Protection ACE [VFI] ====================
// Access type. "This longword is unused"
uint32 l_access;
uint32 l_sys_prot;
uint32 l_own_prot;
uint32 l_grp_prot;
uint32 l_wor_prot;
// == Identifier ACE [VFI] ======================================
// VFI p.48
uint32 l_access;
local const ubyte ACE_KEYID_FIXED_SIZE =
ACE_HDR_SIZE + sizeof(uint32);
// Sequence of keys occupies remaining specified size
uint32 l_key[(b_size - ACE_KEYID_FIXED_SIZE) / sizeof(uint32)];
// == RMS Journaling ACEs [VFI] =================================
char t_volnam[12];
ubyte b_volnam_len;
ubyte b_rjrver;
FileID w_fid;
uint16 w_rmsjnl_flags;
uint32 l_jnlidx;
VMSTime q_cdate;
uint32 l_backup_seqno;
VMSTime q_modification_time;
Warning("Found unexpected ACE type %u near pos %u with size %u",
b_type, FTell(), b_size);
// NOTE we could skip the ACE based on b_size if this becomes
// a nuisance. Just FSkip(b_size - ACE_HDR_SIZE).
Assert(false, "Invalid ACE type");
} ACE;
// A list of ACEs. It is importand for 010 to know the size of the
// ACL area because it will need to generate variable-size members.
typedef struct (ubyte size_words) {
local const uint64 end =
FTell() + (size_words * WORD_SIZE);
// duplicate ACE until known size exhausted
while (FTell() < end)
ACE ace;
} ACL;
// == User Reserved Area [VFI] ========================================
// This struct is largely a placeholder, but exists for consistency and
// may be expanded to aid later analysis efforts
typedef struct (ubyte size_words) {
ubyte reserved[size_words * WORD_SIZE];
} UserReservedArea;
// == The Actual File Header Structure ========================================
// Metadata about a file [VFI 2.3.3].
// Stored in the Volume Index File [VFI 2.5.1].
typedef struct {
local const uint64 begin = FTell();
// Ident area offset.
// This is the number of 16-bit words
// between the start of the FH and the ident
// area. This therefore defines both the size
// of the header and the location of the ident
// area.
ubyte b_idoffset <bgcolor=ccPtr>;
// Map area offset
// Number of 16-bit words from the FH to the
// map area. It follows that this can be used
// to derive the size of the ident area by
// taking the difference of this offset and
// the ident offset.
// Aside: Any free space in the FH should be
// allocated to the map area. The primary map
// area will require at least 8 bytes.
ubyte b_mpoffset <bgcolor=ccPtr>;
// Access control list offset
// The number of 16-bit words from the FH to
// the ACL. As with b_mpoffset, this can be
// used to determine the size of the map area.
ubyte b_acoffset <bgcolor=ccPtr>;
// Reserved area offset
// The number of 16-bit words from the FH to
// the reserved area. Can be used to determine
// the size of the ACL.
// The size of the reserved area can be found
// by taking the difference between the end
// of the header block data (e.g. end of the
// logical block, but before the checksum)
// The reserved area may be used for "special applications",
// and is of no significance to the ODS.
ubyte b_rsoffset <bgcolor=ccPtr>;
// Extension segment number
// The header's position in the index file,
// zero-based.
uint16 w_seg_num <bgcolor=ccMeta>;
// Structure level and version.
// The low byte contains the ODS level, and the
// high byte contains the ODS sub-revision.
// For instance, 0x0102 would refer to ODS2.1
StrucLev w_struclev;
// File ID
FileID w_fid;
// Extension File ID
// Contains the id of the next extension header.
// If all fields are 0, there is no extension header.
FileID w_ext_fid;
// File record attributes
// Contents depend on nature of file.
// This is used by features such as RMS
// to store information about details like
// record organization or EOF positions.
ubyte w_recattr[32] <bgcolor=ccReserved>;
// File characteristics.
FileCharacteristics l_filechar;
uint16 _reserved0 <hidden=true,bgcolor=ccReserved>;
// Number of words (uint16) in the map
// area that are in use.
ubyte b_map_inuse <bgcolor=ccGeom,fgcolor=ccGeom_fg>;
// Minimum privilege level required
// for given operations on the file.
FileAccessLevel b_acc_mode;
// File owner identify.
// May be, but not always, a UIC.
UIC l_fileowner;
// File protection code.
// Describes what access all users in the
// system may have to this file.
ProtectionCode w_fileprot;
// Back-link pointer (FID).
// Contains the FID of the directory containing this
// file. If this FH is an extension header, this is the
// FID of the primary header.
FileID w_backlink <bgcolor=ccMeta>;
// Journal control flags
JournalControl b_journal <bgcolor=ccMeta>;
// Recoverable facility ID number.
// Contains an identifier of the facility managing the file
// in an active RU.
ubyte b_ru_active <bgcolor=ccMeta>;
uint16 _reserved1 <hidden=true,bgcolor=ccReserved>;
// File highwater mark
// Contains the VBN+1 of the highest block written.
// Used to prevent reads past the end of the file.
// If 0 (or does not fit) HW marking is not maintained,
// and is not checked by the system.
uint32 l_highwater <bgcolor=ccMeta>;
// The following two fields were documented in VFI but do
// not appear to occur
// uint64 _reserved3 <hidden=true,bgcolor=ccReserved>;
// Security classification mask
// "not currently supported"
// Bell/LaPadula security model + Biba integrity
// SecrecyMask r_class_prot;
// if ident area present, offset > 0
if (b_idoffset > 0) {
FSeek(begin + (b_idoffset * WORD_SIZE));
FileIdentity ident;
local ubyte map_words =
b_acoffset - b_mpoffset;
// if map area has size > 0, read it
if (map_words > 0) {
FSeek(begin + (b_mpoffset * WORD_SIZE));
FileMapArea map(map_words);
local ubyte acl_words =
b_rsoffset - b_acoffset;
// if ACL area has size > 0, read it
if (acl_words > 0) {
FSeek(begin + (b_acoffset * WORD_SIZE));
ACL acl(acl_words);
// reserved area is complicated - eats whatever is left in this
// block. This code is untested so far.
if (b_rsoffset > b_acoffset) {
local uint64 reserved_size =
BLOCK_SIZE - (begin - FTell());
ubyte reserved[reserved_size] <bgcolor=ccReserved>;
// at this point we can assume that we are at the end of the
// block. it is recommended to give any free space to the
// map area, so it will fill any void space between there
// and here
uint16 checksum;
} FileHeader <read=FileHeader_Read>;
string FileHeader_Read(FileHeader &hdr) {
if (hdr.b_idoffset > 0) {
return FileIdentity_Read(hdr.ident);
} else {
return Str("%s (Header)", FileID_Read(hdr.w_fid));
// == Directories [VFI 2.4] ===================================================
typedef struct {
uint16 w_version <bgcolor=ccFID>;
FileID w_fid;
} DE_FID <read=DE_FID_Read,name="File ID Entry">;
string DE_FID_Read(DE_FID &ent) {
return Str("%s;%u", FileID_Read(ent.w_fid), ent.w_version);
typedef enum <ubyte> {
} DirEntType;
#define DIR_OVERHEAD (sizeof(uint16) + 2)
typedef struct {
// Number of bytes in the record, minus 2. Always even.
uint16 w_size <bgcolor=ccMeta>;
// File version limit
uint16 w_verlimit <bgcolor=ccMeta>;
// Flags. All parts of DIR$B_FLAGS
// Bitfield, see VFI p.54
DirEntType v_type : 3 <bgcolor=ccMeta>;
ubyte _reserved0 : 5 <hidden=true>;
// File name length
ubyte b_namecount <bgcolor=ccMeta>;
// File name (docs suggest 8 bytes AND var length?)
char t_name[b_namecount] <bgcolor=ccText>;
local const uint16 value_bytes =
w_size - DIR_OVERHEAD - b_namecount;
switch (v_type) {
case DIR_C_FID:
DE_FID entries[value_bytes / sizeof(DE_FID)] <open=true>;
Warning("Unsupported Directory v_type %u\n", v_type);
Assert(false, "Unexpected v_type in Directory");
} DirEnt <read=DirEnt_Read>;
string DirEnt_Read(DirEnt &ent) {
return ent.t_name;
// == Index File [VFI 2.5.1] ==================================================
// The "index file" (presented as INDEXF.SYS immediately beneath the MFD) contains
// a series of virtual blocks, including the home block(s).
typedef struct {
// Home block LBN, should always equal FTell() at
// start of struct
LBN l_homelbn;
// LBN of alternate home block
LBN l_alhomelbn;
// LBN of backup index file header
LBN l_altidxlbn;
// ODS versioning info
StrucLev w_struclev;
// The cluster factor.
// This is the number of blocks represented
// by each bit in the storage bitmap.
// It must not be 0.
uint16 w_cluster <bgcolor=ccGeom,fgcolor=ccGeom_fg>;
// VBN of this block
VBN w_homevbn;
// VBN of the alternate home block
// Derived from:
// w_alhomevbn = w_cluster * 2 + 1 [VFI p.65]
VBN w_alhomevbn;
// VBN of the backup index FH
// Derived from:
// w_altidxvbn = w_cluster * 3 + 1 [VFI p.65]
VBN w_altidxvbn;
// VBN of first block in the index file bitmap
// Derived from:
// w_ibmapvbn = w_cluster * 4 + 1 [VFI p.65]
VBN w_ibmapvbn;
// LBN of the first block in the index file bitmap
// This is the entrypoint into the rest of the volume.
// It must not be 0.
LBN l_ibmaplbn;
// Maximum number of files allowed on volume
// Must be greater than w_resfiles.
// May not exceed 2^24-1
uint32 l_maxfiles <bgcolor=ccGeom,fgcolor=ccGeom_fg>;
// Number of blocks in the index file bitmap
uint16 w_ibmapsize <bgcolor=ccGeom,fgcolor=ccGeom_fg>;
// Number of reserved files on the volume
// Must be greater than 4
uint16 w_resfiles <bgcolor=ccMeta>;
// Device type
// Per VFI p.65 it is "not used" and is always 0
uint16 w_devtype <bgcolor=ccMeta>;
// Relative volume number
// RVN assigned to this volume in a set.
// If this volume is not part of a set,
// the RVN is 0.
uint16 w_rvn <bgcolor=ccMeta>;
// Number of volumes in this set
// Only used in tightly coupled sets, where this
// volume is the first (RVN=1) volume.
uint16 w_setcount <bgcolor=ccMeta>;
// Volume characteristics bitfield
// See VFI p.66 for values
uint16 w_volchar <bgcolor=ccMeta>;
// Volume owner (usually UIC)
UIC l_volowner;
uint32 _reserved0 <hidden=true,bgcolor=ccReserved>;
// Volume protection code
ProtectionCode w_protect;
// Default file protection code.
// Not supported (probably VMS <= 5) per VFI p.67
ProtectionCode w_fileprot;
uint16 _reserved1 <hidden=true,bgcolor=ccReserved>;
// Additive checksum of all entries to this point
// "same sort of algorithm as the file header checksum" [VFI p.67]
uint16 w_checksum1 <bgcolor=ccChecksum>;
// Volume creation date
VMSTime q_credate;
// Default window size
// Number of RPs used for the window when files are accessed
// and a window is not specified by the user
ubyte b_window <bgcolor=ccMeta>;
// Directory preaccess limit
// Number of directory structures to store in the FS directory
// access cache. Also an estimate of number of concurrent users.
ubyte b_lru_lim <bgcolor=ccMeta>;
// Default file extend
// The number of blocks allocated to a file upon an extension
// action that does not specify the number of blocks to be added.
uint16 w_extend <bgcolor=ccMeta>;
// NOTE: the next two VMSTimes are durations, not absolute times.
// duration storage format is identical to time storage
// format, but should be displayed in terms of duration,
// as opposed to constructing a date based upon epoch.
// Minimum file retention period
VMSTime q_retainmin;
// Maximum file retention period
VMSTime q_retainmax;
// Volume revision date
// Where revision is the last significant modification
// made to the volume. Maybe be 0.
VMSTime q_revdate;
// Minimum security classification
// Sets the minimum security class for files that
// may be created on this volume.
SecrecyMask r_min_class;
// Maximum security classification
// Sets the maximum security class for files
// that may be created on this volume.
SecrecyMask r_max_class;
ubyte _reserved3[320] <hidden=true,bgcolor=ccReserved>;
// Media serial number
// Holds the serial number of the physical medium
// upon which this volume is located.
uint32 l_serialnum <bgcolor=ccMeta>;
// Volume set name
char t_strucname[12] <bgcolor=ccText>;
// Volume name
char t_volname[12] <bgcolor=ccText>;
// Volume owner name
char t_ownername[12] <bgcolor=ccText>;
// Format type name
// Typically DECFILE11B, signifying Files-11 ODS 2.x
char t_format[12] <bgcolor=ccMeta>;
uint16 _reserved4 <hidden=true,bgcolor=ccReserved>;
// Second checksum
// Additive checksum of preceding 255 words
uint16 w_checksum2;
} HomeBlock;
// [VFI]
VBN FileHeaderVBN(uint32 file_number, HomeBlock &hb) {
return hb.w_cluster * 4 + hb.w_ibmapsize + file_number;
Assert(sizeof(HomeBlock) == BLOCK_SIZE, "HomeBlock does not match expected block size");
// Boot block. For our purposes just a huge hole with a checksum at the end
typedef struct {
ubyte program[BLOCK_SIZE] <bgcolor=ccReserved>;
} BootBlock;
Assert(sizeof(BootBlock) == BLOCK_SIZE, "BootBlock does not match expected block size");
// Indicates the index file bitmap
typedef struct (LBN block_span) {
ubyte bitmap[block_span * BLOCK_SIZE];
} IndexFileBitmap <bgcolor=ccMeta>;
// == Template Entrypoint, Functions & Special Blocks =========================
// Compute the offset in the file at which LBN x should reside
uint64 LBNPos(LBN blockno) {
return blockno * BLOCK_SIZE;
// Compute the block number at a byte position
LBN BlockNumber(uint64 pos) {
return pos / BLOCK_SIZE;
// Compute the cluster number at a byte position
uint64 ClusterNumber(uint64 pos, uint16 factor) {
return (BlockNumber(pos) / factor) + 1;
// === The Index File =========================================================
// The index file is our entry into the ODS and the actual filesystem
// It begins with a boot block, and contains a series of home blocks,
// backup home blocks, and bitmaps.
// ==== Begin Clusters 1-2 ====================================================
// Clusters 1-2 seem to be guaranteed to live contiguously the beginning of
// the device/image.
// It contains the boot block and home block.
// We can make the assumption that IDX VBN 0 = LBN 0 and that VBN 1 = LBN 1
// We can use these assumptions to, most importantly, read a home block.
// From the home block, we can discover everything we need.
// Begin with the boot block. We will always assume the boot block to be
// at position 0
#define BOOT_LBN 0
BootBlock boot;
// Assume Home at LBN 1, though a search could be implemented.
#define HOME_LBN 1
HomeBlock home;
// Template cluster filler home blocks [VFI]
local const LBN home_block_remain_count =
(home.w_cluster * 2) - 2;
local LBN home_blocks_loaded = 0;
for (home_blocks_loaded = 0;
home_blocks_loaded < home_block_remain_count;
HomeBlock home <hidden=true>;
// ==== End of Clusters 1-2 ===================================================
#define FID_INDEXF 1
#define FID_BITMAP 2
#define FID_BADBLK 3
#define FID_MFD 4
#define FID_CORIMG 5
#define FID_BACKUP 8
#define FID_BADLOG 9
// Volume set management reserved files
#define FID_VOLSET 6
#define FID_CONTIN 7
// In order to discover the primary index file header LBN, we will
// apply the File ID to VBN formula given in [VFI] and then
// tranlate the VBN to an LBN using the procedure described in [VFI p.33]
// to locate the LBN in the map area.
// It should in theory be possible to avoid the chicken-and-egg problem of
// locating the main index file header LBN (we need the map area from the same
// header in order to do VBN translation); however, it is more expedient to
// start in from the backup index file header as we can obtain its LBN from
// the home block that we just located.
FileHeader alt_idx_hdr;
// lets test a VBN lookup in that FH to see if we can find the
// backup HB in the second extent
local LBN backup_fh_lbn = DerefVBN(, home.w_alhomevbn);
Assert(backup_fh_lbn == home.l_alhomelbn,
"DerefVBN() returned unexpected mapping for w_alhomevbn compared to l_alhomelbn");
// Also test File ID => Header VBN conversion for an FID with a known header VBN
local VBN indexf_header_vbn = FileHeaderVBN(1, home);
Printf("FID 1 HDR VBN = %u\n", indexf_header_vbn);
local LBN indexf_header_lbn = DerefVBN(, indexf_header_vbn);
Printf("FID 1 HDR LBN = %d\n", indexf_header_lbn);
// Template the primary index file header
FileHeader indexf_header;
// locate the backup home block range and template it
local uint64 backup_hb_start = LBNPos(DerefVBN(, home.w_cluster * 2 + 1));
local uint64 backup_hb_end = LBNPos(DerefVBN(, home.w_cluster * 3));
while (FTell() <= backup_hb_end) {
HomeBlock backup_hb <hidden=true>;
// locate the backup IDX FHs and template them
local uint64 backup_idfh_start =
LBNPos(DerefVBN(, home.w_cluster * 3 + 1));
local uint64 backup_idfh_end =
LBNPos(DerefVBN(, home.w_cluster * 4));
// one of these will be the same addr as alt_idx_hdr
while (FTell() <= backup_idfh_end) {
FileHeader backup_idx_fh <hidden=true>;
// Template the IBM
IndexFileBitmap index_file_bitmap(home.w_ibmapsize);
// We should now be facing FHs for Files 1-16,
// which are always logically contiguous to the IBM [VFI]
FileHeader fh[16] <optimize=false>;
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