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Last active March 13, 2023 07:44
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  • Save RomiC/03c3502189a6adf9d4f68755fc7ea2e8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RomiC/03c3502189a6adf9d4f68755fc7ea2e8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An example of commit-hoot to check spell of the commit message via LanguageTool service
# This script check the spell of your commit message saving
# using LanguageTool service (
# To use it, you register an account in LanguageTool service,
# than go to "Settings -> Account -> Access Tokens" and click
# "Create Integration Key". Copy your email and key and paste
# them into this scrip into the corrsponsing variables (LT_EMAIL,
# Copy this script into .git/hooks folder inside your repo.
# On the next commit, script will check the spell of its message
# and if it contains any errors will display them like this:
# 1. A sample a good mesage
# > Missing comma: sample,
# 2. A sample a good mesage
# > Missing preposition: of a
# 3. A sample a good mesage
# > Spelling mistake: message, menage, me sage, mes age, ménage
# The message contains list of errors. Each error starts with
# a context (part of the string contains the error). The error message
# on the next line with a list of possible fixes after a colon.
SPELL_CHECK_RESULT=$(cat $1 | xargs -I {} curl -s -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d 'language=en-US&enabledOnly=false' --data-urlencode "username=$LT_EMAIL" --data-urlencode "apiKey=$LT_API_KEY" --data-urlencode text="{}" '' | jq -r '.matches | keys[] as $k | "\($k + 1). \(.[$k] | .context.text)\n > \(.[$k] | .shortMessage): \(.[$k] | .replacements | map(.value) | join(", "))"')
if [[ -n $SPELL_CHECK_RESULT ]]; then
exit 1
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