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Created July 24, 2023 15:48
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Naming Conventions - winForms
# Componentes Windows Forms
Common Controls:
btn Button chk CheckBox ckl CheckedListBox
cmb ComboBox dtp DateTimePicker lbl Label
llb LinkLabel lst ListBox lvw ListView
mtx MaskedTextBox cdr MonthCalendar icn NotifyIcon
nud NumeircUpDown pic PictureBox prg ProgressBar
rdo RadioButton rtx RichTextBox txt TextBox
tip ToolTip tvw TreeView wbs WebBrowser
flp FlowLayoutPanel grp GroupBox pnl Panel
spl SplitContainer tab TabControl tlp TableLayoutPanel
Menus and toolbars:
cms ContextMenuStrip
mns MenuStrip
ssr StatusStrip
tsr ToolStrip
tsc ToolStripContainer
Information Type:
dts DataSet
dgv DataGridView
bds BindingSource
bdn BindingNavigator
rpv ReportViewer
cld ColorDialog
fbd FolderBrowserDialog
fnd FontDialog
ofd OpenFileDialog
sfd SaveFileDialog
bgw BackgroundWorker
dre DirectoryEntry
drs DirectorySearcher
err ErrorProvider
evl EventLog
fsw FileSystemWatcher
hlp HelpProvider
img ImageList
msq MessageQueue
pfc PerformanceCounter
prc Process
spt SerialPort
scl ServiceController
tmr Timer
psd PageSetupDialog
prd PrintDialog
pdc PrintDocument
prv PrintPreviewControl
ppd PrintPreviewDialog
Crystal Reports:
crv CrystalReportViewer
rpd ReportDocument
dud DomainUpDown
hsc HScrollBar
prg PropertyGrid
spl Splitter
trb TrackBar
vsc VScrollBar
AdRotator ar
Button btn
Calender cal
CheckBox chk
CheckBoxList chklst
Column (DataGridView) col
ColumnHeader (ListView) ch
Combobox cbo
CompareValidator cv
CrystalReportViewer rptvew
DataGrid dg
DataGridView dgv
DataList dl
DomainUpDown dud
DropDownList ddl
FileUpload ful
Form frm
GridView gv
GroupBox grp
HiddenField hf
Image img
ImageButton imgbtn
ImageList il
Label lbl
LinkButton lnkbtn
ListBox lst
ListView lv
MenuStrip ms
ObjectDataSource ods
PagedDataSource pds
Panel pnl
PictureBox pic
RadioButton rdo
RadioButtonList rdolst
RangeValidator rv
RegularExpressionValidator rev
Repeater rpt
RequiredFieldValidator rfv
StatusLabel slbl
StatusStrip ss
TabControl tab
Table tbl
TabPage tp
TextBox txt
Timer tmr
ToolStrip ts
ToolStripButton tsbtn
ToolStripDropDownButton tsddb
ToolStripLabel tslbl
ToolStripMenuItem tsmi
TreeView tv/tvw
ValidatorSummary vs
WebBrowser wbs
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