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Created February 12, 2024 11:27
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Cleanroom News / 2024-02-12

Hello Cleanroom! We have been wanting to make a report since the last one, but we had never got organized enough to do so, these few months had been critical thanks to the return of @geeky_kappa.

To preface, I'd like to thank @eigenraven for the help she has given to us in the past year (time flies!) with RetroFuturaGradle and provided insightful information for JVM internals and design patterns, as well as given great contributions in discussions. It helped 1.12 immensely even though she's normally in the 1.7 space.


  1. What is Cleanroom

  2. Drama

  3. Future of Cleanroom

  4. Hello to the Outside World

What is Cleanroom

Cleanroom is the community solely. We all strive for the ideal of keeping 1.12 up-to-date, polishing existing mods and creating new content. I, Rongmario, the current spokesperson, do not represent Cleanroom in any shape or form.


For those talking ill of Cleanroom, I had to address this. I could not take people slandering, spreading misinformation about Cleanroom any longer. Just reading what the vocal minority had been saying made the lot of us feel disgusted.

It means many great people are caught in-between for no good reason. And it is totally unfair on them.

As for me, Rongmario, I plan to distance myself further from being in these admin roles, I wish other contributors can take on these roles as well. I understand why people may resent me, but please do not point your resentment towards Cleanroom.

Note: Not directly linked to Cleanroom, but being the center of the drama; "LoliASM v6" will be out soon and I am actively trying to get it over the release line, however, it will be rebranded and will not work with any mods that depend on LoliASM. It will be a total rewrite, and likely be in a fresh repository. I will be talking to fellow contributors in Cleanroom if they want the project to be under Cleanroom or not, there will be a transparent vote on it. The four letter word will be no more.

Future of Cleanroom

Going forward, we will be more proactive in documenting the projects we have on hand, seems like that is our weakness at the moment. There is a great PR that will be pulled in soon that greatly enhances documenting ability for GroovyScript (thanks to @WaitingIdly!).

Cleanroom's discord will require one or two more moderators/administrators as well, as I am trying to hand out responsibilities and make sure that people don't see me as the absolute head. We are most active around mornings/noon in Europe (which is the time when people in Asia finish classes), and evenings in Europe. It would be nice to see someone based in Asia (that knows either Chinese or Japanese, as we have a great microcosm building for people from China and Japan) to apply, and one that is English speaking hopefully.

For CleanroomLoader, we have had a lot of great people trying to help out in both developing and testing, but we need more personnel, we all would appreciate helping hands!

For other technical details, the writeup will come at a later date.

Hello to the Outside World

  • We were approached by a sponsor late last year, we decided to not go with them as they seemed disingenuous. We will still evaluate future opportunities extremely critically
  • Cleanroom may help with Forge in maintaining 1.12 Forge in making sure the toolchain is at least buildable and that the Forge workspace is buildable in case of something akin to Log4Shell happens again, so that fixes can be pushed extremely quickly. However, this is not the same as CleanroomLoader! We will absolutely not push any substantial features to upstream.
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