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Last active January 22, 2022 15:01
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  • Save RonnyAL/7b7838c6ec6273d97619f2cc567061dc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RonnyAL/7b7838c6ec6273d97619f2cc567061dc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A demonstration of time-based functions in AutoHotkey.
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#SingleInstance Force
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
profiles := []
For i, v in array
list .= v . "`n"
Sort, list, N A
Return StrSplit(RTrim(list, "`n"), "`n")
WaitAndRun(profile, sleepTimeS) {
MsgBox % "Will run " . . " in " . sleepTimeS . " seconds."
Sleep, % sleepTimeS * 1000
CheckNext() {
global profiles
normalizedTimes := []
for index, p in profiles {
target := p.normalizedTime
if (target < A_Now) {
EnvAdd, target, 1, d
normalizedTimes := InsertionSort(normalizedTimes)
target := normalizedTimes[1]
for index, p in profiles {
if (p.normalizedTime == target) {
EnvSub, target, %A_Now%, Seconds
WaitAndRun(p, target)
class Profile {
__New(name, function, time) {
global profiles := name
this.function := Func(function)
this.time := time
this.normalizedTime := A_YYYY . A_MM . A_DD . time . "00"
__Call() {
Sleep, 60000 ; Wait 1 min so that the function wont run twice
morning() {
MsgBox, Good morning!
; Do morning stuff.
midday() {
MsgBox, Good day!
; Do day stuff.
evening() {
MsgBox, Good evening!
; Do evening stuff.
new Profile("Midday", "midday", "1200")
new Profile("Evening", "evening", "1600")
new Profile("Morning", "morning", "0800")
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