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Last active October 12, 2019 00:27
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pragma solidity ^ 0.5.1;
contract PoWHr{
// scaleFactor is used to convert Ether into bonds and vice-versa: they're of different
// orders of magnitude, hence the need to bridge between the two.
uint256 constant scaleFactor = 0x10000000000000000;
int constant crr_n = 1;
int constant crr_d = 2;
int constant public price_coeff = -0x1337FA66607BADA55;
// Typical values that we have to declare.
string constant public name = "Bond";
string constant public symbol = "BOND";
uint8 constant public decimals = 12;
// Array between each address and their number of bonds.
mapping(address => uint256) public hodlBonds;
// For calculating resolves minted
mapping(address => uint256) public avgFactor_ethSpent;
// For calculating hodl multiplier that factors into resolves minted
mapping(address => uint256) public avgFactor_buyInTimeSum;
// Array between each address and their number of resolves being staked.
mapping(address => uint256) public resolveWeight;
// Array between each address and how much Ether has been paid out to it.
// Note that this is scaled by the scaleFactor variable.
mapping(address => int256) public payouts;
// Variable tracking how many bonds are in existence overall.
uint256 public _totalSupply;
// The total number of resolves being staked in this contract
uint256 public dissolvingResolves;
// The total number of resolves burned for a return of ETH(withdraw) or Bonds(reinvest)
uint256 public dissolved;
// For Current contract balance
uint public contractBalance;
// Easing in the fee. Make the fee reasonable as the contract is scaling to the size of the ecosystem
uint256 public buySum;
uint256 public sellSum;
// For calculating the hodl multiplier. Weighted average release time
uint public avgFactor_releaseWeight;
uint public avgFactor_releaseTimeSum;
// base time on when the contract was created
uint public genesis;
// Aggregate sum of all payouts.
// Note that this is scaled by the scaleFactor variable.
int256 totalPayouts;
// Variable tracking how much Ether each token is currently worth.
// Note that this is scaled by the scaleFactor variable.
uint256 earningsPerResolve;
//The resolve token contract
ResolveToken public resolveToken;
constructor() public{
genesis = now;
resolveToken = new ResolveToken( address(this) );
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) {
return _totalSupply;
function getResolveContract() public view returns(address){ return address(resolveToken); }
// Returns the number of bonds currently held by _owner.
function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance) {
return hodlBonds[_owner];
function fluxFee(uint paidAmount) public view returns (uint fee) {
if (dissolvingResolves == 0)
return 0;
uint totalResolveSupply = resolveToken.totalSupply() - dissolved;
return paidAmount * dissolvingResolves / totalResolveSupply * sellSum / buySum;
// Converts the Ether accrued as resolveEarnings back into bonds without having to
// withdraw it first. Saves on gas and potential price spike loss.
event Reinvest( address indexed addr, uint256 reinvested, uint256 dissolved, uint256 bonds, uint256 resolveTax);
function reinvestEarnings(uint amountFromEarnings) public returns(uint,uint){
// Retrieve the resolveEarnings associated with the address the request came from.
uint totalEarnings = resolveEarnings(msg.sender);
require(amountFromEarnings <= totalEarnings, "the amount exceeds total earnings");
uint oldWeight = resolveWeight[msg.sender];
resolveWeight[msg.sender] = oldWeight * (totalEarnings - amountFromEarnings) / totalEarnings;
uint weightDiff = oldWeight - resolveWeight[msg.sender];
dissolved += weightDiff;
dissolvingResolves -= weightDiff;
// For maintaing payout invariance
int resolvePayoutDiff = (int256) (earningsPerResolve * weightDiff);
payouts[msg.sender] += (int256) (amountFromEarnings * scaleFactor) - resolvePayoutDiff;
totalPayouts += (int256) (amountFromEarnings * scaleFactor) - resolvePayoutDiff;
// Assign balance to a new variable.
uint value_ = (uint) (amountFromEarnings);
// If your resolveEarnings are worth less than 1 szabo, abort.
if (value_ < 0.000001 ether)
// msg.sender is the address of the caller.
address sender = msg.sender;
// Calculate the fee
uint fee = fluxFee(value_);
// The amount of Ether used to purchase new bonds for the caller
uint numEther = value_ - fee;
buySum += numEther;
//resolve reward tracking stuff
uint currentTime = NOW();
avgFactor_ethSpent[msg.sender] += numEther;
avgFactor_buyInTimeSum[msg.sender] += currentTime * scaleFactor * numEther;
// The number of bonds which can be purchased for numEther.
uint createdBonds = calculateBondsFromReinvest(numEther, amountFromEarnings);
// the variable storing the amount to be paid to stakers
uint resolveFee;
// Check if we have bonds in existence
if (_totalSupply > 0 && fee > 0) {
resolveFee = fee * scaleFactor;
// Fee is distributed to all existing resolve stakers before the new bonds are purchased.
// rewardPerResolve is the amount(ETH) gained per resolve token from this purchase.
uint rewardPerResolve = resolveFee / dissolvingResolves;
// The Ether value per token is increased proportionally.
earningsPerResolve += rewardPerResolve;
// Add the createdBonds to the total supply.
_totalSupply += createdBonds;
// Assign the bonds to the balance of the buyer.
hodlBonds[sender] += createdBonds;
emit Reinvest(msg.sender, value_, weightDiff, createdBonds, resolveFee);
return (createdBonds, weightDiff);
// Sells your bonds for Ether
function sellAllBonds() public {
sell( balanceOf(msg.sender) );
function sellBonds(uint amount) public returns(uint,uint){
uint balance = balanceOf(msg.sender);
require(balance >= amount, "Amount is more than balance");
uint returned_eth;
uint returned_resolves;
(returned_eth, returned_resolves) = sell(amount);
return (returned_eth, returned_resolves);
// Big red exit button to pull all of a holder's Ethereum value from the contract
function getMeOutOfHere() public {
withdraw( resolveEarnings(msg.sender) );
// Gatekeeper function to check if the amount of Ether being sent isn't too small
function fund() payable public returns(uint){
uint bought;
if (msg.value > 0.000001 ether) {
contractBalance += msg.value;
bought = buy();
} else {
return bought;
// Function that returns the (dynamic) pricing for buys, sells and fee
function pricing(uint scale) public view returns (uint buyPrice, uint sellPrice, uint fee) {
uint buy_eth = scaleFactor * getPriceForBonds( scale, true) / ( scaleFactor - fluxFee(scaleFactor) ) ;
uint sell_eth = getPriceForBonds(scale, false);
sell_eth -= fluxFee(sell_eth);
return ( buy_eth, sell_eth, fluxFee(scale) );
// For calculating the price
function getPriceForBonds(uint256 bonds, bool upDown) public view returns (uint256 price) {
uint reserveAmount = reserve();
uint x = fixedExp((fixedLog(_totalSupply + bonds) - price_coeff) * crr_d/crr_n);
return x - reserveAmount;
uint x = fixedExp((fixedLog(_totalSupply - bonds) - price_coeff) * crr_d/crr_n);
return reserveAmount - x;
// Calculate the current resolveEarnings associated with the caller address. This is the net result
// of multiplying the number of resolves held by their current value in Ether and subtracting the
// Ether that has already been paid out.
function resolveEarnings(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 amount) {
return (uint256) ((int256)(earningsPerResolve * resolveWeight[_owner]) - payouts[_owner]) / scaleFactor;
// Internal balance function, used to calculate the dynamic reserve value.
function balance() internal view returns (uint256 amount) {
// msg.value is the amount of Ether sent by the transaction.
return contractBalance - msg.value;
event Buy( address indexed addr, uint256 spent, uint256 bonds, uint256 resolveTax);
function buy() internal returns(uint){
// Any transaction of less than 1 szabo is likely to be worth less than the gas used to send it.
if ( msg.value < 0.000001 ether )
// Calculate the fee
uint fee = fluxFee(msg.value);
// The amount of Ether used to purchase new bonds for the caller.
uint numEther = msg.value - fee;
buySum += numEther;
//resolve reward tracking stuff
uint currentTime = NOW();
avgFactor_ethSpent[msg.sender] += numEther;
avgFactor_buyInTimeSum[msg.sender] += currentTime * scaleFactor * numEther;
// The number of bonds which can be purchased for numEther.
uint createdBonds = getBondsForEther(numEther);
// Add the createdBonds to the total supply.
_totalSupply += createdBonds;
// Assign the bonds to the balance of the buyer.
hodlBonds[msg.sender] += createdBonds;
// Check if we have bonds in existence
uint resolveFee;
if (_totalSupply > 0 && fee > 0) {
resolveFee = fee * scaleFactor;
// Fee is distributed to all existing resolve holders before the new bonds are purchased.
// rewardPerResolve is the amount gained per resolve token from this purchase.
uint rewardPerResolve = resolveFee / dissolvingResolves;
// The Ether value per resolve is increased proportionally.
earningsPerResolve += rewardPerResolve;
emit Buy( msg.sender, msg.value, createdBonds, resolveFee);
return createdBonds;
function NOW() public view returns(uint time){
return now - genesis;
function avgHodl() public view returns(uint hodlTime){
return avgFactor_releaseTimeSum / avgFactor_releaseWeight / scaleFactor;
function getReturnsForBonds(address addr, uint bondsReleased) public view returns(uint etherValue, uint mintedResolves, uint new_releaseTimeSum, uint new_releaseWeight, uint initialInput_ETH){
uint output_ETH = getEtherForBonds(bondsReleased);
uint input_ETH = avgFactor_ethSpent[addr] * bondsReleased / hodlBonds[addr];
// hodl multiplier. because if you don't hodl at all, you shouldn't be rewarded resolves.
// and the multiplier you get for hodling needs to be relative to the average hodl
uint buyInTime = avgFactor_buyInTimeSum[addr] / avgFactor_ethSpent[addr];
uint cashoutTime = NOW()*scaleFactor - buyInTime;
uint releaseTimeSum = avgFactor_releaseTimeSum + cashoutTime*input_ETH/scaleFactor*buyInTime;
uint releaseWeight = avgFactor_releaseWeight + input_ETH*buyInTime/scaleFactor;
uint avgCashoutTime = releaseTimeSum/releaseWeight;
return (output_ETH, input_ETH * cashoutTime / avgCashoutTime * input_ETH / output_ETH, releaseTimeSum, releaseWeight, input_ETH);
event Sell( address indexed addr, uint256 bondsSold, uint256 cashout, uint256 resolves, uint256 resolveTax, uint256 initialCash);
function sell(uint256 amount) internal returns(uint eth, uint resolves){
// Calculate the amount of Ether & Resolves that the holder's bonds sell for at the current sell price.
uint numEthersBeforeFee;
uint mintedResolves;
uint releaseTimeSum;
uint releaseWeight;
uint initialInput_ETH;
(numEthersBeforeFee,mintedResolves,releaseTimeSum,releaseWeight,initialInput_ETH) = getReturnsForBonds(msg.sender, amount);
// magic distribution, mintedResolves);
// update weighted average cashout time
avgFactor_releaseTimeSum = releaseTimeSum;
avgFactor_releaseWeight = releaseWeight;
// reduce the amount of "eth spent" based on the percentage of bonds being sold back into the contract
avgFactor_ethSpent[msg.sender] -= initialInput_ETH;
// reduce the "buyInTime" sum that's used for average buy in time
avgFactor_buyInTimeSum[msg.sender] = avgFactor_buyInTimeSum[msg.sender] * (hodlBonds[msg.sender] - amount) / hodlBonds[msg.sender];
// calculate the fee
uint fee = fluxFee(numEthersBeforeFee);
// Net Ether for the seller after the fee has been subtracted.
uint numEthers = numEthersBeforeFee - fee;
//updating the numerator of the fee-easing factor
sellSum += initialInput_ETH;
// Burn the bonds which were just sold from the total supply.
_totalSupply -= amount;
// Remove the bonds from the balance of the buyer.
hodlBonds[msg.sender] -= amount;
// Check if we have bonds in existence
uint resolveFee;
if (_totalSupply > 0 && dissolvingResolves > 0){
// Scale the Ether taken as the selling fee by the scaleFactor variable.
resolveFee = fee * scaleFactor;
// Fee is distributed to all remaining resolve holders.
// rewardPerResolve is the amount gained per resolve thanks to this sell.
uint rewardPerResolve = resolveFee / dissolvingResolves;
// The Ether value per resolve is increased proportionally.
earningsPerResolve += rewardPerResolve;
// Send the ethereum to the address that requested the sell.
contractBalance -= numEthers;
emit Sell( msg.sender, amount, numEthers, mintedResolves, resolveFee, initialInput_ETH);
return (numEthers, mintedResolves);
// Dynamic value of Ether in reserve, according to the CRR requirement.
function reserve() public view returns (uint256 amount) {
return balance() -
((uint256) ((int256) (earningsPerResolve * dissolvingResolves) - totalPayouts) / scaleFactor);
// Calculates the number of bonds that can be bought for a given amount of Ether, according to the
// dynamic reserve and _totalSupply values (derived from the buy and sell prices).
function getBondsForEther(uint256 ethervalue) public view returns (uint256 bonds) {
uint new_totalSupply = fixedExp( fixedLog(reserve() + ethervalue ) * crr_n/crr_d + price_coeff);
if (new_totalSupply < _totalSupply)
return 0;
return new_totalSupply - _totalSupply;
// Semantically similar to getBondsForEther, but subtracts the callers balance from the amount of Ether returned for conversion.
function calculateBondsFromReinvest(uint256 ethervalue, uint256 subvalue) public view returns (uint256 bondTokens) {
return fixedExp(fixedLog(reserve() - subvalue + ethervalue)*crr_n/crr_d + price_coeff)- _totalSupply;
// Converts a number bonds into an Ether value.
function getEtherForBonds(uint256 bondTokens) public view returns (uint256 ethervalue) {
// How much reserve Ether do we have left in the contract?
uint reserveAmount = reserve();
// If you're the Highlander (or bagholder), you get The Prize. Everything left in the vault.
if (bondTokens == _totalSupply)
return reserveAmount;
// If there would be excess Ether left after the transaction this is called within, return the Ether
// corresponding to the equation in Dr Jochen Hoenicke's original Ponzi paper, which can be found
// at in the third equation, with the CRR numerator
// and denominator altered to 1 and 2 respectively.
uint x = fixedExp((fixedLog(_totalSupply - bondTokens) - price_coeff) * crr_d/crr_n);
if (x > reserveAmount)
return 0;
return reserveAmount - x;
// You don't care about these, but if you really do they're hex values for
// co-efficients used to simulate approximations of the log and exp functions.
int256 constant one = 0x10000000000000000;
uint256 constant sqrt2 = 0x16a09e667f3bcc908;
uint256 constant sqrtdot5 = 0x0b504f333f9de6484;
int256 constant ln2 = 0x0b17217f7d1cf79ac;
int256 constant ln2_64dot5 = 0x2cb53f09f05cc627c8;
int256 constant c1 = 0x1ffffffffff9dac9b;
int256 constant c3 = 0x0aaaaaaac16877908;
int256 constant c5 = 0x0666664e5e9fa0c99;
int256 constant c7 = 0x049254026a7630acf;
int256 constant c9 = 0x038bd75ed37753d68;
int256 constant c11 = 0x03284a0c14610924f;
// The polynomial R = c1*x + c3*x^3 + ... + c11 * x^11
// approximates the function log(1+x)-log(1-x)
// Hence R(s) = log((1+s)/(1-s)) = log(a)
function fixedLog(uint256 a) internal pure returns (int256 log) {
int32 scale = 0;
while (a > sqrt2) {
a /= 2;
while (a <= sqrtdot5) {
a *= 2;
int256 s = (((int256)(a) - one) * one) / ((int256)(a) + one);
int z = (s*s) / one;
return scale * ln2 +
(s*(c1 + (z*(c3 + (z*(c5 + (z*(c7 + (z*(c9 + (z*c11/one))
int256 constant c2 = 0x02aaaaaaaaa015db0;
int256 constant c4 = -0x000b60b60808399d1;
int256 constant c6 = 0x0000455956bccdd06;
int256 constant c8 = -0x000001b893ad04b3a;
// The polynomial R = 2 + c2*x^2 + c4*x^4 + ...
// approximates the function x*(exp(x)+1)/(exp(x)-1)
// Hence exp(x) = (R(x)+x)/(R(x)-x)
function fixedExp(int256 a) internal pure returns (uint256 exp) {
int256 scale = (a + (ln2_64dot5)) / ln2 - 64;
a -= scale*ln2;
int256 z = (a*a) / one;
int256 R = ((int256)(2) * one) +
(z*(c2 + (z*(c4 + (z*(c6 + (z*c8/one))/one))/one))/one);
exp = (uint256) (((R + a) * one) / (R - a));
if (scale >= 0)
exp <<= scale;
exp >>= -scale;
return exp;
// This allows you to buy bonds by sending Ether directly to the smart contract
// without including any transaction data (useful for, say, mobile wallet apps).
function () payable external {
// msg.value is the amount of Ether sent by the transaction.
if (msg.value > 0) {
} else {
withdraw( resolveWeight[msg.sender] );
// Allow contract to accept resolve tokens
event StakeResolves( address indexed addr, uint256 amountStaked );
function tokenFallback(address from, uint value, bytes calldata _data) external{
if(msg.sender == address(resolveToken) ){
resolveWeight[from] += value;
dissolvingResolves += value;
// Update the payout array so that the "resolve shareholder" cannot claim resolveEarnings on previous staked resolves.
int payoutDiff = (int256) (earningsPerResolve * value);
// Then we update the payouts array for the "resolve shareholder" with this amount
payouts[from] += payoutDiff;
// And then we finally add it to the variable tracking the total amount spent to maintain invariance.
totalPayouts += payoutDiff;
emit StakeResolves(from, value);
revert("no want");
// Withdraws resolveEarnings held by the caller sending the transaction, updates
// the requisite global variables, and transfers Ether back to the caller.
event Withdraw( address indexed addr, uint256 earnings, uint256 dissolve );
function withdraw(uint amount) public returns(uint){
// Retrieve the resolveEarnings associated with the address the request came from.
uint totalEarnings = resolveEarnings(msg.sender);
require(amount <= totalEarnings, "the amount exceeds total earnings");
uint oldWeight = resolveWeight[msg.sender];
resolveWeight[msg.sender] = oldWeight * (totalEarnings - amount) / totalEarnings;
uint weightDiff = oldWeight - resolveWeight[msg.sender];
dissolved += weightDiff;
dissolvingResolves -= weightDiff;
//something about invariance
int resolvePayoutDiff = (int256) (earningsPerResolve * weightDiff);
payouts[msg.sender] += (int256) (amount * scaleFactor) - resolvePayoutDiff;
// Increase the total amount that's been paid out to maintain invariance.
totalPayouts += (int256) (amount * scaleFactor) - resolvePayoutDiff;
// Send the resolveEarnings to the address that requested the withdraw.
contractBalance -= amount;
emit Withdraw( msg.sender, amount, weightDiff);
return weightDiff;
event PullResolves( address indexed addr, uint256 pulledResolves, uint256 forfeiture);
function pullResolves(uint amount) public{
require(amount <= resolveWeight[msg.sender], "that amount is too large");
//something about invariance
uint forfeitedEarnings = resolveEarnings(msg.sender) * amount / resolveWeight[msg.sender] * scaleFactor;
resolveWeight[msg.sender] -= amount;
dissolvingResolves -= amount;
// The Ether value per token is increased proportionally.
earningsPerResolve += forfeitedEarnings / dissolvingResolves;
resolveToken.transfer(msg.sender, amount);
emit PullResolves( msg.sender, amount, forfeitedEarnings / scaleFactor);
event BondTransfer(address from, address to, uint amount);
function bondTransfer( address to, uint amount ) public{
//attack someone's resolve potential by sending them some love
address sender = msg.sender;
uint totalBonds = hodlBonds[sender];
require(amount <= totalBonds, "amount exceeds hodlBonds");
uint ethSpent = avgFactor_ethSpent[sender] * amount / totalBonds;
uint buyInTimeSum = avgFactor_buyInTimeSum[sender] * amount / totalBonds;
avgFactor_ethSpent[sender] -= ethSpent;
avgFactor_buyInTimeSum[sender] -= buyInTimeSum;
hodlBonds[sender] -= amount;
avgFactor_ethSpent[to] += ethSpent;
avgFactor_buyInTimeSum[to] += buyInTimeSum;
hodlBonds[to] += amount;
emit BondTransfer(sender, to, amount);
contract ERC223ReceivingContract{
function tokenFallback(address _from, uint _value, bytes calldata _data) external;
contract ResolveToken{
address pyramid;
constructor(address _pyramid) public{
pyramid = _pyramid;
modifier pyramidOnly{
require(msg.sender == pyramid);
event Transfer(
address indexed from,
address indexed to,
uint256 amount,
bytes data
event Mint(
address indexed addr,
uint256 amount
mapping(address => uint) balances;
mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) approvals;
string public name = "Resolve";
string public symbol = "PoWHr";
uint8 constant public decimals = 18;
uint256 private _totalSupply;
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) {
return _totalSupply;
function mint(address _address, uint _value) public pyramidOnly(){
balances[_address] += _value;
_totalSupply += _value;
emit Mint(_address, _value);
// Function that is called when a user or another contract wants to transfer funds .
function transfer(address _to, uint _value, bytes memory _data) public returns (bool success) {
if (balanceOf(msg.sender) < _value) revert();
if(isContract(_to)) {
return transferToContract(_to, _value, _data);
return transferToAddress(_to, _value, _data);
// Standard function transfer similar to ERC20 transfer with no _data .
// Added due to backwards compatibility reasons .
function transfer(address _to, uint _value) public returns (bool success) {
if (balanceOf(msg.sender) < _value) revert();
//standard function transfer similar to ERC20 transfer with no _data
//added due to backwards compatibility reasons
bytes memory empty;
return transferToContract(_to, _value, empty);
return transferToAddress(_to, _value, empty);
//assemble the given address bytecode. If bytecode exists then the _addr is a contract.
function isContract(address _addr) public view returns (bool is_contract) {
uint length;
assembly {
//retrieve the size of the code on target address, this needs assembly
length := extcodesize(_addr)
if(length>0) {
return true;
}else {
return false;
//function that is called when transaction target is an address
function transferToAddress(address _to, uint _value, bytes memory _data) private returns (bool success) {
emit Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value, _data);
return true;
//function that is called when transaction target is a contract
function transferToContract(address _to, uint _value, bytes memory _data) private returns (bool success) {
moveTokens(msg.sender, _to, _value);
ERC223ReceivingContract reciever = ERC223ReceivingContract(_to);
reciever.tokenFallback(msg.sender, _value, _data);
emit Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value, _data);
return true;
function moveTokens(address _from, address _to, uint _amount) private{
balances[_from] -= _amount;
balances[_to] += _amount;
function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint balance) {
return balances[_owner];
function allowance(address src, address guy) public view returns (uint) {
return approvals[src][guy];
function transferFrom(address src, address dst, uint wad) public returns (bool){
require(approvals[src][msg.sender] >= wad, "That amount is not approved");
require(balances[src] >= wad, "That amount is not available from this wallet");
if (src != msg.sender) {
approvals[src][msg.sender] -= wad;
bytes memory empty;
emit Transfer(src, dst, wad, empty);
return true;
function approve(address guy, uint wad) public returns (bool) {
approvals[msg.sender][guy] = wad;
emit Approval(msg.sender, guy, wad);
return true;
event Approval(address indexed src, address indexed guy, uint wad);
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