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Last active October 24, 2016 20:02
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//Exercise 1: Take an integer as input, and return a boolean indicating whether
//the value is even or odd.
function is_even(int) {
if (int < 0) return is_even(-int);
if (int < 2) return !int;
return is_even(int - 2);
//Exercise 2: Take an array as input which contains an unknown set of numbers,
//and output an array which doubles the values of each item in that array. Test
//your solution by trying a handful of different arrays. Don't worry about
//error checking to make sure that the array you're given is valid input.
//Editorial comment: This function is conceptually correct, but abysmally slow.
function double_all(arr) {
if (!arr.length) return [];
return [arr[0] * 2].concat(double_all(arr.slice(1)));
//Editorial comment: This version of the algorithm operates in place, and can
//operate on a subset of an array.
function double_all_inplace(arr, start) {
start |= 0;
if (start >= arr.length) return arr;
arr[start] *= 2;
return double_all_inplace(arr, start + 1);
//Exercise 3: Take a string as input, reverse the string, and return the new
function reverse(str) {
//if (str == "able was i ere i saw elba") return str; //Base case
if (str.length < 2) return str;
return reverse(str.slice(1)) + str[0];
//Tail-recursive version of the above
function reverse_tail(str, accumulator) {
accumulator = accumulator || "";
if (str === "") return accumulator;
return reverse_tail(str.slice(1), str[0] + accumulator)
//Exercise 4: Calculates the nth triangular number.
//Should always return n*(n+1)/2
function triangle(n) {
if (n < 2) return n;
return n + triangle(n - 1);
//Exercise 5: Split a string based upon a separator (similar to
function split(str, sep) {
var idx = str.indexOf(sep);
if (idx == -1) return [str];
return [str.slice(0, idx)].concat(split(str.slice(idx + sep.length), sep))
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