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Last active December 7, 2016 21:01
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//Basic string padding functions
function lpad(str, wid) {
return (" ".repeat(wid) + str).slice(-wid);
function rpad(str, wid) {
return (str + " ".repeat(wid)).slice(0, wid);
function cpad(str, wid) {
var tmp = " ".repeat(wid) + str + " ".repeat(wid);
var start = Math.floor(tmp.length/2 - wid/2);
return tmp.slice(start, start + wid);
//Render a tree to an array of strings
function render(tree) {
var cur = "" + tree.key;
if (!tree.left && !tree.right) return [cur];
var left = tree.left ? render(tree.left) : [];
var right = tree.right ? render(tree.right) : [];
var lwid = left.reduce((w,l) => Math.max(w, l.length), 1) + 1;
var rwid = right.reduce((w,l) => Math.max(w, l.length), 1) + 1;
var spare = cur.length - lwid - rwid; //See if we need more room
if (spare > 0) {
lwid += Math.ceil(spare / 2);
rwid += Math.ceil(spare / 2);
var ret = [cpad(cur, lwid + rwid + 2)];
for (var i = 0; i < left.length || i < right.length; ++i)
ret.push(lpad(left[i]||"", lwid) + " " + rpad(right[i]||"", rwid));
return ret;
//Display a tree on the console.
function display(tree) {
for (var line of render(tree)) console.log(line + "|");
//Construct a tree
function tree(val) {
return {key: val, left: null, right: null};
function add(node, val) {
while (1) {
var dir = val < node.key ? "left" : "right";
if (!node[dir]) return node[dir] = tree(val);
node = node[dir];
function balance(tree) {
var data = [];
function walk(tree) {if (tree) {walk(tree.left); data.push(tree.key); walk(tree.right);}}
function build(arr) {
if (!arr.length) return null;
return {
key: arr[Math.floor(arr.length/2)],
left: build(arr.slice(0, arr.length/2)),
right: build(arr.slice(arr.length/2 + 1))
return build(data);
//Example usage
var t = tree(12);
for (var n of [15, 10, 66, 25, 22, 4, 90, 50, 35, 70, 31, 18, 44, 24]) add(t, n);
console.log("Original tree:");
t = balance(t);
console.log("Balanced tree:");
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