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Last active April 10, 2017 16:17
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//NOTE: These functions are NOT reliable if there are astral characters
//in the input! Use with UCS-2 strings only.
//Python implementations of the same algorithms for comparison:
//Write an algorithm to check whether any permutation of a string is a
//palindrome (a string which reads the same forwards and backwards).
//Note that this does not use the HashMap class due to a lack of useful
//features such as iteration. The core algorithm would work the same way
function any_palindromes(word) {
var letter_count = {};
for (var i = 0; i < word.length; ++i) {
letter_count[word[i]] = (letter_count[word[i]]|0) + 1;
var have_odd = false;
for (var ltr in letter_count) {
if (letter_count[ltr] % 2) {
//There are an odd number of this letter. A
//palindrome is possible with one such letter, but
//no more, so flag and carry on.
if (have_odd) return false;
have_odd = true;
return true;
//Write an algorithm to group a list of words into anagrams.
function _sortword(word) {
//Helper function: sort a word into some form of canonical order.
//The exact order is insignificant and need not be lexicographical,
//as long as it is utterly consistent: any two anagrams of the same
//letter sequence must return the same string.
return word.split('').sort().join('')
function group_into_anagrams(words) {
//Slightly sneaky use of double referencing here. The hashmap and
//return array contain references to all the same arrays - one is
//keyed based on the sorted forms, and the other is a simple array.
var anagrams = {}, ret = [];
for (var word of words) {
var key = _sortword(word);
if (anagrams[key]) anagrams[key].push(word);
else ret.push(anagrams[key] = [word]);
return ret;
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