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Last active January 10, 2017 14:42
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  • Save Rosuav/c1279a36f8b4ba21db2ae20e066ff831 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Rosuav/c1279a36f8b4ba21db2ae20e066ff831 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var HashMap = function() {
this.length = 0;
this._slots = [];
this._capacity = 8;
this._secret = (Math.random() * 65536) | 0;
HashMap.MAX_LOAD_RATIO = 0.9;
HashMap.SIZE_RATIO = 3;
HashMap._hashString = function(string) {
var hash = 5381;
for (var i=0; i<string.length; i++) {
hash = (hash << 5) + hash + string.charCodeAt(i);
hash = hash & hash;
//Reduce the chance of collisions by incorporating the string length,
//and randomize the hashes to prevent malicious collisions.
return hash ^ string.length ^ this._secret;
HashMap.prototype.get = function(key) {
var slot = this._findSlot(key, true)
if (slot.deleted) throw new Error('Key error');
return slot.value;
HashMap.prototype.set = function(key, value) {
var loadRatio = (this.length + this._deleted + 1) / this._capacity;
if (loadRatio > HashMap.MAX_LOAD_RATIO) {
this._resize(this._capacity * HashMap.SIZE_RATIO);
var slot = this._findSlot(key);
//Increment the length only if we're not replacing an
//existing value. (Note that the example in the course
//doesn't bother with this check, for simplicity; with
//it, overwriting will errantly increase length.)
if (slot.deleted !== false) this.length++;
slot.value = value;
slot.deleted = false;
HashMap.prototype.remove = function(key) {
var slot = this._findSlot(key, true);
if (slot.deleted) throw new Error('Key error');
slot.deleted = true;
//In 'retrieve' mode, will not mutate the hash at all.
//Otherwise, will return a slot object with the key set.
//This can cause suboptimal performance when attempting
//to repeatedly remove keys that do not exist, but keeps
//the code simple.
HashMap.prototype._findSlot = function(key, retrieve) {
var hash = HashMap._hashString(key);
var index = hash % this._capacity;
var slot = this._slots[index];
//Fast path - no chain to follow.
if (!slot) {
if (retrieve) throw new Error('Key error');
return this._slots[index] = {key: key};
if (slot.key == key) return slot;
//Slow path - follow the chain.
while ( {
slot =;
if (slot.key == key) return slot;
//We reached the end of the chain without finding the key.
//Error out, or create a new slot at the end of the chain.
if (retrieve) throw new Error('Key error');
return = {key: key};
HashMap.prototype._resize = function(size) {
var oldSlots = this._slots;
this._capacity = size;
this._deleted = 0;
this.length = 0; //Thanks to Sierra, Alex, and Robby for catching that!
this._slots = [];
for (var i=0; i<oldSlots.length; i++)
for (var slot = oldSlots[i]; slot; slot =
if (!slot.deleted)
this.set(slot.key, slot.value);
//Enumerate all valid keys in the map
HashMap.prototype.keys = function() {
var ret = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this._slots.length; ++i)
for (var slot = this._slots[i]; slot; slot =
if (!slot.deleted)
return ret;
function main() {
var map = new HashMap();
map.set("foo", "demo");
map.set("bar", "other demo");
map.set("quux", "yet another");
console.log("foo:", map.get("foo"));
map.set("bar", "spam");
console.log("There are now", map.length, "elements in the map.");
console.log("bar:", map.get("bar"));
console.log("Keys:", map.keys());
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