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Last active June 26, 2022 21:38
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-- Challenge:
{-# OPTIONS --type-in-type #-}
open import Agda.Primitive
open import Agda.Builtin.Nat
open import Agda.Builtin.Sigma
open import Agda.Builtin.List
ℕ = Nat
data _≡_ {l : Level} {A : Set l} : A → A → Set where
refl : ∀ {x : A} → x ≡ x
coerce : ∀ {l} {A B : Set l} -> A ≡ B -> A -> B
coerce refl x = x
record KitRecN : Set₂ where
RecN : ℕ -> Set₁
recN : ∀ n -> RecN n
: (RecN zero)
≡ (∀ {R : Set} -> (∀ {Q : Set} -> Q -> Q) -> R -> R)
: RecN 1
≡ ∀ {A R} -> (∀ {Q : Set} -> (A -> Q) -> Q) -> (A -> R) -> R
: RecN 2
≡ ∀ {A B R} -> (∀ {Q : Set} -> (A -> B -> Q) -> Q) -> (A -> B -> R) -> R
: RecN 3
≡ ∀ {A B C R} -> (∀ {Q : Set} -> (A -> B -> C -> Q) -> Q) -> (A -> B -> C -> R) -> R
: (λ {R} -> coerce Rec0-correct (recN zero) {R})
≡ λ k f -> f
: (λ {A R : Set} -> coerce Rec1-correct (recN 1) {A} {R})
≡ λ k f -> f (k λ x -> x)
: (λ {A B R : Set} -> coerce Rec2-correct (recN 2) {A} {B} {R})
≡ λ k f -> f (k λ x y -> x) (k λ x y -> y)
: (λ {A B C R : Set} -> coerce Rec3-correct (recN 3) {A} {B} {C} {R})
≡ λ k f -> f (k λ x y z -> x) (k λ x y z -> y) (k λ x y z -> z)
CurriedFunction : List Set → Set → Set
CurriedFunction [] R = R
CurriedFunction (A ∷ rest) R = A → CurriedFunction rest R
curried-const : ∀ {args : List Set} → {R : Set} (x : R) → CurriedFunction args R
curried-const {[]} x = x
curried-const {(_ ∷ args)} x = λ _ → curried-const x
KTuple = λ (args : List Set) → (∀ {Q : Set} -> (CurriedFunction args Q) -> Q)
khead : ∀ {A args} → KTuple (A ∷ args) → A
khead k = k (λ x → curried-const x)
ktail : ∀ {A args} → KTuple (A ∷ args) → KTuple args
ktail k = (λ qf → k (λ _ → qf))
apply-curried-function : ∀ {R : Set} → (args : List Set) → (f : CurriedFunction args R) → (k : KTuple args) → R
apply-curried-function [] f k = f
apply-curried-function (A ∷ args) f k = apply-curried-function args (f (khead k)) (ktail k)
Object = Σ Set (λ A → A)
obj : ∀ {T : Set} (x : T) → Object
obj {T} x = T , x
typ : Object → Set
typ (T , _) = T
val : ∀ o → typ o
val (_ , x) = x
-- WithTypes 3 f = obj (λ {A} {B} {C} → val (f (A ∷ B ∷ C ∷ [])))
WithTypes : (n : ℕ) → (List Set → Object) → Object
WithTypes zero f = f []
WithTypes (suc n) f = obj (λ {A} → val (WithTypes n (λ v → f (A ∷ v))))
recN-obj : ℕ → Object
recN-obj = λ n → WithTypes n (λ args → obj (λ { R } →
(λ (k : KTuple args) (f : (CurriedFunction args R)) → apply-curried-function _ f k)))
kitRecN = record {
RecN = _;
recN = λ n → val (recN-obj n);
Rec0-correct = refl;
Rec1-correct = refl;
Rec2-correct = refl;
Rec3-correct = refl;
rec0-correct = refl;
rec1-correct = refl;
rec2-correct = refl;
rec3-correct = refl
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