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Created January 13, 2012 19:58
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Save RouL/1608400 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Class and function collection for WCF
* @author Markus Bartz, Tim Düsterhus, Alexander Ebert
* @copyright 2001-2011 WoltLab GmbH
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License <>
(function() {
// store original implementation
var $jQueryData =;
* Override to support custom 'ID' suffix which will
* be translated to '-id' at runtime.
* @see
*/ = function(key, value) {
if (key && key.match(/ID$/)) {
arguments[0] = key.replace(/ID$/, '-id');
// call jQuery's own data method
var $data = $jQueryData.apply(this, arguments);
// handle .data() call without arguments
if (key === undefined) {
for (var $key in $data) {
if ($key.match(/Id$/)) {
$data[$key.replace(/Id$/, 'ID')] = $data[$key];
delete $data[$key];
return $data;
/* Simple JavaScript Inheritance
* By John Resig
* MIT Licensed.
// Inspired by base2 and Prototype
(function(){var a=false,b=/xyz/.test(function(){xyz})?/\b_super\b/:/.*/;this.Class=function(){};Class.extend=function(c){function g(){if(!a&&this.init)this.init.apply(this,arguments);}var d=this.prototype;a=true;var e=new this;a=false;for(var f in c){e[f]=typeof c[f]=="function"&&typeof d[f]=="function"&&b.test(c[f])?function(a,b){return function(){var c=this._super;this._super=d[a];var e=b.apply(this,arguments);this._super=c;return e;};}(f,c[f]):c[f]}g.prototype=e;g.prototype.constructor=g;g.extend=arguments.callee;return g;};})();
* Initialize WCF namespace
var WCF = {};
* Extends jQuery with additional methods.
$.extend(true, {
* Escapes an ID to work with jQuery selectors.
* @see
* @param string id
* @return string
wcfEscapeID: function(id) {
return id.replace(/(:|\.)/g, '\\$1');
* Returns true if given ID exists within DOM.
* @param string id
* @return boolean
wcfIsset: function(id) {
return !!$('#' + $.wcfEscapeID(id)).length;
* Returns the length of an object.
* @param object targetObject
* @return integer
getLength: function(targetObject) {
var $length = 0;
for (var $key in targetObject) {
if (targetObject.hasOwnProperty($key)) {
return $length;
* Extends jQuery's chainable methods.
* Returns tag name of current jQuery element.
* @returns string
getTagName: function() {
return this.get(0).tagName.toLowerCase();
* Returns the dimensions for current element.
* @see
* @param string type
* @return object
getDimensions: function(type) {
var dimensions = css = {};
var wasHidden = false;
// show element to retrieve dimensions and restore them later
if (':hidden')) {
css = {
display: this.css('display'),
visibility: this.css('visibility')
wasHidden = true;
display: 'block',
visibility: 'hidden'
switch (type) {
case 'inner':
dimensions = {
height: this.innerHeight(),
width: this.innerWidth()
case 'outer':
dimensions = {
height: this.outerHeight(),
width: this.outerWidth()
dimensions = {
height: this.height(),
width: this.width()
// restore previous settings
if (wasHidden) {
return dimensions;
* Returns the offsets for current element, defaults to position
* relative to document.
* @see
* @param string type
* @return object
getOffsets: function(type) {
var offsets = css = {};
var wasHidden = false;
// show element to retrieve dimensions and restore them later
if (':hidden')) {
css = {
display: this.css('display'),
visibility: this.css('visibility')
wasHidden = true;
display: 'block',
visibility: 'hidden'
switch (type) {
case 'offset':
offsets = this.offset();
case 'position':
offsets = this.position();
// restore previous settings
if (wasHidden) {
return offsets;
* Changes element's position to 'absolute' or 'fixed' while maintaining it's
* current position relative to viewport. Optionally removes element from
* current DOM-node and moving it into body-element (useful for drag & drop)
* @param boolean rebase
* @return object
makePositioned: function(position, rebase) {
if (position != 'absolute' && position != 'fixed') {
position = 'absolute';
var $currentPosition = this.getOffsets('position');
position: position,
left: $currentPosition.left,
margin: 0,
top: $
if (rebase) {
return this;
* Disables a form element.
* @return jQuery
disable: function() {
return this.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
* Enables a form element.
* @return jQuery
enable: function() {
return this.removeAttr('disabled');
* Returns the element's id. If none is set, a random unique
* ID will be assigned.
* @return string
wcfIdentify: function() {
if (!this.attr('id')) {
this.attr('id', WCF.getRandomID());
return this.attr('id');
* CAUTION: This method does not work properly, you should not rely
* on it for now. It seems to work with the old jQuery UI-
* based dialog, but no longer works with usual elements.
* I will either try to fix it or remove it later, thus
* this method will be deprecated for now. -Alexander
* Applies a grow-effect by resizing element while moving the element
* appropriately. Make sure the passed data.content element contains
* all elements which affect this indirectly, this includes outer
* containers which may apply an obstrusive padding.
* @deprecated
* @param object data
* @param object options
* @return jQuery
wcfGrow: function(data, options) {
var $content = $(data.content);
var $parent = (data.parent) ? $(data.parent) : $(this);
// calculate dimensions
var $windowDimensions = $(window).getDimensions();
var $elementDimensions = $content.getDimensions('outer');
var $parentDimensions = $parent.getDimensions('outer');
var $parentInnerDimensions = $parent.getDimensions('inner');
var $parentDifference = {
height: $parentDimensions.height - $parentInnerDimensions.height,
width: $parentDimensions.width - $parentInnerDimensions.width
// calculate offsets
var $leftOffset = Math.round(($windowDimensions.width - ($elementDimensions.width + $parentDifference.width)) / 2);
var $topOffset = Math.round(($windowDimensions.height - ($elementDimensions.height + $parentDifference.height)) / 2);
// try to align vertically at 30% if previously calculated value is NOT lower
var $desiredTopOffset = Math.round(($windowDimensions / 100) * 30);
if ($desiredTopOffset < $topOffset) {
$topOffset = $desiredTopOffset;
$parent.makePositioned('fixed', false);
left: $leftOffset + 'px',
top: $topOffset + 'px'
}, options);
return this.animate({
height: $elementDimensions.height,
width: $elementDimensions.width
}, options);
* Shows an element by sliding and fading it into viewport.
* @param string direction
* @param object callback
* @returns jQuery
wcfDropIn: function(direction, callback) {
if (!direction) direction = 'up';
return, 'drop'), { direction: direction }, 600, callback);
* Hides an element by sliding and fading it out the viewport.
* @param string direction
* @param object callback
* @returns jQuery
wcfDropOut: function(direction, callback) {
if (!direction) direction = 'down';
return this.hide(WCF.getEffect(this.getTagName(), 'drop'), { direction: direction }, 600, callback);
* Shows an element by blinding it up.
* @param string direction
* @param object callback
* @param integer duration
* @returns jQuery
wcfBlindIn: function(direction, callback, duration) {
if (!direction) direction = 'vertical';
if (!duration || !parseInt(duration)) duration = 200;
return, 'blind'), { direction: direction }, duration, callback);
* Hides an element by blinding it down.
* @param string direction
* @param object callback
* @param integer duration
* @returns jQuery
wcfBlindOut: function(direction, callback, duration) {
if (!direction) direction = 'vertical';
if (!duration || !parseInt(duration)) duration = 200;
return this.hide(WCF.getEffect(this.getTagName(), 'blind'), { direction: direction }, duration, callback);
* Highlights an element.
* @param object options
* @param object callback
* @returns jQuery
wcfHighlight: function(options, callback) {
return this.effect('highlight', options, 600, callback);
* Shows an element by fading it in.
* @param object callback
* @param integer duration
* @returns jQuery
wcfFadeIn: function(callback, duration) {
if (!duration || !parseInt(duration)) duration = 200;
return, 'fade'), { }, duration, callback);
* Hides an element by fading it out.
* @param object callback
* @param integer duration
* @returns jQuery
wcfFadeOut: function(callback, duration) {
if (!duration || !parseInt(duration)) duration = 200;
return this.hide(WCF.getEffect(this.getTagName(), 'fade'), { }, duration, callback);
* WoltLab Community Framework core methods
$.extend(WCF, {
* Counter for dynamic element id's
* @var integer
_idCounter: 0,
* Shows a modal dialog with a built-in AJAX-loader.
* @param string dialogID
* @param boolean resetDialog
* @return jQuery
showAJAXDialog: function(dialogID, resetDialog) {
if (!dialogID) {
dialogID = this.getRandomID();
if (!$.wcfIsset(dialogID)) {
$('<div id="' + dialogID + '"></div>').appendTo(document.body);
var dialog = $('#' + $.wcfEscapeID(dialogID));
if (resetDialog) {
var dialogOptions = arguments[2] || {};
return dialog;
* Shows a modal dialog.
* @param string dialogID
* @param boolean moveToBody
showDialog: function(dialogID, moveToBody) {
// we cannot work with a non-existant dialog, if you wish to
// load content via AJAX, see showAJAXDialog() instead
if (!$.wcfIsset(dialogID)) return;
var $dialog = $('#' + $.wcfEscapeID(dialogID));
if (moveToBody) {
var dialogOptions = arguments[2] || {};
* Returns a dynamically created id.
* @see
* @return string
getRandomID: function() {
var $elementID = '';
do {
$elementID = 'wcf' + this._idCounter++;
while ($.wcfIsset($elementID));
return $elementID;
* Wrapper for $.inArray which returns boolean value instead of
* index value, similar to PHP's in_array().
* @param mixed needle
* @param array haystack
* @return boolean
inArray: function(needle, haystack) {
return ($.inArray(needle, haystack) != -1);
* Adjusts effect for partially supported elements.
* @param object object
* @param string effect
* @return string
getEffect: function(tagName, effect) {
// most effects are not properly supported on table rows, use highlight instead
if (tagName == 'tr') {
return 'highlight';
return effect;
* Clipboard API
WCF.Clipboard = {
* action proxy object
* @var WCF.Action.Proxy
_actionProxy: null,
* list of clipboard containers
* @var jQuery
_container: null,
* user has marked items
* @var boolean
_hasMarkedItems: false,
* current page
* @var string
_page: '',
* proxy object
* @var WCF.Action.Proxy
_proxy: null,
* Initializes the clipboard API.
init: function(page, hasMarkedItems) {
this._page = page;
if (hasMarkedItems) this._hasMarkedItems = true;
this._actionProxy = new WCF.Action.Proxy({
success: $.proxy(this._actionSuccess, this),
url: 'index.php/ClipboardProxy/?t=' + SECURITY_TOKEN + SID_ARG_2ND
this._proxy = new WCF.Action.Proxy({
success: $.proxy(this._success, this),
url: 'index.php/Clipboard/?t=' + SECURITY_TOKEN + SID_ARG_2ND
// init containers first
this._containers = $('.clipboardContainer').each($.proxy(function(index, container) {
}, this));
// loads marked items
if (this._hasMarkedItems) {
* Loads marked items on init.
_loadMarkedItems: function() {
new WCF.Action.Proxy({
autoSend: true,
data: {
pageClassName: this._page
success: $.proxy(this._loadMarkedItemsSuccess, this),
url: 'index.php/ClipboardLoadMarkedItems/?t=' + SECURITY_TOKEN + SID_ARG_2ND
* Marks all returned items as marked
* @param object data
* @param string textStatus
* @param jQuery jqXHR
_loadMarkedItemsSuccess: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
for (var $typeName in data.markedItems) {
var $objectData = data.markedItems[$typeName];
var $objectIDs = [];
for (var $i in $objectData) {
// loop through all containers
this._containers.each(function(index, container) {
var $container = $(container);
// typeName does not match, continue
if ($'type') != $typeName) {
return true;
// mark items as marked
$container.find('input.clipboardItem').each(function(innerIndex, item) {
var $item = $(item);
if (WCF.inArray($'objectID'), $objectIDs)) {
$item.attr('checked', 'checked');
// check if there is a markAll-checkbox
$container.find('input.clipboardMarkAll').each(function(innerIndex, markAll) {
var $allItemsMarked = true;
$container.find('input.clipboardItem').each(function(itemIndex, item) {
var $item = $(item);
if (!$item.attr('checked')) {
$allItemsMarked = false;
if ($allItemsMarked) {
$(markAll).attr('checked', 'checked');
// call success method to build item list editors
this._success(data, textStatus, jqXHR);
* Initializes a clipboard container.
* @param object container
_initContainer: function(container) {
var $container = $(container);
// fetch id or assign a random one if none found
var $id = $container.attr('id');
if (!$id) {
$id = WCF.getRandomID();
$container.attr('id', $id);
// bind mark all checkboxes
$container.find('.clipboardMarkAll').each($.proxy(function(index, item) {
$(item).data('hasContainer', $id).click($.proxy(this._markAll, this));
}, this));
// bind item checkboxes
$container.find('input.clipboardItem').each($.proxy(function(index, item) {
$(item).data('hasContainer', $id).click($.proxy(this._click, this));
}, this));
* Processes change checkbox state.
* @param object event
_click: function(event) {
var $item = $(;
var $objectID = $'objectID');
var $isMarked = ($item.attr('checked')) ? true : false;
var $objectIDs = [ $objectID ];
// item is part of a container
if ($'hasContainer')) {
var $container = $('#' + $'hasContainer'));
var $type = $'type');
// check if all items are marked
var $markedAll = true;
$container.find('input.clipboardItem').each(function(index, containerItem) {
var $containerItem = $(containerItem);
if (!$containerItem.attr('checked')) {
$markedAll = false;
// simulate a ticked 'markAll' checkbox
$container.find('.clipboardMarkAll').each(function(index, markAll) {
if ($markedAll) {
$(markAll).attr('checked', 'checked');
else {
else {
// standalone item
var $type = $'type');
this._saveState($type, $objectIDs, $isMarked);
* Marks all associated clipboard items as checked.
* @param object event
_markAll: function(event) {
var $item = $(;
var $objectIDs = [ ];
var $isMarked = true;
// if markAll object is a checkbox, allow toggling
if ($item.getTagName() == 'input') {
$isMarked = $item.attr('checked');
// handle item containers
if ($'hasContainer')) {
var $container = $('#' + $'hasContainer'));
var $type = $'type');
// toggle state for all associated items
$container.find('input.clipboardItem').each(function(index, containerItem) {
var $containerItem = $(containerItem);
if ($isMarked) {
if (!$containerItem.attr('checked')) {
$containerItem.attr('checked', 'checked');
else {
if ($containerItem.attr('checked')) {
// save new status
this._saveState($type, $objectIDs, $isMarked);
* Saves clipboard item state.
* @param string type
* @param array objectIDs
* @param boolean isMarked
_saveState: function(type, objectIDs, isMarked) {
this._proxy.setOption('data', {
action: (isMarked) ? 'mark' : 'unmark',
objectIDs: objectIDs,
pageClassName: this._page,
type: type
* Updates editor options.
* @param object data
* @param string textStatus
* @param jQuery jqXHR
_success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
// clear all editors first
var $containers = {};
$('.clipboardEditor').each(function(index, container) {
var $container = $(container);
var $types = eval($'types'));
for (var $i = 0, $length = $types.length; $i < $length; $i++) {
var $typeName = $types[$i];
$containers[$typeName] = $container;
var $containerID = $container.wcfIdentify();
// do not build new editors
if (!data.items) return;
// rebuild editors
for (var $typeName in data.items) {
if (!$containers[$typeName]) {
// create container
var $container = $containers[$typeName];
var $list = $container.children('ul');
if ($list.length == 0) {
$list = $('<ul></ul>').appendTo($container);
var $editor = data.items[$typeName];
var $label = $('<li><span>' + $editor.label + '</span></li>').appendTo($list)
var $itemList = $('<ol class="dropdown"></ol>').appendTo($label);
$ { $itemList.toggleClass('open'); });
// create editor items
for (var $itemIndex in $editor.items) {
var $item = $editor.items[$itemIndex];
var $listItem = $('<li>' + $item.label + '</li>').appendTo($itemList);
$'actionName', $item.actionName).data('parameters', $item.parameters);
$'internalData', $item.internalData).data('url', $item.url).data('type', $typeName);
// bind event
$$.proxy(this._executeAction, this));
// block click event
$ {
// register event handler
var $containerID = $container.wcfIdentify();
WCF.CloseOverlayHandler.addCallback($containerID, $.proxy(this._closeLists, this));
_closeLists: function() {
$('.clipboardEditor ul ol').each(function(index, list) {
* Executes a clipboard editor item action.
* @param object event
_executeAction: function(event) {
var $listItem = $(;
var $url = $'url');
if ($url) {
window.location.href = $url;
// fire event
$listItem.trigger('clipboardAction', [ $'type'), $'actionName') ]);
* Sends a clipboard proxy request.
* @param object item
sendRequest: function(item) {
var $item = $(item);
this._actionProxy.setOption('data', {
parameters: $'parameters'),
typeName: $'type')
* Provides a simple call for periodical executed functions. Based upon
* ideas by Prototype's PeriodicalExecuter.
* @see
* @param function callback
* @param integer delay
WCF.PeriodicalExecuter = function(callback, delay) { this.init(callback, delay); };
WCF.PeriodicalExecuter.prototype = {
* Initializes a periodical executer.
* @param function callback
* @param integer delay
init: function(callback, delay) {
this.callback = callback;
this.delay = delay;
this.loop = true;
this.intervalID = setInterval($.proxy(this._execute, this), this.delay);
* Executes callback.
_execute: function() {
if (!this.loop) {
* Terminates loop.
stop: function() {
this.loop = false;
* Namespace for AJAXProxies
WCF.Action = {};
* Basic implementation for AJAX-based proxyies
* @param object options
WCF.Action.Proxy = function(options) { this.init(options); };
WCF.Action.Proxy.prototype = {
* count of active requests
* @var integer
_activeRequests: 0,
* loading overlay
* @var jQuery
_loadingOverlay: null,
* loading overlay state
* @var boolean
_loadingOverlayVisible: false,
* timer for overlay activity
* @var integer
_loadingOverlayVisibleTimer: 0,
* Initializes AJAXProxy.
* @param object options
init: function(options) {
// initialize default values
this.options = $.extend(true, {
autoSend: false,
data: { },
after: null,
init: null,
failure: null,
showLoadingOverlay: true,
success: null,
type: 'POST',
url: 'index.php/AJAXProxy/?t=' + SECURITY_TOKEN + SID_ARG_2ND
}, options);
this.confirmationDialog = null;
this.loading = null;
// send request immediately after initialization
if (this.options.autoSend) {
* Sends an AJAX request.
sendRequest: function() {
dataType: 'json',
type: this.options.type,
url: this.options.url,
success: $.proxy(this._success, this),
error: $.proxy(this._failure, this)
* Fires before request is send, displays global loading status.
_init: function() {
if ($.isFunction(this.options.init)) {
if (this.options.showLoadingOverlay) {
* Displays the loading overlay if not already visible due to an active request.
_showLoadingOverlay: function() {
// create loading overlay on first run
if (this._loadingOverlay === null) {
this._loadingOverlay = $('<div id="actionProxyLoading" class="actionProxyLoading"><img src="' + RELATIVE_WCF_DIR + 'icon/spinner1.svg" alt="" />' + WCF.Language.get('') + '</div>').hide().appendTo($('body'));
// fade in overlay
if (!this._loadingOverlayVisible) {
this._loadingOverlayVisible = true;
this._loadingOverlay.stop(true, true).fadeIn(200, $.proxy(function() {
new WCF.PeriodicalExecuter($.proxy(this._hideLoadingOverlay, this), 100);
}, this));
* Hides loading overlay if no requests are active and the timer reached at least 1 second.
* @param object pe
_hideLoadingOverlay: function(pe) {
this._loadingOverlayVisibleTimer += 100;
if (this._activeRequests == 0 && this._loadingOverlayVisibleTimer >= 1000) {
this._loadingOverlayVisible = false;
this._loadingOverlayVisibleTimer = 0;
* Handles AJAX errors.
* @param object jqXHR
* @param string textStatus
* @param string errorThrown
_failure: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
try {
var data = $.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
// call child method if applicable
if ($.isFunction(this.options.failure)) {
this.options.failure(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown, data);
var $randomID = WCF.getRandomID();
$('<div class="ajaxDebugMessage" id="' + $randomID + '"><p>' + data.message + '</p><p>Stacktrace:</p><p>' + data.stacktrace + '</p></div>').wcfDialog({ title: WCF.Language.get('') });
// failed to parse JSON
catch (e) {
var $randomID = WCF.getRandomID();
$('<div class="ajaxDebugMessage" id="' + $randomID + '"><p style="padding: 3px;">' + jqXHR.responseText + '.</p></div>').wcfDialog({ title: WCF.Language.get('') });
* Handles successful AJAX requests.
* @param object data
* @param string textStatus
* @param object jqXHR
_success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
// call child method if applicable
if ($.isFunction(this.options.success)) {
this.options.success(data, textStatus, jqXHR);
* Fires after an AJAX request, hides global loading status.
_after: function() {
if ($.isFunction(this.options.after)) {
if (this.options.showLoadingOverlay) {
* Sets options, MUST be used to set parameters before sending request
* if calling from child classes.
* @param string optionName
* @param mixed optionData
setOption: function(optionName, optionData) {
this.options[optionName] = optionData;
* Displays a spinner image for given element.
* @param jQuery element
showSpinner: function(element) {
element = $(element);
if (element.getTagName() !== 'img') {
console.debug('Given element is not an image, aborting.');
// force element dimensions
element.attr('width', element.attr('width'));
element.attr('height', element.attr('height'));
// replace image
element.attr('src', WCF.Icon.get(''));
* Basic implementation for simple proxy access using bound elements.
* @param object options
* @param object callbacks
WCF.Action.SimpleProxy = function(options, callbacks) { this.init(options, callbacks); };
WCF.Action.SimpleProxy.prototype = {
* Initializes SimpleProxy.
* @param object options
* @param object callbacks
init: function(options, callbacks) {
* action-specific options
this.options = $.extend(true, {
action: '',
className: '',
elements: null,
eventName: 'click'
}, options);
* proxy-specific options
this.callbacks = $.extend(true, {
after: null,
failure: null,
init: null,
success: null
}, callbacks);
if (!this.options.elements) return;
// initialize proxy
this.proxy = new WCF.Action.Proxy(this.callbacks);
// bind event listener
this.options.elements.each($.proxy(function(index, element) {
$(element).bind(this.options.eventName, $.proxy(this._handleEvent, this));
}, this));
* Handles event actions.
* @param object event
_handleEvent: function(event) {
this.proxy.setOption('data', {
actionName: this.options.action,
className: this.options.className,
objectIDs: [ $('objectID') ]
* Basic implementation for AJAXProxy-based deletion.
* @param string className
* @param jQuery containerList
* @param jQuery badgeList
WCF.Action.Delete = function(className, containerList, badgeList) { this.init(className, containerList, badgeList); };
WCF.Action.Delete.prototype = {
* Initializes 'delete'-Proxy.
* @param string className
* @param jQuery containerList
* @param jQuery badgeList
init: function(className, containerList, badgeList) {
if (!containerList.length) return;
this.containerList = containerList;
this.className = className;
this.badgeList = badgeList;
// initialize proxy
var options = {
success: $.proxy(this._success, this)
this.proxy = new WCF.Action.Proxy(options);
// bind event listener
this.containerList.each($.proxy(function(index, container) {
$(container).find('.deleteButton').bind('click', $.proxy(this._click, this));
}, this));
* Sends AJAX request.
* @param object event
_click: function(event) {
var $target = $(;
if ($'confirmMessage')) {
if (confirm($'confirmMessage'))) {
else {
_sendRequest: function(object) {
this.proxy.setOption('data', {
actionName: 'delete',
className: this.className,
objectIDs: [ $(object).data('objectID') ]
* Deletes items from containers.
* @param object data
* @param string textStatus
* @param object jqXHR
_success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
// remove items
this.containerList.each($.proxy(function(index, container) {
var $objectID = $(container).find('.deleteButton').data('objectID');
if (WCF.inArray($objectID, data.objectIDs)) {
$(container).wcfBlindOut('up', function() {
}, container);
// update badges
if (this.badgeList) {
this.badgeList.each(function(innerIndex, badge) {
$(badge).html($(badge).html() - 1);
}, this));
* Basic implementation for AJAXProxy-based toggle actions.
* @param string className
* @param jQuery containerList
* @param string toggleButtonSelector
WCF.Action.Toggle = function(className, containerList, toggleButtonSelector) { this.init(className, containerList, toggleButtonSelector); };
WCF.Action.Toggle.prototype = {
* Initializes 'toggle'-Proxy
* @param string className
* @param jQuery containerList
init: function(className, containerList, toggleButtonSelector) {
if (!containerList.length) return;
this.containerList = containerList;
this.className = className;
this.toggleButtonSelector = '.toggleButton';
if (toggleButtonSelector) {
this.toggleButtonSelector = toggleButtonSelector;
// initialize proxy
var options = {
success: $.proxy(this._success, this)
this.proxy = new WCF.Action.Proxy(options);
// bind event listener
this.containerList.each($.proxy(function(index, container) {
$(container).find(this.toggleButtonSelector).bind('click', $.proxy(this._click, this));
}, this));
* Sends AJAX request.
* @param object event
_click: function(event) {
this.proxy.setOption('data', {
actionName: 'toggle',
className: this.className,
objectIDs: [ $('objectID') ]
* Toggles status icons.
* @param object data
* @param string textStatus
* @param object jqXHR
_success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
// remove items
this.containerList.each($.proxy(function(index, container) {
var $toggleButton = $(container).find(this.toggleButtonSelector);
if (WCF.inArray($'objectID'), data.objectIDs)) {
// toggle icon source
$toggleButton.attr('src', function() {
if (this.src.match(/disabled1\.svg$/)) {
return this.src.replace(/disabled1\.svg$/, 'enabled1.svg');
else {
return this.src.replace(/enabled1\.svg$/, 'disabled1.svg');
// toogle icon title
$toggleButton.attr('title', function() {
if (this.src.match(/enabled1\.svg$/)) {
return $(this).data('disableMessage');
else {
return $(this).data('enableMessage');
}, this));
* Namespace for date-related functions.
WCF.Date = {};
* Provides utility functions for date operations.
WCF.Date.Util = {
* Returns UTC timestamp, if date is not given, current time will be used.
* @param Date date
* @return integer
gmdate: function(date) {
var $date = (date) ? date : new Date();
return Math.round(Date.UTC(
) / 1000);
* Returns a Date object with precise offset (including timezone and local timezone).
* Parameter timestamp must be in miliseconds!
* @param integer timestamp
* @param integer offset
* @return Date
getTimezoneDate: function(timestamp, offset) {
var $date = new Date(timestamp);
var $localOffset = $date.getTimezoneOffset() * -1 * 60000;
return new Date((timestamp - $localOffset - offset));
* Handles relative time designations.
WCF.Date.Time = function() { this.init(); };
WCF.Date.Time.prototype = {
* Initializes relative datetimes.
init: function() {
// initialize variables
this.elements = $('time.datetime');
this.timestamp = 0;
// calculate relative datetime on init
// re-calculate relative datetime every minute
new WCF.PeriodicalExecuter($.proxy(this._refresh, this), 60000);
// bind dom node inserted listener
WCF.DOMNodeInsertedHandler.addCallback('WCF.Date.Time', $.proxy(this._domNodeInserted, this));
* Updates element collection once a DOM node was inserted.
_domNodeInserted: function() {
this.elements = $('time.datetime');
* Refreshes relative datetime for each element.
_refresh: function() {
var $date = new Date();
this.timestamp = ($date.getTime() - $date.getMilliseconds()) / 1000;
this.elements.each($.proxy(this._refreshElement, this));
* Refreshes relative datetime for current element.
* @param integer index
* @param object element
_refreshElement: function(index, element) {
if (!$(element).attr('title')) {
$(element).attr('title', $(element).text());
var $timestamp = $(element).data('timestamp');
var $date = $(element).data('date');
var $time = $(element).data('time');
var $offset = $(element).data('offset');
// timestamp is less than 60 minutes ago (display 1 hour ago rather than 60 minutes ago)
if (this.timestamp < ($timestamp + 3540)) {
var $minutes = Math.round((this.timestamp - $timestamp) / 60);
// timestamp is less than 24 hours ago
else if (this.timestamp < ($timestamp + 86400)) {
var $hours = Math.round((this.timestamp - $timestamp) / 3600);
// timestamp is less than a week ago
else if (this.timestamp < ($timestamp + 604800)) {
var $days = Math.round((this.timestamp - $timestamp) / 86400);
var $string = eval(WCF.Language.get(''));
// get day of week
var $dateObj = WCF.Date.Util.getTimezoneDate(($timestamp * 1000), $offset);
var $dow = $dateObj.getDay();
$(element).text($string.replace(/\%day\%/, WCF.Language.get('__days')[$dow]).replace(/\%time\%/, $time));
// timestamp is between ~700 million years BC and last week
else {
var $string = WCF.Language.get('');
$(element).text($string.replace(/\%date\%/, $date).replace(/\%time\%/, $time));
* Hash-like dictionary. Based upon idead from Prototype's hash
* @see
WCF.Dictionary = function() { this.init(); };
WCF.Dictionary.prototype = {
* Initializes a new dictionary.
init: function() {
this.variables = { };
* Adds an entry.
* @param string key
* @param mixed value
add: function(key, value) {
this.variables[key] = value;
* Adds a traditional object to current dataset.
* @param object object
addObject: function(object) {
for (var $key in object) {
this.add($key, object[$key]);
* Adds a dictionary to current dataset.
* @param object dictionary
addDictionary: function(dictionary) {
dictionary.each($.proxy(function(pair) {
this.add(pair.key, pair.value);
}, this));
* Retrieves the value of an entry or returns null if key is not found.
* @param string key
* @returns mixed
get: function(key) {
if (this.isset(key)) {
return this.variables[key];
return null;
* Returns true if given key is a valid entry.
* @param string key
isset: function(key) {
return this.variables.hasOwnProperty(key);
* Removes an entry.
* @param string key
remove: function(key) {
delete this.variables[key];
* Iterates through dictionary.
* Usage:
* var $hash = new WCF.Dictionary();
* $hash.add('foo', 'bar');
* $hash.each(function(pair) {
* // alerts: foo = bar
* alert(pair.key + ' = ' + pair.value);
* });
* @param function callback
each: function(callback) {
if (!$.isFunction(callback)) {
for (var $key in this.variables) {
var $value = this.variables[$key];
var $pair = {
key: $key,
value: $value
* Global language storage.
* @see WCF.Dictionary
WCF.Language = {
_variables: new WCF.Dictionary(),
* @see WCF.Dictionary.add()
add: function(key, value) {
this._variables.add(key, value);
* @see WCF.Dictionary.addObject()
addObject: function(object) {
* Retrieves a variable.
* @param string key
* @return mixed
get: function(key) {
return this._variables.get(key);
* Handles multiple language input fields.
* @param string elementID
* @param boolean forceSelection
* @param object values
* @param object availableLanguages
WCF.MultipleLanguageInput = function(elementID, forceSelection, values, availableLanguages) { this.init(elementID, forceSelection, values, availableLanguages); };
WCF.MultipleLanguageInput.prototype = {
* list of available languages
* @var object
_availableLanguages: {},
* initialization state
* @var boolean
_didInit: false,
* target input element
* @var jQuery
_element: null,
* enables multiple language ability
* @var boolean
_isEnabled: false,
* enforce multiple language ability
* @var boolean
_forceSelection: false,
* currently active language id
* @var integer
_languageID: 0,
* language selection list
* @var jQuery
_list: null,
* list of language values on init
* @var object
_values: null,
* Initializes multiple language ability for given element id.
* @param integer elementID
* @param boolean forceSelection
* @param boolean isEnabled
* @param object values
* @param object availableLanguages
init: function(elementID, forceSelection, values, availableLanguages) {
this._element = $('#' + $.wcfEscapeID(elementID));
this._forceSelection = forceSelection;
this._values = values;
this._availableLanguages = availableLanguages;
// default to current user language
this._languageID = LANGUAGE_ID;
if (this._element.length == 0) {
console.debug("[WCF.MultipleLanguageInput] element id '" + elementID + "' is unknown");
// build selection handler
var $enableOnInit = ($.getLength(this._values) > 0) ? true : false;
// listen for submit event
this._element.parents('form').submit($.proxy(this._submit, this));
this._didInit = true;
* Builds language handler.
* @param boolean enableOnInit
_prepareElement: function(enableOnInit) {
this._element.wrap('<div class="preInput" />');
var $wrapper = this._element.parent();
var $button = $('<p class="dropdownCaption"><span>enable i18n</span></p>').prependTo($wrapper);
$$.proxy(this._enable, this));
WCF.CloseOverlayHandler.addCallback(this._element.wcfIdentify(), $.proxy(this._closeSelection, this));
if (enableOnInit) {
// pre-select current language
this._list.children('li').each($.proxy(function(index, listItem) {
var $listItem = $(listItem);
if ($'languageID') == this._languageID) {
}, this));
* Enables the language selection or shows the selection if already enabled.
* @param object event
_enable: function(event) {
if (!this._isEnabled) {
var $button = $(;
if ($button.getTagName() == 'p') {
$button = $button.children('span');
// insert list
if (this._list === null) {
this._list = $('<ul class="dropdown"></ul>').insertAfter($button.parent()); {
// discard click event
// insert available languages
for (var $languageID in this._availableLanguages) {
$('<li>' + this._availableLanguages[$languageID] + '</li>').data('languageID', $languageID).click($.proxy(this._changeLanguage, this)).appendTo(this._list);
// disable language input
$('<li class="divider">disable i18n</li>').click($.proxy(this._disable, this)).appendTo(this._list);
this._isEnabled = true;
// toggle list
if (':visible')) {
else {
// discard event
* Shows the language selection.
_showSelection: function() {
if (this._isEnabled) {
// display status for each language
this._list.children('li').each($.proxy(function(index, listItem) {
var $listItem = $(listItem);
var $languageID = $'languageID');
if ($languageID) {
if (this._values[$languageID] && this._values[$languageID] != '') {
else {
}, this));
// show list
* Closes the language selection.
_closeSelection: function() {
* Changes the currently active language.
* @param object event
_changeLanguage: function(event) {
var $button = $(;
// save current value
if (this._didInit) {
this._values[this._languageID] = this._element.val();
// set new language
this._languageID = $'languageID');
if (this._values[this._languageID]) {
else {
// update marking
// update label
// close selection and set focus on input element
* Disables language selection for current element.
_disable: function() {
// remove active marking
this._list.prev('.dropdownCaption').children('span').removeClass('active').text('enable i18n');
// update element value
if (this._values[LANGUAGE_ID]) {
else {
// no value for current language found, proceed with empty input
this._isEnabled = false;
* Prepares language variables on before submit.
_submit: function() {
// insert hidden form elements on before submit
if (!this._isEnabled) {
return 0xDEADBEAF;
// fetch active value
if (this._languageID) {
this._values[this._languageID] = this._element.val();
var $form = $(this._element.parents('form')[0]);
var $elementID = this._element.wcfIdentify();
for (var $languageID in this._values) {
$('<input type="hidden" name="' + $elementID + '_i18n[' + $languageID + ']" value="' + this._values[$languageID] + '" />').appendTo($form);
// remove name attribute to prevent conflict with i18n values
* Icon collection used across all JavaScript classes.
* @see WCF.Dictionary
WCF.Icon = {
* list of icons
* @var WCF.Dictionary
_icons: new WCF.Dictionary(),
* @see WCF.Dictionary.add()
add: function(name, path) {
this._icons.add(name, path);
* @see WCF.Dictionary.addObject()
addObject: function(object) {
* @see WCF.Dictionary.get()
get: function(name) {
return this._icons.get(name);
* Number utilities.
WCF.Number = {
* Rounds a number to a given number of floating points digits. Defaults to 0.
* @param number number
* @param floatingPoint number of digits
* @return number
round: function (number, floatingPoint) {
floatingPoint = Math.pow(10, (floatingPoint || 0));
return Math.round(number * floatingPoint) / floatingPoint;
* String utilities.
WCF.String = {
* Adds thousands separators to a given number.
* @param mixed number
* @return string
addThousandsSeparator: function(number) {
var $numberString = String(number);
var parts = $numberString.split(/[^0-9]+/);
var $decimalPoint = $numberString.match(/[^0-9]+/);
$numberString = parts[0];
var $decimalPart = '';
if ($decimalPoint !== null) {
delete parts[0];
var $decimalPart = $decimalPoint.join('')+parts.join('');
if (parseInt(number) >= 1000 || parseInt(number) <= -1000) {
var $negative = false;
if (parseInt(number) <= -1000) {
$negative = true;
$numberString = $numberString.substring(1);
var $separator = WCF.Language.get('');
if ($separator != null && $separator != '') {
var $numElements = new Array();
var $firstPart = $numberString.length % 3;
if ($firstPart == 0) $firstPart = 3;
for (var $i = 0; $i < Math.ceil($numberString.length / 3); $i++) {
if ($i == 0) $numElements.push($numberString.substring(0, $firstPart));
else {
var $start = (($i - 1) * 3) + $firstPart;
$numElements.push($numberString.substring($start, $start + 3));
$numberString = (($negative) ? ('-') : ('')) + $numElements.join($separator);
return $numberString + $decimalPart;
* Escapes special HTML-characters within a string
* @param string string
* @return string
escapeHTML: function (string) {
return string.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
* Escapes a String to work with RegExp.
* @see
* @param string string
* @return string
escapeRegExp: function(string) {
return string.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1');
* Rounds number to given count of floating point digits, localizes decimal-point and inserts thousands-separators
* @param mixed number
* @return string
formatNumeric: function(number, floatingPoint) {
number = String(WCF.Number.round(number, floatingPoint || 2));
number = number.replace('.', WCF.Language.get(''));
return this.addThousandsSeparator(number);
* Makes a string's first character uppercase
* @param string string
* @return string
ucfirst: function(string) {
return string.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + string.substring(1);
* Basic implementation for WCF TabMenus. Use the data attributes 'active' to specify the
* tab which should be shown on init. Furthermore you may specify a 'store' data-attribute
* which will be filled with the currently selected tab.
WCF.TabMenu = {
* Initializes all TabMenus
init: function() {
$('.tabMenuContainer').each(function(index, tabMenu) {
if (!$(tabMenu).attr('id')) {
var $randomID = WCF.getRandomID();
$(tabMenu).attr('id', $randomID);
// init jQuery UI TabMenu
select: function(event, ui) {
var $panel = $(ui.panel);
var $container = $panel.closest('.tabMenuContainer');
// store currently selected item
if ($'store')) {
if ($.wcfIsset($'store'))) {
$('#' + $'store')).attr('value', $panel.attr('id'));
// display active item on init
if ($(tabMenu).data('active')) {
$(tabMenu).find('.tabMenuContent').each(function(index, tabMenuItem) {
if ($(tabMenuItem).attr('id') == $(tabMenu).data('active')) {
$(tabMenu).wcfTabs('select', index);
* Templates that may be fetched more than once with different variables. Based upon ideas from Prototype's template
* Usage:
* var myTemplate = new WCF.Template('{$hello} World');
* myTemplate.fetch({ hello: 'Hi' }); // Hi World
* myTemplate.fetch({ hello: 'Hello' }); // Hello World
* my2ndTemplate = new WCF.Template('{@$html}{$html}');
* my2ndTemplate.fetch({ html: '<b>Test</b>' }); // <b>Test</b>&lt;b&gt;Test&lt;/b&gt;
* var my3rdTemplate = new WCF.Template('You can use {literal}{$variable}{/literal}-Tags here');
* my3rdTemplate.fetch({ variable: 'Not shown' }); // You can use {$variable}-Tags here
* @param template template-content
* @see
WCF.Template = function(template) { this.init(template); };
WCF.Template.prototype = {
* Template-content
* @var string
_template: '',
* Saved literal-tags
* @var WCF.Dictionary
_literals: new WCF.Dictionary(),
* Prepares template
* @param $template template-content
init: function($template) {
this._template = $template;
// save literal-tags
this._template = this._template.replace(/\{literal\}(.*?)\{\/literal\}/g, $.proxy(function ($match) {
// hopefully no one uses this string in one of his templates
var id = '@@@@@@@@@@@'+Math.random()+'@@@@@@@@@@@';
this._literals.add(id, $match.replace(/\{\/?literal\}/g, ''));
return id;
}, this));
* Fetches the template with the given variables
* @param $variables variables to insert
* @return parsed template
fetch: function($variables) {
var $result = this._template;
// insert them :)
for (var $key in $variables) {
$result = $result.replace(new RegExp(WCF.String.escapeRegExp('{$'+$key+'}'), 'g'), WCF.String.escapeHTML(new String($variables[$key])));
$result = $result.replace(new RegExp(WCF.String.escapeRegExp('{#$'+$key+'}'), 'g'), WCF.String.formatNumeric($variables[$key]));
$result = $result.replace(new RegExp(WCF.String.escapeRegExp('{@$'+$key+'}'), 'g'), $variables[$key]);
// insert delimiter tags
$result = $result.replace('{ldelim}', '{').replace('{rdelim}', '}');
// and re-insert saved literals
return this.insertLiterals($result);
* Inserts literals into given string
* @param $template string to insert into
* @return string with inserted literals
insertLiterals: function ($template) {
this._literals.each(function ($pair) {
$template = $template.replace($pair.key, $pair.value);
return $template;
* Compiles this template into javascript-code
* @return WCF.Template.Compiled
compile: function () {
var $compiled = this._template;
// escape \ and '
$compiled = $compiled.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace("'", "\\'");
// parse our variable-tags
$compiled = $compiled.replace(/\{\$(.*?)\}/g, function ($match) {
var $name = '$v.' + $match.substring(2, $match.length - 1);
// trinary operator to maintain compatibility with uncompiled template
// ($name) ? $name : '$match'
// -> $v.muh ? $v.muh : '{$muh}'
return "' + WCF.String.escapeHTML("+ $name + " ? " + $name + " : '" + $match + "') + '";
}).replace(/\{#\$(.*?)\}/g, function ($match) {
var $name = '$v.' + $match.substring(3, $match.length - 1);
// trinary operator to maintain compatibility with uncompiled template
// ($name) ? $name : '$match'
// -> $v.muh ? $v.muh : '{$muh}'
return "' + WCF.String.formatNumeric("+ $name + " ? " + $name + " : '" + $match + "') + '";
}).replace(/\{@\$(.*?)\}/g, function ($match) {
var $name = '$v.' + $match.substring(3, $match.length - 1);
// trinary operator to maintain compatibility with uncompiled template
// ($name) ? $name : '$match'
// -> $v.muh ? $v.muh : '{$muh}'
return "' + ("+ $name + " ? " + $name + " : '" + $match + "') + '";
// insert delimiter tags
$compiled = $compiled.replace('{ldelim}', '{').replace('{rdelim}', '}');
// and re-insert saved literals
return new WCF.Template.Compiled("'" + this.insertLiterals($compiled) + "';");
* Represents a compiled template
* @param compiled compiled template
WCF.Template.Compiled = function(compiled) { this.init(compiled); };
WCF.Template.Compiled.prototype = {
* Compiled template
* @var string
_compiled: '',
* Initializes our compiled template
* @param $compiled compiled template
init: function($compiled) {
this._compiled = $compiled;
* @see WCF.Template.fetch
fetch: function($v) {
return eval(this._compiled);
* Toggles options.
* @param string element
* @param array showItems
* @param array hideItems
WCF.ToggleOptions = function(element, showItems, hideItems) { this.init(element, showItems, hideItems); };
WCF.ToggleOptions.prototype = {
* target item
* @var jQuery
_element: null,
* list of items to be shown
* @var array
_showItems: [],
* list of items to be hidden
* @var array
_hideItems: [],
* Initializes option toggle.
* @param string element
* @param array showItems
* @param array hideItems
init: function(element, showItems, hideItems) {
this._element = $('#' + element);
this._showItems = showItems;
this._hideItems = hideItems;
// bind event$.proxy(this._toggle, this));
// execute toggle on init
* Toggles items.
_toggle: function() {
if (!this._element.attr('checked')) return;
for (var $i = 0, $length = this._showItems.length; $i < $length; $i++) {
var $item = this._showItems[$i];
$('#' + $item).show();
for (var $i = 0, $length = this._hideItems.length; $i < $length; $i++) {
var $item = this._hideItems[$i];
$('#' + $item).hide();
* Namespace for all kind of collapsible containers.
WCF.Collapsible = {};
* Simple implementation for collapsible content, neither does it
* store its state nor does it allow AJAX callbacks to fetch content.
WCF.Collapsible.Simple = {
* Initializes collapsibles.
init: function() {
$('.collapsible').each($.proxy(function(index, button) {
}, this));
* Binds an event listener on all buttons triggering the collapsible.
* @param object button
_initButton: function(button) {
var $button = $(button);
var $isOpen = $'isOpen');
if (!$isOpen) {
// hide container on init
$$.proxy(this._toggle, this));
* Toggles collapsible containers on click.
* @param object event
_toggle: function(event) {
var $button = this._findElement($(;
if ($button === false) {
return false;
var $isOpen = $'isOpen');
var $target = $('#' + $.wcfEscapeID($'collapsibleContainer')));
if ($isOpen) {
$target.stop().wcfBlindOut('vertical', $.proxy(function() {
this._toggleImage($button, '');
}, this));
$isOpen = false;
else {
$target.stop().wcfBlindIn('vertical', $.proxy(function() {
this._toggleImage($button, '');
}, this));
$isOpen = true;
$'isOpen', $isOpen);
// suppress event
return false;
* Toggles image of target button.
* @param jQuery button
* @param string image
_toggleImage: function(button, image) {
var $icon = WCF.Icon.get(image);
var $image = button.find('img');
if ($image.length) {
$image.attr('src', $icon);
* Finds the anchor element (sometimes the image will show up as target).
* @param jQuery element
* @return jQuery
_findElement: function(element) {
if (element.getTagName() == 'a') {
return element;
element = $(element.parent('a'));
if (element.length == 1) {
return element;
console.debug('[WCF.Collapsible.Simple] Could not find valid parent, aborting.');
return false;
* Basic implementation for collapsible containers with AJAX support. Results for open
* and closed state will be cached.
* @param string className
WCF.Collapsible.Remote = Class.extend({
* class name
* @var string
_className: '',
* list of active containers
* @var object
_containers: {},
* container meta data
* @var object
_containerData: {},
* action proxy
* @var WCF.Action.Proxy
_proxy: null,
* Initializes the controller for collapsible containers with AJAX support.
* @param string className
init: function(className) {
this._className = className;
// validate containers
var $containers = this._getContainers();
if ($containers.length == 0) {
console.debug('[WCF.Collapsible.Remote] Empty container set given, aborting.');
this._proxy = new WCF.Action.Proxy({
success: $.proxy(this._success, this)
// initialize each container
$containers.each($.proxy(function(index, container) {
var $container = $(container);
var $id = $container.wcfIdentify();
this._containers[$id] = $container;
this._initContainer($id, $container);
}, this));
_initContainer: function(containerID, container) {
var $target = this._getTarget(containerID);
var $buttonContainer = this._getButtonContainer(containerID);
var $button = this._createButton(containerID, $buttonContainer);
// store container meta data
this._containerData[containerID] = {
button: $button,
buttonContainer: $buttonContainer,
target: $target
* Returns a collection of collapsible containers.
* @return jQuery
_getContainers: function() { },
* Returns the target element for current collapsible container.
* @param integer containerID
* @return jQuery
_getTarget: function(containerID) { },
* Returns the button container for current collapsible container.
* @param integer containerID
* @return jQuery
_getButtonContainer: function(containerID) { },
* Creates the toggle button.
* @param integer containerID
* @param jQuery buttonContainer
_createButton: function(containerID, buttonContainer) {
var $isOpen = this._containers[containerID].data('isOpen');
var $button = $('<a class="balloonTooltip" title="'+WCF.Language.get('')+'"><img src="' + WCF.Icon.get('wcf.icon.' + ($isOpen ? 'opened' : 'closed')) + '" alt="" /></a>').prependTo(buttonContainer);
$'containerID', containerID).click($.proxy(this._toggleContainer, this));
return $button;
* Toggles a container.
* @param object event
_toggleContainer: function(event) {
var $button = $(event.currentTarget);
var $containerID = $'containerID');
var $isOpen = this._containerData[$containerID].isOpen;
var $state = ($isOpen) ? 'open' : 'close';
var $newState = ($isOpen) ? 'close' : 'open';
// fetch content state via AJAX
this._proxy.setOption('data', {
actionName: 'toggleContainer',
className: this._className,
objectIDs: [this._getObjectID($containerID)],
parameters: $.extend(true, {
containerID: $containerID,
currentState: $state,
newState: $newState
}, this._getAdditionalParameters($containerID))
// set spinner for current button
_showSpinner: function(button) {
button.find('img').attr('src', WCF.Icon.get('wcf.icon.loading'));
_hideSpinner: function(button, newIcon) {
button.find('img').attr('src', newIcon);
* Returns the object id for current container.
* @param integer containerID
* @return integer
_getObjectID: function(containerID) {
return $('#' + containerID).data('objectID');
* Returns additional parameters.
* @param integer containerID
* @return object
_getAdditionalParameters: function(containerID) {
return {};
* Updates container content.
* @param integer containerID
* @param string newContent
* @param string newState
_updateContent: function(containerID, newContent, newState) {
* Sets content upon successfull AJAX request.
* @param object data
* @param string textStatus
* @param jQuery jqXHR
_success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
// validate container id
if (!data.returnValues.containerID) return;
var $containerID = data.returnValues.containerID;
// check if container id is known
if (!this._containers[$containerID]) return;
// update content storage
this._containerData[$containerID].isOpen = (data.returnValues.isOpen) ? true : false;
var $newState = (data.returnValues.isOpen) ? 'open' : 'close';
// update container content
this._updateContent($containerID, data.returnValues.content, $newState);
// update icon
this._hideSpinner(this._containerData[$containerID].button, WCF.Icon.get('wcf.icon.' + (data.returnValues.isOpen ? 'opened' : 'closed')));
* Holds userdata of the current user
WCF.User = {
* UserID of the user
* @var integer
userID: 0,
* Username of the user
* @var string
username: '',
* Initializes userdata
* @param integer userID
* @param string username
init: function(userID, username) {
this.userID = userID;
this.username = username;
* Namespace for effect-related functions.
WCF.Effect = {};
* Creates a smooth scroll effect.
WCF.Effect.SmoothScroll = function() { this.init(); };
WCF.Effect.SmoothScroll.prototype = {
* Initializes effect.
init: function() {
$('a[href=#top],a[href=#bottom]').click(function() {
var $target = $(this.hash);
if ($target.length) {
var $targetOffset = $target.getOffsets().top;
if ($targetOffset > $(document).height() - $(window).height()) {
$targetOffset = $(document).height() - $(window).height();
if ($targetOffset < 0) $targetOffset = 0;
$('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: $targetOffset }, 400, function (x, t, b, c, d) {
return -c * ((t=t/d-1)*t*t*t - 1) + b;
return false;
* Creates the balloon tool-tip.
WCF.Effect.BalloonTooltip = function() { this.init(); };
WCF.Effect.BalloonTooltip.prototype = {
* initialization state
* @var boolean
_didInit: false,
* tooltip element
* @var jQuery
_tooltip: null,
* cache viewport dimensions
* @var object
_viewportDimensions: { },
* Initializes tooltips.
init: function() {
if (!this._didInit) {
// create empty div
this._tooltip = $('<div id="balloonTooltip" style="position: absolute"><span id="balloonTooltipText"></span><span class="pointer"><span></span></span></div>').appendTo($('body')).hide();
// get viewport dimensions
// update viewport dimensions on resize
$(window).resize($.proxy(this._updateViewportDimensions, this));
// observe DOM changes
WCF.DOMNodeInsertedHandler.addCallback('WCF.Effect.BallonTooltip', $.proxy(this.init, this));
this._didInit = true;
// init elements
$('.balloonTooltip').each($.proxy(this._initTooltip, this));
* Updates cached viewport dimensions.
_updateViewportDimensions: function() {
this._viewportDimensions = $(document).getDimensions();
* Initializes a tooltip element.
* @param integer index
* @param object element
_initTooltip: function(index, element) {
var $element = $(element);
if ($element.hasClass('balloonTooltip')) {
var $title = $element.attr('title');
// ignore empty elements
if ($title !== '') {
$'tooltip', $title);
$.proxy(this._mouseEnterHandler, this),
$.proxy(this._mouseLeaveHandler, this)
$$.proxy(this._mouseLeaveHandler, this));
* Shows tooltip on hover.
* @param object event
_mouseEnterHandler: function(event) {
var $element = $(event.currentTarget);
var $title = $element.attr('title');
if ($title && $title !== '') {
$'tooltip', $title);
// reset tooltip position
top: "0px",
left: "0px"
// update text
// get arrow
var $arrow = this._tooltip.find('.pointer');
// get arrow width;
var $arrowWidth = $arrow.outerWidth();
// calculate position
var $elementOffsets = $element.getOffsets('offset');
var $elementDimensions = $element.getDimensions('outer');
var $tooltipDimensions = this._tooltip.getDimensions('outer');
var $tooltipDimensionsInner = this._tooltip.getDimensions('inner');
var $elementCenter = $elementOffsets.left + Math.ceil($elementDimensions.width / 2);
var $tooltipHalfWidth = Math.ceil($tooltipDimensions.width / 2);
// determine alignment
$alignment = 'center';
if (($elementCenter - $tooltipHalfWidth) < 5) {
$alignment = 'left';
else if ((this._viewportDimensions.width - 5) < ($elementCenter + $tooltipHalfWidth)) {
$alignment = 'right';
// calculate top offset
var $top = $ + $elementDimensions.height + 7;
// calculate left offset
switch ($alignment) {
case 'center':
var $left = Math.round($elementOffsets.left - $tooltipHalfWidth + ($elementDimensions.width / 2));
left: ($tooltipDimensionsInner.width / 2 - $arrowWidth / 2) + "px"
case 'left':
var $left = $elementOffsets.left;
left: "5px"
case 'right':
var $left = $elementOffsets.left + $elementDimensions.width - $tooltipDimensions.width;
left: ($tooltipDimensionsInner.width - $arrowWidth - 5) + "px"
// move tooltip
top: $top + "px",
left: $left + "px"
// show tooltip
* Hides tooltip once cursor left the element.
* @param object event
_mouseLeaveHandler: function(event) {
* Handles clicks outside an overlay, hitting body-tag through bubbling.
* You should always remove callbacks before disposing the attached element,
* preventing errors from blocking the iteration. Furthermore you should
* always handle clicks on your overlay's container and return 'false' to
* prevent bubbling.
WCF.CloseOverlayHandler = {
* list of callbacks
* @var WCF.Dictionary
_callbacks: new WCF.Dictionary(),
* indicates that overlay handler is listening to click events on body-tag
* @var boolean
_isListening: false,
* Adds a new callback.
* @param string identifier
* @param object callback
addCallback: function(identifier, callback) {
if (this._callbacks.isset(identifier)) {
console.debug("[WCF.CloseOverlayHandler] identifier '" + identifier + "' is already bound to a callback");
return false;
this._callbacks.add(identifier, callback);
* Removes a callback from list.
* @param string identifier
removeCallback: function(identifier) {
if (this._callbacks.isset(identifier)) {
* Binds click event handler.
_bindListener: function() {
if (this._isListening) return;
$('body').click($.proxy(this._executeCallbacks, this));
this._isListening = true;
* Executes callbacks on click.
_executeCallbacks: function() {
this._callbacks.each(function(pair) {
// execute callback
* Notifies objects once a DOM node was inserted.
WCF.DOMNodeInsertedHandler = {
* list of callbacks
* @var WCF.Dictionary
_callbacks: new WCF.Dictionary(),
* prevent infinite loop if a callback manipulates DOM
* @var boolean
_isExecuting: false,
* indicates that overlay handler is listening to click events on body-tag
* @var boolean
_isListening: false,
* Adds a new callback.
* @param string identifier
* @param object callback
addCallback: function(identifier, callback) {
if (this._callbacks.isset(identifier)) {
console.debug("[WCF.DOMNodeInsertedHandler] identifier '" + identifier + "' is already bound to a callback");
return false;
this._callbacks.add(identifier, callback);
* Removes a callback from list.
* @param string identifier
removeCallback: function(identifier) {
if (this._callbacks.isset(identifier)) {
* Binds click event handler.
_bindListener: function() {
if (this._isListening) return;
$(document).bind('DOMNodeInserted', $.proxy(this._executeCallbacks, this));
this._isListening = true;
* Executes callbacks on click.
_executeCallbacks: function(event) {
if (this._isExecuting) return;
// do not track events fired within the next 100 ms
this._isExecuting = true;
new WCF.PeriodicalExecuter($.proxy(function(pe) {
this._isExecuting = false;
}, this), 100);
this._callbacks.each(function(pair) {
// execute callback
* Namespace for search related classes.
WCF.Search = {};
* Performs a quick search.
WCF.Search.Base = Class.extend({
* notification callback
* @var object
_callback: null,
* class name
* @var string
_className: '',
* list with values that are excluded from seaching
* @var array
_excludedSearchValues: [],
* result list
* @var jQuery
_list: null,
* action proxy
* @var WCF.Action.Proxy
_proxy: null,
* search input field
* @var jQuery
_searchInput: null,
* minimum search input length, MUST be 1 or higher
* @var integer
_triggerLength: 1,
* Initializes a new search.
* @param jQuery searchInput
* @param object callback
* @param array excludedSearchValues
init: function(searchInput, callback, excludedSearchValues) {
if (!$.isFunction(callback)) {
console.debug("[WCF.Search.Base] Given callback is invalid, aborting.");
this._callback = callback;
if (excludedSearchValues) {
this._excludedSearchValues = excludedSearchValues;
this._searchInput = $(searchInput).keyup($.proxy(this._keyUp, this));
this._searchInput.wrap('<div class="preInput" />');
this._list = $('<ul class="dropdown" />').insertAfter(this._searchInput);
this._proxy = new WCF.Action.Proxy({
success: $.proxy(this._success, this)
* Performs a search upon key up.
_keyUp: function() {
var $content = $.trim(this._searchInput.val());
if ($content === '') {
else if ($content.length >= this._triggerLength) {
var $parameters = {
data: {
excludedSearchValues: this._excludedSearchValues,
searchString: $content
this._proxy.setOption('data', {
actionName: 'getList',
className: this._className,
parameters: this._getParameters($parameters)
else {
// input below trigger length
* Returns parameters for quick search.
* @param object parameters
* @return object
_getParameters: function(parameters) {
return parameters;
* Evalutes search results.
* @param object data
* @param string textStatus
* @param jQuery jqXHR
_success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
if (!$.getLength(data.returnValues)) {
for (var $i in data.returnValues) {
var $item = data.returnValues[$i];
* Creates a new list item.
* @param object item
* @return jQuery
_createListItem: function(item) {
var $listItem = $('<li><span>' + item.label + '</span></li>').appendTo(this._list);
$'objectID', item.objectID).data('label', item.label).click($.proxy(this._executeCallback, this));
return $listItem;
* Executes callback upon result click.
* @param object event
_executeCallback: function(event) {
var $listItem = $(event.currentTarget);
// notify callback
// close list and revert input
* Closes the suggestion list and clears search input on demand.
* @param boolean clearSearchInput
_clearList: function(clearSearchInput) {
if (clearSearchInput) {
* Adds an excluded search value.
* @param string value
addExcludedSearchValue: function(value) {
if (!WCF.inArray(value, this._excludedSearchValues)) {
* Adds an excluded search value.
* @param string value
removeExcludedSearchValue: function(value) {
var index = $.inArray(value, this._excludedSearchValues);
if (index != -1) {
this._excludedSearchValues.splice(index, 1);
* Provides quick search for users and user groups.
* @see WCF.Search.Base
WCF.Search.User = WCF.Search.Base.extend({
* @see WCF.Search.Base._className
_className: 'wcf\\data\\user\\UserAction',
* include user groups in search
* @var boolean
_includeUserGroups: false,
* @see WCF.Search.Base
init: function(searchInput, callback, includeUserGroups) {
this._includeUserGroups = includeUserGroups;
this._super(searchInput, callback);
* @see WCF.Search.Base._getParameters()
_getParameters: function(parameters) { = this._includeUserGroups;
return parameters;
* @see WCF.Search.Base._createListItem()
_createListItem: function(item) {
var $listItem = this._super(item);
// insert item type
$('<img src="' + RELATIVE_WCF_DIR + 'icon/user' + (item.type == 'group' ? 's' : '') + '1.svg" alt="" />').insertBefore($listItem.children('span:eq(0)'));
$'type', item.type);
return $listItem;
* Provides a toggleable sidebar.
$.widget('ui.wcfSidebar', {
* toggle button
* @var jQuery
_button: null,
_container: null,
* sidebar visibility
* @var boolean
_visible: true,
* Creates a new toggleable sidebar.
_create: function() {
this.element.wrap('<div class="collapsibleSidebar"></div>');
this._container = this.element.parents('aside:eq(0)');
// create toggle button
this._button = $('<span class="collapsibleSidebarButton" title="' + WCF.Language.get('') + '"><span></span></span>').appendTo(this._container);
// bind event$.proxy(this._toggle, this));
* Toggles visibility on button click.
_toggle: function() {
if (this._visible) {
else {;
* Shows sidebar content.
show: function() {
if (this._visible) {
this._visible = true;
* Hides the sidebar content.
hide: function() {
if (!this._visible) {
this._visible = false;
* Provides a toggleable sidebar with persistent visibility.
$.widget('ui.wcfPersistentSidebar', $.ui.wcfSidebar, {
* widget options
* @var object
options: {
className: '',
collapsed: false,
objectTypeID: 0
* action proxy
* @var WCF.Action.Proxy
_proxy: null,
* Creates a new toggleable sidebar.
_create: function() {
if (this.options.className === '' || this.options.objectTypeID === 0) {
console.debug('[ui.wcfPersistentSidebar] Class name or object type id missing, aborting.');
$.ui.wcfSidebar.prototype._init.apply(this, arguments);
// collapse on init
if (this.options.collapsed) {
this._visible = false;
// init proxy
this._proxy = new WCF.Action.Proxy();
* Shows sidebar content.
show: function() {
if (this._visible) {
$.ui.wcfSidebar.prototype._init.apply(this, arguments);
// save state
* Hides the sidebar content.
hide: function() {
if (!this._visible) {
$.ui.wcfSidebar.prototype._init.apply(this, arguments);
// save state
* Save collapsible state
_save: function() {
var $currentState = (!this._visible) ? 'close' : 'open';
var $state = (this._visible) ? 'open' : 'close';
this._proxy.setOption('data', {
actionName: 'toggleSidebar',
className: this.options.className,
parameters: {
data: {
currentState: $currentState,
newState: $newState,
objectTypeID: this.options.objectTypeID
* WCF implementation for dialogs, based upon ideas by jQuery UI.
$.widget('ui.wcfDialog', {
* close button
* @var jQuery
_closeButton: null,
* dialog container
* @var jQuery
_container: null,
* dialog content
* @var jQuery
_content: null,
* dialog content dimensions
* @var object
_contentDimensions: null,
* difference between inner and outer content width
* @var object
_dimensionDifferences: {
height: 0,
width: 0
* rendering state
* @var boolean
_isRendering: false,
* modal overlay
* @var jQuery
_overlay: null,
* plain html for title
* @var string
_title: null,
* title bar
* @var jQuery
_titlebar: null,
* dialog visibility state
* @var boolean
_isOpen: false,
* option list
* @var object
options: {
// dialog
autoOpen: true,
closable: true,
closeButtonLabel: null,
hideTitle: false,
modal: true,
title: '',
zIndex: 1000,
// AJAX support
ajax: false,
data: { },
showLoadingOverlay: true,
success: null,
type: 'POST',
url: 'index.php/AJAXProxy/?t=' + SECURITY_TOKEN + SID_ARG_2ND
* Initializes a new dialog.
_init: function() {
if (this.options.closeButtonLabel === null) {
this.options.closeButtonLabel = WCF.Language.get('');
if (this.options.ajax) {
new WCF.Action.Proxy({
autoSend: true,
showLoadingOverlay: this.options.showLoadingOverlay,
success: $.proxy(this._success, this),
type: this.options.type,
url: this.options.url
// force open if using AJAX
this.options.autoOpen = true;
// apply loading overlay
if (this.options.autoOpen) {;
// act on resize
$(window).resize($.proxy(this.render, this));
* Creates a new dialog instance.
_create: function() {
// create dialog container
this._container = $('<div class="wcfDialogContainer"></div>').hide().css({ zIndex: this.options.zIndex }).appendTo(document.body);
// create title
if (!this.options.hideTitle && this.options.title != '') {
this._titlebar = $('<header class="wcfDialogTitlebar"></header>').appendTo(this._container);
this._title = $('<span class="wcfDialogTitle"></div>').html(this.options.title).appendTo(this._titlebar);
// create close button
if (this.options.closable) {
this._closeButton = $('<a class="wcfDialogCloseButton"><span>TODO: close</span></a>').click($.proxy(this.close, this));
if (!this.options.hideTitle && this.options.title != '') {
else {
// create content container
this._content = $('<div class="wcfDialogContent"></div>').appendTo(this._container);
// move target element into content
var $content = this.element.remove();
// create modal view
if (this.options.modal) {
this._overlay = $('<div class="wcfDialogOverlay"></div>').css({ height: '100%', zIndex: 900 }).appendTo(document.body);
if (this.options.closable) {$.proxy(this.close, this));
$(document).keyup($.proxy(function(event) {
if (event.keyCode && event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE) {
}, this));
// caulculate dimensions differences;
var $contentInnerDimensions = this._content.getDimensions();
var $contentOuterDimensions = this._content.getDimensions('outer');
this._dimensionDifferences = {
height: ($contentOuterDimensions.height - $contentInnerDimensions.height),
width: ($contentOuterDimensions.width - $contentInnerDimensions.width)
* Handles successful AJAX requests.
* @param object data
* @param string textStatus
* @param jQuery jqXHR
_success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
// initialize dialog content
// remove loading overlay
if (this.options.success !== null && $.isFunction(this.options.success)) {
this.options.success(data, textStatus, jqXHR);
* Initializes dialog content if applicable.
* @param object data
_initDialog: function(data) {
// insert template
data.ignoreTemplate = true;
var $template = this._getResponseValue(data, 'template');
if ($template !== null) {
* Returns a response value, taking care of different object
* structure returned by AJAXProxy.
* @param object data
* @param string key
_getResponseValue: function(data, key) {
if (data.returnValues && data.returnValues[key]) {
return data.returnValues[key];
else if (data[key]) {
return data[key];
return null;
* Opens this dialog.
open: function() {
if (this.isOpen()) {
if (this._overlay !== null) {;
this._isOpen = true;
* Returns true, if dialog is visible.
* @return boolean
isOpen: function() {
return this._isOpen;
* Closes this dialog.
close: function() {
if (!this.isOpen()) {
this._isOpen = false;
if (this._overlay !== null) {
* Renders this dialog, should be called whenever content is updated.
render: function() {
if (!this.isOpen()) {
// temporarily display container;
else {
// remove fixed content dimensions for calculation
height: 'auto',
width: 'auto'
// force content to be visible
this._content.children().each(function() {
// handle multiple rendering requests
if (this._isRendering) {
// stop current process
// set dialog to be fully opaque, should prevent weird bugs in WebKit'opacity', 1.0);
// calculate dimensions
var $windowDimensions = $(window).getDimensions();
var $containerDimensions = this._container.getDimensions('outer');
var $contentDimensions = this._content.getDimensions();
// calculate maximum content height
var $heightDifference = $containerDimensions.height - $contentDimensions.height;
var $maximumHeight = $windowDimensions.height - $heightDifference/* - (this._dimensionDifferences.height * 2)*/;
this._content.css({ maxHeight: $maximumHeight + 'px' });
// re-caculate values if container height was previously limited
if ($maximumHeight < $contentDimensions.height) {
$containerDimensions = this._container.getDimensions('outer');
// handle multiple rendering requests
if (this._isRendering) {
// use current dimensions as previous ones
this._contentDimensions = this._getContentDimensions($maximumHeight);
// calculate new dimensions
$contentDimensions = this._getContentDimensions($maximumHeight);
// move container
var $leftOffset = Math.round(($windowDimensions.width - $containerDimensions.width) / 2);
var $topOffset = Math.round(($windowDimensions.height - $containerDimensions.height) / 2);
// place container at 20% height if possible
var $desiredTopOffset = Math.round(($windowDimensions.height / 100) * 20);
if ($desiredTopOffset < $topOffset) {
$topOffset = $desiredTopOffset;
if (!this.isOpen()) {
// hide container again
// apply offset
left: $leftOffset + 'px',
top: $topOffset + 'px'
// save current dimensions
this._contentDimensions = $contentDimensions;
// force dimensions
height: this._contentDimensions.height + 'px',
width: this._contentDimensions.width + 'px'
// fade in container
this._container.wcfFadeIn($.proxy(function() {
this._isRendering = false;
else {
// save reference (used in callback)
var $content = this._content;
// force previous dimensions
height: this._contentDimensions.height + 'px',
width: this._contentDimensions.width + 'px'
// apply new dimensions
height: ($contentDimensions.height) + 'px',
width: ($contentDimensions.width) + 'px'
}, 600, function() {
// remove static dimensions
height: 'auto',
width: 'auto'
// store new dimensions
this._contentDimensions = $contentDimensions;
// move container
left: $leftOffset + 'px',
top: $topOffset + 'px'
}, 600, $.proxy(function() {
this._isRendering = false;
this._isRendering = true;
* Returns calculated content dimensions.
* @param integer maximumHeight
* @return object
_getContentDimensions: function(maximumHeight) {
var $contentDimensions = this._content.getDimensions();
// set height to maximum height if exceeded
if ($contentDimensions.height > maximumHeight) {
$contentDimensions.height = maximumHeight;
// fix dimensions
$contentDimensions = {
height: $contentDimensions.height*//* - this._dimensionDifferences.height*//*,
width: $contentDimensions.width - this._dimensionDifferences.width
return $contentDimensions;
* Custom tab menu implementation for WCF.
$.widget('ui.wcfTabs', $.ui.tabs, {
* Workaround for ids containing a dot ".", until jQuery UI devs learn
* to properly escape ids ... (it took 18 months until they finally
* fixed it!)
* @see
* @see $.ui.tabs.prototype._sanitizeSelector()
_sanitizeSelector: function(hash) {
return hash.replace(/([:\.])/g, '\\$1');
* @see $
select: function(index) {
if (!$.isNumeric(index)) {
// panel identifier given
this.panels.each(function(i, panel) {
if ($(panel).wcfIdentify() === index) {
index = i;
return false;
// unable to identify panel
if (!$.isNumeric(index)) {
console.debug("[ui.wcfTabs] Unable to find panel identified by '" + index + "', aborting.");
$, arguments);
* Returns the currently selected tab index.
* @return integer
getCurrentIndex: function() {
return this.lis.index(this.lis.filter('.ui-tabs-selected'));
* jQuery widget implementation of the wcf pagination.
$.widget('ui.wcfPages', {
options: {
// vars
activePage: 1,
maxPage: 1,
// icons
previousIcon: null,
previousDisabledIcon: null,
arrowDownIcon: null,
nextIcon: null,
nextDisabledIcon: null,
// language
// we use options here instead of language variables, because the paginator is not only usable with pages
nextPage: null,
previousPage: null
* Creates the pages widget.
_create: function() {
if (this.options.nextPage === null) this.options.nextPage = WCF.Language.get('');
if (this.options.previousPage === null) this.options.previousPage = WCF.Language.get('');
if (this.options.previousIcon === null) this.options.previousIcon = WCF.Icon.get('wcf.icon.previous');
if (this.options.previousDisabledIcon === null) this.options.previousDisabledIcon = WCF.Icon.get('wcf.icon.previous.disabled');
if (this.options.nextIcon === null) this.options.nextIcon = WCF.Icon.get('');
if (this.options.nextDisabledIcon === null) this.options.nextDisabledIcon = WCF.Icon.get('');
if (this.options.arrowDownIcon === null) this.options.arrowDownIcon = WCF.Icon.get('wcf.icon.dropdown');
* Destroys the pages widget.
destroy: function() {
$.Widget.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
* Renders the pages widget.
_render: function() {
// only render if we have more than 1 page
if (!this.options.disabled && this.options.maxPage > 1) {
// make sure pagination is visible
if (this.element.hasClass('hidden')) {
var $pageList = $('<ul></ul>');
var $previousElement = $('<li></li>').addClass('skip');
if (this.options.activePage > 1) {
var $previousLink = $('<a' + ((this.options.previousPage != null) ? (' title="' + this.options.previousPage + '" class="balloonTooltip"') : ('')) + '></a>');
this._bindSwitchPage($previousLink, this.options.activePage - 1);
var $previousImage = $('<img src="' + this.options.previousIcon + '" alt="" />');
else {
var $previousImage = $('<img src="' + this.options.previousDisabledIcon + '" alt="" />');
// add first page
// calculate page links
var $maxLinks = this.SHOW_LINKS - 4;
var $linksBefore = this.options.activePage - 2;
if ($linksBefore < 0) $linksBefore = 0;
var $linksAfter = this.options.maxPage - (this.options.activePage + 1);
if ($linksAfter < 0) $linksAfter = 0;
if (this.options.activePage > 1 && this.options.activePage < this.options.maxPage) $maxLinks--;
var $half = $maxLinks / 2;
var $left = this.options.activePage;
var $right = this.options.activePage;
if ($left < 1) $left = 1;
if ($right < 1) $right = 1;
if ($right > this.options.maxPage - 1) $right = this.options.maxPage - 1;
if ($linksBefore >= $half) {
$left -= $half;
else {
$left -= $linksBefore;
$right += $half - $linksBefore;
if ($linksAfter >= $half) {
$right += $half;
else {
$right += $linksAfter;
$left -= $half - $linksAfter;
$right = Math.ceil($right);
$left = Math.ceil($left);
if ($left < 1) $left = 1;
if ($right > this.options.maxPage) $right = this.options.maxPage;
// left ... links
if ($left > 1) {
if ($left - 1 < 2) {
else {
var $leftChildren = $('<li class="children"></li>');
var $leftChildrenLink = $('<a class="dropdownCaption">&hellip;</a>');
// commented all page number input events out, because the normal pagination also
// don't have this function at this moment. This may get completely removed or
// updated as soon as this gets reimplemented in the normal pagination -- Markus Bartz
// $$.proxy(this._startInput, this));
var $leftChildrenImage = $('<img src="' + this.options.arrowDownIcon + '" alt="" />');
var $leftChildrenInput = $('<input type="text" name="pageNo" class="tiny" />');
// $leftChildrenInput.keydown($.proxy(this._handleInput, this));
// $leftChildrenInput.keyup($.proxy(this._handleInput, this));
// $leftChildrenInput.blur($.proxy(this._stopInput, this));
var $leftChildrenContainer = $('<div class="dropdown"></div>');
var $leftPointerContainer = $('<span class="pointer"><span></span></span>');
var $leftChildrenList = $('<ul></u>');
// render sublinks
var $k = 0;
var $step = Math.ceil(($left - 2) / this.SHOW_SUB_LINKS);
for (var $i = 2; $i <= $left; $i += $step) {
$leftChildrenList.append(this._renderLink($i, ($k != 0 && $k % 4 == 0)));
// visible links
for (var $i = $left + 1; $i < $right; $i++) {
// right ... links
if ($right < this.options.maxPage) {
if (this.options.maxPage - $right < 2) {
$pageList.append(this._renderLink(this.options.maxPage - 1));
else {
var $rightChildren = $('<li class="children"></li>');
var $rightChildrenLink = $('<a class="dropdownCaption">&hellip;</a>');
// $$.proxy(this._startInput, this));
var $rightChildrenImage = $('<img src="' + this.options.arrowDownIcon + '" alt="" />');
var $rightChildrenInput = $('<input type="text" name="pageNo" class="tiny" />');
// $rightChildrenInput.keydown($.proxy(this._handleInput, this));
// $rightChildrenInput.keyup($.proxy(this._handleInput, this));
// $rightChildrenInput.blur($.proxy(this._stopInput, this));
var $rightChildrenContainer = $('<div class="dropdown"></div>');
var $rightPointerContainer = $('<span class="pointer"><span></span></span>');
var $rightChildrenList = $('<ul></ul>');
// render sublinks
var $k = 0;
var $step = Math.ceil((this.options.maxPage - $right) / this.SHOW_SUB_LINKS);
for (var $i = $right; $i < this.options.maxPage; $i += $step) {
$rightChildrenList.append(this._renderLink($i, ($k != 0 && $k % 4 == 0)));
// add last page
// add next button
var $nextElement = $('<li></li>').addClass('skip');
if (this.options.activePage < this.options.maxPage) {
var $nextLink = $('<a' + ((this.options.nextPage != null) ? (' title="' + this.options.nextPage + '" class="balloonTooltip"') : ('')) + '></a>');
this._bindSwitchPage($nextLink, this.options.activePage + 1);
var $nextImage = $('<img src="' + this.options.nextIcon + '" alt="" />');
else {
var $nextImage = $('<img src="' + this.options.nextDisabledIcon + '" alt="" />');
// for some strange reason DOMNodeInserted is not triggered, so we don't get
// balloonTooltip to work, so we need to trigger it by ourself. -- Markus Bartz
else {
// otherwise hide the paginator if not already hidden
* Renders a page link
* @parameter integer page
* @return $(element)
_renderLink: function(page, lineBreak) {
var $pageElement = $('<li></li>');
if (lineBreak != undefined && lineBreak) {
if (page != this.options.activePage) {
var $pageLink = $('<a>' + WCF.String.addThousandsSeparator(page) + '</a>');
this._bindSwitchPage($pageLink, page);
else {
var $pageSubElement = $('<span>' + WCF.String.addThousandsSeparator(page) + '</span>');
return $pageElement;
* Binds the 'click'-event for the page switching to the given element.
* @parameter $(element) element
* @paremeter integer page
_bindSwitchPage: function(element, page) {
var $self = this; {
* Switches to the given page
* @parameter Event event
* @parameter integer page
switchPage: function(page) {
this._setOption('activePage', page);
* Sets the given option to the given value.
* See the jQuery UI widget documentation for more.
_setOption: function(key, value) {
if (key == 'activePage') {
if (value != this.options[key] && value > 0 && value <= this.options.maxPage) {
// you can prevent the page switching by returning false or by event.preventDefault()
// in a shouldSwitch-callback. e.g. if an AJAX request is already running.
var $result = this._trigger('shouldSwitch', undefined, {
nextPage: value
if ($result) {
this.options[key] = value;
this._trigger('switched', undefined, {
activePage: value
else {
this._trigger('notSwitched', undefined, {
activePage: value
else {
this.options[key] = value;
if (key == 'disabled') {
if (value) {
else {
else if (key == 'maxPage') {
return this;
* Start input of pagenumber
* @parameter Event event
_startInput: function(event) {
// hide a-tag
var $childLink = $(event.currentTarget);
if (!$'a')) $childLink = $childLink.parent('a');
// show input-tag
var $childInput = $childLink.parent('li').children('input')
.css('display', 'block')
* Stops input of pagenumber
* @parameter Event event
_stopInput: function(event) {
// hide input-tag
var $childInput = $(event.currentTarget);
$childInput.css('display', 'none');
// show a-tag
var $childContainer = $childInput.parent('li');
if ($childContainer != undefined && $childContainer != null) {
* Handles input of pagenumber
* @parameter Event event
_handleInput: function(event) {
var $ie7 = ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version == '7.0');
if (event.type != 'keyup' || $ie7) {
if (!$ie7 || ((event.which == 13 || event.which == 27) && event.type == 'keyup')) {
if (event.which == 13) {
if (event.which == 13 || event.which == 27) {
* Encapsulate eval() within an own function to prevent problems
* with optimizing and minifiny JS.
* @param mixed expression
* @returns mixed
function wcfEval(expression) {
return eval(expression);
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