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Last active July 15, 2017 11:25
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Save RouxRC/6907712 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Get an application-type OAuth2 token from Twitter in bash
# Run with:
# bash $KEY $SECRET > oauth2_token
# Then enjoy Twitter's API app functions such as search/tweets or lists/members:
# curl -H "$(cat oauth2_token)" ""
# curl -H "$(cat oauth2_token)" ""
# Format key/secret following OAuth2 RFC
key=$(python -c "import urllib; print urllib.urlencode({'': '$KEY'}).lstrip('=')")
secret=$(python -c "import sys, urllib; print urllib.urlencode({'': '$SECRET'}).lstrip('=')")
# Get token by forging exact request
# token=$(echo -n "$key:$secret" | base64 -w 100)
# curl -s -X POST -A "twitter search app" -H "Authorization: Basic $token" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" -d "grant_type=client_credentials" "" > /tmp/twitter-token
# Or more simply thanks to curl's integrated secure user auth
curl -s -u "$key:$secret" -d "grant_type=client_credentials" "" > /tmp/twitter-token
# Extract token from json and print it out
if cat /tmp/twitter-token | grep '"token_type":"bearer"' | grep '"access_token":"' > /dev/null; then
cat /tmp/twitter-token | sed 's/^.*"access_token":"\([^"]\+\)".*$/\1/'
print "Could not get bearer token, please check your key/secret" >&2
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