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Created July 3, 2012 06:25
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
namespace Cubetex
class ClientInputProcessor
const bool SilentMoveCommands = true;
public static bool inputForward = false;
public static bool inputLeft = false;
public static bool inputRight = false;
public static bool inputBackward = false;
private static int MouseXMag = 0;
private static int MouseYMag = 0;
public static bool inputMouseWheelDown = false;
public static bool inputMouseWheelUp = false;
private static UserCommand ucmd;
#region ConsoleComamnds
[ConsoleCommand("+Forward", SilentMoveCommands)]
[ConsoleCommand("-Forward", SilentMoveCommands)]
public static void InputForward(ConCommandArgs args)
if (args.CommandName.StartsWith("+"))
inputForward = true;
if (args.CommandName.StartsWith("-"))
inputForward = false;
[ConsoleCommand("+Left", SilentMoveCommands)]
[ConsoleCommand("-Left", SilentMoveCommands)]
public static void InputLeft(ConCommandArgs args)
if (args.CommandName.StartsWith("+"))
inputLeft = true;
if (args.CommandName.StartsWith("-"))
inputLeft = false;
[ConsoleCommand("+Right", SilentMoveCommands)]
[ConsoleCommand("-Right", SilentMoveCommands)]
public static void InputRight(ConCommandArgs args)
if (args.CommandName.StartsWith("+"))
inputRight = true;
if (args.CommandName.StartsWith("-"))
inputRight = false;
[ConsoleCommand("+Backward", SilentMoveCommands)]
[ConsoleCommand("-Backward", SilentMoveCommands)]
public static void InputBackward(ConCommandArgs args)
if (args.CommandName.StartsWith("+"))
inputBackward = true;
if (args.CommandName.StartsWith("-"))
inputBackward = false;
[ConsoleCommand("MouseXAxis", SilentMoveCommands)]
public static void MouseXAxis(ConCommandArgs args)
MouseXMag = int.Parse(args.args[0]);
[ConsoleCommand("MouseYAxis", SilentMoveCommands)]
public static void MouseYAxis(ConCommandArgs args)
MouseYMag = int.Parse(args.args[0]);
[ConsoleCommand("MouseScrollUp", SilentMoveCommands)]
public static void MouseScrollUp(ConCommandArgs args)
inputMouseWheelUp = true;
[ConsoleCommand("MouseScrollDown", SilentMoveCommands)]
public static void MouseScrollDown(ConCommandArgs args)
inputMouseWheelDown = true;
public static IGameEntity CommandReciever = null;
public static void RegisterCommandReciever(IGameEntity entity)
CommandReciever = entity;
public static void ClearCommandReciever()
CommandReciever = null;
public static void SendUserCommand()
if (CommandReciever == null) return;
BaseWorldBehavior behav = (BaseWorldBehavior)CommandReciever.GetBehavior(typeof(BaseController));
(behav as BaseController).DoUserCommand(GetCurrentUsercommand());
public static void Update(GameTime deltaTime)
inputMouseWheelDown = false;
inputMouseWheelUp = false;
if(CommandReciever != null) SendUserCommand();
private static void ProcessUserCommand()
InputCommands cmd = InputCommands.NONE;
MouseWheelState MWS = MouseWheelState.None;
if (inputBackward) cmd |= InputCommands.Back;
if (inputForward) cmd |= InputCommands.Forward;
if (inputRight) cmd |= InputCommands.Right;
if (inputLeft) cmd |= InputCommands.Left;
if(inputMouseWheelUp) MWS = MouseWheelState.Up;
if(inputMouseWheelDown) MWS = MouseWheelState.Down;
ucmd = new UserCommand(cmd, MouseXMag, MouseYMag, MWS );
public static UserCommand GetCurrentUsercommand()
return ucmd;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Nuclex.UserInterface;
using Nuclex;
using Nuclex.Input;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
namespace Cubetex
class InputController
static Dictionary<Keys, string> KeyBinds = new Dictionary<Keys, string>();
static Dictionary<MouseButtons, string> MouseBinds = new Dictionary<MouseButtons, string>();
public static void Bind(ConCommandArgs args)
if (args.args.Length < 3)
GameConsole.ConsoleMessage("Usage: bind [Key] [Command] <Override Console Block>");
Keys key;
if (Enum.TryParse<Keys>(args.args[0], true, out key))
BindKey(key, args.args[1]);
MouseButtons button;
if (Enum.TryParse<MouseButtons>(args.args[0], true, out button))
BindKey(button, args.args[1]);
public static void BindKey(Keys key, string Command)
KeyBinds[key] = Command;
GameConsole.ConsoleMessage("Bound Key: " + key + " To " + Command);
public static void BindKey(MouseButtons key, string Command)
MouseBinds[key] = Command;
GameConsole.ConsoleMessage("Bound Key: " + key + " To " + Command);
public static void ProcessKeyPress(Keys key)
if (key == Keys.F1) GameConsole.DoCommand("ActivateConsole");
if (GameGuiManager.Gui.HasKeyboardFocus())
if (!KeyBinds.ContainsKey(key)) return;
if (GameConsole.Active) return;
public static void PrecessKeyRelease(Keys key)
if (GameGuiManager.Gui.HasKeyboardFocus())
if (!KeyBinds.ContainsKey(key)) return;
if (GameConsole.Active) return;
if (!KeyBinds[key].StartsWith("+")) return;
string cmd = KeyBinds[key].Replace('+', '-');
public static void ProcessButtonPress(MouseButtons button)
MouseState state = Mouse.GetState();
if(GameGuiManager.Gui.InjectInput(state.X, state.Y, button)) return;
if (!MouseBinds.ContainsKey(button)) return;
if (GameConsole.Active) return;
public static void ProcessButtonRelease(MouseButtons button)
MouseState state = Mouse.GetState();
if (GameGuiManager.Gui.InjectInput(state.X, state.Y, button, false)) return;
if (!MouseBinds.ContainsKey(button)) return;
if (GameConsole.Active) return;
string cmd = MouseBinds[button].Replace('+', '-');
public static void KeyPressed(Keys key)
public static void KeyReleased(Keys Key)
public static void ProcessCharacterPress(char c)
if (!GameGuiManager.Gui.HasKeyboardFocus()) return;
public static void ReadDefaultBindFile()
using (StreamReader file = new StreamReader("Settings/KeyBinds.txt"))
while (!file.EndOfStream)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Cubetex
enum InputCommands
NONE = 0x0,
Forward = 0x1,
Back = 0x2,
Left = 0x4,
Right = 0x8,
enum MouseWheelState : byte
struct UserCommand
public InputCommands commands;
public int MouseDX;
public int MouseDY;
public MouseWheelState MouseWheel;
public UserCommand(InputCommands cmds = InputCommands.NONE, int mdx = 0, int mdy = 0, MouseWheelState mws = MouseWheelState.None)
commands = cmds;
MouseDX = mdx;
MouseDY = mdy;
MouseWheel = mws;
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