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Created November 5, 2012 04:38
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Mirror of "Known Issues" page
This is a descriptive listing of '''known issues''' with the [[Active Worlds (software)]], such as the [[browser]], [[SDK]], [[world server]] and [[universe server]]. This page serves as a troubleshooting reference for bugs and quirks which may confuse users.
<!-- template:
{{known issue|severity=|ver=Build
== Reporting ==
To report an issue, use the associated [[Talk:Known issues|talk page]] and leave a new section with at least the following pieces of information:
* A brief description of the problem
* The build and version of the software this happens on
* Clear and concise steps to reproduce the problem
* A description of the expected result of the steps
* A description of the actual result of the steps
=== Key ===
* {{issue critical}} - For issues which '''crash''' the software or '''guarantee data loss'''
* {{issue major}} - For issues which '''freeze''' the software or has the potential to cause data loss or annoyance
* {{issue minor}} - For minor priority issues which cause annoyance or confusion
== [[Browser]] ==
=== Interface ===
{{meta issue|brief=Interface is sluggish/flashy
{{known issue|severity=major|ver=Build 1315
|brief=Object Properties becomes sluggish after prolonged use
|notes=This bug appears to become more prominent after selecting or duplicating objects more than 50 times or after prolonged use of the browser for more than 10 to 20 minutes. This is more severe when editing the properties of a particle emitter. I believe this may be because of the large amount of controls used for all the editable parameters. --[[User:RoyCurtis|RoyCurtis]] 21:47, 29 October 2012 (EDT)
*# Use browser as normal for at least ten minutes
*# Select 50 different objects, duplicate 50 different objects
*# Pick an object and set its type to "Particle Emitter". Note the response time and visual behavior of the "Type" listbox when clicked.
*# Attempt to change some parameters. Note the response time and visual behavior of the input boxes clicked.
|expected=The Object Properties window should be immediately responsive with no flickering or flashing.
|actual=As use increases, the dialog becomes more flashy and takes longer to respond to user input. When editing particle emitter parameters, input boxes take a long time on first focus to respond.
|workaround=Exit Active Worlds and restart it when building becomes too sluggish
{{known issue|severity=critical|ver=Build 1315
|brief=CAV editor is sluggish
|notes=This is a more severe form of the Object Properties sluggishness issue; immediately after starting, the browser takes up to five seconds to load the CAV window. After prolonged use of the browser, this delay grows longer to the point Windows treats the browser as a non-responsive application.
*# Toggle CAV window by pressing CTRL+F6 ten times
*# Use browser as normal for at least 10 minutes
*# Toggle CAV window by pressing CTRL+F6 ten times
|expected=Each repeated action should look smooth and happen within a small fraction of a second (~10-50ms)
|actual=The CAV window first takes up to six seconds to open. After prolonged use, this grows to up to 30+ seconds.
|workaround=Exit Active Worlds and restart it when interface becomes too sluggish
{{known issue|severity=major|ver=Build 1315
|brief=Interface becomes sluggish/flashy after prolonged use
|notes=This appears to be related to another interface issue in which the object properties dialog creates and destroys all its controls, causing a memory leak and eventual sluggishness of the browser. --[[User:RoyCurtis|RoyCurtis]] 21:47, 29 October 2012 (EDT)
*# Use browser as normal for at least ten minutes
*# Press F9 ten times to toggle the tabs view
*# Toggle between the Voice Chat and Contacts tab
*# Hover mouse around the chat box in circles a few times
|expected=Each repeated action should look smooth and happen within a small fraction of a second (~10-50ms)
|actual=Spawned dialogs flicker and take up to 200ms+ to become responsive. Chat area flickers with white lines on mouse hover.
|workaround=Exit Active Worlds and restart it when interface becomes too sluggish
{{known issue|severity=major|ver=Build 1315
|brief=Pressing ESC whilst the chat input box is focused destroys the chat panel
*# Click the chat input box
*# Press ESC
|expected=The box should be defocused or nothing happens
|actual=The chat panel's controls are destroyed, hiding all chat and disallowing any further input
|workaround=Restart the browser to fix the chat panel
{{known issue|severity=minor|ver=Build 1315
|brief=Citizen dialog abruptly pops up to prompt password change
|notes=Noting this as a bug as I have noted two instances of this causing a citizen to accidentally change their name, as the name field is automatically given focus. Has the potential to allow namejacking for unsuspecting users. --[[User:RoyCurtis|RoyCurtis]] 21:47, 29 October 2012 (EDT)
*# Wait until prompted to change password
*# Login to world
|actual=Dialog pops up; name field is focused
|workaround=Change password. Change back to old password if desired.
=== Tray icon ===
{{known issue|severity=minor|ver=Build 1315
|brief=Tray icon shows "Activeworlds" notification balloon on startup
*# Log into Active Worlds
|expected=Tray icon created in task bar
|actual=Tray icon created in task bar, but with junk "Activeworlds" notification
{{known issue|severity=minor|ver=Build 1315
|brief=Tray icon's "Notify on chat by trigger phrase" feature does not react to broadcast messages
|notes=This is an issue for those who rely on the feature in a world powered by a bot for global chat, which typically uses broadcast messages.
*# Find a world with global chat powered by a bot using broadcast messages
*#* ''At 10/2012, AWReunion is one such world''
*# Right click the browser's tray icon and go to "Tray and Notification Settings"
*# Set the "Notify on chat by trigger phrase:" field to "test" and press OK
*# In world, have another user say "test"
|expected=A tray icon notification is triggered, stating the phrase "test" was said
|actual=Nothing happens
|workaround=Rely only on whispers to trigger the notification
=== Interactivity ===
{{known issue|severity=major|ver=Build 1315
|brief=Objects with activate triggers require multiple clicks to successfully trigger
|notes=I am marking this as major, due to the widespread confusion this bug has caused as I have personally noted. --[[User:RoyCurtis|RoyCurtis]] 21:47, 29 October 2012 (EDT)
*# Create an object with the action "activate say hello" and press ENTER
*# Click the object 20 times whilst moving the cursor within its clickable area
|expected=The message "hello" should appear in chat 20 times
|actual=The message only appears between 5-15 times.
=== Chat ===
{{known issue|severity=minor|ver=Build 1315
|brief=Selecting text in chat sometimes breaks
*# In a world with chat activity, keep attempting to select text
*# Continue until at least three people have chatted whilst attempting the first step
|expected=Text selection still works and is visible
|actual=Text is no longer selectable
|workaround=Chatting a single space (" ") appears to fix this issue
{{known issue|severity=minor|ver=Build 1315
|brief=Browser only partially maps broadcast chat to senders
*# Find a world with global chat powered by a bot, that uses the standard "Name:\tMessage" format and uses broadcast messages for chat
*#* ''At 10/2012, AWReunion is one such world''
*# With speech bubbles enabled in browser, face another nearby user within ''local'' (200m by default) chat radius
*# Have that user say something in public chat
*# Attempt to right click their message, then click "Mute"
*# Have that user say something in public chat again
|expected=The other user's message should be right clickable with a context menu that identifies them. Their chat should be visible in a balloon above their avatar. When muted, their next message should not be visible in chat or in a balloon above.
|actual=The other user's message should be right clickable with a context menu that identifies them. Chat balloons are not visible. Mute does not apply.
=== Movers ===
{{meta issue|brief=Mover implementation is unpredictable
{{known issue|severity=major|ver=Build 1315
|brief=Attempting to link objects to a non-existent mover permanently prevents it and its duplicates from linking to any mover
|notes=I have noted this bug to cause issues of different variations, including linked objects disappearing when build mode is entered. This bug leaves the linked objects in an unpredictable state. --[[User:RoyCurtis|RoyCurtis]] 21:47, 29 October 2012 (EDT)
*# Ensure no movers within a 200m radius has the name "test"
*# Create an object with the action "create link test" and press ENTER
*# Create a [[mover]] with the name "test", then select another object
*# Select the mover entity again and check "Linking enabled" (due to related mover bug)
*# Press ENTER
*# Attempt to ride mover by standing on it and clicking
*# Move around.
|expected=The object with "create link test" should move with the mover; a successful link established
|actual=Not only does the object not move with the mover, but subsequent events to try and link it to the same or other mover fails. Duplicating the object and attempting to link the duplicate yields the same failure. It has become permanently broken.
|workaround=Delete the affected objects and duplicate from a nearby unaffected object. Never attempt to link an object to a non-existent mover.
{{known issue|severity=minor|ver=Build 1315
|brief=Linked objects with certain rotations do not rotate properly with a turning mover
|notes=I have personally hit this issue multiple times, however I am currently unable to find a configuration that reproduces this issue. I will continue investigating. --[[User:RoyCurtis|RoyCurtis]] 21:47, 29 October 2012 (EDT)
{{known issue|severity=major|ver=Build 1315
|brief=Movers require multiple clicks to successfully mount or wield
|notes=I am marking this as major, due to the widespread confusion this bug has caused as I have personally noted. --[[User:RoyCurtis|RoyCurtis]] 21:47, 29 October 2012 (EDT)
*# Create a mover with the following parameters and press ENTER:
*#* Model: pictwlkh
*#* Locked Av Pos: Checked
*#* Locked Av Yaw: Checked
*# Click the mover
*# If mounted successfully, press F12 to unmount
*# Repeat the above two steps 20 times
|expected=The mover should be mounted successfully 20 times
|actual=The mover only successfully mounts between 5-15 times
=== Particles ===
{{known issue|severity=minor|ver=Build 1315
|brief=Certain configurations of emitters destroy particles prematurely
|notes=I have personally hit this issue multiple times, however I am currently unable to find a configuration that reproduces this issue. I will continue investigating. --[[User:RoyCurtis|RoyCurtis]] 21:47, 29 October 2012 (EDT)
{{known issue|severity=minor|ver=Build 1315
|brief=Emitters with "Apply Rotation" set do not rotate non-sprite/facer particles
*# Create a particle emitter with the following settings:
*#* Particle type: Model
*#* Asset List: cyl4b.rwx <sup>Assumes AW based [[object path]]</sup>
*#* Tag Name: test
*#* Apply Rotation: Checked
*#* Volume X: 4.00 4.00
*# Create an object with the action "create tag test on, rotate 10 name=test"
|expected=The particle emitter constantly spawns a horizontal pole that is rotated outwards from the emitter's origin, much like a circular progress indicator
|actual=The emitter constantly spawns a horizontal pole as a ring around the emitter as expected, but the cylinder object itself is not rotated
=== Building ===
{{known issue|severity=critical|ver=Build 1315
|brief=Browser crashes when a linked object is selected immediately after modifying linked mover
*# Create a [[mover]] with the name "test", then select another object
*# Select the mover entity again and check "Linking enabled" (due to related mover bug)
*# Create an object with the action "create link test" and press ENTER
*# Select the mover entity and modify any parameters or move it any direction by one click
*# Select the linked object
|expected=The linked object is selected normally whilst the mover is updated
|actual=The browser crashes as the mover update is received
|workaround=Deselect the mover entity and wait up to five seconds before selecting linked objects
{{known issue|severity=minor|ver=Build 1315
|brief=Rotating linked objects with at least two non-zero rotations end up with different rotations
*# Create a [[mover]] with the name "test", then select another object
*# Select the mover entity again and check "Linking enabled" (due to related mover bug)
*# Create an object with the action "create link test" and press ENTER
*# Select the object and press END six times, then Numpad Star (*) six times
*# Select another object, then reselect the linked object
*# Press HOME or END once
*# Select another object
|expected=The object's roll should have been added or subtracted by 15 degrees and remain that way on de-select
|actual=The object appears to rotate to a completely different set of degrees, then when de-selected stays that way or resets back to the intended rotation
|workaround=Remove the link from the object's action code before applying complex rotations. Re-apply link after.
=== Presets ===
{{known issue|severity=critical|ver=Build 1315
|brief=Loading a malformed AWG hangs the browser
|notes=Although [[AWG]]s are technically of the propdump format, they are saved without the "prompdump version 4" header. Therefore, a potential useful ability to load propdumps with the header is squandered by this bug. --[[User:RoyCurtis|RoyCurtis]] 21:47, 29 October 2012 (EDT)
*# Open Notepad++ or other non-Microsoft Notepad application and type "This is not an AWG file"
*# Save the file as "Group.awg"
*#* ''Alternatively, change the extension of an existing non-AWG file to .AWG''
*# In the browser, select an object and click "Load Object Group"
*# Navigate to and select "Group.awg" or the extension-renamed file
*# Click OK
|expected=The browser should fail gracefully with an error (or in the case of a propdump with header, ignore the header and load as normal)
|actual=The browser hangs without recovery
{{known issue|severity=minor|ver=Build 1315
|brief=Loading an AWG object group sometimes does not automatically select all loaded parts
*# Select an object and click "Load Object Group"
*# Find and select a previously saved or downloaded object group, ideally with at least 10 parts
*# Click OK
*# Delete loaded parts
*# Repeat above steps five times
|expected=In every object group load attempt, all objects loaded should be automatically selected, ready for transformation
|actual=In some instances, some loaded objects are not selected automatically
{{known issue|severity=minor|ver=Build 1315
|brief=Loaded AWG parts are invisible
*# Select an object and click "Load Object Group"
*# Find and select a previously saved or downloaded object group, ideally with at least 10 parts
*# Click OK
|expected=The loaded object group's objects are visible
|actual=Some or all of the loaded object group's objects are invisible
=== [[CAV]]s ===
{{known issue|severity=minor|ver=Build 1315
|brief=In certain situations, a CAV's nose or face becomes deformed
|notes=I am unable to identify exact steps to reproduce this issue; it appears to trigger upon teleport or at random intervals. See [[:Image:CAVBug.jpg]] for an example screenshot. --[[User:RoyCurtis|RoyCurtis]] 21:47, 29 October 2012 (EDT)
|workaround=Select a legacy avatar from the list, then select "Custom Avatar" again. This may need to be repeated multiple times.
== [[SDK]] ==
:''Currently no known issues''
== [[World server]] ==
=== Chat ===
{{known issue|severity=minor|ver=Build 142
|brief=Native global chat channel does not function
*# Enter AW at {{tpraw|AW|0n|0e}}, have a second user go to {{tpraw|AW|1000n|1000e}}
*# Ensure both have set their "Talk to" option to "Global Chat" and "Listen to Global Chat" is checked
*# At agreed times, have both users chat messages
|expected=Both users will see each other's chat messages
|actual=Both users each see their own messages chatted on the global channel, but can not see one anothers' messages
== [[Universe server]] ==
:''Currently no known issues''
== Website ==
{{known issue|severity=minor|ver=10/2012
|brief=Products menu links to older version of SDK (Build 93)
*# Go to
*# Go to the "Products" menu and click "SDK"
|expected=Taken to Build 100 @
|actual=Taken to Build 93 @
|workaround=Use the Downloads page or [ click here].
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