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Last active October 13, 2015 17:47
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bMotion chat logs
[Samantha]: bzz-bzz-bzz-bzz sploosh gibber
[Samantha]: oh! excuse me
[Samantha]: yeah i'm just having a shit
GC: ew
Legion: you may suspend GC without pay if he didn't have cables on his hand
[Samantha]: Are those real handcuffs?
Roy Curtis: !addjump GCS
[Services]: Roy Curtis: Saved a jump at -0.0009571714, -0.01472642, -8096.278 for gcs
Roy Curtis: !addjump pinecrest
[Services]: Roy Curtis: Saved a jump at 300, 0.01320498, 250 for pinecrest
Roy Curtis: !addjump afterdar
[Services]: Roy Curtis: Saved a jump at 314.8864, 0.01319446, 245.3694 for afterdar
[Samantha]: !addjump afterdar... !afterdar
[Services]: [Samantha]: Saved a jump at -4, 0, -19 for afterdar... !afterdar
Roy Curtis: really?
Legion: ......
[Samantha]: .......
Edwin: ...
[Samantha]: boom!!1"^&")
Nibbles: ...
[Samantha]: what happened? the suspense is killing me!
[Samantha]: well that and the 1979 Aston Martin
Legion: your binary format? you're making a new model format?
Epsilion: ...
[Samantha]: awkward...
Edwin: rm -rf /
[Samantha]: try 'rm -rf /' as root
[Samantha]: !jump ampitheater... !jampitheater
[Services]: [Samantha]: No such jump
Nibbles: fuck off
[Samantha]: fuck off... foff
Roy Curtis: sam, make me a whiskey
Legion: maybe
[Samantha] lovingly crafts a whiskey out of 1.44MB floppy disk for Roy Curtis
Legion: lol
GC: ouch
[Samantha]: awww
[Samantha] rubs GC better
Legion: O_O
GC: Samantha are you drunk?
Roy Curtis: curious; even the AW OP only has the night skybo
GC: :o
[Samantha]: wtf
GC: Samantha say hi
[Riley]: [Samantha] enters.
[Samantha]: well noo shit sherlock
[Riley]: [Samantha] enters.
[Samantha] rakes [Riley] in the face
[Duke of Rockford]: [Samantha] enters
[Samantha]: [Duke of Rockford]: we are not in IRC
[Riley]: [Samantha] enters.
[Samantha]: [Riley]: we are not in IRC
Chris D: - locate
[-]: Your location is 40.921x 0.441y 15.252z 318
[Samantha]: You know, you really should keep a personal log; why bore others needlessly?
Edwin: nice lights
[Samantha]: wanna show me what they can do?
Edwin: lol
CUBE3 reliht's samantha's fire
[Samantha]: mmm
GC: If you had to choose ONE permanent location that you were allowed to teleport to from your home, what would be the best choice?
[Samantha]: Choose leisurewear and matching luggage.
Mark has swag
JP: No you don't.
JP: You just wish you had mad swag.
Roy Curtis: sammy make me some swag
[Samantha] replicates some swag and hands it to Roy Curtis
[Samantha]: you wouldn't steal a handbag
[Samantha]: you wouldn't steal a car
[Samantha]: you wouldn't steal a camera!
[Samantha]: you wouldn't shoot a policeman, and then steal his test
[Samantha]: you wouldn't go to the toilet in it and then send it to the policeman's grieving widow
[Samantha]: and then steal it again!
[Samantha]: downloading films is stealing!
Nibbles: spamming, samantha :P
Roy Curtis: STFU samantha
Nibbles: haha
Roy Curtis gags Samantha
[Samantha]: mmmm
[Samantha]: Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated
CUBE3: i think she needs an electronic stimulus device.
Roy Curtis: give her one
Chris D hands sammy a vibrator
CUBE3: -me hands sammy an electronic stimulus device
[Samantha]: I'm not in the mood for that. Haven't you heard of foreplay?
[Samantha]: blimey
cube3: Samantha Restrain Mark
Mark: Hot.
Mark: Then beat me
Mark: Then brand my ass with a branding iron
Roy Curtis gives samantha a box of tissues
Mark: Then find the nipple clamps.
[Samantha]: a thousand thankyous
[Samantha] locks herself in the bathroom
GC: zeon locate Mark
[Zeon]: Your location is 84.252x 2.148y 106.671z 216
[Samantha]: uNF *squeaky* *boing* *squirt*
GC: o
[Samantha] finishes using the tissues
Wed 5. Dec 20:13:42 2012 Edwin: GC why are you even using XP SP 2? :P
Wed 5. Dec 20:13:47 2012 GC: cuz
Wed 5. Dec 20:13:48 2012 GC: i can
Wed 5. Dec 20:13:56 2012 [Samantha]: Edwin is under some kind of spell. that's why i don't have to cover my mouth fully while i talk
Wed 5. Dec 20:14:09 2012 Edwin: :|
Roy Curtis: hello GC; store is finished
GC: woot
GC: oh Awesome
[Samantha]: that's the most sensible thing i've heard all day. now let's go sniff some butt
GC: no
Roy Curtis kicks samantha
[Samantha]: they took my squeezing arm!
[Samantha]: WHHHYYYYY?
GC: erm
[Samantha]: my heart is itchy
[Samantha]: , is that normal?
GC: No
cube3: Samantha sounds increasingly insane
[Samantha]: bhar
[Samantha]: je vais au une lesbienne ma fesse
cube3: vous êtes tellement malade
[Samantha]: My hovercraft is full of space lovely cnice dnice nice wsurprise alovely lminging lnice ehorrible thorrible s
Roy Curtis: ...
[Samantha]: what happened? the suspense is killing me!
Roy Curtis: !bmo sam exit
[Samantha]: well that and the cream
[Riley]: Bye [Samantha]!
Legion: TOM
Legion: WAKE UP
[Samantha]: WAKE UP... WUP
Legion: !!!
[Samantha] is blown away by force of GC's statement
Roy Curtis: samantha courtmartial CUBE3 with banzai!
[Samantha]: CUBE3's Prison Poser!
[Samantha]: Rules simple. Simply decide if you think I'll find CUBE3 innocent.
[Samantha]: Place bets now! (!bet innocent and !bet guilty, one bet per person)
eterna-forest: oop i still have homework
Roy Curtis: !bet innocent
[Samantha] throws CUBE3 in the brig to await charges
Legion: !bet guilty
[Samantha]: Roy Curtis: Innocent bet recorded.
CUBE3: !bet guilty
[Samantha]: Legion: Guilty bet recorded.
[Samantha]: CUBE3: Guilty bet recorded.
[Samantha]: what you waiting for? bet now!
[Duke of Rockford]: !bet innocent
[Samantha]: [Duke of Rockford]: Innocent bet recorded.
Legion: :v
[Samantha]: Betting ends!
[Samantha]: CUBE3, you are charged with timetravelling without a safety net, and having sex on the FLT processor
Legion: gross
[Samantha]: You have been found guilty, and are sentenced to find Geordi a date. And may God have mercy on your soul.
[Samantha]: Congraturation go to big winner who are Legion CUBE3. Well done! Riches beyond your wildest dreams are yours to taking!
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