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Last active April 1, 2016 07:22
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April Fools 2016 Skript
# ### April fools script by Roy Curtis
# ### Licensed under MIT, 2016
# ### References
# fools2016.join.%player% - boolean; whether a player got the flight ticket prank
# fools2016.spawn.%player% - boolean; whether a player got the spawn prank
# fools2016.home.%player% - boolean; whether a player got the home prank
# fools2016.gas.%player% - boolean; whether a player got the gas prank
# fools2016.tree.%player% - boolean; whether a player got the tree prank
# fools2016.mob.%player% - boolean; whether a player got the mob prank
# fools2016.bed.%player% - boolean; whether a player got the bed prank
# fools2016.sprint.%player% - boolean; whether a player got the sprint prank
# ### Configuration
chance : 10%
captain : AdminNameHere
home : e:world:-4175,153,-1977
# ### Commands
command /reset-fools2016 <player>:
description: Reset April Fools 2016 for a player (debugging purposes)
permission: server.moderator
executable by: players and console
delete {fools2016.join.%arg 1%}
delete {fools2016.spawn.%arg 1%}
delete {fools2016.home.%arg 1%}
delete {fools2016.gas.%arg 1%}
delete {fools2016.tree.%arg 1%}
delete {fools2016.mob.%arg 1%}
delete {fools2016.bed.%arg 1%}
delete {fools2016.sprint.%arg 1%}
message "*** April Fools 2016 reset for %arg 1%"
command /ride <player> <player>:
description: Allows the riding of a player
permission: server.moderator
executable by: players
if arg 1 is the player:
arg 2 is the player
message "&c*** You cannot ride yourself!"
exit trigger
make arg 1 ride arg 2
# ### Events
on join:
# Conditions
player can hold a paper
{fools2016.join.%player%} is not set
# Logic
wait 5 seconds
message "*** &c&lCONGRATULATIONS! &rYou're the &c1,000,000th&r visitor to the server! Check your inventory for a &cFREE GIFT&r!"
message "*** Performed join prank to %player%" to console
set {fools2016.join.%player%} to true
set {_gift} to a paper named "&7&oAirline ticket"
set the 1st line of {_gift}'s lore to "It's a free ticket for Admin Airlines!"
set the 2st line of {_gift}'s lore to "Give it to {@captain} for a free flight to anywhere you wish!"
give {_gift} to player
play wolf hearts on player
execute console command "/playsound random.levelup %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
on command "spawn" or "mvs":
# Conditions
player's gamemode is survival
{fools2016.spawn.%player%} is not set
chance of {@chance}
# Logic
wait 1 second
play hurt on player
message "&c*** Eek! You tumble headfirst into spawn!"
message "*** Performed spawn prank to %player%" to console
set {fools2016.spawn.%player%} to true
set {_gift} to a stick named "&7&oTwiggy twig"
set the 1st line of {_gift}'s lore to "You got this after falling into spawn!"
set the 2st line of {_gift}'s lore to "Will it remind you to be more careful?"
give {_gift} to player
on command "home":
# Conditions
{fools2016.home.%player%} is not set
chance of {@chance}
# Logic
cancel the event
execute console command "/mvtp %player% {@home}"
message "&c*** Whoops! You got lost on the way to your home!"
message "*** Performed home prank to %player%" to console
set {fools2016.home.%player%} to true
on mine:
# Conditions
player's gamemode is survival
block is ore
{fools2016.gas.%player%} is not set
chance of {@chance}
# Logic
loop (random number between 3 and 6) times:
create a fake explosion at a random block out of blocks in radius 2 around the block
message "&c*** Oops! You hit a gas pocket and got showered with stones!"
message "*** Performed mine prank to %player%" to console
set {fools2016.gas.%player%} to true
set {_gift} to a bonemeal named "&7&oUseless debris"
set the 1st line of {_gift}'s lore to "You got this after mining into a gas pocket!"
set the 2st line of {_gift}'s lore to "Maybe it'll be useful for something?"
give {_gift} to player
play hurt on player
on mine:
# Conditions
player's gamemode is survival
block is log
is raining or thundering in player's world
{fools2016.tree.%player%} is not set
chance of {@chance}
# Logic
strike lightning effect at the player
message "&c*** Woah! Freak lightning hit you whilst chopping a tree!"
message "*** Performed tree prank to %player%" to console
set {fools2016.tree.%player%} to true
set {_gift} to a rotten flesh named "&7&oSinged flesh"
set the 1st line of {_gift}'s lore to "This came off you after being struck by lightning!"
set the 2st line of {_gift}'s lore to "Is it worth something to someone?"
give {_gift} to player
on damage of a living entity:
# Conditions
attacker's gamemode is survival
victim is not a player
victim's name is not set
{fools2016.mob.%attacker%} is not set
chance of {@chance}
# Logic
play hurt on attacker
show mobspawner flames on victim
apply fire resistance 1 to the victim for 10 seconds
message "&c*** Ouch! That %victim's type% did not appreciate your aggression!" to attacker
message "*** Performed hurt prank to %attacker%" to console
set the victim's name to "Very angry %victim's type%"
set {fools2016.mob.%attacker%} to true
set {_gift} to a sugar named "&7&oSalt of %victim's type%"
set the 1st line of {_gift}'s lore to "You took this from a %victim's type% you angered!"
set the 2st line of {_gift}'s lore to "Does it make a nice gift to somebody?"
give {_gift} to attacker
on bed leave:
# Conditions
player's gamemode is survival
{fools2016.bed.%player%} is not set
chance of {@chance}
# Logic
play hurt on player
show mobspawner flames on player
message "&c*** You fell off the bed! Today is not going to be a good day!"
message "*** Performed bed prank to %player%" to console
set {fools2016.bed.%player%} to true
set {_gift} to a nether wart named "&7&oBruise"
set the 1st line of {_gift}'s lore to "You got this from falling off a bed!"
set the 2st line of {_gift}'s lore to "Will you treasure this forever?"
give {_gift} to player
on sprint toggle:
# Conditions
player's gamemode is survival
{fools2016.sprint.%player%} is not set
chance of {@chance}
# Logic
play hurt on player
message "&c*** Clumsy! You tripped as you started sprinting!"
message "*** Performed sprint prank to %player%" to console
set {fools2016.sprint.%player%} to true
set {_gift} to a gold nugget named "&7&oChipped tooth"
set the 1st line of {_gift}'s lore to "You got this from tripping whilst running!"
set the 2st line of {_gift}'s lore to "Can this make you rich?"
give {_gift} to player
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