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Inside Airbnb - Antwerp
download_data <- function(url, filename){
download.file(url = url, destfile = paste0(filename, ".csv"))
url_listings <- ""
url_reviews <- ""
download_data(url_listings, "listings")
download_data(url_reviews, "reviews")
#### CLEAN DATA ######
reviews <- read.csv("reviews.csv")
listings <- read.csv("listings.csv")
# convert date column
reviews$date <- as.Date(reviews$date)
# filter for reviews published since 01/01/2015
reviews_filtered <- reviews %>% filter(date > "2015-01-01")
# filter for `listings` that have received at least 1 review.
listings_filtered <- listings %>% filter(number_of_reviews > 1)
# merge the `reviews` and `listings` dataframes on a common columns (the type of join doesn't really matter since we already filtered out listings without any reviews)
df_merged <- reviews_filtered %>%
inner_join(listings_filtered, by = c("listing_id" = "id"))
# group the number of reviews by month and neighborhood.
df_grouped <- df_merged %>%
mutate(month = format(date, "%m"), year = format(date, "%Y")) %>%
group_by(year, month, neighbourhood) %>%
summarise(num_reviews = n())
# create date column
df_grouped$date <- as.Date(paste0(df_grouped$year, "-", df_grouped$month, "-01"))
# store the final data frame in `gen/data-preparation` as `aggregated_df.csv`
write.csv(df_grouped, "aggregated_df.csv")
# import the data from `gen/data-preparation/aggregated_df.csv`
df <- read.csv("aggregated_df.csv")
# create pivot table
df_pivot <- df %>% dcast(date ~ neighbourhood, fun.aggregate = sum, value.var = "num_reviews")
# export results
write.csv(df_pivot, "pivot_table.csv")
# import the data from `gen/analysis/pivot_table`
df_pivot <- read.csv("pivot_table.csv")
# convert the `date` column into date format.
df_pivot$date <- as.Date(df_pivot$date)
plot(x = df_pivot$date,
y = df_pivot$Universiteitsbuurt,
col = "red",
type = "l",
xlab = "",
ylab = "Total number of reviews",
main = "Effect of COVID-19 pandemic on Airbnb review count")
lines(df_pivot$date, df_pivot$Sint.Andries, col="blue")
lines(df_pivot$date, df_pivot$Centraal.Station, col="green")
legend("topleft", c("Universiteitsbuurt", "Sint Andries", "Centraal Station"), fill=c("red", "blue", "green"))
##### PLOT ALL #######
# import the data from `gen/data-preparation/aggregated_df.csv`
df <- read.csv("aggregated_df.csv")
# convert the `date` column into date format.
df$date <- as.Date(df$date)
# group by date and calculate the sum of all reviews across neighbourhoods.
df_groupby <- df %>% group_by(date) %>% summarise(num_reviews = sum(num_reviews))
# plot the chart and store the visualisation.
plot(x = df_groupby$date,
y = df_groupby$num_reviews,
type = "l",
xlab = "",
ylab = "Total number of reviews",
main = "Effect of COVID-19 pandemic on Airbnb review count")
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