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Last active November 5, 2019 12:42
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Gitlab runner values.yaml
## GitLab Runner Image
## ref:
# image: gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine-v11.6.0
## Specify a imagePullPolicy
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
## The GitLab Server URL (with protocol) that want to register the runner against
gitlabUrl: https://<GITLAB_URL>
## The Registration Token for adding new Runners to the GitLab Server.
runnerRegistrationToken: ""
## Unregister all runners before termination
unregisterRunners: true
## Configure the maximum number of concurrent jobs
concurrent: 10
## Defines in seconds how often to check GitLab for a new builds
checkInterval: 30
## For RBAC support:
create: true
## Run the gitlab-bastion container with the ability to deploy/manage containers of jobs
## cluster-wide or only within namespace
clusterWideAccess: true
## Configure integrated Prometheus metrics exporter
enabled: true
## Configuration for the Pods that that the runner launches for each new job
## Default container image to use for builds when none is specified
image: ubuntu:16.04
## Specify whether the runner should be locked to a specific project: true, false. Defaults to true.
locked: false
## Specify the tags associated with the runner. Comma-separated list of tags.
tags: "k8s,dev"
## Run all containers with the privileged flag enabled
privileged: true
## Namespace to run Kubernetes jobs in (defaults to the same namespace of this release)
namespace: <NAMESPACE>
## Distributed runners caching
cache: {}
## Build Container specific configuration and limits
builds: {}
## Service Container specific configuration and limits
services: {}
## Helper Container specific configuration
helpers: {}
## Service Account to be used for runners
serviceAccountName: gitlab-runner-gitlab-runner
## Configure resource requests and limits
resources: {}
## Affinity for pod assignment
affinity: {}
## Node labels for pod assignment
nodeSelector: {}
## List of node taints to tolerate (requires Kubernetes >= 1.6)
tolerations: []
## Configure environment variables that will be present when the registration command runs
value: kubernetes
## list of hosts and IPs that will be injected into the pod's hosts file
hostAliases: []
## Annotations to be added to manager pod
podAnnotations: {}
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