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Last active August 30, 2021 09:11
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  • Save RoySegall/8039f3dfe4814b28dd15465e87df5fe9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RoySegall/8039f3dfe4814b28dd15465e87df5fe9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# General aliases.
alias edit_aliases='code /Users/roy/.oh-my-zsh/custom/aliases.zsh'
alias reload_aliases='source ~/.zshrc'
alias video_to_gif='function video_to_gif(){ ffmpeg -i $1 $2 && gifsicle -O3 $2 -o $2 && say "Video is ready!"};video_to_gif'
alias www='cd /Users/roy/projects'
# the fuck -
eval $(thefuck --alias)
# Clicking services.
alias startBE='cd /Users/roy/projects/testimio && ./apps/services/ -k'
alias startFS='cd /Users/roy/projects/testimio && yarn --cwd apps/clickim start fs'
# gh cli alises.
alias myPrs='gh pr list --author @me'
alias createPr='gh pr create -w'
alias viewPr='gh pr view -w'
# Git aliases.
alias gck='git checkout'
alias gdf='git diff'
alias gpl='git pull'
alias gps='git push'
alias grh='git reset --hard @'
# Aliases with arguments.
gitCommitAm() {
git commit -am "$1"
gitCommitAmNoVerify() {
git commit -am --no-verify "$1"
gitRevertToMaster() {
git checkout master -- $1
gitRevertToBranch() {
git checkout $1 -- $2
alias gcm=gitCommitAm
alias gcmnf=gitCommitAmNoVerify
alias revertToMaster=gitRevertToMaster
alias revertToBranch=gitRevertToBranch
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