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Last active January 28, 2023 05:19
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Packwiz to Modrinth modpack format converter (outdated)
from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath
import pkg_resources as dist
try: dist.require(['tomli']) # python -m pip install tomli
except dist.DistributionNotFound as Error:
exit( + f'\nThe following dependency is missing: {Error.req}"')
from tomli import load as parse_toml
class ModrinthManager(object):
def __init__(self, packwiz_folder:Path, output_folder:Path) -> None:
self.root_dir = packwiz_folder
self.output_dir = output_folder if output_folder else Path()
with open(self.root_dir / "pack.toml", "rb") as file:
pack_info = parse_toml(file)
self.index = {
"formatVersion": 1,
"game": "minecraft",
"versionId": pack_info['version'] if 'version' in pack_info else input("Specify version of your pack: "),
"name": pack_info['name'], #if name is not exists, so... What the hell packwiz? Are you working with anonymous?
"summary": input("Describe your pack: "),
"files": [],
"dependencies": {
"minecraft": pack_info['versions']['minecraft']
match pack_info['versions']:
case {'fabric': fabric_version}: self.index['dependencies']['fabric-loader'] = fabric_version
case {'forge': forge_version}: self.index['dependencies']['forge'] = forge_version
except SyntaxError:
if 'fabric' in pack_info['versions']: self.index['dependencies']['fabric-loader'] = pack_info['versions']['fabric']
elif 'forge' in pack_info['versions']: self.index['dependencies']['forge'] = pack_info['versions']['forge']
from zipfile import ZipFile = ZipFile(self.output_dir / (self.index['name'] + ".mrpack"), "w")
def __del__(self) -> None:
from json import dumps"modrinth.index.json", dumps(self.index, indent=4))
def add_override(self, path:Path) -> None:
override_dir = PurePosixPath("overrides")
relative_path = path.relative_to(self.root_dir), override_dir / relative_path)
def add_mod(self, path:Path) -> None:
mods_dir = PurePosixPath("mods")
with open(path, "rb") as file:
mod_info = parse_toml(file)
mod_index = {
"path": str(mods_dir / mod_info['filename']),
"hashes": {mod_info['download']['hash-format']: mod_info['download']['hash']},
"downloads": [mod_info['download']['url']]
def main() -> None:
from argparse import ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser(description="Python script for converting packwiz to modrinth modpack format")
parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', dest='input_dir', type=Path, help='Specify packwiz pack directory', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='output_dir', type=Path, help='Specify output directory (optional)')
args = parser.parse_args()
manager = ModrinthManager(args.input_dir, args.output_dir)
with open(args.input_dir / "index.toml") as file:
index = parse_toml(file)
for file in index['files']:
if 'metafile' in file and file['metafile'] is True:
manager.add_mod(args.input_dir / file['file'])
else: manager.add_override(args.input_dir / file['file'])
if __name__ == "__main__":
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