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<h3>jQuery intro</h3>
<p>Raven @ 研 A 前端, 2013-04 </p>
<h3>jQuery intro</h3>
<li>從舊web時代單方資料 > 互動 <br>
we need more interaction! </li>
<li>server-side function > client-side script</li>
how we can start? > javascript
<section class="bear3">
你媽知道你在這op廢文嗎? 紅的明顯~
   ∩___∩           ∩___∩
|ˊ ︵ ︵ˋ科 ╴--一- ╴ー 科/︵ ︵ ˋ|
∕ (⊙)(⊙) 科 (/" " )". 科(⊙)(⊙) ˋ
|  ( _●_) ≡ :/  :::: ≡ (_<span class="notice">●</span>_ )  | (扭)
╴╴╴≡  |∪| ミ :i ─":| ミ﹑|∪|  ≡╴╴╴
ˋ___ ﹨ˊ \ ˋ..::: ij(_● /﹨ˊ ノ  ___ˊ
/ <span class="ps">HTML</span> /( ( r" <span class="ps">F2E</span> | ( /\ <span class="ps">CSS</span> \
/    ╱ ﹀ :|| |' i。 ﹀ \ \
(扭) / ╴/ :|:|  | |: ╲ ╴ \
(_ ˋ :ˋ| ::| | : ˊ _) (探頭)
| / ╲ } :, ::( ::} { /\ | ∩___∩
∪ () ::|' ::ˋ_ˊ () ∪ /︵ ︵ ˋ|
(⊙)(⊙) ˋ
≡ (_●_ )@ |
哈哈哈哈~你看看你 ミ﹑|∪| <span class="ps">JS</span> ≡
<li>html: content</li>
<li>css: style</li>
<li>javascript: behavior</li>
<h3>why jQuery?
<li><abbr title="document object model">DOM</abbr> 在各瀏覽器的不同 > jQuery fix!</li>
<li>成型早,前端功能完備 > plugin(s) support!</li>
<h3>jQuery: write less, do more.
<li>find element in DOM</li>
<li>change HTML content</li>
<li>listen to what user does &amp; react accordingly</li>
<li>animate content</li>
<li>talk over the network to fetch new content</li>
<h3>jQuery operate
<li>DOM modify</li>
<h3>jQuery: selector
<a href="">Sizzle.js</a>
<li>CSS-likes selector</li>
<li><p>left &lt; right(key selector) </p></li>
<h3>jQuery: selector
<h4><a href="">效率:</a></h4>
<p>ID > <br> tag > <br>  .class > <br>   :hover, :checked</p>
<p>native JS method is better:</p>
document.getElementsByClassName <span class="ps">// gte IE9</span>
document.querySelectorAll(selectors) <span class="ps">// gte IE8</span>
<span class="ps">/*ps: W3 querySelector 實作與 jQuery API 不同*/</span>
<h3>jQuery: selector
<h4><span class="notice">anti-pattern</span>
<li> $('div#someID') </li>
<li> $('#table tr #someID') </li>
<h4>class is good?</h4>
$('.someClass') <span class="notice">?</span> $('div.someClass')
<h3>jQuery: selector - CSS-likes
<h4><a href="">selector</a></h4>
<li>E > F</li>
<li>E + F</li>
<li>E ~ F</li>
<li><a href="">E[A=V]</a>: *^$~|!</li>
<li>:first, :last</li>
<li>:first-child, last-children, only-child</li>
<li><a href="">:nth-child(an+b)</a>, nth-of-type <a href="" title="有用的:nth-child秘方">圖例</a><br>
   前6個: -n+6 <br>
   6之後: n+6 <br>
   第5個: 5 <br>
   even|odd <br>
<li>eq == get, gt, lt</li>
:checked, :selected, :enabled, :disabled
:button, :text, :password, :radio, :checkbox, :reset, :image, :file,</li>
<h3>jQuery: selector - collection set - 1:
<li>find 子集搜尋</li>
<li><p>is, hasClass <span class="ps">!return boolean</span></p></li>
<li>not <span class="ps">操作原collection</span></li>
<li>filter <span class="ps">操作原collection</span></li>
<h3>jQuery: selector - collection set - 2:
<li><p>closest <span class="ps">向上最近</span></p></li>
├prevAll, perv
│ └children
└next. nextAll
<h3>DOM modify
attr, removeAttr
prop, removeProp <span class="ps">// valueless attribute: return boolean</span>
addClass, removeClass, toogleClass, hasClass
css, width, height
val, serialize, serializeArray
html, text
before, prepend, append, after
remove, empty, clone
wrapper, wrapperAll, wrapperInner
<h3>DOM modify
<h4><a href="">limit DOM Manipulation</a></h4>
<h4>DOM injection</h4>
<li>string += xxx <span class="ps">// gte IE8 已有改善</span><br><br></li>
<h3>DOM modify
<li><p>html is quick<br />
少用: prepend, append, after, before</p>
<li><p>data: 自訂屬性 > <a href="">$.data/.data</a></p></li>
<li><p>style:<br />
prefer class! <br><br>
<a href="">Append style tags when styling 15 or more elements</a>
<span class="notice">be careful at style numbers limit (32) at old IE</span>
<h3>Event -0, list
click, dbclick, toggle
hover, mouse[enter, down, up, leaver]
key[down, press, up]
blur, focus, change, select, submit, reset
on, off, one
ready, load, scroll, resize, unload
triggle, triggerHandler
<h3>Event -1, on
.on( events [, selector ] [, data ], handler(eventObject) );
<h3>Event -2, one
function fire() {
alert('fire in hole~');
.one('click', fire);
.on('click', function() {
<a href="">fiddle - on/one</a>
<h3>Event -3, delegate
$(document).on('click', '', fire);
$('').one('click', fire);
<a href="">fiddle - anti-delegate</a><br />
<a href="">fiddle - delegate</a><br />
<a href="">bind on document: event-performance</a>
<h3>Event -4, namespace
.on('', fire);
.on('click.hi', changeTxt);
<a href="">fiddle - namespace</a>
<a href="">fiddle - namespace/diff event</a>
<a href="">fiddle - on: object structure</a>
<h3>Event -5, <a href=""></a>
function greet(event) {
alert("Hello ";
$("button").on("click", { name: "Karl" }, greet);
$("button").on("click", { name: "Addy" }, greet);
<a href="">fiddle - namespace/diff event</a>
<h3>Event -6, others
<li>.ready() , .load()</li>
<li>event.currentTarget === this</li>
<li>event.preventDefault() , event.isDefaultPrevented() </li>
<li>event.stopPropagation() , event.isPropagationStopped() <a href="">fiddle</a></li>
<li>event.stopImmediatePropagation() , event.isImmediatePropagationStopped() <a href="">fiddle</a></li>
<li><a href="">event.result</a></li>
<li>event.pageX, event.pageY</li>
<li><a href="">event.timeStamp 時間戳</a></li>
<h3>other - load from CDN
&lt;script src="//"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;script&gt;<span class="notice">window.jQuery || document.write</span>('&lt;script src="mydomin/jquery-1.9.0.min.js"&gt;&lt;\/script&gt;')&lt;/script&gt;
<h3>other - protect $
<pre>var <span class="notice">j</span> = jQuery.noConflict();
// Now, instead of $, we use j.
<span class="notice">j</span>('#someDiv').hide();
<li>Passing jQuery(scope protect)
<pre>(function(<span class="notice">$</span>) {
// Within this function, $ will always refer to jQuery
})(<span class="notice">jQuery</span>);
<li>Passing $ via the Ready Method
<pre><span class="notice">jQuery</span>(document).ready(function(<span class="notice">$</span>) {
// $ refers to jQuery
<h3>other - speedly load, delay function
<li> $(document).ready </li>
<li> $(window).load </li>
<h3>other - speedly load, delay function
<li>for ? $.each </li>
<li> $('#anID') ? document.getElementById('someAnchor') </li>
<li>$.addClass ? $.css
<li>class: <span class="ps">most state</span></li>
<li>css: <span class="ps">dynamic number</span></li>
<div class="ps">時間、效能、品質 是三項無法同時最佳化的</div>
況且還有<span class="notice">維護</span>... <br> <br>
<a href="">demo</a>
<nav id="nav">
<script src=""></script>
<script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="mydomin/jquery-1.9.0.min.js"><\/script>')</script>
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var $title =$('section').find('h3'),
nav = $('#nav').find('ol'),
navC = '';
$.each($title, function(index){
var _this = $(this);
_this.attr('id', 'title-'+index);
navC += '<li><a href="#title-'+index+'">' + _this.text() + '</a></li>'
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