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Created November 14, 2013 16:49
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Save Rplus/7470156 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Pen by Rplus.

beforeAfter image compare

*goal: vertical/ horizontal / all-degrees comparimg 2 images

**unfinished: wait for fixing the transform-origin in big degree... orz

A Pen by Rplus on CodePen.


<div class="comparebox"></div>
'use strict'
var comparebox = {
ele_box: document.querySelectorAll('.comparebox')[0],
imgBox: ['img-box-r', 'img-box-l'],
init: function() {
var _this = this,
_box = _this.ele_box;
// init elements
_box.innerHTML = '<div class="' + _this.imgBox[0] + '"></div><div class="' + _this.imgBox[1] + '"></div><span></span>';
// add eles to comparebox
_this.imgLeft = _box.getElementsByTagName('div')[1];
_this.ctrl = _box.getElementsByTagName('span')[0];
bind: function() {
var _this = this,
_box = _this.ele_box,
_boxHh = _box.offsetHeight / 2,
_ctrl = _this.ctrl,
_xyRatio = (function() {
var allStyle = window.getComputedStyle(_ctrl, null),
transformStyle = allStyle.getPropertyValue('-webkit-transform') ||
allStyle.getPropertyValue('-moz-transform') ||
allStyle.getPropertyValue('-ms-transform') ||
allStyle.getPropertyValue('-o-transform') ||
return transformStyle ? transformStyle.split(',')[2] * 1 : 0; // tan(x): x:y radio
_this.ele_box.addEventListener('mousemove', function (event) {
var pos_x = event.clientX - _box.offsetLeft,
pos_y = event.clientY - _box.offsetTop - _boxHh,
op_x = pos_x - Math.round(pos_y * _xyRatio) + 'px'; = op_x; = op_x;
@import "compass";
// .compare > .img-box-r + img-box-l
// configs:
$imgs: ""
$boxW: 300px;
$boxH: 150px;
$ctrlW: 10px;
$compDeg: 30;
// color
$img-box-bgc: rgba(red, .1) rgba(red, .3);
$ctrl-bgc: rgba(red, .3);
$compDeg_s: #{$compDeg}deg;
@mixin prefix($prop, $val, $val2:null) {
@each $browser in moz, o, webkit, ms {
-#{$browser}-#{$prop}: $val $val2;
#{$prop}: $val;
@mixin skewX($val) {
@include prefix( transform, skewX($val) );
@mixin transform-origin($valX, $valY) {
@include prefix( transform-origin, $valX, $valY );
@mixin background-size($valX, $valY) {
@include prefix( background-size, $valX, $valY );
%box2D {
width: $boxW;
height: $boxH;
%imgbox {
@extend %box2D;
position: absolute;
overflow: hidden;
@if $compDeg != 0 {
@include skewX($compDeg_s);
@include transform-origin(0, 50%);
%img {
width: $boxW;
height: $boxH;
content: '';
position: absolute;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
@if $compDeg != 0 {
@include skewX(-$compDeg_s);
@include background-size( $boxW, $boxH );
.comparebox {
@extend %box2D;
position: relative;
margin: 0 auto;
overflow: hidden;
cursor: col-resize;
background-color: rgba(red, .15); // @debug
.img-box-r {
@extend %imgbox;
background-color: nth($img-box-bgc, 1);
&:after {
@extend %img;
background-image: url(nth($imgs, 1));
.img-box-l {
@extend %imgbox;
background-color: nth($img-box-bgc, 2);
&:after {
@extend %img;
background-image: url(nth($imgs, 2));
width: $boxW / 2; // @init
span {
position: absolute;
height: $boxH;
@if $ctrlW != 0 {
width: $ctrlW;
margin-left: -$ctrlW / 2;
@if $compDeg != 0 {
@include skewX($compDeg_s);
background-color: $ctrl-bgc; // @debug
left: $boxW / 2; // @init
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