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jackfuchs /
Last active July 19, 2024 17:38
Extends the object to CSS Properties
* To verify that a CSS property is supported
* (or any of its browser-specific implementations)
* @param p css property name
* @param rp optional, if set to true, the css property name will be returned
* instead of a boolean support indicator
* @return {mixed}
paulirish / rAF.js
Last active July 19, 2024 19:50
requestAnimationFrame polyfill
// requestAnimationFrame polyfill by Erik Möller. fixes from Paul Irish and Tino Zijdel
// MIT license
(function() {
var lastTime = 0;
var vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o'];
jlong / uri.js
Created April 20, 2012 13:29
URI Parsing with Javascript
var parser = document.createElement('a');
parser.href = "";
parser.protocol; // => "http:"
parser.hostname; // => ""
parser.port; // => "3000"
parser.pathname; // => "/pathname/"; // => "?search=test"
parser.hash; // => "#hash"; // => ""
rodw /
Last active July 15, 2024 20:56
A simple script to backup an organization's GitHub repositories, wikis and issues.
# A simple script to backup an organization's GitHub repositories.
# * Under the heading "CONFIG" below you'll find a number of configuration
# parameters that must be personalized for your GitHub account and org.
# Replace the `<CHANGE-ME>` strings with the value described in the comments
# (or overwrite those values at run-time by providing environment variables).
fat / gist:3744339
Created September 18, 2012 17:06
normalize jacob's iphone :P
/*! normalize-mobile.css v1.0.0 | MIT License */
/* ==========================================================================
HTML5 display definitions
========================================================================== */
* Prevents modern browsers from displaying `audio` without controls.
* Remove excess height in iOS 5 devices.
gnarf /
Last active April 12, 2024 22:00
git pr - Global .gitconfig aliases for Pull Request Managment


Either copy the aliases from the .gitconfig or run the commands in


Easily checkout local copies of pull requests from remotes:

  • git pr 4 - creates local branch pr/4 from the github upstream(if it exists) or origin remote and checks it out
  • git pr 4 someremote - creates local branch pr/4 from someremote remote and checks it out
hlb / erb.sublime-completions
Created August 20, 2013 03:07
Sublime Text 2/Packages/User/erb.sublime-completions
"scope": "text.html.ruby source.ruby.rails.embedded.html",
{ "trigger": "lorem_image", "contents": "lorem_image('$1', :random_color => true)" },
{ "trigger": "lorem_email", "contents": "lorem_email" },
{ "trigger": "lorem_date", "contents": "lorem_date" },
{ "trigger": "lorem_name", "contents": "lorem_name" },
wastemobile / gist:7268456
Last active December 27, 2015 04:39
據說 AngularJS 頁面若是被 IE8 以下的瀏覽器摸到,因為對 JSON 支援不足的緣故,會整個 View Template 直接秀出來,必須改用下面的寫法。IE 果真是網路的殺手啊~
<html ng-app id="ng-app" class="ng-app">
<head runat="server">
<!--[if lte IE 8]>
<script src=""></script>
We couldn’t find that file to show.