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Factorio TrainPathFinder
#include <Entity/Rail.hpp>
#include <Entity/RailSignalBase.hpp>
#include <Rail/RailBlock.hpp>
#include <Rail/RailPath.hpp>
#include <Rail/TrainPathFinder.hpp>
#include <Rail/RailSegment.hpp>
#include <Rail/RailUtil.hpp>
#include <Rail/Train.hpp>
#include <Util/Container/MinHeap.hpp>
#include <Log.hpp>
TrainPathFinderConstants TrainPathFinder::constants;
class TrainPathFinderNode : public MinHeap<TrainPathFinderNode>::ItemBase
enum class Type {
TrainPathFinderNode() = default;
TrainPathFinderNode(RailSegment* segment,
RailDirection enterDirection,
const TrainPathFinderNode* cameFrom,
uint32_t blockDistanceFromStart,
bool setSeen,
InChainSignalSection inChainSignalSection)
: cameFrom(cameFrom)
, segment(segment)
, blockDistanceFromStart(blockDistanceFromStart)
, enterDirection(enterDirection)
, inChainSignalSection(inChainSignalSection)
if (setSeen && this->segment)
this->segment->setSeen(this->enterDirection, inChainSignalSection, this);
if (this->segment)
this->segment->seenForwards = nullptr;
this->segment->seenBackwards = nullptr;
this->segment->seenForwardsInChainSequence = nullptr;
this->segment->seenBackwardsInChainSequence = nullptr;
this->segment->hasEnd = false;
bool operator<(const TrainPathFinderNode& other) const
assert(this->segment && other.segment);
if (this->segment != other.segment)
return this->segment->getID() < other.segment->getID();
if (this->enterDirection != other.enterDirection)
return this->enterDirection == RailDirection::Front && other.enterDirection == RailDirection::Back;
if (this->type != other.type)
return this->type < other.type;
return false;
const TrainPathFinderNode* cameFrom = nullptr;
double costFromStart = 0;
double heuristicCostToEnd = 0;
/** This is the end at which we enter the segment. */
RailSegment* segment = nullptr;
// how many blocks are there between this node and start node
uint32_t blockDistanceFromStart = 0;
RailDirection enterDirection;
InChainSignalSection inChainSignalSection = InChainSignalSection::False;
Type type = Type::Normal;
class Data
Data() = default;
Data(const Data&) = delete;
Data(Data&&) = delete;
Data& operator=(const Data&) = delete;
Data& operator=(Data&&) = delete;
~Data() = default;
MinHeap<TrainPathFinderNode> heap;
template<typename ... Ts>
TrainPathFinderNode* createNode(Ts&& ... values)
return new (this->nodeProvider.allocate())TrainPathFinderNode(std::forward<Ts>(values) ...);
TypeAwareMemoryPool<TrainPathFinderNode, 24, BlockExpandMode::DuringAllocate> nodeProvider;
class TrainPathFinderHeuristic
TrainPathFinderHeuristic() = delete;
TrainPathFinderHeuristic(const TrainPathFinder::Request& request);
~TrainPathFinderHeuristic() = default;
double costToEnd(const TrainPathFinderNode* node) const;
std::vector<MapPosition> goals;
void TrainPathFinder::findPath(Request& request)
uint32_t endsFound = 0;
if (request.type == TrainPathRequestType::GetAccessibleStateOfAllEnds)
request.endAccessabilities.reset(new std::vector<char>(request.toEnds.size()));
Data pfData;
TrainPathFinderHeuristic heuristic(request);
// setup special node for single segment solution
RailEnd* bestSingleSegmentPathEnd = nullptr;
double bestSingleSegmentDistance = 0;
for (RailEnd& toEnd : request.toEnds)
// straight path to the front
if (request.allowPathWithinSegmentFront &&
request.fromEndFront.rail &&
toEnd.rail->segment == request.fromEndFront.rail->segment)
double currentDistance = 0;
if (TrainPathFinder::findPathWithinSegment(request.fromEndFront, toEnd, currentDistance))
if (request.type == TrainPathRequestType::GetAccessibleStateOfAllEnds &&
TrainPathFinder::constructPath(request, toEnd, nullptr, endsFound))
if (bestSingleSegmentPathEnd == nullptr || currentDistance < bestSingleSegmentDistance)
bestSingleSegmentPathEnd = &toEnd;
bestSingleSegmentDistance = currentDistance;
// straight path to the back
if (request.allowPathWithinSegmentBack &&
request.fromEndBack.rail &&
toEnd.rail->segment == request.fromEndBack.rail->segment)
double currentDistance = 0;
if (TrainPathFinder::findPathWithinSegment(request.fromEndBack, toEnd, currentDistance))
if (request.type == TrainPathRequestType::GetAccessibleStateOfAllEnds &&
TrainPathFinder::constructPath(request, toEnd, nullptr, endsFound))
if (bestSingleSegmentPathEnd == nullptr || currentDistance < bestSingleSegmentDistance)
bestSingleSegmentPathEnd = &toEnd;
bestSingleSegmentDistance = currentDistance;
if (bestSingleSegmentPathEnd && (request.type != TrainPathRequestType::GetAccessibleStateOfAllEnds))
// there exists single segment path. Create special node (marker) so this solution is returned only when all other (multi segment) paths are worse
TrainPathFinderNode* singleSegmentPathMarker = pfData.createNode(bestSingleSegmentPathEnd->rail->segment, RailDirection::Front/*dummy*/, nullptr, 0, false /* setSeen */, request.inChainSignalSection);
singleSegmentPathMarker->type = TrainPathFinderNode::Type::SingleSegmentMarker;
singleSegmentPathMarker->insertTo(pfData.heap, bestSingleSegmentDistance);
// init starting nodes
if (request.fromEndFront.rail)
bool isCycle;
double costFromStart = 0;
RailDirection leaveSegmentDirection = TrainPathFinder::calcLeaveSegmentDirection(request.fromEndFront.rail,
if (!isCycle || request.allowPathWithinSegmentFront == false)
RailSegment* segment = request.fromEndFront.rail->segment;
// not setting seen in the first segment, so we can pathfind to the same segment we started in
TrainPathFinderNode* startNodeFront = pfData.createNode(segment, leaveSegmentDirection, nullptr, 0, false /* setSeen */, request.inChainSignalSection);
startNodeFront->type = TrainPathFinderNode::Type::StartNodeFront;
startNodeFront->costFromStart = costFromStart;
startNodeFront->heuristicCostToEnd = heuristic.costToEnd(startNodeFront);
startNodeFront->insertTo(pfData.heap, startNodeFront->costFromStart + startNodeFront->heuristicCostToEnd);
if (request.fromEndBack.rail)
bool isCycle;
double costFromStart = 0;
RailDirection leaveSegmentDirection = TrainPathFinder::calcLeaveSegmentDirection(request.fromEndBack.rail,
if (!isCycle || request.allowPathWithinSegmentBack == false)
RailSegment* segment = request.fromEndBack.rail->segment;
// not setting seen in the first segment, so we can pathfind to the same segment we started in
TrainPathFinderNode* startNodeBack = pfData.createNode(segment, leaveSegmentDirection, nullptr, 0, false /* setSeen */, request.inChainSignalSection);
startNodeBack->type = TrainPathFinderNode::Type::StartNodeBack;
startNodeBack->costFromStart = costFromStart;
startNodeBack->heuristicCostToEnd = heuristic.costToEnd(startNodeBack);
startNodeBack->insertTo(pfData.heap, startNodeBack->costFromStart + startNodeBack->heuristicCostToEnd);
for (const RailEnd& toEnd : request.toEnds)
if (RailSegment* segmentWithEnd = toEnd.rail->segment)
// dummy node so when it is destroyed, it will clear hasEnd flag
(void)pfData.createNode(segmentWithEnd, RailDirection::Front, nullptr, 0, false /* setSeen */, InChainSignalSection::False);
segmentWithEnd->hasEnd = true;
std::vector<Pair<RailSegment*, RailDirection>> scratch;
// main path finding logic
while (TrainPathFinderNode* currentNode = pfData.heap.pop_top())
RailSegment* currentSegment = currentNode->segment;
RailDirection currentLeaveDirection = currentNode->enterDirection.opposite();
if (currentSegment->hasEnd)
// found path check
if (currentNode->type == TrainPathFinderNode::Type::Normal)
// regular multi-segment path node. Check ends for possible path
for (const RailEnd& toEnd : request.toEnds)
if (toEnd.rail->segment == currentSegment &&
TrainPathFinder::findPathWithinSegment(currentSegment, currentNode->enterDirection, toEnd) &&
TrainPathFinder::constructPath(request, toEnd, currentNode, endsFound))
else if (currentNode->type == TrainPathFinderNode::Type::SingleSegmentMarker)
// special node that when reached, means that all other paths have worse cost than single segment
// solution that was already found. Use existing single segment solution instead
if (TrainPathFinder::constructPath(request, *bestSingleSegmentPathEnd, nullptr, endsFound))
continue; // never expand from this special node
InChainSignalSection inChainSignalSection = currentNode->inChainSignalSection;
if (!currentSegment->canEverLeaveSegment(currentLeaveDirection, &inChainSignalSection, request.train))
// expand neighbors
for (Pair<RailSegment*, RailDirection> neighbor : currentSegment->getSegmentsWithEnterDirections(currentLeaveDirection, scratch))
RailSegment *neighborSegment = neighbor.first;
RailDirection neighborEnterDirection = neighbor.second;
// one way segment
if (!neighborSegment->canEverEnterSegment(neighborEnterDirection, &inChainSignalSection, request.train))
TrainPathFinderNode* seenNode = nullptr;
if (neighborEnterDirection == RailDirection::Enum::Front)
if (inChainSignalSection == InChainSignalSection::False)
seenNode = neighborSegment->seenForwards;
seenNode = neighborSegment->seenForwardsInChainSequence;
if (inChainSignalSection == InChainSignalSection::False)
seenNode = neighborSegment->seenBackwards;
seenNode = neighborSegment->seenBackwardsInChainSequence;
double costFromStart = currentNode->costFromStart;
if (seenNode)
// node was already expanded (exists and is detached), no need to process this neighbor again
if (!seenNode->is_linked())
// early skip if existing path is better (same heuristic on both sides skipped)
if (seenNode->costFromStart <= costFromStart)
// Transition from currentSegment to neighbor penalties
RailSignalBase* neighborInSignal = neighborSegment->getSignalIn(neighborEnterDirection);
RailSignalBase* outSignal = currentSegment->getSignalOut(currentLeaveDirection);
if ((outSignal && (outSignal->getReservedByCircuitNetwork() || outSignal->getReserveForCircuitNetworkWhenPossible()))
|| (neighborInSignal && (neighborInSignal->getReservedByCircuitNetwork() || neighborInSignal->getReserveForCircuitNetworkWhenPossible())))
costFromStart += TrainPathFinder::constants.signalReservedByCircuitNetworkPenalty;
if (currentSegment->getStop(currentLeaveDirection) && currentNode->type == TrainPathFinderNode::Type::Normal)
costFromStart += TrainPathFinder::constants.trainStopPenalty;
if (neighborSegment->getStop(neighborEnterDirection))
costFromStart += TrainPathFinder::constants.trainStopPenalty;
// Add some cost to the path depending on what are the trains doing in the block
if (neighborSegment->getBlock() != currentSegment->getBlock())
for (auto& item : neighborSegment->getBlock()->getTrainsInBlock())
const Train* neighbourTrain = item.first;
if (neighbourTrain == request.train)
switch (neighbourTrain->getState())
case TrainState::WAIT_STATION:
costFromStart += TrainPathFinder::constants.trainInStationPenalty;
if (neighbourTrain->getTicksInStation() == uint32_t(-1))
costFromStart += TrainPathFinder::constants.trainInStationWithNoOtherValidStopsInSchedule;
case TrainState::ARRIVE_STATION:
costFromStart += TrainPathFinder::constants.trainArrivingToStationPenalty;
case TrainState::MANUAL_CONTROL:
if (neighbourTrain->getSpeed() == 0)
if (neighbourTrain->hasPassenger())
costFromStart += TrainPathFinder::constants.stoppedManuallyControlledTrainPenalty;
// The train is in manual mode with no passenger - it's not going to move any time soon.
costFromStart += TrainPathFinder::constants.stoppedManuallyControlledTrainWithoutPassengerPenalty;
case TrainState::ARRIVE_SIGNAL:
costFromStart += TrainPathFinder::constants.trainArrivingToSignalPenalty;
case TrainState::WAIT_SIGNAL:
costFromStart += neighbourTrain->getTicksWaitingAtSignal() * TrainPathFinder::constants.trainWaitingAtSignalTickMultiplierPenalty +
case TrainState::NO_PATH:
costFromStart += TrainPathFinder::constants.trainWithNoPathPenalty;
default: break;
// Neighbor segment penalties
if (!neighborSegment->getBlock()->isFree(request.train))
costFromStart += (2 * neighborSegment->getLength()) / (currentNode->blockDistanceFromStart + 1);
costFromStart += neighborSegment->getLength();
// node expand/update
uint32_t newBlockDistanceFromStart = currentNode->blockDistanceFromStart;
if (currentSegment->getBlock() != neighborSegment->getBlock())
if (seenNode)
// skip if existing path is better (same heuristic on both sides skipped)
if (seenNode->costFromStart <= costFromStart)
seenNode->cameFrom = currentNode;
seenNode->blockDistanceFromStart = newBlockDistanceFromStart;
seenNode->costFromStart = costFromStart;
seenNode->decreaseValue(seenNode->costFromStart + seenNode->heuristicCostToEnd);
TrainPathFinderNode* newNode = pfData.createNode(neighborSegment,
true /* setSeen */,
newNode->costFromStart = costFromStart;
newNode->heuristicCostToEnd = heuristic.costToEnd(newNode);
newNode->insertTo(pfData.heap, newNode->costFromStart + newNode->heuristicCostToEnd);
// no path
TrainPathFinderHeuristic::TrainPathFinderHeuristic(const TrainPathFinder::Request& request)
for (const RailEnd& toEnd : request.toEnds)
this->goals.push_back(toEnd.rail->getPosition(0.0, toEnd.direction));
double TrainPathFinderHeuristic::costToEnd(const TrainPathFinderNode* node) const
RailDirection leaveDirection = node->enterDirection.opposite();
Rail* lastRail = node->segment->getEndRail(leaveDirection);
RailDirection lastRailDirection = RailSegment::getEndRailDirectionTo(lastRail, leaveDirection);
MapPosition position = lastRail->getPosition(0.0, lastRailDirection);
double lowestDistanceSquared = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
for (const MapPosition& goal : this->goals)
lowestDistanceSquared = std::min(lowestDistanceSquared, position.distanceSquared(goal));
return Math::sqrt(lowestDistanceSquared);
bool TrainPathFinder::constructPath(Request& request, const RailEnd& toEnd, const TrainPathFinderNode* lastNode, uint32_t& endsFound)
if (request.type == TrainPathRequestType::GetAccessibleStateOfAllEnds)
if (!(*request.endAccessabilities)[&toEnd - &request.toEnds[0]])
(*request.endAccessabilities)[&toEnd - &request.toEnds[0]] = true;
return endsFound == request.endAccessabilities->size();
return false;
if (request.type == TrainPathRequestType::GetAccessibleStateOfAnyEnd)
request.someEndAccessible = true;
return true;
RailPathCollector pathCollector;
// when we encounter first rail from the opposite direction we are finished
RailEnd stopFront(request.fromEndFront.rail, request.fromEndFront.direction.opposite());
RailEnd stopBack(request.fromEndBack.rail, request.fromEndBack.direction.opposite());
bool stoppedAtFront;
// we go through the whole path backwards and in the end we will reverse it
// the reason for going backwards is that the nodes can be tracked from the end to the beginning only
// add rails from the last node
if (TrainPathFinder::addRailsToPath(toEnd.rail,
lastNode == nullptr || lastNode->cameFrom == nullptr))
if (request.type == TrainPathRequestType::SimpleRailPath)
return true;
// add rails from the intermediate segments
const TrainPathFinderNode* node = lastNode->cameFrom;
while (node != nullptr)
// start from the rail at the end of the segment where we left the segment
Rail* lastRail = node->segment->getEndRail(node->enterDirection.opposite());
RailDirection goBackDirection = RailSegment::getEndRailDirectionTo(lastRail, node->enterDirection.opposite()).opposite();
if (TrainPathFinder::addRailsToPath(lastRail,
node->cameFrom == nullptr))
if (request.type == TrainPathRequestType::SimpleRailPath)
return true;
node = node->cameFrom;
LOG_AND_ABORT("Failed to construt path.");
bool TrainPathFinder::addRailsToPath(Rail* rail,
RailDirection direction,
const RailEnd& stopEndFront,
const RailEnd& stopEndBack,
RailPathCollector& pathCollector,
bool& stoppedAtFront,
bool isLastSegment)
Rail::PlainIterator it = Rail::PlainIterator(rail, direction);
while (!it.ended() &&
it.rail->segment == rail->segment &&
(!isLastSegment || it.rail != stopEndFront.rail || it.direction != stopEndFront.direction) &&
(!isLastSegment || it.rail != stopEndBack.rail || it.direction != stopEndBack.direction))
// Abort on intersection even if it goes into same segment. This is to not collect rails that are from
// other node as going in cycle would end where we started, not where node ends and path would not be contiguous
// when next node rails would be collected
if (it.rail && it.rail->connection(it.direction.opposite()).getConnectionCount() != 1)
return false;
if (!it.ended() && isLastSegment && it.rail == stopEndFront.rail && it.direction == stopEndFront.direction)
stoppedAtFront = true;
return true;
if (!it.ended() && isLastSegment && it.rail == stopEndBack.rail && it.direction == stopEndBack.direction)
stoppedAtFront = false;
return true;
return false;
RailDirection TrainPathFinder::calcLeaveSegmentDirection(Rail* rail,
RailDirection direction,
bool& isCycle,
double& distance)
Rail* last = rail;
Rail* firstEdgeRail = nullptr;
if (rail->segment->isEndRail(rail))
firstEdgeRail = rail;
Rail::PlainIterator it = ++Rail::PlainIterator(rail, direction);
while (!it.ended() &&
it.rail->segment == rail->segment)
last = it.rail;
distance += last->length();
// this covering a very special case, where we have a cycle with one extra junction
if (it.rail && it.rail->connection(it.direction.opposite()).getConnectionCount() != 1)
isCycle = false;
return last->segment->getSegmentEndDirection(last, direction);
if (firstEdgeRail == nullptr && rail->segment->isEndRail(last))
firstEdgeRail = last;
isCycle = it.isCycle();
assert(last->segment->isEndRail(last) || isCycle);
// when is a cycle the return value is not used anyway
if (isCycle)
return firstEdgeRail == rail->segment->getFrontRail() ? RailDirection::Front : RailDirection::Back;
return last->segment->getSegmentEndDirection(last, direction);
bool TrainPathFinder::findPathWithinSegment(const RailEnd& fromEnd, const RailEnd& toEnd, double& distance)
// simple case when the toRail is at the end
Rail::PlainIterator it = Rail::PlainIterator(fromEnd.rail, fromEnd.direction);
while (!it.ended() &&
it.rail->segment == fromEnd.rail->segment &&
(it.rail != toEnd.rail || it.direction != toEnd.direction))
distance += it.rail->length();
// wee need to avoid intersections even when it is the same segment, as the rails can be connected by a loop from the other side.
// the lack of intersection from the last rail to this one is already guarded by the Rail::PlainIterator::operator++,
// but there can be intersection that merges the two rails.
if (it.rail && it.rail->connection(it.direction.opposite()).getConnectionCount() != 1)
return false;
return (!it.ended() && it.rail == toEnd.rail && it.direction == toEnd.direction);
bool TrainPathFinder::findPathWithinSegment(RailSegment* segment, RailDirection enterDirection, const RailEnd& toEnd)
assert(segment == toEnd.rail->segment);
Rail* fromRail = segment->getEndRail(enterDirection);
RailDirection fromDirection = RailSegment::getEndRailDirectionTo(fromRail, enterDirection).opposite();
double distance = 0;
return TrainPathFinder::findPathWithinSegment(RailEnd(fromRail, fromDirection), toEnd, distance);
TrainPathFinder::Request::Request(TrainPathRequestType type,
const RailEnd& fromFront,
const RailEnd& fromBack,
std::vector<RailEnd>&& toEnds,
Train* train,
InChainSignalSection inChainSignalSection)
: fromEndFront(fromFront)
, fromEndBack(fromBack)
, toEnds(std::move(toEnds))
, train(train)
, type(type)
, inChainSignalSection(inChainSignalSection)
TrainPathFinder::Request::Request(TrainPathRequestType type,
Train* from,
std::vector<RailEnd>&& toEnds,
InChainSignalSection inChainSignalSection,
SearchDirection searchDirection)
: fromEndFront(nullptr, RailDirection::Front) // these are assigned in the end
, fromEndBack(nullptr, RailDirection::Front)
, toEnds(std::move(toEnds))
, train(from)
, type(type)
, inChainSignalSection(inChainSignalSection)
Train::TrainEnd frontEnd = this->train->getFrontEnd();
Train::TrainEnd backEnd = this->train->getBackEnd();
Rail* frontRail;
Rail* backRail;
if (searchDirection == SearchDirection::RespectMovementDirection)
// the path is searched only in the direction of movement (or in both when stopped)
frontRail = this->train->getSpeed() >= 0 && !this->train->getFrontMovers().empty() ? frontEnd.getRail() : nullptr;
backRail = this->train->getSpeed() <= 0 && !this->train->getBackMovers().empty() ? backEnd.getRail() : nullptr;
else if (searchDirection == SearchDirection::AnyDirectionWithLocomotives)
frontRail = !this->train->getFrontMovers().empty() ? frontEnd.getRail() : nullptr;
backRail = !this->train->getBackMovers().empty() ? backEnd.getRail() : nullptr;
// for pathfinding the from direction is the outgoing direction from the rail
this->fromEndFront = RailEnd(frontRail, frontEnd.getFromDirection().opposite());
this->fromEndBack = RailEnd(backRail, backEnd.getFromDirection());
TrainPathFinder::Request::~Request() = default;
#pragma once
#include <Rail/InChainSignalSection.hpp>
#include <Rail/RailEnd.hpp>
#include <Rail/TrainPathFinderConstants.hpp>
#include <Rail/TrainPathRequestType.hpp>
#include <Util/TypeAwareMemoryPool.hpp>
class RailPathCollector;
class RailPath;
class SimpleRailPath;
class RailSegment;
class Train;
class TrainPathFinderNode;
class TrainPathFinder
enum class SearchDirection
class Request
Request(TrainPathRequestType type,
const RailEnd& fromFront,
const RailEnd& fromBack,
std::vector<RailEnd>&& toEnds,
Train* train,
InChainSignalSection inChainSignalSection);
Request(TrainPathRequestType type,
Train* from,
std::vector<RailEnd>&& toEnds,
InChainSignalSection inChainSignalSection,
SearchDirection searchDirection);
/** The are two possible starts because we can go from front or from the back of the train.
For the start direction is the outgoing direction. */
RailEnd fromEndFront;
RailEnd fromEndBack;
std::vector<RailEnd> toEnds; // For the goal direction is the outgoing direction as well.
Train* train;
TrainPathRequestType type;
// When true, the resulting path mustn't encounter closed signal until it reaches the chain signal sequence exit
InChainSignalSection inChainSignalSection = InChainSignalSection::False;
bool allowPathWithinSegmentFront = true; // the target stop is already on my rail, but the train is too far to be aligned,
// so I need to find a path around to re-approach the station
bool allowPathWithinSegmentBack = true;
std::unique_ptr<RailPath> railPathResult; // related to TrainPathRequestType::Normal
std::unique_ptr<SimpleRailPath> simpleRailPathResult; // related to TrainPathRequestType::SimpleRailPath
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<char>> endAccessabilities; //related to TrainPathRequestType::GetAccessibleStateOfAllEnds
bool someEndAccessible = false; // related to TrainPathRequestType::GetAccessibleStateOfAnyEnd
static void findPath(Request& request); // stores the result(s) into the request class depending on what is requested
/** Searches for a path within the segment. */
static bool findPathWithinSegment(const RailEnd& fromEnd, const RailEnd& toEnd, double& distance);
/** Wrapper around previous function version. Transforms segmentStartEnd to rail and it inner direction. */
static bool findPathWithinSegment(RailSegment* segment, RailDirection enterDirection, const RailEnd& toEnd);
static bool constructPath(Request& request, const RailEnd& toEnd, const TrainPathFinderNode* lastNode, uint32_t& endsFound);
/** Helper function for path construction.
* @return true if hit the stopRail from the stopDirection */
static bool addRailsToPath(Rail* rail,
RailDirection direction,
const RailEnd& stopFront,
const RailEnd& stopBack,
RailPathCollector& pathCollector,
/** Whether we hit the stopRailFront or StopRailBack.*/
bool& stoppedAtFront,
bool isLastSegment);
/** If we start on rail and follow the direction at what segment direction will we leave the rail segment. */
static RailDirection calcLeaveSegmentDirection(Rail* rail, RailDirection direction, bool& isCycle, double& distance);
static TrainPathFinderConstants constants; // these are copied from UtilityConstants on load for faster access
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Where is the part that chooses the optimal path to running the most players over?

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