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Last active September 24, 2022 15:18
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  • Save RubanDurai/c9e29e60b993fa16dbbed48b8b1d2322 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# Note :
## These Must be Filled to Work.
TG_BOT_TOKEN1 = "2062466460:AAHYXne6vqcwnUCnasPWkhkPCJnJCz6f46k" # Create a Bot using @BotFather in Telegram, and get the Telegram API Token.
APP_ID1 = 6596420 # Get this Value from or Any API Scrapper Bot
API_HASH1 = "d052e942057719c009374ea083a1a57d" # Get this Value from or Any API Scrapper Bot
OWNER_ID = 1389078939 # ID of the Bot Owner or Controller, He can be abled to access bot in Private Chat (PM).
AUTH_CHANNEL = "-1001517048636" #Add IDs separated by a SPACE (Like : -100xxxxxxxx -100xxxxxxxx -100xxxxxxxx)
# Multiple Clients >>>>>>>>
# Note :
## These Vars are Needed for Multiple Bots to Run in Single Deploy, Just the Storage Issue !!
## Fill them All in 3 Pairs , or it will Not Work
## UserNames are Some Other Things are Still Bug to Use in it.
TG_BOT_TOKEN2 = "" # Create a Bot using @BotFather in Telegram, and get the Telegram API Token.
APP_ID2 = # Get this Value from or Any API Scrapper Bot
API_HASH2 = "" # Get this Value from or Any API Scrapper Bot
TG_BOT_TOKEN3 = "" # Create a Bot using @BotFather in Telegram, and get the Telegram API Token.
APP_ID3 = # Get this Value from or Any API Scrapper Bot
API_HASH3 = "" # Get this Value from or Any API Scrapper Bot
# So On . . . (NO LIMITS [Powerful Server or VPS]) (Just Use Less, As if there is Storage Issue)
# Heroku Creds >>>>>>>>
# Note :
## These Must be Filled for /restart dyno and /restart kill
HEROKU_API_KEY = "4de95548-f9b7-4fd3-9680-6bab81d4e0c4" # Get from
HEROKU_APP_NAME = "tamil-leechda" # Copy the App Name and Put in It
UPSTREAM_REPO = "" # Give your Forked Repo Link or Main Repo Link
UPSTREAM_BRANCH = "h-code" # Permanent Until, Other Branches are Released !!
UPDATE_EVERYTHING_WHEN_RESTART = False # Update All Packages on Update or Restart
# Authorised Chat Functions >>>>>>>>>>>
# Note :
## These User can Use the Bot in Private Chat.
## To Exclude them from Restrictions, Put the Chat IDs in EXCEP_CHATS
SUDO_USERS = "" # Put User Ids Separated by Space
# Download Directory >>>>>>>>>>>
# Note :
## Don't Change any Value Unless you know what you are doing !!
DEF_THUMB_NAIL_VID_S = "" # Put yt-dlp Default Thumbnail to Show !!
# Database Handler >>>>>>>>>>>
# Note :
## Generate Database URL from Heroku or Railway or ElephantSQL
DATABASE_URL = "" # Put Database URL of PostgreSQL
# Internal Requirements >>>>>>>>>>>
# Note:
## Change According to your Requirements or Don't Change Anything
EDIT_SLEEP_TIME_OUT = 10 # Handle FloodWait with This, put 7 to 15 for Optimum Condition
MAX_TIME_TO_WAIT_FOR_TORRENTS_TO_START = 600 # Check and Cancel Torrent According to Time in sec
MAX_TG_SPLIT_FILE_SIZE = 2095242840 # Optimed with Split File Limit, Change if you Need Less MB Files in Bytes
# Vars for the Display Progress >>>>>>>>
# Note :
## Get any Cool Emoji from
# Add Offensive API >>>>>>>>
CUSTOM_FILE_NAME = "" # Put this if you Need Permanent as FileName Prefix
#Bot Command [Leech] >>>>>>>>>>>
# Note :
## Change Command As Your Requirements
## This Commands will be Auto Set in BotFather on Restart
LEECH_UNZIP_COMMAND = "leechunzip"
LEECH_ZIP_COMMAND = "leechzip"
GLEECH_UNZIP_COMMAND = "gleechunzip"
GLEECH_ZIP_COMMAND = "gleechzip"
#Bot Command [yt-dlp] >>>>>>>>>>>
# Note :
## Change Command As Your Requirements
## This Commands will be Auto Set in BotFather on Restart
YTDL_COMMAND = "leechwatch"
#Bot Command [RClone] >>>>>>>>>>>
# Note :
## Change Command As Your Requirements
## This Commands will be Auto Set in BotFather on Restart
RCLONE_CONF_URL = "" # Put Gist URL of the RCone Config file, else put your rclone.conf file in Root Directory
DESTINATION_FOLDER = "Tamilmirror" # This is the Folder Name in your Personal or Team Drive where Files will be Uploaded
INDEX_LINK = "" # Put Multiple Indexes Separated by space,
GET_SIZE_G = "getsize"
CLONE_COMMAND_G = "gclone"
#Bot Command [Miscs] >>>>>>>>>>>
# Note :
## Change Command As Your Requirements
## This Commands will be Auto Set in BotFather on Restart
SAVE_THUMBNAIL = "sethumb"
CLEAR_THUMBNAIL = "clearthumb"
UPLOAD_AS_DOC = "False" # True or False : For Permanent Uploading as Document, Default is Video Type
USER_DTS = True # Give Extra Details and Logging on Leeching
#Telegraph Creds >>>>>>>>>>>
# Note :
## Use Your Name or Anything !!
## In TGH_AUTHOR_URL, Use Channel URL or Any Link to Redirect
#Bot Command [Custom Bot Cmd Name] >>>>>>>>>>>
# Note :
## Change Command As Your Requirements
## This Commands will be Auto Set in BotFather on Restart
SET_BOT_COMMANDS = "True" # True or False : If you Want auto Bot set Command
TOGGLE_VID = "togglevid"
TOGGLE_DOC = "toggledoc"
RCLONE_COMMAND = "rclone" # Required for Changing Drives Instantly by this Command
SPEEDTEST = "speedtest"
MEDIAINFO_CMD = "mediainfo"
CAP_STYLE = "code" # Default Caption of Files, Available Options : b, code, i, u, strike, spoiler
BOT_NO = "" # Put this a Numeber Like 4, Commands Will be /leech4, /savethumb4, etc
#Bot Command [Token Utils] >>>>>>>>>>>
# Note:
## Put all Creds Optained from Accounts
## Put Default Uptobox Token if you don't have Premium Account
EMAIL = "" # Email for Multiple AppDrive DL Supported Sites, Put the Same in All Sites, Else will Not work
PWSSD = "" # Password for Multiple AppDrive DL Supported Sites, Put the Same in All Sites, Else will Not work
GDRIVE_FOLDER_ID = "" # Usage for AppDrive DL
CRYPT = "" # Usage for GDToT
HUB_CRYPT = "" # Usage for HubDrive
DRIVEFIRE_CRYPT = "" # Usage for DriveFire
KATDRIVE_CRYPT = "" # Usage for KatDrive
KOLOP_CRYPT = "" # Usage for Kolop
DRIVEBUZZ_CRYPT = "" # Don't Put Broken
GADRIVE_CRYPT = "" # Don't Put Broken
#Bot Command [IMDB & AniList] >>>>>>>>>>>
CUSTOM_CAPTION = "" # Permanent Custom Caption for Files Upload
MAX_LIST_ELM = "" # Max List Items for IMDB Categories ( Actors, Language, Directors, etc )
IMDB_TEMPLATE = "" # Put Default IMDB Template for Usage
ANILIST_TEMPLATE = "" # Put Default AniList Template for Usage
#Bot Command [Bot PM & Log Channel] >>>>>>>>>>>
# Note:
## Bot Must Be Admin in all the Channels IDs else will Not Work
## If STRING_SESSION Given, Add Telegram Premium Account as Admin in All the Channels IDs you have Put
LEECH_LOG = "-1001190658285" # Channel ID for Leech LOG ( Single Channel )
EX_LEECH_LOG = "" # Extra Channel IDs Separated By Space, Must Put LEECH_LOG for this Variable to Work
EXCEP_CHATS = "" # Don't Put Anything Here # Bug # Exception Channel IDs (-100xxxxxx) separated By spaces
BOT_PM = "True" # True or False , For Sending Files in Users Bot Private Chat
# 4 GB Upload Utils >>>>>>>>>>>
# Note :
## Bot and UserBot Must be in PRM_LOG Channel with Admin Previleges.
## If provided PRM_USERS, only Those in that var can Use 2GB+ Advantages else Keep Empty .
PRM_USERS = "" # User IDs Separated by Spaces [ Those Who will Use 2GB+ Previleges ]
PRM_LOG = "" # Channel ID (-100xxxxxx) where UserBot will Upload 2GB+ Files
STRING_SESSION = "" # Telegram Premium Account StringSession
# Bot Theme [ UI & Customization ] >>>>>>>>
# Note :
## Available Themes : fx-optimized-theme , fx-minimal-theme
## Not Completed Fully : Language Section
BOT_THEME = "fx-optimised-theme"
BOT_LANG = "english"
# ForceSubscribe [ Channel ] >>>>>>>>
# Note :
## Bot Must be in the ForceSubscribe Channel as Admin
FSUB_CHANNEL = "-1001591398329" # Channel ID of ForceSubscribe Channel Starting with -100xxxxxxxx
# Random Quotes, Restart Utils >>>>>>>>
# Note :
## Set to True if you want to get Beautiful Quotes on Restart Message
## Set TIMEZONE to Your Specific Country
TIMEZONE = "Asia/Kolkata" # Get Yours from
# Status Pictures, Photos from API >>>>>>>>
# Note :
## Give your API Key if you want PICS to be Filled
## Available Categories: backgrounds, fashion, nature, science, education, feelings, health, people, religion, places, animals, industry, computer, food, sports, transportation, travel, buildings, business, music
PICS = "" # Give Multiple Photos separated by Space. Or Use /addpic in Bot to Add
PIXABAY_API_KEY = "" # Sign Up and Get API Key to Automatically Add 200 Images in Photos List
PIXABAY_CATEGORY = "" # Put Category Name
PIXABAY_SEARCH = "" # Put Keyword to Download Images from (Limit : 100 characters)
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