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Created February 25, 2011 17:50
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Construct and execute multiple 2-argument commands using patterns to specify input/output pairs
#! /bin/perl
# Parse command-line switches
use Getopt::Std;
%opt = ();
getopts('htqorlgO:', \%opt);
$usage = "Usage: [-hqorlt] cmd before_pat after_pat [files]\n";
$usage .= " -h _h_elp\n";
$usage .= " -t _t_est (print, but don't execute cmds)\n";
$usage .= " -q _q_uiet operation (no STDERR)\n";
$usage .= " -o cmd -o after_file before_file\n";
$usage .= " -O x cmd -x after_file before_file\n";
$usage .= " -r cmd before_file > after_file\n";
$usage .= " -l _l_ist commands which yield STDOUT\n";
$usage .= " -g _g_lobal subsitution of before_pat->after_pat\n";
if ($opt{h}) {
print $usage;
$cmd = shift @ARGV;
$befor = shift @ARGV;
$after = shift @ARGV;
unless (defined($cmd) and defined($befor) and defined($after)) {
print "Usage: multi cmd before_pat after_pat\n";
@oldfiles = (@ARGV > 0 ?
foreach $old (@oldfiles) {
chomp $old;
$new = $old;
if ($opt{g}) { # global substitution
$new =~ s/$befor/$after/g;
} else {
$new =~ s/$befor/$after/;
if ($opt{o}) { # -o switch
$command = "$cmd -o $new $old";
} elsif ($opt{O}) {
($lcmd = $cmd) =~ s/^(\S+)/$1 -$opt{O} $new/;
$command = "$lcmd $old";
} elsif ($opt{r}) { # output redirection
$command = "$cmd $old > $new";
} else {
$command = "$cmd $old $new";
if ($opt{l}) { # list commands that yield STDOUT
$stdout = `$command`;
print "$command\n" if $stdout;
} else {
print "$command\n" unless $opt{q};
system($command) unless $opt{t};
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