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Created November 20, 2022 20:22
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diff --git Mathlib/Data/Int/Cast/Basic.lean Mathlib/Data/Int/Cast/Basic.lean
index f496f82..849e379 100644
--- Mathlib/Data/Int/Cast/Basic.lean
+++ Mathlib/Data/Int/Cast/Basic.lean
@@ -3,63 +3,193 @@ Copyright (c) 2017 Mario Carneiro. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Mario Carneiro, Gabriel Ebner
-import Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs
-import Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Basic
+import Mathbin.Data.Int.Cast.Defs
+import Mathbin.Algebra.Group.Basic
-# Cast of integers
+# Cast of integers (additional theorems)
-This file defines the *canonical* homomorphism from the integers into an
-additive group with a one (typically a `ring`). In additive groups with a one
-element, there exists a unique such homomorphism and we store it in the
-`int_cast : ℤ → R` field.
+This file proves additional properties about the *canonical* homomorphism from
+the integers into an additive group with a one (`int.cast`).
-Preferentially, the homomorphism is written as a coercion.
+There is also ``,
+which includes lemmas stated in terms of algebraic homomorphisms,
+and results involving the order structure of `ℤ`.
-## Main declarations
-* `int.cast`: Canonical homomorphism `ℤ → R`.
-* `add_group_with_one`: Type class for `int.cast`.
+By contrast, this file's only import beyond `` is ``.
+universe u
namespace Nat
-variable [AddGroupWithOne R]
+variable {R : Type u} [AddGroupWithOne R]
+/- warning: nat.cast_sub -> Nat.cast_sub is a dubious translation:
+lean 3 declaration is
+ forall {R : Type.{u}} [_inst_1 : AddGroupWithOne.{u} R] {m : Nat} {n : Nat}, (LE.le.{0} Nat Nat.hasLe m n) -> (Eq.{succ u} R ((fun (a : Type) (b : Type.{u}) [self : HasLiftT.{1 succ u} a b] => self.0) Nat R ({1 succ u} Nat R (CoeTCₓ.coe.{1 succ u} Nat R (Nat.castCoe.{u} R (AddMonoidWithOne.toHasNatCast.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne.{u} R _inst_1))))) (HSub.hSub.{0 0 0} Nat Nat Nat (instHSub.{0} Nat Nat.hasSub) n m)) (HSub.hSub.{u u u} R R R (instHSub.{u} R (SubNegMonoid.toHasSub.{u} R (AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup.{u} R _inst_1)))) ((fun (a : Type) (b : Type.{u}) [self : HasLiftT.{1 succ u} a b] => self.0) Nat R ({1 succ u} Nat R (CoeTCₓ.coe.{1 succ u} Nat R (Nat.castCoe.{u} R (AddMonoidWithOne.toHasNatCast.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne.{u} R _inst_1))))) n) ((fun (a : Type) (b : Type.{u}) [self : HasLiftT.{1 succ u} a b] => self.0) Nat R ({1 succ u} Nat R (CoeTCₓ.coe.{1 succ u} Nat R (Nat.castCoe.{u} R (AddMonoidWithOne.toHasNatCast.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne.{u} R _inst_1))))) m)))
+but is expected to have type
+ forall {R : Type.{u_1}} [inst._@.Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs._hyg.16 : AddGroupWithOne.{u_1} R] {m : Nat} {n : Nat}, (LE.le.{0} Nat instLENat m n) -> (Eq.{succ u_1} R (Nat.cast.{u_1} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs._hyg.16) (HSub.hSub.{0 0 0} Nat Nat Nat (instHSub.{0} Nat instSubNat) n m)) (HSub.hSub.{u_1 u_1 u_1} R R R (instHSub.{u_1} R (AddGroupWithOne.toSub.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs._hyg.16)) (Nat.cast.{u_1} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs._hyg.16) n) (Nat.cast.{u_1} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs._hyg.16) m)))
+Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align nat.cast_sub Nat.cast_subₓ'. -/
@[simp, norm_cast]
theorem cast_sub {m n} (h : m ≤ n) : ((n - m : ℕ) : R) = n - m :=
eq_sub_of_add_eq <| by rw [← cast_add, Nat.sub_add_cancel h]
+#align nat.cast_sub Nat.cast_sub
+@[simp, norm_cast]
+theorem cast_pred : ∀ {n}, 0 < n → ((n - 1 : ℕ) : R) = n - 1
+ | 0, h => by cases h
+ | n + 1, h => by rw [cast_succ, add_sub_cancel] <;> rfl
+#align nat.cast_pred Nat.cast_pred
end Nat
+open Nat
namespace Int
-variable [AddGroupWithOne R]
+variable {R : Type u} [AddGroupWithOne R]
+/- warning: int.cast_neg_succ_of_nat -> Int.cast_negSucc is a dubious translation:
+lean 3 declaration is
+ forall {R : Type.{u}} [_inst_1 : AddGroupWithOne.{u} R] (n : Nat), Eq.{succ u} R ((fun (a : Type) (b : Type.{u}) [self : HasLiftT.{1 succ u} a b] => self.0) Int R ({1 succ u} Int R (CoeTCₓ.coe.{1 succ u} Int R (Int.castCoe.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toHasIntCast.{u} R _inst_1)))) (Int.negSucc n)) (Neg.neg.{u} R (SubNegMonoid.toHasNeg.{u} R (AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup.{u} R _inst_1))) ((fun (a : Type) (b : Type.{u}) [self : HasLiftT.{1 succ u} a b] => self.0) Nat R ({1 succ u} Nat R (CoeTCₓ.coe.{1 succ u} Nat R (Nat.castCoe.{u} R (AddMonoidWithOne.toHasNatCast.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne.{u} R _inst_1))))) (HAdd.hAdd.{0 0 0} Nat Nat Nat (instHAdd.{0} Nat Nat.hasAdd) n (OfNat.ofNat.{0} Nat 1 ({0} Nat 1 ({0} Nat Nat.hasOne))))))
+but is expected to have type
+ forall {R : Type.{u_1}} {n : Nat} [inst._@.Mathlib.Algebra.GroupWithZero.Defs._hyg.811 : AddGroupWithOne.{u_1} R], Eq.{succ u_1} R (Int.cast.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Algebra.GroupWithZero.Defs._hyg.811 (Int.negSucc n)) (Neg.neg.{u_1} R (AddGroupWithOne.toNeg.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Algebra.GroupWithZero.Defs._hyg.811) (Nat.cast.{u_1} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Algebra.GroupWithZero.Defs._hyg.811) (HAdd.hAdd.{0 0 0} Nat Nat Nat (instHAdd.{0} Nat instAddNat) n (OfNat.ofNat.{0} Nat 1 (instOfNatNat 1)))))
+Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align int.cast_neg_succ_of_nat Int.cast_negSuccₓ'. -/
+theorem cast_negSucc (n : ℕ) : (-[n+1] : R) = -(n + 1 : ℕ) :=
+ AddGroupWithOne.int_cast_neg_succ_of_nat n
+#align int.cast_neg_succ_of_nat Int.cast_negSucc
+/- warning: int.cast_zero -> Int.cast_zero is a dubious translation:
+lean 3 declaration is
+ forall {R : Type.{u}} [_inst_1 : AddGroupWithOne.{u} R], Eq.{succ u} R ((fun (a : Type) (b : Type.{u}) [self : HasLiftT.{1 succ u} a b] => self.0) Int R ({1 succ u} Int R (CoeTCₓ.coe.{1 succ u} Int R (Int.castCoe.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toHasIntCast.{u} R _inst_1)))) (OfNat.ofNat.{0} Int 0 ({0} Int 0 ({0} Int Int.hasZero)))) (OfNat.ofNat.{u} R 0 ({u} R 0 ({u} R (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u} R (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u} R (AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne.{u} R _inst_1)))))))
+but is expected to have type
+ forall {R : Type.{u_1}} [inst._@.Mathlib.Algebra.GroupWithZero.Defs._hyg.848 : AddGroupWithOne.{u_1} R], Eq.{succ u_1} R (Int.cast.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Algebra.GroupWithZero.Defs._hyg.848 (OfNat.ofNat.{0} Int 0 (instOfNatInt 0))) (OfNat.ofNat.{u_1} R 0 (Zero.toOfNat0.{u_1} R (AddRightCancelMonoid.toZero.{u_1} R (AddCancelMonoid.toAddRightCancelMonoid.{u_1} R (AddGroup.toAddCancelMonoid.{u_1} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Algebra.GroupWithZero.Defs._hyg.848))))))
+Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align int.cast_zero Int.cast_zeroₓ'. -/
+theorem cast_zero : ((0 : ℤ) : R) = 0 :=
+ (cast_of_nat 0).trans Nat.cast_zero
+#align int.cast_zero Int.cast_zero
+/- warning: int.cast_coe_nat -> Int.cast_ofNat is a dubious translation:
+lean 3 declaration is
+ forall {R : Type.{u}} [_inst_1 : AddGroupWithOne.{u} R] (n : Nat), Eq.{succ u} R ((fun (a : Type) (b : Type.{u}) [self : HasLiftT.{1 succ u} a b] => self.0) Int R ({1 succ u} Int R (CoeTCₓ.coe.{1 succ u} Int R (Int.castCoe.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toHasIntCast.{u} R _inst_1)))) ((fun (a : Type) (b : Type) [self : HasLiftT.{1 1} a b] => self.0) Nat Int ({1 1} Nat Int (CoeTCₓ.coe.{1 1} Nat Int (CoeTCₓ.mk.{1 1} Nat Int Int.ofNat))) n)) ((fun (a : Type) (b : Type.{u}) [self : HasLiftT.{1 succ u} a b] => self.0) Nat R ({1 succ u} Nat R (CoeTCₓ.coe.{1 succ u} Nat R (Nat.castCoe.{u} R (AddMonoidWithOne.toHasNatCast.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne.{u} R _inst_1))))) n)
+but is expected to have type
+ forall {R : Type.{u_1}} {n : Nat} [inst._@.Mathlib.Algebra.GroupWithZero.Defs._hyg.772 : AddGroupWithOne.{u_1} R], Eq.{succ u_1} R (Int.cast.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Algebra.GroupWithZero.Defs._hyg.772 (Int.ofNat n)) (Nat.cast.{u_1} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Algebra.GroupWithZero.Defs._hyg.772) n)
+Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align int.cast_coe_nat Int.cast_ofNatₓ'. -/
@[simp, norm_cast]
-theorem cast_neg [AddGroupWithOne R] : ∀ n:ℤ, ((-n : ℤ) : R) = -↑n
+theorem cast_ofNat (n : ℕ) : ((n : ℤ) : R) = n :=
+ cast_of_nat _
+#align int.cast_coe_nat Int.cast_ofNat
+/- warning: int.cast_one -> Int.cast_one is a dubious translation:
+lean 3 declaration is
+ forall {R : Type.{u}} [_inst_1 : AddGroupWithOne.{u} R], Eq.{succ u} R ((fun (a : Type) (b : Type.{u}) [self : HasLiftT.{1 succ u} a b] => self.0) Int R ({1 succ u} Int R (CoeTCₓ.coe.{1 succ u} Int R (Int.castCoe.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toHasIntCast.{u} R _inst_1)))) (OfNat.ofNat.{0} Int 1 ({0} Int 1 ({0} Int Int.hasOne)))) (OfNat.ofNat.{u} R 1 ({u} R 1 ({u} R (AddMonoidWithOne.toHasOne.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne.{u} R _inst_1)))))
+but is expected to have type
+ forall {R : Type.{u_1}} [inst._@.Mathlib.Algebra.GroupWithZero.Defs._hyg.908 : AddGroupWithOne.{u_1} R], Eq.{succ u_1} R (Int.cast.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Algebra.GroupWithZero.Defs._hyg.908 (OfNat.ofNat.{0} Int 1 (instOfNatInt 1))) (OfNat.ofNat.{u_1} R 1 (One.toOfNat1.{u_1} R (AddMonoidWithOne.toOne.{u_1} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Algebra.GroupWithZero.Defs._hyg.908))))
+Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align int.cast_one Int.cast_oneₓ'. -/
+theorem cast_one : ((1 : ℤ) : R) = 1 :=
+ show (((1 : ℕ) : ℤ) : R) = 1 by simp [Nat.cast_zero]
+#align int.cast_one Int.cast_one
+/- warning: int.cast_neg -> Int.cast_neg is a dubious translation:
+lean 3 declaration is
+ forall {R : Type.{u}} [_inst_1 : AddGroupWithOne.{u} R] (n : Int), Eq.{succ u} R ((fun (a : Type) (b : Type.{u}) [self : HasLiftT.{1 succ u} a b] => self.0) Int R ({1 succ u} Int R (CoeTCₓ.coe.{1 succ u} Int R (Int.castCoe.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toHasIntCast.{u} R _inst_1)))) (Neg.neg.{0} Int Int.hasNeg n)) (Neg.neg.{u} R (SubNegMonoid.toHasNeg.{u} R (AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup.{u} R _inst_1))) ((fun (a : Type) (b : Type.{u}) [self : HasLiftT.{1 succ u} a b] => self.0) Int R ({1 succ u} Int R (CoeTCₓ.coe.{1 succ u} Int R (Int.castCoe.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toHasIntCast.{u} R _inst_1)))) n))
+but is expected to have type
+ forall {R : Type.{u_1}} [inst._@.Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs._hyg.97 : AddGroupWithOne.{u_1} R] (n : Int), Eq.{succ u_1} R (Int.cast.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs._hyg.97 (Neg.neg.{0} Int Int.instNegInt n)) (Neg.neg.{u_1} R (AddGroupWithOne.toNeg.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs._hyg.97) (Int.cast.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs._hyg.97 n))
+Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align int.cast_neg Int.cast_negₓ'. -/
+theorem cast_neg : ∀ n, ((-n : ℤ) : R) = -n
| (0 : ℕ) => by erw [cast_zero, neg_zero]
- | (n + 1 : ℕ) => by erw [cast_ofNat, cast_negSucc]
- | -[n +1] => by erw [cast_ofNat, cast_negSucc, neg_neg]
+ | (n + 1 : ℕ) => by erw [cast_of_nat, cast_neg_succ_of_nat] <;> rfl
+ | -[n+1] => by erw [cast_of_nat, cast_neg_succ_of_nat, neg_neg]
+#align int.cast_neg Int.cast_neg
+/- warning: int.cast_sub_nat_nat -> Int.cast_subNatNat is a dubious translation:
+lean 3 declaration is
+ forall {R : Type.{u}} [_inst_1 : AddGroupWithOne.{u} R] (m : Nat) (n : Nat), Eq.{succ u} R ((fun (a : Type) (b : Type.{u}) [self : HasLiftT.{1 succ u} a b] => self.0) Int R ({1 succ u} Int R (CoeTCₓ.coe.{1 succ u} Int R (Int.castCoe.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toHasIntCast.{u} R _inst_1)))) (Int.subNatNat m n)) (HSub.hSub.{u u u} R R R (instHSub.{u} R (SubNegMonoid.toHasSub.{u} R (AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup.{u} R _inst_1)))) ((fun (a : Type) (b : Type.{u}) [self : HasLiftT.{1 succ u} a b] => self.0) Nat R ({1 succ u} Nat R (CoeTCₓ.coe.{1 succ u} Nat R (Nat.castCoe.{u} R (AddMonoidWithOne.toHasNatCast.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne.{u} R _inst_1))))) m) ((fun (a : Type) (b : Type.{u}) [self : HasLiftT.{1 succ u} a b] => self.0) Nat R ({1 succ u} Nat R (CoeTCₓ.coe.{1 succ u} Nat R (Nat.castCoe.{u} R (AddMonoidWithOne.toHasNatCast.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne.{u} R _inst_1))))) n))
+but is expected to have type
+ forall {R : Type.{u_1}} [inst._@.Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs._hyg.297 : AddGroupWithOne.{u_1} R] (m : Nat) (n : Nat), Eq.{succ u_1} R (Int.cast.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs._hyg.297 (Int.subNatNat m n)) (HSub.hSub.{u_1 u_1 u_1} R R R (instHSub.{u_1} R (AddGroupWithOne.toSub.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs._hyg.297)) (Nat.cast.{u_1} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs._hyg.297) m) (Nat.cast.{u_1} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs._hyg.297) n))
+Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align int.cast_sub_nat_nat Int.cast_subNatNatₓ'. -/
-theorem cast_subNatNat [AddGroupWithOne R] (m n) : ((subNatNat m n : ℤ) : R) = m - n := by
- unfold Int.subNatNat
+theorem cast_subNatNat (m n) : ((Int.subNatNat m n : ℤ) : R) = m - n := by
+ unfold sub_nat_nat
cases e : n - m
- · simp only [subNatNat, cast_ofNat]
+ · simp only [sub_nat_nat, cast_of_nat]
simp [e, Nat.le_of_sub_eq_zero e]
- · rw [cast_negSucc, Nat.add_one, ← e, Nat.cast_sub <| _root_.le_of_lt <| Nat.lt_of_sub_eq_succ e,
+ · rw [sub_nat_nat, cast_neg_succ_of_nat, Nat.add_one, ← e, Nat.cast_sub <| _root_.le_of_lt <| Nat.lt_of_sub_eq_succ e,
#align int.cast_sub_nat_nat Int.cast_subNatNat
-@[simp, norm_cast]
-theorem cast_add [AddGroupWithOne R] : ∀ m n, ((m + n : ℤ) : R) = m + n
- | (m : ℕ), (n : ℕ) => by simp [← ofNat_add]
- | (m : ℕ), -[n+1] => by erw [cast_subNatNat, cast_ofNat, cast_negSucc, sub_eq_add_neg]
+theorem neg_of_nat_eq (n : ℕ) : negOfNat n = -(n : ℤ) := by cases n <;> rfl
+#align int.neg_of_nat_eq Int.neg_of_nat_eq
+theorem cast_neg_of_nat (n : ℕ) : ((negOfNat n : ℤ) : R) = -n := by simp [Int.cast_neg, neg_of_nat_eq]
+#align int.cast_neg_of_nat Int.cast_neg_of_nat
+/- warning: int.cast_add -> Int.cast_add is a dubious translation:
+lean 3 declaration is
+ forall {R : Type.{u}} [_inst_1 : AddGroupWithOne.{u} R] (m : Int) (n : Int), Eq.{succ u} R ((fun (a : Type) (b : Type.{u}) [self : HasLiftT.{1 succ u} a b] => self.0) Int R ({1 succ u} Int R (CoeTCₓ.coe.{1 succ u} Int R (Int.castCoe.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toHasIntCast.{u} R _inst_1)))) (HAdd.hAdd.{0 0 0} Int Int Int (instHAdd.{0} Int Int.hasAdd) m n)) (HAdd.hAdd.{u u u} R R R (instHAdd.{u} R (AddZeroClass.toHasAdd.{u} R (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u} R (AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne.{u} R _inst_1))))) ((fun (a : Type) (b : Type.{u}) [self : HasLiftT.{1 succ u} a b] => self.0) Int R ({1 succ u} Int R (CoeTCₓ.coe.{1 succ u} Int R (Int.castCoe.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toHasIntCast.{u} R _inst_1)))) m) ((fun (a : Type) (b : Type.{u}) [self : HasLiftT.{1 succ u} a b] => self.0) Int R ({1 succ u} Int R (CoeTCₓ.coe.{1 succ u} Int R (Int.castCoe.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toHasIntCast.{u} R _inst_1)))) n))
+but is expected to have type
+ forall {R : Type.{u_1}} [inst._@.Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs._hyg.392 : AddGroupWithOne.{u_1} R] (m : Int) (n : Int), Eq.{succ u_1} R (Int.cast.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs._hyg.392 (HAdd.hAdd.{0 0 0} Int Int Int (instHAdd.{0} Int Int.instAddInt) m n)) (HAdd.hAdd.{u_1 u_1 u_1} R R R (instHAdd.{u_1} R (AddZeroClass.toAdd.{u_1} R (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u_1} R (AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid.{u_1} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs._hyg.392))))) (Int.cast.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs._hyg.392 m) (Int.cast.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs._hyg.392 n))
+Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align int.cast_add Int.cast_addₓ'. -/
+theorem cast_add : ∀ m n, ((m + n : ℤ) : R) = m + n
+ | (m : ℕ), (n : ℕ) => by simp [← Int.ofNat_add, Nat.cast_add]
+ | (m : ℕ), -[n+1] => by erw [cast_sub_nat_nat, cast_coe_nat, cast_neg_succ_of_nat, sub_eq_add_neg]
| -[m+1], (n : ℕ) => by
- erw [cast_subNatNat, cast_ofNat, cast_negSucc, sub_eq_iff_eq_add,
- add_assoc, eq_neg_add_iff_add_eq, ← Nat.cast_add, ← Nat.cast_add, Nat.add_comm]
- | -[m+1], -[n+1] => show (-[m + n + 1 +1] : R) = _ by
- rw [cast_negSucc, cast_negSucc, cast_negSucc, ← neg_add_rev, ← Nat.cast_add,
- Nat.add_right_comm m n 1, Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_comm]
+ erw [cast_sub_nat_nat, cast_coe_nat, cast_neg_succ_of_nat, sub_eq_iff_eq_add, add_assoc, eq_neg_add_iff_add_eq, ←
+ Nat.cast_add, ← Nat.cast_add, Nat.add_comm]
+ | -[m+1], -[n+1] =>
+ show (-[m + n + 1+1] : R) = _ by
+ rw [cast_neg_succ_of_nat, cast_neg_succ_of_nat, cast_neg_succ_of_nat, ← neg_add_rev, ← Nat.cast_add,
+ Nat.add_right_comm m n 1, Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_comm]
+#align int.cast_add Int.cast_add
+/- warning: int.cast_sub -> Int.cast_sub is a dubious translation:
+lean 3 declaration is
+ forall {R : Type.{u}} [_inst_1 : AddGroupWithOne.{u} R] (m : Int) (n : Int), Eq.{succ u} R ((fun (a : Type) (b : Type.{u}) [self : HasLiftT.{1 succ u} a b] => self.0) Int R ({1 succ u} Int R (CoeTCₓ.coe.{1 succ u} Int R (Int.castCoe.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toHasIntCast.{u} R _inst_1)))) (HSub.hSub.{0 0 0} Int Int Int (instHSub.{0} Int Int.hasSub) m n)) (HSub.hSub.{u u u} R R R (instHSub.{u} R (SubNegMonoid.toHasSub.{u} R (AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup.{u} R _inst_1)))) ((fun (a : Type) (b : Type.{u}) [self : HasLiftT.{1 succ u} a b] => self.0) Int R ({1 succ u} Int R (CoeTCₓ.coe.{1 succ u} Int R (Int.castCoe.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toHasIntCast.{u} R _inst_1)))) m) ((fun (a : Type) (b : Type.{u}) [self : HasLiftT.{1 succ u} a b] => self.0) Int R ({1 succ u} Int R (CoeTCₓ.coe.{1 succ u} Int R (Int.castCoe.{u} R (AddGroupWithOne.toHasIntCast.{u} R _inst_1)))) n))
+but is expected to have type
+ forall {R : Type.{u_1}} [inst._@.Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs._hyg.666 : AddGroupWithOne.{u_1} R] (m : Int) (n : Int), Eq.{succ u_1} R (Int.cast.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs._hyg.666 (HSub.hSub.{0 0 0} Int Int Int (instHSub.{0} Int Int.instSubInt) m n)) (HSub.hSub.{u_1 u_1 u_1} R R R (instHSub.{u_1} R (AddGroupWithOne.toSub.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs._hyg.666)) (Int.cast.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs._hyg.666 m) (Int.cast.{u_1} R inst._@.Mathlib.Data.Int.Cast.Defs._hyg.666 n))
+Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align int.cast_sub Int.cast_subₓ'. -/
+theorem cast_sub (m n) : ((m - n : ℤ) : R) = m - n := by
+ simp [Int.sub_eq_add_neg, sub_eq_add_neg, Int.cast_neg, Int.cast_add]
+#align int.cast_sub Int.cast_sub
+theorem coe_nat_bit0 (n : ℕ) : (↑(bit0 n) : ℤ) = bit0 ↑n :=
+ rfl
+#align int.coe_nat_bit0 Int.coe_nat_bit0
+theorem coe_nat_bit1 (n : ℕ) : (↑(bit1 n) : ℤ) = bit1 ↑n :=
+ rfl
+#align int.coe_nat_bit1 Int.coe_nat_bit1
+theorem cast_bit0 (n : ℤ) : ((bit0 n : ℤ) : R) = bit0 n :=
+ Int.cast_add _ _
+#align int.cast_bit0 Int.cast_bit0
+theorem cast_bit1 (n : ℤ) : ((bit1 n : ℤ) : R) = bit1 n := by rw [bit1, Int.cast_add, Int.cast_one, cast_bit0] <;> rfl
+#align int.cast_bit1 Int.cast_bit1
+theorem cast_two : ((2 : ℤ) : R) = 2 := by simp [cast_bit0, cast_bit1, cast_one]
+#align int.cast_two Int.cast_two
+theorem cast_three : ((3 : ℤ) : R) = 3 := by simp [cast_bit0, cast_bit1, cast_one]
+#align int.cast_three Int.cast_three
+theorem cast_four : ((4 : ℤ) : R) = 4 := by simp [cast_bit0, cast_bit1, cast_one]
+#align int.cast_four Int.cast_four
+end Int
-@[simp, norm_cast]
-theorem cast_sub (m n) : ((m - n : ℤ) : R) = m - n := by simp [Int.sub_eq_add_neg, sub_eq_add_neg]
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